336 research outputs found

    Understanding the assembly of Kepler's compact planetary systems

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    The Kepler mission has recently discovered a number of exoplanetary systems, such as Kepler-11 and Kepler-32, in which ensembles of several planets are found in very closely packed orbits (often within a few percent of an AU of one another). These compact configurations present a challenge for traditional planet formation and migration scenarios. We present a dynamical study of the assembly of these systems, using an N-body method which incorporates a parametrized model of planet migration in a turbulent protoplanetary disc. We explore a wide parameter space, and find that under suitable conditions it is possible to form compact, close-packed planetary systems via traditional disc-driven migration. We find that simultaneous migration of multiple planets is a viable mechanism for the assembly of tightly-packed planetary systems, as long as the disc provides significant eccentricity damping and the level of turbulence in the disc is modest. We discuss the implications of our preferred parameters for the protoplanetary discs in which these systems formed, and comment on the occurrence and significance of mean-motion resonances in our simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Zero Lattice Sound

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    We study the N_f-flavor Gross-Neveu model in 2+1 dimensions with a baryon chemical potential mu, using both analytical and numerical methods. In particular, we study the self-consistent Boltzmann equation in the Fermi liquid framework using the quasiparticle interaction calculated to O(1/N_f), and find solutions for zero sound propagation for almost all mu > mu_c, the critical chemical potential for chiral symmetry restoration. Next we present results of a numerical lattice simulation, examining temporal correlation functions of mesons defined using a point-split interpolating operator, and finding evidence for phonon-like behaviour characterised by a linear dispersion relation in the long wavelength limit. We argue that our results provide the first evidence for a collective excitation in a lattice simulation.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Stability of the Black Hole Horizon and the Landau Ghost

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    The stability of the black hole horizon is demanded by both cosmic censorship and the generalized second law of thermodynamics. We test the consistency of these principles by attempting to exceed the black hole extremality condition in various process in which a U(1) charge is added to a nearly extreme Reissner--Nordstr\"om black hole charged with a {\it different\/} type of U(1) charge. For an infalling spherical charged shell the attempt is foiled by the self--Coulomb repulsion of the shell. For an infalling classical charge it fails because the required classical charge radius exceeds the size of the black hole. For a quantum charge the horizon is saved because in order to avoid the Landau ghost, the effective coupling constant cannot be large enough to accomplish the removal.Comment: 12 pages, RevTe
