78 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of values communication through cross-cultural corporate symbol design

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    Intercultural communication occurs between people whose culture, language, and visual perceptions are distinct enough to alter the communication event between them. In this arena, the graphic designer plays the role of a visual ambassador, creating vehicles of communication intended to carry messages within or across cultural barriers. The task is challenging and necessary because of the contemporary tendency toward globalization. In today\u27s global market, multinational corporations are creating brands to express their corporate values. As a result, these corporations are more connected to their customers and are differentiated from their competition.;This study tested the effectiveness of communicating values instead of products in the design of a symbol for a cross-cultural corporation. For this study, the existing corporate symbol of a Colombian coffee company was redesigned into three different versions in an attempt to communicate values to a cross-cultural audience. Each symbol was tested by means of a survey completed by participants from different parts of the world who were studying at Iowa State University. The first survey tested the effectiveness of a symbol that communicates values only. The second survey tested the effectiveness of a symbol that communicates the same values when accompanied by a reference to a product. The final survey tested the influence of values perception when the symbol uses a universally recognized icon. This methodology provided a clear idea of the possibility to universally communicate values through a corporate symbol.;The results of this study showed that the corporate symbol which combined product and values had the highest percentage of values recognition. It can also be suggested that by using this corporate symbol redesign, the Colombian coffee company would effectively communicate what the company is and its brand values to a cross-cultural audience

    Improving the Effectiveness of South Korean Product Liability Including Punitive Damages: A Comparative Analysis Between the United States and South Korea

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    As South Korean Product Liability Act was revised to adopt the U.S. doctrine of punitive damages, there is a theoretical necessity of reviewing the relations between the theory of product liability and the U.S. doctrine of punitive damages. The theory of product liability is closely related to the strict liability but the doctrine of punitive damages has been developed to regulate malicious misconducts. Due to the different basic concepts, the strict liability and malicious misconducts, the theory of product liability might not include the doctrine of punitive damages. In addition to the compatibility issue, functions of the punitive damages are another issue. Although the punitive damages, there is a theoretical necessity of reviewing the relations between the theory of product liability and the U.S. doctrine of punitive damages. The theory of product liability is closely related to the strict liability but the doctrine of punitive damages has been developed to regulate malicious misconducts. Due to the different basic concepts, the strict liability and malicious misconducts, the theory of product liability might not include the doctrine of punitive damages. In addition to the compatibility issue, functions of the punitive damages are another issue. Although the punitive damages are regarded not as a criminal issue, but as torts, the punitive damages function as punishment, deterrence, retribution, and so on. With the issues about compatibility and functions, this thesis suggests two implications for improving the revised South Korean Product Liability Act. The first implication for the revised South Korean Product Liability Act is that implementing the punitive damages of South Korea within the three times of compensatory damages regardless of the degree of malicious misconducts is not fit for regulating various types of malicious misconducts. Therefore, there is a necessity for reforming the three–time’s cap of South Korean punitive damages. The second is that South Korean manufacturers have a responsibility to consider their products’ safety

    Feminism and Music Therapy in Korea

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    A central theme in women’s lives in Korea is captured by the Korean word, “han” Symbolically, it represents the image of traditional Korean women’s suffering, pain, and crying, as well as their resilience throughout Korean history. A loose translation of the term would be, “the sorrow and anger that grows” (E. H. Kim, 1995, p.160). Due to many invasions by other countries, han is a quality that has become deeply embedded in Koreans from one generation to the next. In fact, han is a term that applies to both women and men. However, it has special application to women because of their oppressive life circumstances

    Propuesta de políticas financieras de corto plazo y su control interno de la empresa Cosmollanta Importadora Cia. Ltda. en la ciudad de Quito

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    La presente disertación elabora una propuesta de políticas financieras de corto plazo y normas de control interno para la empresa Cosmollanta Importadora Cía. Ltda., ubicada en la ciudad de Quito en base a sus necesidades. La tesis está compuesta de siete capítulos, los mismos que cuentan con la base teórica, el estudio y el desarrollo práctico pertinente para llegar a determinar las políticas y normas adecuadas para la compañía. En el CAPÍTULO I, ASPECTOS GENERALES, abarca el estudio del entorno económico del país con el análisis de tres indicadores macroeconómicos como el Producto interno Bruto (PIB), la inflación y el tipo de cambio dólar – yuan; y el estudio del sector automotriz. Además, las generalidades de la compañía desde sus inicios, su desarrollo hasta la fecha actual

    Transport fluvial al Danubi com factor de desenvolupament als països de l'Europa de l'Est

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    L’objecte principal d’estudi d’aquesta tesina és el Danubi. El Danubi entès com a corredor de transport de mercaderies. Si el Danubi pot actuar realment com a corredor de transport a nivell europeu, sent viable, aquest fet permet una relació econòmica entre els països per on flueix, potenciant-los econòmicament. Per arribar a afirmar la viabilitat del Danubi, es necessari un anàlisis sistèmic de tots els components integrants d’aquest corredor

    Accent classes in South Kyengsang Korean: Lexical drift, novel words and loanwords

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    This paper examines changes in the accent class affiliation of c. 1900 words from Middle Korean into the modern South Kyengsang dialect. The data present the profile of a canonical analogical change: words are attracted to larger lexical classes and words of lower token frequency are more likely to change their affiliation. Several properties of the syllable onset and coda as well as syllable weight are shown to bias a word to particular accent classes. A novel word experiment suggests that speakers have tacit knowledge of some of these phonological biases but not others. The paper considers whether these biases can explain the default accent assigned to English loanwords and whether they can be modeled with weighted constraints in a Maxent grammar

    Pengaruh Program Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Kontrak Proyek Di Pt. Waskita Karya Proyek Jalan Tol Semarang-Solo Paket Iv Ruas Salatiga-Kartasura)

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    Penulisan penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research yang menjelaskan hubungan kausal antar variable-variabelnya melalui pengujian hipotesis. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 80 responden dengan menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisoner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi linear berganda, uji F dan uji t. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS (Statistic Product and Services Solution) versi 21 untuk memudahkan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kerpuasan kerja karyawan sebesar 53%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 47% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Keselamatan kerja berpengaruh secara parsial dengan nilai signifikan 0,003 lebih kecil dari α=0,05. Sedangkan kesehatan kerja berpengaruh secara parsial dengan nilai 0,002 lebih kecil dari α=0,0

    Feasibility Analysis on Drying and Briquetting Process for Upgrading Low Rank Coal

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 에너지시스템공학부, 2018. 2. 조희찬.앞으로의 석탄 공급은 과거에 주로 유통되었던 고열량 석탄이 점점 고갈됨에 따라 저열량 석탄의 생산이 점점 증가는 추세를 보일 것이다. 세계 저열량탄 신규 공급의 상당 부분은 인도네시아 저등급탄(Low Rank Coal, LRC)으로 이루어지고 있는데, 인도네시아 동부칼리만탄주(州)에 위치한 PT. Ganda Alam Makmur(이하 GAM) 광산은 저등급 석탄을 생산하는 대표적 탄광 중 하나이다. 본 연구는 인도네시아에 소재한 이러한 저등급 석탄 생산 기업이 건조 및 성형 기술을 활용한 품질 향상 공정을 효율적으로 활용하여 최적의 경제성을 가질 수 있는 운영 방안을 마련하고자 하였으며, GAM 광산을 대상으로한 사례 연구를 통해 운영조건별 경제성 비교 연구를 진행하였다. 먼저 1,500t 규모의 현장 모의 저탄장 실험을 통해 저등급석탄의 기본적인 물성을 분석하였다. 또한 석탄의 품질 향상을 통한 부가가치를 높일 수 있는 기술 중에 비용-효과 측면에서 가장 현실적이라고 볼 수 있는 Steam Tube Dryer(이하 STD) 기술과 CUPO Process 기술을 연구 대상으로 선정하였다. 이에 대한 검증을 위해 15t의 석탄으로 파일럿스케일(pilot scale)의 건조 및 성형 실험을 연속 공정으로 실시하였다. 세부적인 운전 조건으로는 팜오일잔사유(Palm Acid Oil: 이하 PAO)를 코팅제 및 성형바인더로 각각 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0% 혼입하였을 때의 건조 및 성형 효과를 확인하였다. 현장 실험 분석 결과, 저등급 석탄을 직접 판매할 경우 저탄장에서 원탄 상태로 10일 정도 저탄 기간을 설정하고 최종소비자까지의 유통기한을 약 35일 정도로 조절하여야 하는 등의 세심한 관리가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 건조 성형 관련 실증 실험에서는 약 50분간의 STD 건조 공정으로 성형탄의 총수분이 48%에서 9% 수준까지 감소하는 것을 확인하였고, 이후 수분 재흡수가 일부 나타났지만 10~17%에서 안정화됨을 확인하였다. 이 결과를 통해 성형탄이 시장에 유통 가능할 정도의 방수 성능과 강도를 보유하고 있음을 확인하였고, 향후 수분 재흡수를 고려한 평형 상태에서의 제품의 탄질을 확정하였다. 경제성 평가에서는 파일럿 실험 결과를 근거로, 단순 판매, 건조 후 판매, 건조 성형 후 판매의 경우를 각각 비교하였다. 또한 건조 및 성형 공정에 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%의 PAO를 혼입한 경우에 대하여 각각의 경제성을 비교 분석하였다. 경제성 평가는 인도네시아 정부 공시 원가 및 최근 시장 가격을 활용하여 조건별 예상 경상이익 및 당기순이익을 비교하였다. 세부적으로는, 공정별 단위 원가를 구분하여 GAM 광산 이외의 사례 및 석탄 가격의 등락 시에도 적용이 가능한 예시를 제시하였다. 평가 결과 PAO 0.5% 혼입 조건에서 저등급탄을 건조 후 성형하는 경우가 가장 경제성이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 다른 종류의 공정과 경제성 비교를 위하여 Mine Mouth Power Plant(이하 MMPP라 한다)를 설치할 경우에 대한 분석도 실시하였다. 마지막으로, 석탄 시황 변화에 따른 단순판매, 건조, 성형, MMPP 공정의 경제성을 비교하였다. MMPP 공정은 시황변화에 따른 수익성 변화가 없는 반면, 단순판매, 건조, 성형 공정은 시황에 따른 변화가 컸으며, 건조/성형 공정을 할 경우 상대적으로 시황 변동에 대한 안정적 수익 확보가 가능한 것을 확인하였다.1. 서론 1 1.1 석탄의 소비 현황 및 전망 1 1.2 저등급 석탄의 한계점 15 1.3 저등급 석탄의 한계극복을 위한 청정 석탄 기술 17 1.4 연구 방법론 20 2. 저등급탄의 일반 특성과 GAM 저등급탄의 특성 28 2.1 저등급탄의 일반 특성 28 2.2 GAM 광산 N100 석탄의 특성 30 2.3 실험 결과 고찰 및 소결 41 3. 건조 및 성형(Drying & Briquetting) 43 3.1 선행연구 조사- Drying 43 3.2 선행연구 조사- 성형(Briquetting) 53 3.3 기술간의 비교 및 연구 대상 기술 선정 55 3.4 CUPO Process관련 선행 연구 조사 57 3.5 Binder의 선택- PAO 59 4. GAM N100탄의 CUPO Process 실험 62 4.1 실험 방법 및 실험 결과 62 4.2 건조탄 성형 및 성형탄 강도 시험 70 4.3 수분 재흡수 시험 77 4.4 실험 결과 고찰 및 소결 80 5. 사례별 경제성 분석 및 비교 82 5.1 CUPO Process 경제성 분석 방법론 82 5.2 원가 및 판가의 결정 84 5.3 사례별 경제성 분석 (Case I-단순 판매, base case) 94 5.4 사례별 경제석 분석 (Case II-Simple Drying) 95 5.5 사례별 경제석 분석 (Case III-건조후 성형) 98 5.6 사례별 경제석 분석 (Case IV-MMPP) 103 5.7 분석 결과 고찰 및 소결 109 6. 석탄 시황 변동에 따른 경제성 분석 및 비교 115 6.1 시황의 변화에 따른 탄질별 가격 변동 가정 115 6.2 석탄 가격 변동에 따른 조건별 경제성 비교 119 6.3 석탄 가격 중장기 전망 및 원가 변동에 따른 경제성 비교 121 6.4 결과 분석 및 소결 123 7. 결론 및 제언 125 7.1 저등급탄 특성 125 7.2 GAM탄 CUPO Process 분석 126 7.3 사례별 경제성 분석 126 7.4 연구의 한계 및 제언 127 7.5 향후 연구 방향 128 [ 참고 문헌 ] 129 [ 부 록 ] 134 I. GAM N100탄 현장 실험 사진 134 II. GAM 광산 소개 자료 137 [ 영문요약 ] 141Docto

    An annotated bibliography on the biology and fishery of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonis pelamis, of the Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: The skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis is an important resource of the tropical and subtropical waters of the world ocean. Fishermen of many countries exploit this resource; at the present time, the annual world catch is approximately 200 thousand metric tons. Many fishery experts believe that the skipjack is not being fully utilized while stocks of other tunas are being fished, in some areas, at levels exceeding their maximum sustainable yields. In addition to the importance of skipjack as a commercial fish and as a source of food, there is a small but expanding recreational fishery in some countries bordering the Pacific. This bibliography provides a list of publications pertaining to the biology and fishery of the Pacific skipjack tuna. Papers concerned with food technology, food chemistry, radio-chemistry, and certain other subjects are excluded. The main sources for our publication have been the existing bibliographies of tunas, which are listed and indexed accordingly. In addition, reports of various marine laboratories and other scientific organizations have been checked; these are too numerous to list. We are fairly confident that all major works pertaining to skipjack tuna in the Pacific, printed prior to the end of 1966, appear in this bibliography. Only reports considered to be in permanent form are included. Annotations are based on actual examination of each of the entries listed here. The annotations do not evaluate a paper but serve rather to give a more precise idea of its contents if not revealed by the title alone. If the title sufficed in this respect, no annotation was prepared. A relatively small number of works believed to contain information pertinent to our bibliography could not be examined, but a list of such papers is provided. SPANISH: El atún barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, es un recurso importante de las aguas tropicales y subtropicales del océano mundial. Los pescadores de varios países explotan este recurso; actualmente, la captura mundial anual es aproximadamente de 200,000 toneladas métricas. Muchos expertos en la pesquería creen que el barrilete no es utilizado completamente, mientras los stocks de otros atunes son pescados en algunas áreas a niveles que exceden su rendimiento máximo sostenible. Además de la importancia del barrilete como pez comercial y como fuente de alimento, existe una pesquería pequeña recreativa que se está desarrollando en algunos países colindantes con el Pacífico. Esta bibliografía suministra una lista de publicaciones correspondientes a la biología y pesquería del atún barrilete en el Pacífico. Estudios referentes a la tecnología alimenticia, química alimenticia, radioquímica y ciertos otros sujetos son excluídos. Las fuentes principales correspondientes a nuestra publicación han sido las bibliografías existentes sobre atunes, las cuales están enumeradas y catalogadas de acuerdo. Además, se han examinado los informes de varios laboratorios marítimos y los de otras organizaciones científicas; éstos son demasiado numerosos para enumerar. Estamos bastante seguros de que todos los trabajos principales correspondientes al atún barrilete del Pacífico, editados antes de terminar el año de 1966, aparecen en esta bibliografía. Se incluyen únicamente los informes que se consideran permanentes. Las anotaciones se basan en el examen actual de cada una de las entradas aquí referidas. Las anotaciones no evaluan un estudio, pero sirven más bien para dar una idea más precisa de su contenido si el título por sí mismo no lo explica. No se preparó ninguna anotación si el título a este respecto era suficiente. Un número relativamente pequeño de trabajos que se cree tengan información pertinente a nuestra bibliografía no pudo ser examinado, pero se suministra una lista de tales estudios. (PDF contains 227 pages.

    Imported Second-Hand Clothes in South Korea: An Examination of Guje Clothing as an Autonomous Consumer Practice

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    This thesis considers issues of individual's 'style competence' within global order. Guje (imported second-hand garments) fashion in South Korea is an ideal case study from which to examine consumer autonomy in the adoption of this Western vintage fashion trend since the 1990s. The importance of guje clothing lies in the local-cultural discrimination between the 'imported' and the local second-hand garments; guje clothes have been considered far more fashionable than the locally generated used garments. Consequently, in guje and vintage markets, the origin bears a great significance, such as German or American yasahng, or Japanese(-import) jeans. While the foreign origin of these garments is an emblem of being stylish, the images of foreign cities are mostly presented as ideal places associated with romanticism and nostalgia. Such fashion practice reflects South Koreans 'rose-tinted' view of foreign countries and material culture. Furthermore, nostalgic memories are imagined and constructed based on Western fashion history in replacement of South Korea's own. More importantly, Japan plays a key role as a cultural and material mediator in the introduction of Western fashion, from jeans to luxury goods, to South Korea. This ethnographic research concludes that guje fashion cannot be regarded as a fully autonomous consumer practice, but rather as symptomatic of global homogeneity, which reveals the cultural and material impact of both Americanisation and Japanisation dominant in South Korea