126 research outputs found

    Rethinking Journalism Education in Indonesia: Nine Theses

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    Since the number of Indonesian mass media products is rapidly increasing, the media industry is seeking – more than ever before – for qualified and professional journalists. Although Indonesia disposes of a broad variety in journalism education, the findings of a qualitative case study show a serious amount of problems and deficiencies. What the Indonesian journalism education currently needs, is a rethinking of political, legal, and curricula aspects within a nationwide debate

    Low b-wave amplitudes in a strain of rabbits with a pigment epithelium defect

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    AbstractWhen preparing isolated rabbit retinas we found in some animals fundi which were not uniformly dark but had abnormal areas of red coloration. The in situ electroretinograms (ERG) of 82 rabbits recorded after 1 h of dark adaptation were checked for abnormalities indicative of a degenerative disorder. The ERGs of eight rabbits with small dark adapted b-waves (≤250 μV) were re-recorded and their b-waves found to decline with time. The greatest reduction, in three rabbits, was ≥150 μV over 2.5 years. After 1 year, however, the light adapted b-waves were similar to those of rabbits with normal dark adapted b-waves. The majority of the progeny of these rabbits also had small b-waves, which became still smaller in 2 years. Ultrastructural studies of two rabbit retinas of the first generation showed pathological changes of the pigment epithelium (Wrigstad, Hanitzsch & Nilsson, Ultrastructural and electrophysiological studies of the retina and the retinal pigment epithelium in rabbits with low b-wave amplitudes, in preparation). Evidently there is an inheritable defect in the pigment epithelium which first impairs the rod pathway

    Dialog Antaragama Melalui Media: Perspektif Dan Keterbatasan Perdamaian Jurnalisme

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    Bentrokan suku dan konflik di antara orang Indonesia berasal dari konflik agama memerlukan dialog antaragama mendesak. Media, sebagai salah satu agen sistem sosial, diyakini bisa memfasilitasi orang-orang semacam dialog. Konsep yang diperkenalkan di sini yang cocok untuk tujuan tersebut adalah Perdamaian Jurnalistik. Menurut definisi, Perdamaian Jurnalisme adalah program atau kerangka liputan berita jurnalistik, yang berkontribusi pada proses pembuatan dan melindungi perdamaian masing-masing dengan penyelesaian damai atas konflik. Konsep Perdamaian Jurnalisme terlihat sangat cocok terutama untuk budaya Asia dan Islam di mana tujuan komunikasi adalah untuk menghasilkan harmoni sosial dan kebebasan (Hasnain, 1988). Namun, konsep ini juga memiliki keterbatasan. Keterbatasan Mereka berasal dari hubungan yang kompleks antara jurnalisme dan masyarakat, dan tantangan dari jurnalisme yang dilayani dengan baik untuk membangun realitas. Menurut penulis, ada lima solusi dapat dicapai untuk mempertahankan dialog antaragama berbuah memfasilitasi oleh Perdamaian Jurnalistik. Pertama, perbaikan pendidikan jurnalisme dan pelatihan lanjutan untuk wartawan. Kedua, mendalam-penelitian secara menyeluruh dan oleh para ahli untuk memberikan pandangan eksternal pada jurnalisme dan operasi yang dapat menyebabkan koreksi diri. Ketiga, pertumbuhan "Media jurnalisme". Keempat, dewan pers yang kuat untuk mengontrol pers. Kelima, dan mungkin yang paling penting, sistem hukum yang dapat diandalkan

    Analyzing comparative data: opportunities and challenges

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    Journalists and Editors : Political Proximity as Determinant of Career and Autonomy

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    Political economy suggests that media owners try to influence the process of media production by providing career incentives to like-minded journalists and adjusting the level of professional autonomy granted to them. Accordingly, we analyze whether the political distance between editors and journalists (i.e., reporters) affects the careers of journalists in terms of rank and salary, as well as their perceived professional autonomy. We hypothesize that editors reward and allow freedom to journalists whose political viewpoints coincide more precisely with their own. Political proximity to editors should lead to a better salary and rank for reporters and to a stronger perception of editorial autonomy among reporters. We tested our hypotheses through statistical analysis using data from the Worlds of Journalism Study. We analyzed the answers of 3,087 journalists interviewed between 2012 and 2016 in six European countries: Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The results support our hypotheses. The analysis reveals a polarization of media outlet editors, and robust results were achieved via a measure of political proximity that takes into account the particular influence of left-leaning and right-leaning editors. Such partisan leaning, however, seems less relevant in countries belonging to Hallin and Mancini\u2019s Atlantic model

    Comparing news on Europe: elections and beyond

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