819 research outputs found

    Eurooppalainen musiikkiportfolio. Luova tie kieliin. Opettajan opas. : Teoriaa, ideoita ja käytäntöä opetustyöhön musiikin ja kielen yhteyksiin perustuen.

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    Produced for the Comenius Lifelong Learning Project 502895 LLP-1-2009-1-DE-COMENIUS-CM

    Transmission of gender-role values in Turkish-German migrant families: the role of gender, intergenerational and intercultural relations

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    'In dieser Studie wird untersucht, wie die Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen türkisch-deutscher Jugendlicher sowohl durch intergenerationale als auch interkulturelle Beziehungen geprägt werden. Als Teil einer größeren Befragung von Einwandererfamilien in Deutschland (Nauck 2000) wurden Eltern-Kind-Dyaden gleichen Geschlechts (N=405) getrennt voneinander über ihre Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen, Sozialisationsziele und Erziehungsstile in den Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen, sowie über das Ausmaß von Akkulturation und wahrgenommener Diskriminierung in den interkulturellen Beziehungen befragt. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den Generationen unterschied sich je nach Geschlecht dahingehend, dass bei den Töchtern ein signifikanter Schub in Richtung egalitärer Wertvorstellungen auftrat, während die Söhne so konservativ wie ihre Väter blieben. Um die Annahme egalitärer vs. konservativer Geschlechtsrollenvorstellungen durch türkische Heranwachsende zu erklären wurden soziodemographische, intergenerationale und interkulturelle Faktoren als unabhängige Variablen in Kovarianzanalysen einbezogen, wobei die Wertvorstellungen der Heranwachsenden als abhängige Variable angesehen wurde. Wie erwartet waren im höhere Maße akkulturierte Heranwachsende - was durch die Selbsteinschätzung der Kenntnisse in der deutschen Sprache gemessen wurde - egalitärer eingestellt. Darüber hinaus waren die egalitärsten Wertvorstellungen bei denjenigen Töchtern anzutreffen, die Mütter mit höherer Bildung und egalitären Wertvorstellungen hatten. Umgekehrt verstärkten die väterlichen Ziele im Bereich der religiösen Sozialisation und Diskrimierungswahrnehmungen konservative Wertvorstellungen bei den Söhnen. Die Ergebnisse legen ein geschlechtsspezifisches Transmissionsmuster nahe, bei dem die Mutter die unmittelbare Kulturvermittlerin ist, der Vater aber über die normative Bezugnahme auf religiöse Autorität Einfluss ausübt. Am wichtigste ist jedoch, dass angespannte interkulturelle Beziehungen mit konservativen Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen bei den Söhnen der türkischen Migranten assoziiert sind.' (Autorenreferat)'This study investigates how gender-role values of Turkish-German adolescents are shaped by intergenerational as well as intercultural relations. As part of a major survey of migrant families in Germany (Nauck, 2000), Turkish same-sex parent-child dyads (N=405) were each asked separately about their gender-role values, about socialisation goals and styles in parent-child relations, and about degrees of acculturation and perceived discrimination in intercultural relations. Intergenerational discrepancies differed across gender. in that second-generation daughters showed a significant shift towards more egalitarian values, but sons remained as conservative as their fathers. To explain the adoption of egalitarian vs. conservative gender role values by Turkish adolescents, sociodemographic, intergenerational and intercultural factors were entered as independent variables in analyses of covariance with adolescents' values as a dependent variable. As expected, adolescents who are more acculturated, as indicated by self-reported German language proficiency, are more egalitarian. In addition, we find most egalitarian values among daughters of more highly educated and more egalitarian mothers. Conversely, father's religious socialisation goals and the perception of discrimination reinforce conservative values in sons. The findings suggest a gendered transmission pattern, where the mother is the direct cultural transmitter and the father exerts influence through normative reference to religious authority. Most importantly, tense intercultural relations are associated with conservative gender-role values among the sons of Turkish migrants.' (author's abstract

    Using New Camera-Based Technologies for Gait Analysis in Older Adults in Comparison to the Established GAITRite System

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    Various gait parameters can be used to assess the risk of falling in older adults. However, the state-of-the-art systems used to quantify gait parameters often come with high costs as well as training and space requirements. Gait analysis systems, which use mobile and commercially available cameras, can be an easily available, marker-free alternative. In a study with 44 participants (age ≥ 65 years), gait patterns were analyzed with three different systems: a pressure sensitive walkway system (GAITRite-System, GS) as gold standard, Motognosis Labs Software using a Microsoft Kinect Sensor (MKS), and a smartphone camera-based application (SCA). Intertrial repeatability showed moderate to excellent results for MKS (ICC(1,1) 0.574 to 0.962) for almost all measured gait parameters and moderate reliability in SCA measures for gait speed (ICC(1,1) 0.526 to 0.535). All gait parameters of MKS showed a high level of agreement with GS (ICC(2,k) 0.811 to 0.981). Gait parameters extracted with SCA showed poor reliability. The tested gait analysis systems based on different camera systems are currently only partially able to capture valid gait parameters. If the underlying algorithms are adapted and camera technology is advancing, it is conceivable that these comparatively simple methods could be used for gait analysis

    Water Quality Trading and Offset Initiatives in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Survey

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    This document summarizes water quality trading and offset initiatives in the United States, including state-wide policies and recent proposals. The following format was used to present information on each program. We attempted to have each program summary reviewed by at least one contact person for program accuracy. In the cases where this review occurred, we added the statement "Reviewed by.." at the end of the case summary

    Non-face to face consultations and communications in primary care : the role and perspective of general practice managers in Scotland

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    Background Practice managers play an important role in the organisation and delivery of primary care, including uptake and implementation of technologies. Little is currently known about practice managers’ attitudes to the use of information and communication technologies, such as email or text messaging, to communicate or consult with patients.Objectives To investigate practice managers’ attitudes to non-face-to-face consultation/communication technologies in the routine delivery of primary care and their role in the introduction and normalisation of these technologies. Methods We carried out a mixed-methods study in Scotland, UK. We invited all practice managers in Scotland to take part in a postal questionnaire survey. A maximum variation sample of 20 survey respondents participated subsequently in in-depth qualitative interviews.Results Practice managers supported the use of new technologies for routine tasks to manage workload and maximise convenience for patients, but a range of contextual factors such as practice list size, practice deprivation area and geographical location affected whether managers would pursue the introduction of these technologies in the immediate future. The most common objections were medico-legal concerns and lack of perceived patient demand.Conclusion Practice managers are likely to play a central role in the introduction of new consultation/communication technologies within general practice. They hold varying views on the appropriateness of these technologies, influenced by a complex mix of contextual characteristics.Managers from areas in which the ethos of the practice prioritises personalised care in service delivery are less enthusiastic about the adoption of remote consultation/ communication technologies

    Contents of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in grasses and legumes harvested at different maturities

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    Concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in forage species at various maturities were studied in Scandinavia. Red clover (RC)/timothy (TI), RC/meadow fescue (MF), and birdsfoot trefoil (BT)/TI mixtures were grown in Skara and Umeå, Sweden. RC/TI,RC/perennial ryegrass (PR), white clover/PR and BT/TI were grown in Foulum, Denmark. Forages in Sweden were cut one week before heading (BH), at heading and one week after heading of TI. The regrowth was cut six and eight weeks after each harvest in the spring growth cycle. In Denmark, one first harvest and three regrowths were taken. Results from Skara and Foulum are presented. Highest concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene (mg kg-1 DM) in legumes were found in BT grown in Skara (49.8 and 69.6 in spring growth cycle,48.1 and 79.8 in regrowth) and in Foulum (81.3 and 89.2). MF had more α-tocopherol and β-carotene than TI in the spring growth cycle (73.5 and 54.2 vs. 46.9 and 43.0 mg kg-1 DM). Highest concentrations of vitamins in the regrowth were found six weeks after BH with 71.8 and 104.8 mg α-tocopherol and 99.6 and 73.1 mg β-carotene kg-1 DM in legumes and grasses,respectively

    Retention strategies in longitudinal studies with emerging adults

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    PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this report was to describe retention strategies that were useful and those that were not in a longitudinal study of emerging adults. BACKGROUND: A longitudinal study examining the transition to young adulthood among emerging adults with type 1 diabetes, which had success in retention, provided the context for describing retention strategies. RATIONALE: A challenge in longitudinally designed studies is retention of participants because the loss decreases power for statistical analysis. Given that emerging adulthood is a period of instability, retention is particularly challenging among this population. However, longitudinal studies are the best way to understand developmental changes, and it is also important to increase our knowledge of health outcomes during emerging adulthood. DESCRIPTION: Retention strategies used in the study are described, including promoting a positive relationship with participants, maintaining contact with participants, having a study staff with good interpersonal skills, using incentives, conveying respect for participants, and using user-friendly data collection. OUTCOMES: Useful strategies to promote a positive relationship included sending cards and newsletters to participants, maintaining consistency of contact person, and expressing appreciation for participant's time and effort. Useful strategies for maintaining contact with participants included obtaining contact information at every data collection point, maintaining birth dates and chart numbers in tracking databases, monitoring returned mail, and using Web search engines. Other useful strategies were providing incentives to participants, employing staff with good interpersonal skills, providing participants with choices when appropriate, and using user-friendly data collection. One strategy, using contests, was not found useful. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the challenges of conducting longitudinally designed studies with emerging adults, multiple retention strategies can be used that are useful to retention. IMPLICATIONS: It is feasible to conduct longitudinal studies with emerging adults despite the challenges
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