166 research outputs found

    The functional characteristics of optogenetic gene therapy for vision restoration

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    Optogenetic strategies to restore vision in patients blind from end-stage retinal degenerations aim to render remaining retinal neurons light-sensitive. We present an innovative combination of multi-electrode array recordings together with a complex pattern-generating light source as a toolset to determine the extent to which neural retinal responses to complex light stimuli can be restored following viral delivery of red-shifted channelrhodopsin in the retinally degenerated mouse. Our data indicate that retinal output level spatiotemporal response characteristics achieved by optogenetic gene therapy closely parallel those observed for normal mice but equally reveal important limitations, some of which could be mitigated using bipolar-cell targeted gene-delivery approaches. As clinical trials are commencing, these data provide important new information on the capacity and limitations of channelrhodopsin-based gene therapies. The toolset we established enables comparing optogenetic constructs and stem-cell-based techniques, thereby providing an efficient and sensitive starting point to identify future approaches for vision restoration

    A systematic comparison of optogenetic approaches to visual restoration

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    During inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs), vision is lost due to photoreceptor cell death; however, a range of optogenetic tools have been shown to restore light responses in animal models. Restored response characteristics vary between tools and the neuronal cell population to which they are delivered: the interplay between these is complex, but targeting upstream neurons (such as retinal bipolar cells) may provide functional benefit by retaining intraretinal signal processing. In this study, our aim was to compare two optogenetic tools: mammalian melanopsin (hOPN4) and microbial red-shifted channelrhodopsin (ReaChR) expressed within two subpopulations of surviving cells in a degenerate retina. Intravitreal adeno-associated viral vectors and mouse models utilising the Cre/lox system restricted expression to populations dominated by bipolar cells or retinal ganglion cells and was compared with non-targeted delivery using the chicken beta actin (CBA) promoter. In summary, we found bipolar-targeted optogenetic tools produced faster kinetics and flatter intensity-response relationships compared with non-targeted or retinal-ganglion-cell-targeted hOPN4. Hence, optogenetic tools of both mammalian and microbial origins show advantages when targeted to bipolar cells. This demonstrates the advantage of bipolar-cell-targeted optogenetics for vision restoration in IRDs. We therefore developed a bipolar-cell-specific gene delivery system employing a compressed promoter with the potential for clinical translation

    ON-bipolar cell gene expression during retinal degeneration: Implications for optogenetic visual restoration.

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    PURPOSE: Retinal bipolar cells survive even in the later stages of inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs) and so are attractive targets for optogenetic approaches to vision restoration. However, it is not known to what extent the remodelling that these cells undergo during degeneration affects their function. Specifically, it is unclear if they are free from metabolic stress, receptive to adeno-associated viral vectors, suitable for opsin-based optogenetic tools and able to propagate signals by releasing neurotransmitter. METHODS: Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) was performed to isolate labelled bipolar cells from dissociated retinae of litter-mates with or without the IRD mutation Pde6brd1/rd1 selectively expressing an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) as a marker in ON-bipolar cells. Subsequent mRNA extraction allowed Illumina® microarray comparison of gene expression in bipolar cells from degenerate to those of wildtype retinae. Changes in four candidate genes were further investigated at the protein level using retinal immunohistochemistry over the course of degeneration. RESULTS: A total of sixty differentially expressed transcripts reached statistical significance: these did not include any genes directly associated with native primary bipolar cell signalling, nor changes consistent with metabolic stress. Four significantly altered genes (Srm2, Slf2, Anxa7 & Cntn1), implicated in synaptic remodelling, neurotransmitter release and viral vector entry had immunohistochemical staining colocalising with ON-bipolar cell markers and varying over the course of degeneration. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest relatively few gene expression changes in the context of degeneration: that despite remodelling, bipolar cells are likely to remain viable targets for optogenetic vision restoration. In addition, several genes where changes were seen could provide a basis for investigations to enhance the efficacy of optogenetic therapies

    The need to promote behaviour change at the cultural level: one factor explaining the limited impact of the MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania. A process evaluation

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    Background - Few of the many behavioral sexual health interventions in Africa have been rigorously evaluated. Where biological outcomes have been measured, improvements have rarely been found. One of the most rigorous trials was of the multi-component MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual health programme, which showed improvements in knowledge and reported attitudes and behaviour, but none in biological outcomes. This paper attempts to explain these outcomes by reviewing the process evaluation findings, particularly in terms of contextual factors. Methods - A large-scale, primarily qualitative process evaluation based mainly on participant observation identified the principal contextual barriers and facilitators of behavioural change. Results - The contextual barriers involved four interrelated socio-structural factors: culture (i.e. shared practices and systems of belief), economic circumstances, social status, and gender. At an individual level they appeared to operate through the constructs of the theories underlying MEMA kwa Vijana - Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action – but the intervention was unable to substantially modify these individual-level constructs, apart from knowledge. Conclusion - The process evaluation suggests that one important reason for this failure is that the intervention did not operate sufficiently at a structural level, particularly in regard to culture. Recently most structural interventions have focused on gender or/and economics. Complementing these with a cultural approach could address the belief systems that justify and perpetuate gender and economic inequalities, as well as other barriers to behaviour change

    End points for sickle cell disease clinical trials: patient-reported outcomes, pain, and the brain

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    To address the global burden of sickle cell disease (SCD) and the need for novel therapies, the American Society of Hematology partnered with the US Food and Drug Administration to engage the work of 7 panels of clinicians, investigators, and patients to develop consensus recommendations for clinical trial end points. The panels conducted their work through literature reviews, assessment of available evidence, and expert judgment focusing on end points related to: patient-reported outcomes (PROs), pain (non-PROs), the brain, end-organ considerations, biomarkers, measurement of cure, and low-resource settings. This article presents the findings and recommendations of the PROs, pain, and brain panels, as well as relevant findings and recommendations from the biomarkers panel. The panels identify end points, where there were supporting data, to use in clinical trials of SCD. In addition, the panels discuss where further research is needed to support the development and validation of additional clinical trial end points

    Gene expression profiling of meningiomas: current status after a decade of microarray-based transcriptomic studies

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    Purpose This article provides a review of the transcriptomic expression profiling studies that have been performed on meningiomas so far. We discuss some future prospects and challenges ahead in the field of gene expression profiling. Methods We performed a systematic search in the PubMed and EMBASE databases in May 2010 using the following search terms alone or in combination: “meningioma”, “microarray analysis”, “oligonucleotide array sequence analysis”, or “gene expression profiling”. Only original research articles in English that had used RNA hybridized to high-resolution microarray chips to generate gene expression profiles were included. Results We identified 13 articles matching the inclusion criteria. All studies had been performed during the last decade. Conclusions The main results of the studies can be grouped in three categories: (1) several groups have identified meningioma-specific genes and genes associated with the three WHO grades, and the main histological subtypes of grade I meningiomas; (2) one publication has shown that the general transcription profile of samples of all WHO grades differs in vivo and in vitro; (3) one report provides evidence that microarray technology can be used in an automated fashion to classify tumors. Due to lack of consensus on how microarray data are presented, possible general trends found across the studies are difficult to extract. This could obstruct the discovery of important genes and pathways universally involved in meningioma biology

    Biopsy-based calibration of T2* magnetic resonance for estimation of liver iron concentration and comparison with R2 Ferriscan.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a need to standardise non-invasive measurements of liver iron concentrations (LIC) so clear inferences can be drawn about body iron levels that are associated with hepatic and extra-hepatic complications of iron overload. Since the first demonstration of an inverse relationship between biopsy LIC and liver magnetic resonance (MR) using a proof-of-concept T2* sequence, MR technology has advanced dramatically with a shorter minimum echo-time, closer inter-echo spacing and constant repetition time. These important advances allow more accurate calculation of liver T2* especially in patients with high LIC. METHODS: Here, we used an optimised liver T2* sequence calibrated against 50 liver biopsy samples on 25 patients with transfusional haemosiderosis using ordinary least squares linear regression, and assessed the method reproducibility in 96 scans over an LIC range up to 42 mg/g dry weight (dw) using Bland-Altman plots. Using mixed model linear regression we compared the new T2*-LIC with R2-LIC (Ferriscan) on 92 scans in 54 patients with transfusional haemosiderosis and examined method agreement using Bland-Altman approach. RESULTS: Strong linear correlation between ln(T2*) and ln(LIC) led to the calibration equation LIC = 31.94(T2*)-1.014. This yielded LIC values approximately 2.2 times higher than the proof-of-concept T2* method. Comparing this new T2*-LIC with the R2-LIC (Ferriscan) technique in 92 scans, we observed a close relationship between the two methods for values up to 10 mg/g dw, however the method agreement was poor. CONCLUSIONS: New calibration of T2* against liver biopsy estimates LIC in a reproducible way, correcting the proof-of-concept calibration by 2.2 times. Due to poor agreement, both methods should be used separately to diagnose or rule out liver iron overload in patients with increased ferritin

    Decreased expression of the mannose 6- phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II receptor promotes growth of human breast cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Loss or mutation of the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor-II receptor (M6P/IGF2R) has been found in breast cancer. However, whether or not decreased levels of functional M6P/IGF2R directly contribute to the process of carcinogenesis needs to be further verified by functional studies. METHODS: In this study, using viral and ribozyme strategies we reduced the expression of M6P/IGF2R in human breast cancer cells and then examined the effect on growth and apoptosis of these cells. RESULTS: Our results showed that infection of MCF-7 cells with the adenovirus carrying a ribozyme targeted against the M6P/IGF2R mRNA dramatically reduced the level of transcripts and the functional activity of M6P/IGF2R in these cells. Accordingly, cells treated with the ribozyme exhibited a higher growth rate and a lower apoptotic index than control cells (infected with a control vector). Furthermore, decreased expression of M6P/IGF2R enhanced IGF-II-induced proliferation and reduced cell susceptibility to TNF-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that M6P/IGF2R functions as a growth suppressor and its loss or mutation may contribute to development and progression of cancer. This study also demonstrates that adenoviral delivery of the ribozyme provides a useful tool for investigating the role of M6P/IGF2R in regulation of cell growth