828 research outputs found


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    The focus of this research is how to improve employee engagement at the PT.X head office by examining the relationship between organizational culture and organizational perceptions of employee engagement with organizational commitment as a mediator. This research uses quantitative approach, which is a study that aims to explain a cause of the occurrence of social phenomena, which the phenomenon will be explained by conducting an objective measurement. Primary data collection through the dissemination of questionnaires to 74 respondents. Data analysis using the partial least square equation model or can be known as SEM-PLS. Based on the results of research that has been found, it can be concluded that organizational culture variable does not give a significant direct positive influence on employee engagement, whereas when viewed on variables perceived organizational support and organizational commitment, these two variables have a significant positive direct affect on employee engagement. If the direct influence relationship between organizational culture and employee engagement does not have a significant influence, but when the variable is mediated by organizational commitment, then the results state that there is a significant positive influence relationship between the two variables.  This shows that the organization's commitment to succeed has a significant role in mediating the relationship between organizational culture and employee engagement

    Transitivity Analysis Annotation Scheme and Its Application to CQPweb: A Study on Stephen King’s Carrie

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    In this study, I aim to create a Transitivity Analysis Annotation Scheme (TAAS) within which, process types and clause patterns are taken into account. Once created, TAAS is applied to a corpus data, obtained from a novel entitled Carrie [8]. The scheme is manually implemented using XML format. The XML formatted corpus is converted to a format accepted in CQPweb [6], a corpus query tool. The corpus is tokenised using the Perl tokenizer, in TreeTagger [10]. Once tokenised, the corpus is tagged using English TreeTagger [10], which supplies two grammatical annotations (Part of Speech and Lemma). The annotated corpus is then indexed to CQPweb. Once indexed, users are able to search the annotated corpus using transitivity analytic labels, POS tags and lemma, in CQPweb. Keywords: transitivity analysis; annotation; corpus linguistics; CQPwe

    The Parthenon, January 23, 2019

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    The Parthenon, Marshall University’s student newspaper, was published by students Monday through Friday during the regular semester and weekly on Thursdays during the summer. Due to budgetary constraints, beginning with the 2018 Fall semester, the newspaper is only published one day a week. The editorial staff is responsible for the news and the editorial content

    Den könsneutrala lagen, en verklighet eller myt? En kvalitativ studie av domares konstruktioner av ungas socialt nedbrytande beteende

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    Young girls and boys in Sweden can be ordered to compulsory care by the Administrative court if they are in psychosocially problematic situations. The purpose of our paper was to analyze how the socially destructive behavior of girls and boys was constructed in verdicts made by judges at the Administrative court. With a qualitative textual analysis we analyzed what kind of acts and social situations that were considered socially destructive. We also examined whether there was differences to the construction depending on the gender of the adolescent. Our theoretical point of view was based on gender perspective and social constructionism. The empirical material consisted of 26 court cases from 2013 whereas 13 cases affected boys and 13 cases affected girls in the age of 15 to 20 years. We identified differences and similarities between how the girls and the boys were described and how the norms of masculinity and femininity were reproduced by the judges. The girls were described as defenseless, with no insight and therefore not responsible for their behavior. The boys were described as aggressive, criminal and responsible for their behavior and had insight. We discovered that there was a focus on underlying explanations to why girls behaved the way they did. For the boys the focus was mainly on their behavior and there were no need to look at the context to search for explanations. Our conclusion is that the law is not gender neutral in this case and our findings showed that gender was indeed very relevant in the judges’ construction of socially destructive behavior

    Benchmarking the Swedish Diet Relative to Global and National Environmental Targets-Identification of Indicator Limitations and Data Gaps

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    To reduce environmental burdens from the food system, a shift towards environmentally sustainable diets is needed. In this study, the environmental impacts of the Swedish diet were benchmarked relative to global environmental boundaries suggested by the EAT-Lancet Commission. To identify local environmental concerns not captured by the global boundaries, relationships between the global EAT-Lancet variables and the national Swedish Environmental Objectives (SEOs) were analysed and additional indicators for missing aspects were identified. The results showed that the environmental impacts caused by the average Swedish diet exceeded the global boundaries for greenhouse gas emissions, cropland use and application of nutrients by two- to more than four-fold when the boundaries were scaled to per capita level. With regard to biodiversity, the impacts caused by the Swedish diet transgressed the boundary by six-fold. For freshwater use, the diet performed well within the boundary. Comparison of global and local indicators revealed that the EAT-Lancet variables covered many aspects included in the SEOs, but that these global indicators are not always of sufficiently fine resolution to capture local aspects of environmental sustainability, such as eutrophication impacts. To consider aspects and impact categories included in the SEO but not currently covered by the EAT-Lancet variables, such as chemical pollution and acidification, additional indicators and boundaries are needed. This requires better inventory data on e.g., pesticide use and improved traceability for imported foods

    Geogenomic segregation and temporal trends of human pathogenic Escherichia coli o157:H7, Washington, USA, 2005-2014

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    The often-noted and persistent increased incidence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections in rural areas is not well understood. We used a cohort of E. coli O157:H7 cases reported in Washington, USA, during 2005–2014, along with phylogenomic characterization of the infecting isolates, to identify geographic segregation of and temporal trends in specific phylogenetic lineages of E. coli O157:H7. Kernel estimation and generalized additive models demonstrated that pathogen lineages were spatially segregated during the period of analysis and identified a focus of segregation spanning multiple, predominantly rural, counties for each of the main clinical lineages, Ib, IIa, and IIb. These results suggest the existence of local reservoirs from which humans are infected. We also noted a secular increase in the proportion of lineage IIa and IIb isolates. Spatial segregation by phylogenetic lineage offers the potential to identify local reservoirs and intervene to prevent continued transmission

    Rewriting Teacher Education: Food, Love, and Community

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    In this article, we present the intertwining stories of a teacher education learning community who are (re) writing the current dehumanizing narrative of standardization, crisis mongering, and survival of the fittest ethos that continue to harm our learners, teachers, and communities.  We argue that when teacher education candidates are repositioned from consumers of theory and methods to inquirers of practice, their collectively constructed knowledge not only illuminates locally significant issues but also disrupts institutional hierarchies. Drawing from narrative inquiry theory and a collaborative methodical approach, we—a professor and students—share our personal stories of learning together in a required teacher education course and practicum placement at a local high school. Bringing together conceptions of voice, human capability, and “place”, we provide a layered framework to understand pedagogical practices that operate to unravel systems of standardization and hyper-individualism. Our inquiry approach, public narration, and our democratization of knowledge serve as an example of teacher education pedagogy with a disruptive agenda

    Three Decades of the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning

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    This editorial describes the current status and trends in the past three decades (1990–2019) of the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (JFCP). Since its first issue published in 1990, JFCP has become a major research outlet in consumer finance. The journal publishes cutting-edge, peer-reviewed, original research papers on consumer financial counseling, planning, and education that have broad impacts on both academic research and business practices in the field of consumer finance. It is included in many major indexes such as Scopus, Emerging Source Citation Index, EconLit, among others. It has published influential papers on consumer financial well-being, financial capability, financial education, financial counseling, financial planning, retirement planning, risk tolerance, and financial behavior change

    Impacto da pandemia do coronavírus sobre a produção de lixo hospitalar: uma investigação / Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the production of hospital waste: an inquiry

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    A pandemia do novo Coronavírus trouxe desafios que ultrapassaram os cuidados em saúde. Devido à mudança de comportamento em ambiente hospitalar e doméstico, houve aumento marcante na distribuição de produtos de higiene e equipamentos de proteção individual. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o impacto da pandemia atual na produção e no descarte de resíduos hospitalares a partir de investigação na literatura com busca de referências na base de dados PubMed e Google Acadêmico. Detectou-se aumento na produção de resíduos relacionados ao COVID-19, exigindo novas formas de manejo desse material. A elaboração de protocolos e planos de gestão devem ser feitos para conduzir adequadamente a distribuição dos materiais e auxiliar no armazenamento, transporte e processamento dos resíduos. Portanto, é essencial considerar o impacto da geração de resíduos no meio ambiente, por se tratar de uma situação sem precedentes e que pode trazer consequências ainda não elucidadas.  

    Skipping a beat: Assessing the state of gender equality in the Australian music industry

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    This report demonstrates that male advantage is a pervasive feature of the Australian music industry. Using publicly available published data the report interrogates the industry dynamics that have produced a contemporary music scene in which radio playlists, festival line-ups, industry awards, peak bodies and major industry boards are dominated by male contributions and voices. We make 5 key recommendations, discussed in more detail in the report, to begin the process of addressing the industry’s chronic gender inequality: 1. Collect more and better data on the music industry on a gender disaggregated basis; 2. Establish a well-resourced independent gender equality industry advocacy body; 3. Use gender equality criteria in deciding public funding outcomes; 4. Increase women’s representation in decision-making structures; 5. Address gender bias in the Australian music industry by prioritising inclusivity and representation as core industry values (for example through funding and implementing training programs). The music industry is skipping a beat when it comes to gender equality. We hope that our report will stimulate industry thinking and action for change.Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA