149 research outputs found

    Efficiency of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region in identifying Cordyceps species

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    Cordyceps genus is a well-known traditional medicine worldwide. It contains abundant physiological active compounds that were demonstrated to perform benefit in reducing progression of cancer as well as protecting human health. Accurately classifying species in this genus is essential in order to prevent commercial counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, a taxonomic classification of species based on DNA sequences can overcome the existed limitation in identifying by using only morphological characteristics of this genus. DNA barcodes are standard short genomic regions that are universally present in target lineages and has sufficient sequence variation to discriminate species in the genus. A variety of loci has been suggested as DNA barcodes for plants, including genes and non-coding regions in the nuclear and plastid genomes such as psbA-trnH, matK, rbcL, and ITS. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify selected species of Cordyceps genus using DNA barcodes. Seven strains of Cordyceps were collected. Total DNA extraction and purification, PCR amplification and DNA sequencing were performed with standard chemicals and kits. The candidate ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region was amplified and sequenced. Data were analyzed using Bioedit 7.2.6 and MEGA 7 softwares. Analysis of seven obtained DNA barcode sequences of collected samples revealed that the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region provided high species discriminating power for Cordyceps genus. Accordingly, phylogenetic trees based on this DNA barcode exhibited six samples had closed relationship to Cordyceps militaris, while another specimen was the nearest neighbor to Cordyceps sinensis with average similarities at 99.82% and 99.81%, respectively. Our results support the identification of valuable medicinal plant species within Cordyceps genus

    Determinants Influencing Accounting Quality of Transportation Service Firms

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    The study aimed to determine what determinants influencing the accounting of transportation service firms working the area of Da Nang of Vietnam. A study model was developed, investigated and analyzed with the involvement of 250 transportation service firms in Da Nang. The results show five determinants influencing the accounting works including industry characteristics; legal guidance; material facilities for accounting; interest in accounting of business owners; accountants’ qualifications. Among them, the two most important determinants influencing the quality of the accounting were legal guidance and interest in accounting of business owners. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made to improve the quality of accounting of transportation service firms. Keywords: Determinants, accounting, transportation services DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-4-08 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Struvite formation from wastewater: affecting factors and nutrient recovery

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    Never human being has to face such a serious lack of phosphorus and pollutants from human activities. Nutrient recovery from wastewater is a new trend which attracts the interests of several researchers. Extraction of the nutrients, based on struvite crystal from wastewater as nutritious sources, has been assessed as an urgent solution to tackle the water pollution issue. This review focused on feature characteristics of struvite as a chemical fertilizer for plant, struvite formation process in various wastewaters, which is related to physio-chemical conditions, and potential of applying this idea into practice

    Efficacy and Toxicity of Folfoxiri for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In recent times, scientists have found new treatments for colorectal cancer patients. AIM: The study is to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of triplet combination chemotherapy of 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan (FOLFOXIRI) for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in stage IV. METHODS: Uncontrolled clinical trial carried on 39 stage IV colorectal cancer patients. RESULTS: The overall response rate of the treatment was 79.4%. The average progression-free survival was 13.4 ± 9 months. The overall survival rate at 12th month and 24th month were 90% and 76%, respectively. The proportion of granulocytopenia was 48.9%, no grade 3 or 4. Side effect beyond hematology was most seen in hepatic toxicity with 52.5%, mainly at grade 1. Vomiting was 18.3%, all at grade 1. Other adverse event was very low at percentage. CONCLUSIONS: The triplet combination FOLFOXIRI chemotherapy improves the outcome of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer regarding rate of response, overall survival rate and progression-free survival, and the level of toxicity was acceptable

    Natural plant colorants widely used in Vietnam traditional food culture

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    The artificial colorants have gradually been being replaced by natural pigments which are becoming increasingly important in Vietnam and other parts of the world due to the potential noxiousness of man-made food dyes to human health. This research covers colorant plants and sources used commonly in the food culture of ethnic communities in Vietnam with the current trend toward natural pigments and coloring foods. As a result, we reported 49 species which can be used as natural food pigments and of these, 7 colorant plants used mostly in Vietnam traditional food culture were detailed

    Relationship between clinicopathologic factors and FDG avidity in radioiodine-negative recurrent or metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: In this study, we investigated the relationship between clinicopathologic factors, BRAF METHODS: From 2015 to 2018 all patients with suspected recurrent or metastatic radioiodine-negative DTC patients who underwent FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) were retrospectively reviewed. Suspected lesions on FDG PET/CT were biopsied and underwent BRAF RESULTS: Sixty-three consecutive patients, 55 (87.3%) female, with median age of 48 (range 17-81) were included. The majority of patients had BRAF CONCLUSION: The majority of recurrent or metastatic RAI-negative DTC have BRA

    Physiochemical properties, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Terminalia catappa seed oils from two extracting processes

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    Terminalia catappa is a widespread medium tree species in many tropical countries. While the majority of the studies up to date focuses on the aerial part of the plant such as leaf, stem bark and fruit, information about the phytochemical property as well as the biological property of the edible seed is still scarce. This study was the first to explore the fatty acid composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the seed oil from T. catappa grown in Vietnam. The results showed that both the hot-pressed and cold-pressed oils contained a high level of unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic (~32%) and linoleic acids (28.38%-29.2%), as well as saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid (~33.3%-33.61%). The presence of eicosadienoic acid in T. catappa seed oils was reported in this study for the first time. These oils displayed antibacterial activity against 5 out of 12 tested strains such as Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The antioxidant activity of the oils was also recorded by DPPH radical scavenging assays with IC50 values of 950 µg/ml and 2529 µg/ml for cold-pressed oil and hot-pressed oil respectively. This study has provided promising extracting methods and resulted in oils that could be good candidates for developing food sources with valuable fatty acids, antioxidant and antibacterial capacities against both Gram-positive and negative bacteria in the human diet

    Towards Green Tourism Development: Customers’ Perception of Using Plastic Products in the 5-star Hotels in Ho Chi Minh City

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    In recent years, green tourism has become a development trend, attracting the attention of the community, tourism businesses and tourists in many countries around the world. However, the approach of green tourism development in Vietnam is still limited in terms of scale and participants. This article examines the situation of using plastic products and the plastic waste treatment in the 5-star hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. Specifically, this study aims to explore the perception of customers of the use of plastic products. By doing so, the study contributes to clarifying the current situation of green tourism development in the hotel sector in the study area. The authors used the research methods of questionnaire, semi-structured interview and non-participant observation to conduct this study. Research results show that although the use of plastic products in hotels is still high, the plastic waste treatment is not thorough because of high treatment costs. But, the hotels tend to change policy on the treatment of plastic waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Besides, customers’ perception of plastic products is completely positive related to their attitudes when using, the willingness to pay and the desire to access more environmentally friendly services and products in the hotel sector. Based on the results, the article also discusses and suggests implications and approaches to developing products and services in hotels towards the development of green tourism and sustainable tourism in the future

    A Research on the Quality of Public Transportation Services by Bus in Vietnam

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    This study was conducted to assess the status of the quality of public passenger transport services by bus in Hanoi. Data were collected from regular passengers using buses as a means of transportation in the city, including passengers standing at stations, waiting shelters and on vehicles to make trips and students of some universities who use buses as a means of transportation. We employ descriptive statistics and hierarchical analysis to learn about the topic of research. The results indicate that the quality of public transport services by buses in Hanoi, which was judged by passengers quite well. In particular, the safety level, convenience, security and hygiene is up to 70%, which was higher than the highest quality level. Quality of fast level and reliability are low. Keywords: quality of services, public passenger transport, buses, Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-13-04 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Data Structure Model on the Quality of Public Passenger Transport Services by Bus in Vietnam

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    The system of managing public passenger transport services (PPTS) by bus is a complex system, involving infrastructure, facilities, management and service communication activities between passengers and transport systems. In particular, quality information is the most important factor, providing necessary data for analysis, setting out measures to improve quality to meet the needs of passengers and meet the requirements of related parties. According to the peculiarity of the service, this study selects a database structure model to guide the process of computerizing the management of quality of PPTS by bus in urban areas in Vietnam. The results show that four database systems reflecting the quality information of the infrastructure, means of transport, transport operation and passenger service and each database system is structured by components that ensure proper implementation of QM process according to the continuous quality improvement cycle. The components of each database system are dispersed according to the scope of management to ensure the consistency for the quality management process and facilitate the collection, processing and distribution of information of related parties. Keywords: Quality, transport services, public passengers, Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-10-13 Publication date:May 31st 201