286 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Quality of Sleep in Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: The etiology of sleep disruption in intensive care unit is poorly known and often ignored complication. It is caused by the environmental factors especially pain, noise, diagnostic testing and human interventions that cause sleep disruption. Light, medications and activities related to patient care interfere with patient's ability to have good sleep. There are multi-factorial environmental etiologies for disruption of sleep in ICU. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors disturbing the sleep quality in intensive care unit (ICU) admitted patients. Methodology: A cross sectional study was designed involving 150 patients admitted in intensive care unit and high dependency unit of Gulab Devi Chest Hospital. The duration of study was from September 2015 to March 2016. The questionnaire was made and filled with the help of patients. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.00. Results: Mean age of patients was 50.46+10.96 with maximum age of 65 and minimum age of 30 years. There was 53.33% male patients and 46.67% females participating in this study. The sleep quality was significantly poor in ICU than at home. After analysis, 54.67% patients were with poor quality of sleep due to pain and 48.67% were due to noise of environmental stimuli. The other factors were alarms, light and loud talking. Conclusion: Current study shows that reduced sleep quality is a common problem in ICU with multi-factorial etiologies. Patient reported the poor sleep quality in ICU due to environmental issues that are potentially modifiable. Conclusion: Current study shows that reduced sleep quality is a common problem in ICU with multi-factorial etiologies. Patient reported the poor sleep quality in ICU due to environmental issues that are potentially modifiable

    Interference and Deployment Issues for Cognitive Radio Systems in Shadowing Environments

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    In this paper we describe a model for calculating the aggregate interference encountered by primary receivers in the presence of randomly placed cognitive radios (CRs). We show that incorporating the impact of distance attenuation and lognormal fading on each constituent interferer in the aggregate, leads to a composite interference that cannot be satisfactorily modeled by a lognormal. Using the interference statistics we determine a number of key parameters needed for the deployment of CRs. Examples of these are the exclusion zone radius, needed to protect the primary receiver under different types of fading environments and acceptable interference levels, and the numbers of CRs that can be deployed. We further show that if the CRs have apriori knowledge of the radio environment map (REM), then a much larger number of CRs can be deployed especially in a high density environment. Given REM information, we also look at the CR numbers achieved by two different types of techniques to process the scheduling information.Comment: to be presented at IEEE ICC 2009. This posting is the same as the original one. Only author's list is updated that was unfortunately not correctly mentioned in first versio

    A Qualitative Study on Development of Enriching Performance Management System at a Pharma-Company

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    This case study aimed to develop a sample of enriching the performance management system using qualitative method. The job post of Import Executive in a pharma company has been selected as a sample. After taking consent from the management, a semi-structured interview approach with all related employees was undertaken. A comparison of existing performance management system was done with three other organizations of the same industry to provide a more comprehensive approach. Firstly, a systematic job evaluation was performed to transform traditional job description into competency based job description and implement job specific performance appraisal. This resulted in enrichment of performance management system. Peer evaluation and appraisal training for the supervisors have been suggested for a more comprehensive insight and a greater employee satisfaction with the performance management process

    Dichromacy: Color Vision Impairment and Consanguinity in Heterogenous Population of Pakistan

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    Background and Objectives: Dichromacy, an X-linked recessive disorder is identified worldwide, more in males than females. In European Caucasians, its incidence is 8% in males and 0.5% in females. In India, it is 8.73% in males and 1.69% in females, and in Iran, it is 8.18% in males and 0.43% in females. Population based epidemiological data about dichromacy in different ethnic groups in Pakistan is not available. The aim of this study was to find out the population prevalence of inherited red-green dichromacy in a heterogenous population of the district of Chiniot, Punjab, Pakistan, and to determine the impact of consanguinity and ethnicity. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, boys and girls of the higher secondary schools were examined in the three tehsils of district Chiniot. Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara Test has been employed for detection of dichromacy in the study population. The sample size was calculated statistically as 260, which was expanded to 705 and divided by population density of the three tehsils. Results: Screening of 359 males and 346 females revealed 19 (5.29%) dichromat males and only 2 (0.58%) females. The study population belonged to 23 castes / isonym groups. The consanguinity found in the district of Chiniot is 84.82% and in the dichromat families, it is 85.71%, of which 52.37% are first cousin. Interpretation & Conclusion: The study has shown that the incidence of dichromacy could be reduced through genetic counselin

    Frequency of Clinical Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Asthmatic Patients

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    Background: Gastroesophageal reflex is known as an acid reflex, is long term condition where stomach contents back into the oesophagus resulting in either symptoms or complications. GERD disease is caused by weakness or failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Symptoms include the acidic taste behind the mouth, heart burn, chest pain, difficult breathing and vomiting. Complication includes esophagitis, oesophageal strictures and barrettes oesophagus. Objective: The aim of this research was to introduce the symptoms of GERD disease in asthmatic patients and how these symptoms worsen the symptoms of asthma disease and what clinical pictures present with the asthmatic disease. Methodology: A designed performa was used to collect the data and after filling the performa, results were drawn and conclusion through the facts and the information given by patients. Results: In the present study among all 164 asthmatic patients, 70 (42.7%) patients showed dyspepsia, 58 (35.4%) were with chest burning, 23 (14%) were asking about chest pain, with acidic mouth taste were 39 (23.8%), 22 (13.4%) were feeling sore throat and 44 (26.8%) showed regurgitation reflex. Among these 164 patients 16 (9.8%) were smokers and 148 (90.2 %) were non-smokers. 47 (28.7%) were males and 117 (71.3%) were females. Conclusion: It is concluded that gastroesophageal reflux disease in asthmatic patients present symptoms of acidic mouth taste, chest burning, chest pain, dyspepsia, regurgitation reflex and sore throat

    Topp–Leone Family of Distributions: Some Properties and Application

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    In this paper we have proposed a new family of distributions; the Topp–Leone family of distributions. We have given general expression for density and distribution function of the new family. Expression for moments and hazard rate has also been given. We have also given an example of the proposed family

    Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Daun di Kawasan Hutan Larangan Adat Rumbio Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar sebagai Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran pada Konsep Ekosistem Hutan Tropis di SMA Kelas X

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    This study was conducted to determine the rate of leaf litter decomposition in Forest Areas native Prohibition Rumbio in September 2014 and January 2015. The study was conducted in two phases, phase field research and development of learning modules. Determination of the research station in purposive sample by three research stations as representing the forest community as a whole. At each station gets 15 bags of waste and the waste that is deposited on the forest floor litter bags were collected every interval of 15 days and dried for 75 days in the oven for 48 hours at a temperature of 700C – 750C. Each station measured soil temperature, soil moisture and pH of the soil and the types of trees on a plot measuring 20x20 m. The results showed the rate of leaf litter decomposition in Forest Areas native Prohibition Rumbio for 75 different days in each station, station 1 at a rate of waste decomposition leaf 0.0028 gr/m2/day, station 2 with a blade speed of waste degradation of 0.002 gr/m2/day, and the station 3 with the leaf litter degradation rate of 0.0018 gr/m2/day . The results of this study was developed as the development of learning modules on the concept of tropical forest ecosystems in the High School Class X

    General Closed Form Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Space-Time Fractional Differential Equation in Nonlinear Science

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    We have enucleated new and further exact general wave solutions, along with multiple exact traveling wave solutions of space-time nonlinear fractional Chan-Hillard equation, by applying a relatively renewed technique two variables -expansion method. Also, based on fractional complex transformation and the properties of the modified Riemann-Liouville fractional order operator, the fractional partial differential equations are transforming into the form of ordinary differential equation. This method can be rumination of as the commutation of well-appointed -expansion method introduced by M. Wang et al.. In this paper, it is mentioned that the two variables - expansion method is more legitimate, modest, sturdy and effective in the sense of theoretical and pragmatical point of view. Lastly, by treating computer symbolic program Mathematica, the uniqueness of our attained wave solutions are represented graphically and reveal a comparison in a submissive manner