130 research outputs found

    Mendelian randomization highlights insomnia as a risk factor for pain diagnoses

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    Study Objective: Insomnia has been linked to acute and chronic pain conditions; however, it is unclear whether such relationships are causal. Recently, a large number of genetic variants have been discovered for both insomnia and pain through genome-wide association studies (GWASs) providing a unique opportunity to examine the evidence for causal relationships through the use of the Mendelian randomization paradigm. Methods: To elucidate the causality between insomnia and pain, we performed bidirectional Mendelian randomization analysis in FinnGen, where clinically diagnosed ICD-10 categories of pain had been evaluated. In addition, we used measures of self-reported insomnia symptoms. We used endpoints for pain in the FinnGen Release 5 (R5) (N = 218,379), and a non-overlapping sample for insomnia (UK Biobank (UKBB) and 23andMe, N = 1,331,010 or UKBB alone N = 453,379). We assessed the robustness of results through conventional Mendelian randomization sensitivity analyses. Results: Genetic liability to insomnia symptoms increased the odds of reporting pain (odds ratio (OR) [95% confidence interval (CI)] = 1.47 [1.38-1.58], p = 4.12 x 10(-28)). Manifested pain had a small effect on increased risk for insomnia (OR [95% CI] = 1.04 [1.01-1.07], p < 0.05). Results were consistent in sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: Our findings support a bidirectional causal relationship between insomnia and pain. These data support a further clinical investigation into the utility of insomnia treatment as a strategy for pain management and vice versa.Peer reviewe

    Narcolepsy risk loci outline role of T cell autoimmunity and infectious triggers in narcolepsy

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    Narcolepsy has genetic and environmental risk factors, but the specific genetic risk loci and interaction with environmental triggers are not well understood. Here, the authors identify genetic loci for narcolepsy, suggesting infection as a trigger and dendritic and helper T cell involvement. Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is caused by a loss of hypocretin/orexin transmission. Risk factors include pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A infection and immunization with Pandemrix (R). Here, we dissect disease mechanisms and interactions with environmental triggers in a multi-ethnic sample of 6,073 cases and 84,856 controls. We fine-mapped GWAS signals within HLA (DQ0602, DQB1*03:01 and DPB1*04:02) and discovered seven novel associations (CD207, NAB1, IKZF4-ERBB3, CTSC, DENND1B, SIRPG, PRF1). Significant signals at TRA and DQB1*06:02 loci were found in 245 vaccination-related cases, who also shared polygenic risk. T cell receptor associations in NT1 modulated TRAJ*24, TRAJ*28 and TRBV*4-2 chain-usage. Partitioned heritability and immune cell enrichment analyses found genetic signals to be driven by dendritic and helper T cells. Lastly comorbidity analysis using data from FinnGen, suggests shared effects between NT1 and other autoimmune diseases. NT1 genetic variants shape autoimmunity and response to environmental triggers, including influenza A infection and immunization with Pandemrix (R)

    Face masks to prevent transmission of respiratory infections : Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on face mask use

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    Funding Information: The Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland, 340551, LL. The Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland, 340539, HMO. Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Ollila et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Objectives To examine the use of face mask intervention in mitigating the risk of spreading respiratory infections and whether the effect of face mask intervention differs in different exposure settings and age groups. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. We evaluated the risk of bias using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 tool (ROB2). Data sources We searched PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science were searched for randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of face masks on respiratory infections published between 1981 and February 9, 2022. We followed the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies We included randomized controlled trials investigating the use of face mask intervention in mitigating the risk of spreading respiratory infections across different exposure settings. Results We identified 2,400 articles for screening. 18 articles passed the inclusion criteria for both evidence synthesis and meta-analysis. There were N = 189,145 individuals in the face mask intervention arm and N = 173,536 in the control arm, and the follow-up times ranged from 4 days to 19 months. Our results showed between-study heterogeneity (p < 0.0001). While there was no statistically significant association over all studies when the covariate unadjusted intervention effect estimates were used (RR = 0.977 [0.858–1.113], p = 0.728), our subgroup analyses revealed that a face mask intervention reduced respiratory infections in the adult subgroup (RR = 0.8795 [0.7861–0.9839], p = 0.0249) and in a community setting (RR = 0.890 [0.812–0.975], p = 0.0125). Furthermore, our leave-one-out analysis found that one study biased the results towards a null effect. Consequently, when using covariate adjusted odds ratio estimates to have a more precise effect estimates of the intervention effect to account for differences at the baseline, the results showed that a face mask intervention did reduce respiratory infections when the biasing study was excluded from the analysis (OR = 0.8892 [0.8061–0.9810], p = 0.0192). Conclusion Our findings support the use of face masks particularly in a community setting and for adults. We also observed substantial between-study heterogeneity and varying adherence to protocol. Notably, many studies were subject to contamination bias thus affecting the efficacy of the intervention, that is when also some controls used masks or when the intervention group did not comply with mask use leading to a downward biased effect of treatment receipt and efficacy.Peer reviewe

    Portability of Polygenic Risk Scores for Sleep Duration, Insomnia and Chronotype in 33,493 Individuals

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) estimate genetic liability for diseases and traits. However, the portability of PRSs in sleep traits has remained elusive. We generated PRSs for self-reported insomnia, chronotype and sleep duration using summary data from genome-wide association studies (GWASs) performed in 350,000 to 697,000 European-ancestry individuals. We then projected the scores in two independent Finnish population cohorts (N = 33,493) and tested whether the PRSs were associated with their respective sleep traits. We observed that all the generated PRSs were associated with their corresponding traits (p < 0.05 in all cases). Furthermore, we found that there was a 22.2 min difference in reported sleep between the 5% tails of the PRS for sleep duration (p < 0.001). Our findings indicate that sleep-related PRSs show portability across cohorts. The findings also demonstrate that sleep measures using PRSs for sleep behaviors may provide useful instruments for testing disease and trait associations in cohorts where direct sleep parameters have not yet been measured

    Sleep apnoea is a risk factor for severe COVID-19

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    Background Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is associated with higher body mass index (BMI), diabetes, older age and male gender, which are all risk factors for severe COVID-19. We aimed to study if OSA is an independent risk factor for COVID-19 infection or for severe COVID-19. Methods OSA diagnosis and COVID-19 infection were extracted from the hospital discharge, causes of death and infectious diseases registries in individuals who participated in the FinnGen study (n=260 405). Severe COVID-19 was defined as COVID-19 requiring hospitalisation. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to examine association. Comorbidities for either COVID-19 or OSA were selected as covariates. We performed a meta-analysis with previous studies. Results We identified 445 individuals with COVID-19, and 38 (8.5%) of them with OSA of whom 19 out of 91 (20.9%) were hospitalised. OSA associated with COVID-19 hospitalisation independent from age, sex, BMI and comorbidities (p-unadjusted=5.13x10(-5), OR-adjusted=2.93 (95% CI 1.02 to 8.39), p-adjusted=0.045). OSA was not associated with the risk of contracting COVID-19 (p=0.25). A meta-analysis of OSA and severe COVID-19 showed association across 15 835 COVID-19 positive controls, and n=1294 patients with OSA with severe COVID-19 (OR=2.37 (95% 1.14 to 4.95), p=0.021). Conclusion Risk for contracting COVID-19 was the same for patients with OSA and those without OSA. In contrast, among COVID-19 positive patients, OSA was associated with higher risk for hospitalisation. Our findings are in line with earlier works and suggest OSA as an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19.Peer reviewe

    Nuorten terveystapatutkimus 2017: Nuorten tupakkatuotteiden ja päihteiden käyttö sekä rahapelaaminen

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    Nuorten terveystapatutkimuksessa on seurattu valtakunnallisin kyselyin 12–18-vuotiaiden nuorten terveystottumuksia vertailukelpoisin menetelmin joka toinen vuosi vuodesta 1977. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan tupakkatuotteiden ja alkoholin käyttöä sekä rahapelaamista. Vuonna 2017 kyselyyn vastasi 4058 nuorta (vastausprosentti 43 %). Päivittäinen savukkeiden poltto väheni edelleen. Tupakointikokeilut vähenivät 14-16-vuotiailla. Nuuskakokeilut pysyivät samalla tasolla kuin 2015, mutta päivittäinen ja silloin tällöin käyttö lisääntyivät 18-vuotiailla pojilla. Sähkösavukkeiden kokeilut ja käyttö pysyivät samalla tasolla kuin 2015. Noin puolet käytti sähkösavukkeissa nikotiinipitoisia nesteitä. Vesipiipun toistuvat kokeilut olivat edelleen harvinaisia. Vain harvassa kodissa tai perheen autossa sai tupakoida, osassa sai tupakoida parvekkeella. Vanhempien tupakointi väheni edelleen. Raittiiden osuuden lisääntyminen pysähtyi vuosien 2015 ja 2017 välillä. Samoin pysähtyi alkoholin käytön ja humalajuomisen pitkään jatkunut väheneminen. Alkoholin käyttö oli kuitenkin edelleen hieman harvinaisempaa kuin neljä vuotta aikaisemmin. Yksikään alaikäinen ei ollut ostanut juomaa itse Alkosta. Useimmiten alkoholin osti nuorille joku muu. Alkoholimainontaa nähneiden osuuden lasku vuonna 2015 oli tilapäinen. Raha-automaatilla pelaaminen oli 14-16-vuotiailla hieman yleisempää kuin vuonna 2015, mutta kuitenkin selvästi vähäisempää kuin ennen lakimuutosta 2011. Ikärajavalvonta oli pelipaikoissa riittämätöntä

    Pandemic Dreams : Network Analysis of Dream Content During the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    We used crowdsourcing (CS) to examine how COVID-19 lockdown affects the content of dreams and nightmares. The CS took place on the sixth week of the lockdown. Over the course of 1 week, 4,275 respondents (mean age 43, SD = 14 years) assessed their sleep, and 811 reported their dream content. Overall, respondents slept substantially more (54.2%) but reported an average increase of awakenings (28.6%) and nightmares (26%) from the pre-pandemic situation. We transcribed the content of the dreams into word lists and performed unsupervised computational network and cluster analysis of word associations, which suggested 33 dream clusters including 20 bad dream clusters, of which 55% were pandemic-specific (e.g., Disease Management, Disregard of Distancing, Elderly in Trouble). The dream-association networks were more accentuated for those who reported an increase in perceived stress. This CS survey on dream-association networks and pandemic stress introduces novel, collectively shared COVID-19 bad dream contentsPeer reviewe

    Association of accelerometer-derived sleep measures with lifetime psychiatric diagnoses : A cross-sectional study of 89,205 participants from the UK Biobank

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    Funding Information: The authors acknowledge Milos Milic for data curation assistance. MW and SJT acknowledge support from the Kavli Foundation, Krembil Foundation, CAMH Discovery Fund, the McLaughlin Foundation, NSERC (RGPIN-2020-05834 and DGECR-2020-00048) and CIHR (NGN-171423). DF is supported by the Michael and Sonja Koerner Foundation New Scientist Program, Krembil Foundation, CAMH Discovery Fund, and the McLaughlin Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. This research was conducted under the auspices of UK Biobank application 61530, ?Multimodal subtyping of mental illness across the adult lifespan through integration of multi-scale whole-person phenotypes?. The authors acknowledge Milos Milic for data curation assistance. This research was conducted under the auspices of UK Biobank application 61530, ?Multimodal subtyping of mental illness across the adult lifespan through integration of multi-scale whole-person phenotypes.? Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2021 Wainberg et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background Sleep problems are both symptoms of and modifiable risk factors for many psychiatric disorders. Wrist-worn accelerometers enable objective measurement of sleep at scale. Here, we aimed to examine the association of accelerometer-derived sleep measures with psychiatric diagnoses and polygenic risk scores in a large community-based cohort. Methods and findings In this post hoc cross-sectional analysis of the UK Biobank cohort, 10 interpretable sleep measures—bedtime, wake-up time, sleep duration, wake after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, number of awakenings, duration of longest sleep bout, number of naps, and variability in bedtime and sleep duration—were derived from 7-day accelerometry recordings across 89,205 participants (aged 43 to 79, 56% female, 97% self-reported white) taken between 2013 and 2015. These measures were examined for association with lifetime inpatient diagnoses of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder/mania, and schizophrenia spectrum disorders from any time before the date of accelerometry, as well as polygenic risk scores for major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Covariates consisted of age and season at the time of the accelerometry recording, sex, Townsend deprivation index (an indicator of socioeconomic status), and the top 10 genotype principal components. We found that sleep pattern differences were ubiquitous across diagnoses: each diagnosis was associated with a median of 8.5 of the 10 accelerometer-derived sleep measures, with measures of sleep quality (for instance, sleep efficiency) generally more affected than mere sleep duration. Effect sizes were generally small: for instance, the largest magnitude effect size across the 4 diagnoses was β = −0.11 (95% confidence interval −0.13 to −0.10, p = 3 × 10−56, FDR = 6 × 10−55) for the association between lifetime inpatient major depressive disorder diagnosis and sleep efficiency. Associations largely replicated across ancestries and sexes, and accelerometry-derived measures were concordant with self-reported sleep properties. Limitations include the use of accelerometer-based sleep measurement and the time lag between psychiatric diagnoses and accelerometry. Conclusions In this study, we observed that sleep pattern differences are a transdiagnostic feature of individuals with lifetime mental illness, suggesting that they should be considered regardless of diagnosis. Accelerometry provides a scalable way to objectively measure sleep properties in psychiatric clinical research and practice, even across tens of thousands of individuals.Peer reviewe

    Genetic risk factors have a substantial impact on healthy life years

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    The impact of genetic variation on overall disease burden has not been comprehensively evaluated. We introduce an approach to estimate the effect of genetic risk factors on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs; 'lost healthy life years'). We use genetic information from 735,748 individuals and consider 80 diseases. Rare variants had the highest effect on DALYs at the individual level. Among common variants, rs3798220 (LPA) had the strongest individual-level effect, with 1.18 DALYs from carrying 1 versus 0 copies. Being in the top 10% versus the bottom 90% of a polygenic score for multisite chronic pain had an effect of 3.63 DALYs. Some common variants had a population-level effect comparable to modifiable risk factors such as high sodium intake and low physical activity. Attributable DALYs vary between males and females for some genetic exposures. Genetic risk factors can explain a sizable number of healthy life years lost both at the individual and population level.Peer reviewe
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