1,394 research outputs found

    Improved triangle counting in graph streams: Neighborhood multi-sampling

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    In this thesis, we study the problem of estimating the number of triangles of an undirected graph in the data stream model. Some of the well-known streaming algorithms work as follows: Sample a single triangle with high enough probability and repeat this basic step to obtain a global triangle count. For example, the neighborhood sampling algorithm attempts to sample a triangle by randomly choosing a single edge e, a single neighbor f of e and waits for a third edge that completes the triangle. The basic sampling step in the algorithm is repeated multiple times to obtain an estimate for the global triangle count in the input graph stream. In this work, we propose a multi-sampling variant of this algorithm. We provide a theoretical analysis of the algorithm and prove that it improves upon the known space and accuracy bounds. We experimentally show that this algorithm outperforms several well-known triangle counting streaming algorithms

    PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN PERUSAHAAN DAN STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN : Studi pada Perusahaan-perusahaan yang Mendapat Penghargaan sebagai Pengembang Terbaik Versi Building and Construction Interchange Asia Periode 2011-2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji beberapa faktor yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi besarnya pembagian dividen tunai, faktor-faktor tersebut yaitu pertumbuhan perusahaan yang diukur dengan menggunakan rasio harga laba dan struktur kepemilikan yang diukur dengan menggunakan kepemilikan manajerial dan kepemilikan institusional.Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang datanya dapat diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang mendapat penghargaan sebagai Pengembang Terbaik versi Building and Construction Interchange Asia peiode 2011-2014. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakanalat analisis korelasi pearson product moment. Perhitungan dibantu dengan program SPSS 20.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan perusahaan tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kebijakan dividen. Sedangkan struktur kepemilikan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kebijakan dividen pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang mendapat penghargaan sebagai Pengembang Terbaik versi Building and Contruction Interchange Asia peiode 2011-2014. Kata kunci: pertumbuhan perusahaan, struktur kepemilikan, kepemilikan manajerial, kepemilikan institusional, kebijakan dividen The purpose of this research was to examine several factors which could be expected to affect the amount of cash dividend such as growth of firm measured by price earning ratio, and ownership structure measured by managerial ownership and institutional ownership. This research used secondary data which was obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample selection was done by purposive sampling method based on firms awarded as the Best Developers according to the Building and Construction Interchange Asia version within the period of 2011-2014. This research used quantitative method by using pearson product moment correlation as instrument analysis. Data calculation was assisted with SPSS 20.0. Result of this research indicated that the growth of firm had no positive influence on dividend policy. Meanwhile, the ownership structure had positive influence on dividend policy on the firms awarded as the Best Developers according to Building and Construction Interchange Asia version within the period of 2011-2014. Keywords: growth of firm, ownership structure, managerial ownership, institusional ownership, dividend polic


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pola sebaran kabohidrat asam dan netral pada esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi secara histokimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi jantan dewasa. Esofagus dan proventrikulus difiksasi dalam larutan neutral buffered formalin (NBF 10%), dan selanjutnya diproses menjadi preparat histologi. Deteksi sebaran karbohidrat pada lapisan mukosa esofagus dan proventrikulus dilakukan dengan pewarnaan alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5 untuk mendeteksi karbohidrat asam dan periodic acid Schiff (PAS) untuk karbohidrat netral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran karbohidrat asam dan netral ditemukan pada kelenjar esofagus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi dengan intensitas reaksi sedang (++) hingga kuat (+++). Pada lamina epitelia itik muskovi bereaksi positif dengan intensitas lemah (+) terhadap karbohidrat asam dan netral, tetapi negatif (-) pada lamina epitelia ayam kampung. Sebaran karbohidrat asam dan netral ditemukan pada epitel mukosa dan epitel lumen kelenjar proventrikulus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi dengan intensitas reaksi kuat (+++) terhadap karbohidrat asam, tetapi intensitas lemah (+) hingga sedang (++) terhadap karbohidrat netral. Jaringan ikat yang terdapat pada lamina propria, submukosa, dan tunika serosa esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi bereaksi negatif (-) hingga positif lemah (+) terhadap karbohidrat asam dan netral, sedangkan pada lapisan lainnya tidak terdeteksi kandungan kedua jenis karbohidrat tersebut terhadap pewarnaan AB dan PAS. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam kampung dan itik muskovi mengandung karbohidrat asam dan netral dengan pola sebaran yang sama namun kandungan kedua jenis karbohidrat tersebut berbeda.(The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of acid and neutral carbohydrate distribution of esophagus and proventriculus in domestic chicken and muscovy duck in histochemical manner. This study uses the esophagus and proventriculus domestic chicken and musvovy duck adult male. Esophagus and proventriculus were fixed in neutral buffered formalin solution (NBF 10%), and then processed to histological slides. The carbohydrate distribution on the mucosal surface of the esophagus and proventriculus tissue was stained with alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 for detect the acid carbohydrates and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) for the neutral carbohydrates. The results showed that the distribution of acid and neutral carbohydrates found in esophageal gland domestic chicken and muscovy duck intensity good reaction (++) to strong (+++). Lamina epitelia muscovy ducks reacted positively with weak intensity (+) to the acid and neutral carbohydrates, but negative (-) in the lamina epitelia domestic chicken. Distribution of acid and neutral carbohydrate found in the mucosal epithelial and glandular epithelium of lumen of proventriculus domestic chicken and muscovy duck with strong reaction (+++) to acid carbohydrates, but weak intensity (+) to good (++) to neutral carbohydrate. Connective tissue found in the lamina propria, submucosa, and tunica serosa esophagus and proventriculus chicken and duck muskovi react negatively (-) to weak positive (+) to acid and neutral carbohydrates, while the other layer is not detected the carbohydrate content of both types of the AB and PAS staining. Conclusion of this study is the distribution of acid and neutral carbohydrates detected in the esophagus and proventriculus domestic chicken and muscovy duck with the same distribution but different in contain of both carbohydrates.

    Pengaruh Model Talking Chips Disertai Guided Note Taking Terhadap Keterampilan Komunikasi

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    Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh model Talking Chips dengan Guided Note Taking terhadap keterampilan komunikasi peserta didik berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dan observasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen. Skor rata-rata kuesioner dan observasi pada kelas eksperimen adalah 3,26 dan 3,24, sedangkan di kelas kontrol sekitar 3,05 dan 3,02. Analisis kuesioner dan hasil observasi dengan uji "Mann Whitney" menunjukkan Sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0,001 dan 0,000. Nilai signifikansi (2tailed) <0,05 maka Ho ditolak, artinya ada pengaruh penggunaan perlakuan terhadap keterampilan komunikasi


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    Imu Pengetauhan Alam merupakan suatu mata pelajaran yang memiliki perananpenting dalam aspek kehidupan sehari-hari untuk membantu memecahkan suatupermasalahan. Dalam hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa kemampuan pemecahanmasalah adalah komponen penting dalam pembelajaran IPA, dalam kemampuantersebut siswa akan mempunyai kemampuan dasar yang bermakna lebih darisekedar kemampuan berfikir. Berdasarkan kajian hasil terhadap beberapa jurnal,ditemukan permasalahan pada siswa sekolah dasar yakni rendahnya hasil belajarsiswa pada mata pelajaran IPA. Hal tersebut terlihat pada jurnal ditemukan masalahseperti banyaknya siswa yang nilai IPA-nya dibawah KKM dibandingkan yangmelampaui KKM yang telah ditentukan, rendahnya pemahaaman siswa dalammengidentifikasi soal, dan siswa belum dapat menyimpulkan materi pelajaran yangdiberikan oleh guru. Model Probing Prompting adalah model pembelajaran denganmenyajikan serangkaian pertanyaan yang sifatnya menuntun dan menggali gagasansiswa sehingga dapat melejitkan proses berpikir yang mampu mengaitkanpengetahuan dan pengalaman siswa dengan pengetahuan baru yang sedangdipelajari. uraian di atas model Probing Prompting dapat meningkatkan hasilbelajar siswa, khususnya dalam pembelajaran IPA

    Exploring L2 writers’ collaborative revision interactions and their writing performance

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Over the last few decades, researchers and practitioners have acknowledged the social aspects of language learning. This study drew on Vygotsky’s sociocultural learning theory to investigate EFL students’ interactional dynamics during a collaborative revision activity. It also examined the impact of this jointly performed task on participants’ writing performance. Participants included five pairs of EFL learners enrolled in an L2 essay-writing course at an Iranian university. Each pair attended one collaborative revision session during which they jointly revised their argumentative texts utilizing the feedback provided by their instructor. The researchers collected the participants’ interactions during collaborative revision and their revised drafts. Data analysis revealed that students employed a variety of functions in their negotiations including scaffolding. It was also observed that scaffolding wasmutual and both partners benefited from the joint revision task regardless of their level of L2 writing proficiency. These findings suggest that collaborative revision can be incorporated in EFL writing pedagogy as a method to improve writing and revision skills

    The Impact of Television and Short Message Service Advertising on Customer Behaviour and Brand Attitude

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    Marketing, advertising, and communications processes have changed to strategically capitalize on an increasingly digitally transformed, technologically empowered, globally interconnected consumer, or what service-dominant logic refers to as actors that are resource integrators. Customers are co-creators of value in the collaborative or sharing economy, and seek to actively reap the benefits of new knowledge growing at an exponential rate. However, developing models of customer behavior, especially the influence of a new kind of advertising based on the integrated use of television, web, and social networks, is a challenge. Our study starts from a preliminary empirical observation of the impact of television cooking shows on the variations of potential demand (queries on Google) and the purchase of branded/unbranded culinary products used on the show. Neural networks were used to determine significant correlations, which resulted in an operative Marketing 3.0 model. This model clearly explicates this impact factor on the consumer-purchasing process generated by a new mode of creating information and communications technology–based communication. Keywords: Customer behavior, knowledge management, online advertising, smart consumer, value co-creatio

    Endometrial Cultures in Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of endometrial culture results with the clinical diagnosis of acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
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