1,783 research outputs found

    The theological significance of the discovery of America

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    In readin g th e historica l literatur e o n th e Renaissanc e an d th eReformation, on e get s th e impressio n tha t Spai n an d Portuga l ha drelatively littl e t o offer , an d tha t theolog y particularl y wa s a learne denterprise tha t flourishe d onl y i n certai n soils , particularl y thos e nea rRome. America n experienc e an d American problems receive d almos tno attentio n a t th e Counci l o f Tren t (1545-1563) , tha t grea t ecume -nical gathering of bishops which was probabl y the mos t thoroughgoingreform in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Th e Council wasprincipally concerned t o launch a theological attack on the Protestants ,and the powerfu l Jesuit s ha d no t ye t develope d muc h interes t i n Ne wWorld problems

    Aristóteles e os índios americanos: um estudo do preconceito de raça no Mundo Moderno (II)

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    (Primeiras linhas do texto)"Las Casas pôde estar em Valladolid em 1550 para confrontar-se com Sepúlveda porque tinha regressado à Espanha pela última vez em 1547 com a idade de setenta e três anos, depois de quase meio século de experiência com negócios indígenas, cujo climax foram seus serviços como bispo de Chiapa no Sul do México (...)

    Aristóteles e os índios americanos: um estudo de preconceito de raça no Mundo Moderno

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    (Primeiras linhas do texto)"Escritos recentes, sôbre a conquista espanhola da América bem ilustram o velho axioma que o trabalho do historiador nunca está pronto e que a história do passado precisa ser constantemente revista. (...)

    Aristóteles e os Índios Americanos: Um estudo do preconceito de raça no Novo Mundo (III)

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     O GRANDE DEBATE DE VALLADOLID — 1550-1551: COMO CONDUZIR UMA GUERRA JUSTA CONTRA OS INDÍGENAS AMERICANOS . O segundo problema que Sepúlveda expõe, em Demócra-tes, é como fazer uma guerra justa contra os índios. Tendo Demócrates convencido Leopoldo que as guerras podiam ser justas, a maneira pelas quais podiam ser feitas com justiça atraia agora a atenção de ambos.

    Credibility and adjustment: gold standards versus currency boards

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    It is often maintained that currency boards (CBs) and gold standards (GSs) are alike in that they are stringent monetary rules, the two basic features of which are high credibility of monetary authorities and the existence of automatic adjustment (non discretionary) mechanism. This article includes a comparative analysis of these two types of regimes both from the perspective of the sources and mechanisms of generating confidence and credibility, and the elements of operation of the automatic adjustment mechanism. Confidence under the GS is endogenously driven, whereas it is exogenously determined under the CB. CB is a much more asymmetric regime than GS (the adjustment is much to the detriment of peripheral countries) although asymmetry is a typical feature of any monetary regime. The lack of credibility is typical for peripheral countries and cannot be overcome completely even by “hard” monetary regimes.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40078/3/wp692.pd

    DNA looping: the consequences and its control

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    The formation of DNA loops by proteins and protein complexes is ubiquitous to many fundamental cellular processes, including transcription, recombination, and replication. Here we review recent advances in understanding the properties of DNA looping in its natural context and how they propagate to the cellular behavior through gene regulation. The results of connecting the molecular properties with cellular physiology indicate that looping of DNA in vivo is much more complex and easier than predicted from current models and reveals a wealth of previously unappreciated details

    TGN1412: From Discovery to Disaster

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    After a drug is confirmed as safe and efficacious in preclinical studies, it is tested in healthy human volunteers for first in man trials. In 2006, a phase I clinical study was conducted for a CD28 superagonist antibody TGN1412 in six human volunteers. After very first infusion of a dose 500 times smaller than that found safe in animal studies, all six human volunteers faced life-threatening conditions involving multiorgan failure for which they were moved to intensive care unit. After this particular incident, a lot was changed over how first in man trials are approved by regulatory authorities and the way clinical trials are conducted. This review primarily deals with preclinical studies conducted by TeGenero, results of which encouraged them to test the antibody on human subjects, reasons why this drug failed in human trial and aftermath of this drug trial. In addition, another drug—Fialuridine which failed in phase 2 clinical trial leading to death of five human subjects is briefly reviewed

    Threefold rotational symmetry in hexagonally shaped core–shell (In,Ga)As/GaAs nanowires revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction imaging

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    Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging at symmetric hhh Bragg reflections was used to resolve the structure of GaAs/In0.15_{0.15}Ga0.85_{0.85}As/GaAs core–shell–shell nanowires grown on a silicon (111) substrate. Diffraction amplitudes in the vicinity of GaAs 111 and GaAs 333 reflections were used to reconstruct the lost phase information. It is demonstrated that the structure of the core–shell–shell nanowire can be identified by means of phase contrast. Interestingly, it is found that both scattered intensity in the (111) plane and the reconstructed scattering phase show an additional threefold symmetry superimposed with the shape function of the investigated hexagonal nanowires. In order to find the origin of this threefold symmetry, elasticity calculations were performed using the finite element method and subsequent kinematic diffraction simulations. These suggest that a non-hexagonal (In,Ga)As shell covering the hexagonal GaAs core might be responsible for the observation