404 research outputs found

    The Impact of Female Attractiveness in Spy

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    This thesis discusses the impact of female attractiveness on the female character which is related to the way Spy sees attractive women and what the impacts to them are. There are criteria for female attractiveness that are displayed by the film such as physical attributes and traits. In order to show the criteria of attractive women and the responses that they get, I use stereotyping theory. Women who are physically attractive get better treatment, but in order to get that, they have to dress with a certain style that men favor. For the women who are considered as unattractive, they will be ignored by men. In conclusion, I find out that the appearance and the attitude of the female character still depend on men's view. Women can also be seen as attractive from their characteristics. Attractiveness also has huge influences on the way women get treated by men


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    Background : Polyphenols in Phaleria macrocarpa (Mahkota Dewa) can stimulate Interferon-γ production in some immunocyt population and increase Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyt (CTL) and Natural Killer Cell (NK-Cell) activity. This process can be recognised from granzyme expression as a response to malignant cells and resistance of clinically tumor development which can be measured from tumor growth diameter of skin epidermoid carcinoma. Objective of this study is to prove the effect of gradation dose of Phaleria macrocarpa and combine with chemotherapy to mononuclear cells granzyme expression and tumor growth of skin epidermoid carcinoma. Material and Method : A randomized pre and post test only control group design in 36 Swiss mices were divided into 5 groups. The first group is control group, group-2 was treated with 0,035 mg (0,175 ml) Phaleria macrocarpa/day, group-3 was treated 0,0715 mg (0,36 ml) /day, group-4 was treated with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 and cisplatin 50 mg/m2, and group 5 was treated with 0,0715 mg (0,36 ml) Phaleria macrocarpa/day combined with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 and cysplatin 50 mg/m2. All mice were inducted for epidermoid carcinoma with 9, 12-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA) and 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) topically. Tumor size diameter were measured before and after the administration of Phaleria macrocarpa, paclitaxel and cysplatin, and combined for 9 weeks. Granzyme expressions were measured at the end of treatment. Kruskal Wallis test and Man Whitney test was used to evaluate the progression of tumor diameter size and Man Whitney Test was used to analyze granzyme expression. Spearman’s correlation test was performed to analyze the correlation between granzyme expression and diameter alteration of tumor size. Results : There was significant difference in granzyme expression variable and diameter alteration of tumor growth among groups with control. There was significant inhibition of tumor growth and increased of granzyme expression in group-5 compared with control group, group-2, group-3, and group-4. There was significant strongly negative correlation between granzyme expression and diameter alteration of tumor size (r=-0,668). Conclusion : Phaleria macrocarpa is able to increase the granzyme expressions of tumor cells and inhibit tumor mass progression. Key words : Phaleria macrocarpa, granzyme expression, tumor diameter, skin epidermoid carcinoma

    Implementing QR Code to Create Indonesia Museum Interactive Information Application

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    The tourism sector is one of the revenue resources that can be explored without any depletion. The tourism sector can also absorb a lot of manpower. One of the tourism potential is the historical heritage such as the ancient culture, religious relics, and the historical war. Currently, there is still lacking exploration from museum as one of tourism potential especially in Indonesia. People still think museum as a gloomy, historical, and boring place. In this research, we try to build a prototype of interactive museum information that made using mobile device application and QR code. The QR code tag will be place on museum artefact and rooms in the museum to give interaction information to the museum visitor. By scan the QR code tag, museum visitor will provided with more information about the artefact, rooms, etc. The museum information will provided using text, image, sound, and video

    Fun-Game Application to create Interactive and Attracting Museum using Mobile Phone and QR Code Tags

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    Museum have a very important role to give understanding and knowledge of human historical and civilazation. On museum people can learn the development of human civilization, art, history, and technology. Unfortunately museums are often still perceived as uninteresting and boring place to go. This research try to developt an interactive information and fun-game on the museum using mobile phone application and QR code technology. The fun-game will delivered to visitor by give them a riddle question and also using silhoutte guess game about the artefact in the museum. The visitor will answer the question by scan the QR code tags that attach on the museum artefact

    Aplikasi Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Dengan Metode Process Costing Pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Lawu Farm

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    Salah satu informasi yang penting dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah informasi harga pokok produksi (HPP) dalam menghasilkan barang yang akan dijual, sehingga perusahaan mengetahui ongkos produksi dan keuntungan yang didapatkan. Peternakan ayam petelur lawu farm saat ini telah melakukan perhitungan HPP secara manual dengan melakukan perhitungan secara keseluruhan kasar biaya pakan dan obat yang dikeluarkan secara keseluruhan dalam satu peternakan pada bulan tertentu, hal tersebut cukup menyulitkan untuk mengetahui HPP dan proses penelusuran arus biaya yang dikeluarkan per kandang dan per batch pengadaan ayam. Selain itu, karena proses dilakukan secara manual maka proses pencatatan dan perhitungan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan terjadi kesulitan menganalisa keuntungan yang didapatkan dari penjualan telur ayam yang ada. Oleh sebab itu, maka pada penelitian ini dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi perhitungan HPP yang memiliki kemampuan mencatat proses pembelian ayam remaja, proses pemberian pakan dan obat, pembayaran hutang piutang, perhitungan biaya penyusutan, proses perhitungan HPP dan proses penjualan telur. Adapun proses pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Studio .Net 2005 dan SQL Server. Hasil yang diperoleh dari aplikasi yang telah dibuat yaitu sistem mampu melakukan pencatatan pemakaian pakan dan obat sesuai dengan pemakaian per-hari per-kandang sehingga mampu menghasilkan laporan-laporan yang berkaitan dengan perhitungan HPP telur ayam. Berdasarkan pengujian terhadap penggunaan oleh user melalui kuesioner, 80% user berpendapat bahwa sistem telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan cukup akurat dalam menghasilkan informasi HPP. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan aplikasi yang dibuat telah mampu menjawab kebutuhan perusahaan dalam melakukan proses perhitungan HPP

    Night to Day Algorithm for Video Camera

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    In this era, technology is something that we depend on every day and had covered a lot of aspect in our life, from daily life to important factors such as safety and security. This research will focus on security technology using the security camera. Security cameras often have day mode and night mode features to keep the image quality in both bright and dark conditions. They are also able to switch between the two modes automatically. This research will focused on night to day switching feature and aims to develop a night to day algorithm for video cameras using the available image sensor information. This prototype algorithm will be tested using MATLAB and build in an application. The application is able to communicate to the camera and perform the switching. The algorithm itself works as designed and can be tuned to perform the switching on different conditions desired by the user
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