1,443 research outputs found

    Childhood mortality: still a global priority

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    Mortality of children under-5 continues to be a global priority. In 2012, 6.6 million children under-5 died worldwide; more than half of these deaths are due to diseases that are preventable and treatable through simple, affordable interventions. In response to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) which called, through MDG4,to “reduceby two thirds the under-5 child mortality, between 1990 and 2015”, global organizations and many countries set targets and developed specific strategies to reduce child mortality and monitor progress.As a result, the number of deaths in children under-5 worldwide declined from 12.4 million in 1990 to 6.6 in 2012. Under-5 child mortality dropped in all regions of the world. However, two major challenges face the international community: The wide disparity in the risk of child death among countries, and the emerging role of neonatal death as a major component of child mortality. In order to continue the progress in reducing under-5 child mortality worldwide, current efforts must continue and new strategies need to be implemented to focus on preventing neonatal deaths as they start to represent a larger proportion of under-5 child deaths. In particular, further reduction in neonatal mortality will depend heavily on improving maternal health (MDG5).The world leaders continue to support the MDGs. In 2010, in a major push to accelerate progress on women’s and children’s health, a number of Heads of State and Government from developed and developing countries, along with the private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research organizations, pledged over $40 billion in resources over the next five years

    Desigualdades na saúde: desafios, oportunidades e o que você pode fazer sobre isso: English

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    Racial disparities in health outcomes, access to health care, insurance coverage, and quality of care in the United States have existed for many years. The Development and implementation of effective strategies to reduce or eliminate health disparities are hindered by our inability to accurately assess the extent and types of health disparities due to the limited availability of race/ethnicity-specific information, the limited reliability of existing data and information, and the increasing diversity of the American population. Variations in racial and ethnic classification used to collect data hinders the ability to obtain reliable and accurate health-indicator rates and in some instances cause bias in estimating the race/ethnicity-specific health measures. In 1978, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued "Directive 15" titled "Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting" and provided a set of clear guidelines for classifying people by race and ethnicity. Access to health care, behavioral and psychosocial factors as well as cultural differences contribute to the racial and ethnic variations that exist in a person’s health. To help eliminate health disparities, we must ensure equal access to health care services as well as quality of care. Health care providers must become culturally competent and understand the differences that exist among the people they serve in order to eliminate disparities. Enhancement of data collection systems is essential for developing and implementing interventions targeted to deal with population-specific problems. Developing comprehensive and multi-level programs to eliminate healthcare disparities requires coordination and collaboration between the public (Local, state and federal health departments), private (Health Insurance companies, private health care providers), and professional (Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, laboratories, etc) sectors.  Disparidades raciais nos resultados de saúde, acesso a cuidados de saúde, cobertura de seguro e qualidade de atendimento nos Estados Unidos existem há muitos anos. O desenvolvimento e a implementação de estratégias efetivas para reduzir ou eliminar as disparidades de saúde são dificultadas pela nossa incapacidade de avaliar com precisão a extensão e os tipos de disparidades de saúde devido à disponibilidade limitada de informações específicas de raça / etnia, confiabilidade limitada dos dados e informações existentes. e a crescente diversidade da população americana. Variações na classificação racial e étnica usadas para coletar dados dificultam a obtenção de índices confiáveis e precisos de indicadores de saúde e, em alguns casos, causam viés na estimativa de medidas de saúde específicas de raça / etnia. Em 1978, o Escritório de Administração e Orçamento (OMB) publicou a "Diretriz 15" intitulada "Normas Raciais e Étnicas para Estatísticas Federais e Relatórios Administrativos" e forneceu um conjunto de diretrizes claras para classificar as pessoas por raça e etnia. O acesso a cuidados de saúde, factores comportamentais e psicossociais, bem como diferenças culturais, contribuem para as variações raciais e étnicas que existem na saúde de uma pessoa. Para ajudar a eliminar as disparidades de saúde, devemos garantir a igualdade de acesso aos serviços de saúde, bem como a qualidade do atendimento. Os prestadores de cuidados de saúde devem tornar-se culturalmente competentes e compreender as diferenças existentes entre as pessoas que servem para eliminar as disparidades. O aprimoramento dos sistemas de coleta de dados é essencial para desenvolver e implementar intervenções direcionadas para lidar com problemas específicos da população. O desenvolvimento de programas abrangentes e multiníveis para eliminar as disparidades na atenção à saúde exige coordenação e colaboração entre os setores público, privado e profissional (departamentos de saúde locais, estaduais e federais), privados (empresas de seguro-saúde, provedores privados de saúde) e profissionais (médicos e enfermeiros), farmacêuticos, laboratórios, etc)

    Parents' death and its implications for child survival

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    Reduction of child mortality is a global public health priority. Parents can play an important role in reducing child mortality. The inability of one or both parents to care for their children due to death, illness, divorce or separation increases the risk of death of their children. There is increasing evidence that the health, education, and  socioeconomic status of mothers and fathers have significant impact on the health and survival of their children. We conducted a literature review to explore the impact of the death of parents on the survival and wellbeing of their children and the mechanisms through which this impact is mediated. Studies have generally concluded that the death of a mother significantly increased the risk of death of her children, especially during the early years; the effect continues but is significantly reduced with increasing age through the age of 15 years. The effect of the loss of a father had less impact than the effect of losing a mother although it too had negative consequences for the survival prospect of the child. A mother’s health, education, socioeconomic status, fertility behavior, environmental health conditions, nutritional status and infant feeding, and the use of health services all play an important role in the level of risk of death of her children. Efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal No. 4 of reducing children’s under-5 mortality in developing countries by two thirds by 2015 should include promoting the health and education of women. Reduction of child mortality is a global public health priority. Parents can play an important role in reducing child mortality. The inability of one or both parents to care for their children due to death, illness, divorce or separation increases the risk of death of their children. There is increasing evidence that the health, education, and socioeconomic status of mothers and fathers have significant impact on the health and survival of their children.We conducted a literature review to explore the impact of the death of parents on the survival and wellbeing of their childrenand the mechanisms through which this impact is mediated. Studies have generally concluded that the death of a mother significantly increased the risk of death of her children, especially during the early years; the effect continues but is significantly reduced with increasing age through the age of 15 years. The effect of the loss of a father had less impact than the effect of losing a mother although it too had negative consequences for the survival prospect of the child. A mother's health, education, socioeconomic status, fertility behavior, environmental health conditions, nutritional status and infant feeding, and the use of health services all play an important role in the level of risk of death of her children. Efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal No. 4 of reducing children's under-5 mortality in developing countries by two thirds by 2015 should include promoting the health and education of women

    Highly porous photoluminescent diazaborole-linked polymers: synthesis, characterization, and application to selective gas adsorption

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    The formation of boron–nitrogen (B–N) bonds has been widely explored for the synthesis of small molecules, oligomers, or linear polymers; however, its use in constructing porous organic frameworks remains very scarce. In this study, three highly porous diazaborole-linked polymers (DBLPs) have been synthesized by condensation reactions using 2,3,6,7,14,15-hexaaminotriptycene and aryl boronic acids. DBLPs are microporous and exhibit high Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area (730–986 m2 g−1) which enable their use in small gas storage and separation. At ambient pressure, the amorphous polymers show high CO2 (DBLP-4: 4.5 mmol g−1 at 273 K) and H2 (DBLP-3: 2.13 wt% at 77 K) uptake while their physicochemical nature leads to high CO2/N2 (35–42) and moderate CO2/CH4 (4.9–6.2) selectivity. The electronic impact of integrating diazaborole moieties into the backbone of these polymers was investigated for DBLP-4 which exhibits green emission with a broad peak ranging from 350 to 680 nm upon excitation with 340 nm in DMF without photobleaching. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of B–N formation in targeting highly porous frameworks with promising optical properties

    Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Systems: A Novel Paradigm for HetNets

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    Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) are known to enhance the bandwidth efficiency and throughput of wireless networks by more effectively utilizing the network resources. However, the higher density of users and access points in HetNets introduces significant inter-user interference that needs to be mitigated through complex and sophisticated interference cancellation schemes. Moreover, due to significant channel attenuation and presence of hardware impairments, e.g., phase noise and amplifier nonlinearities, the vast bandwidth in the millimeter-wave band has not been fully utilized to date. In order to enable the development of multi-Gigabit per second wireless networks, we introduce a novel millimeter-wave HetNet paradigm, termed hybrid HetNet, which exploits the vast bandwidth and propagation characteristics in the 60 GHz and 70-80 GHz bands to reduce the impact of interference in HetNets. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance advantage of hybrid HetNets with respect to traditional networks. Next, two specific transceiver structures that enable hand-offs from the 60 GHz band, i.e., the V-band to the 70-80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, and vice versa are proposed. Finally, the practical and regulatory challenges for establishing a hybrid HetNet are outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 5 Figures, IEEE Communication Magazine. In pres

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru pada Pt.abadi Express (Tiki) YOGYAKARTA

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    PT.ABADI EXPRESS (TIKI) merupakan salah satu Perusahaan yang berkembang dalam bisnis angkutan di Yogyakarta. Pada Perusahaan ini, perekrutan masih dilakukan secara manual dengan berbagai kriteria. dalam proses perekrutan karyawan baru ini sangat membutuhkan manajemen waktu. Banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan karyawan, diantaranya latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, tes terlulis, wawancara. Sejumlah kriteria yang harus diperhatikan dan memerlukan akurasi tinggi membuatnya sulit untuk menentukan pengelolaan karyawan yang layak. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem pendukung keputusan untuk membantu proses penerimaan pagawai baru menggunakan metode Weighted Product (WP). Dalam aplikasi ini, pengguna diijinkan untuk menentukan kriteria yang digunakan beserta bobot kriteria.dengan menggabungkan kriteria data dan pembobotan data yang dimasukkan oleh pengguna, aplikasi akan mampu menghasilkan peringkat setiap pelamar berdasarkan nilai akhir. Semakin besar nilai pelamar, maka semakin sesuai dengan kriteria yang diharapkan oleh Perusahaan