964 research outputs found
Improved Stroke Detection at Early Stages Using Haar Wavelets and Laplacian Pyramid
Stroke merupakan pembunuh nomor tiga di dunia, namun hanya sedikit metode tentang deteksi dini. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode untuk mendeteksi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah metode gabungan untuk mendeteksi dua jenis stroke secara simultan. Haar wavelets untuk mendeteksi stroke hemoragik dan Laplacian pyramid untuk mendeteksi stroke iskemik. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari pra proses tahap 1 dan 2, Haar wavelets, Laplacian pyramid, dan perbaikan kualitas citra. Pra proses adalah menghilangkan bagian tulang tengkorak, reduksi derau, perbaikan kontras, dan menghilangkan bagian selain citra otak. Kemudian dilakukan perbaikan citra. Selanjutnya Haar wavelet digunakan untuk ekstraksi daerah hemoragik sedangkan Laplacian pyramid untuk ekstraksi daerah iskemik. Tahapan terakhir adalah menghitung fitur Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) sebagai fitur untuk proses klasifikasi. Hasil visualisasi diproses lanjut untuk ekstrasi fitur menggunakan GLCM dengan 12 fitur dan kemudian GLCM dengan 4 fitur. Untuk proses klasifikasi digunakan SVM dan KNN, sedangkan pengukuran performa menggunakan akurasi. Jumlah data hemoragik dan iskemik adalah 45 citra yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, 28 citra untuk pengujian dan 17 citra untuk pelatihan. Hasil akhir menunjukkan akurasi tertinggi yang dicapai menggunakan SVM adalah 82% dan KNN adalah 88%
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penerimaan Raskin di Menggunakan Metode Topsis
- During this time in the village of Mekar Sari in making decisions for Raskin revenue still using manual methods. The problem is the difficulty in storing or searching the archives that have been stored, as well as the problem of making late reports that also hamper the delivery of information. Many families should not get Raskin but receive raskin too, on the contrary for poor families who should get Raskin but not get it. this research was conducted with the aim of developing a decision support system application that facilitates the parties to make decisions in the selection of poor families who are entitled to receive Raskin in Mekar Sari Dusun Village. The method used in system development is the TOPSIS method, where the topsis method is is one of the decision making methods where the chosen alternative is the best alternative that has the closest distance from the positive ideal solution and the farthest from the negative ideal solution. Keywords - Raskin, decision support system, TOPSIS
Drug Management Reviews in District Drug Management Unit and General Hospital
Drug is one of the essential elements in healthcare that should be effectively and efficiently managed. Following the decentralization in 2001 in Indonesia, drug management has changed in district drug management units and also in District General Hospitals. Certainly this condition influences the sustainability of drug access in primary health care such as in Community Health Center and District General Hospital, especially in drug financing policy. A cross sectional descriptive study to obtain information on drug management in public healthcare in district had been carried out between July and December 2006 in 10 District Public Drug Management Units from 10 district health offices and 9 district general hospitals as samples. Data were collected by interviewing heads of Drug Section in District Health Offices and heads of Hospital Pharmacies using structured questionnaires and observing drug storage in District Drug Management Units, Community Health Centers, and Hospital Pharmacies. Results of the study show that drug planning in District Health Offices and General Hospitals did not meet the basic real need in some districts nor District Hospitals. The minimum health service standards had not been achieved yet. Furthermore, drug procurement, storage and recording as well as reporting was not good enough either, such as shown by the existence of expired drugs. Lead time for drug delivery to community health centers in some districts was longer than the average of lead time in the past 3 years
Dakwah Sinetron Misteri Ilahi “Kabut Dosa” (Analisis Dakwah Sinetron Keagamaan Di Indosiar)
Da'wa recently can be done with various ways and media. One of them is via television, especially television cinema (sinetron). Sinetron becomes attractive program for audience because of its combination of colour design, lighting, picture configuration and sound that makes audience more pleasant. More over, sinetron tries to reveal the real life of human being. This article is to analyze the sinetron Misteri Ilahi Kabut Dosa. Which was broadcast by Indosiar in the first week of March 2007. Kabut Dosa is the sinetron containing massages of da 'wa such as that forbidden to muslim to permitted all things blindly
Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Kultivar Betavila F1, Fortuna F1 Dan Tymoti F1 Berdasarkan Tingkat Kesamaan Fenotip
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan hubungan kekerabatan fenetik ketiga kultivar tomat Betavila F1, Fortuna F1 dan Tymoti F1 melalui pendekatan fenotip daun, bunga, dan buah. Sampel penelitian diambil dari greenhouse Situbondo. Bagian tanaman yang diamati terdiri dari 42 karakter, meliputi bentuk daun, bentuk mahkota bunga, warna mahkota bunga, bentuk buah, warna buah muda, transisi dan matang. Data skoring karakter fenotip dianalisis dengan Jaccard coefficient menggunakan software MVSP. Hasil dendogram dibagi menjadi empat klaster dengan indeks similaritas 36%. Hubungan kekerabatan fenetik menunjukkan kultivar Fortuna F1 berkerabat dekat dengan kultivar Tymoti F1 dan kultivar Betavila F1 tidak membentuk hubungan kekerabatan fenetik karena memiliki karakter kualitatif yang berbeda. Keseragaman fenotip ketiga kultivar tomat diharapkan untuk mengembangkan budidaya tomat melalui persilangan menggunakan karakter fenotipe yang unggul
Studi Q-EEG: Analisis Konektivitas Fungsional Otak Pada Anak Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) mengacu pada gangguan perkembangan syaraf yang ditandai dengan adanya kesulitan komunikasi sosial dan perilaku yang berulang. Kondisi pada penderita ASD ini berkaitan dengan gangguan konektivitas fungsional dan struktural otak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perubahan konektivitas fungsional otak dengan menggunakan metode quantitative electroencephalography (Q-EEG). Parameter fisis yang dikaji berupa fase sinkronisasi sinyal (phase sycronization) yang terdiri dari besaran Phase-Lag Index (PLI) dan weighted Phase-Lag Index (wPLI). Perekaman sinyal otak menggunakan Emotiv Epoc 14-elektroda (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T7, FC6, F4, F8, AF4) dan 2-elektroda referensi (CMS dan DRL). Subjek uji terdiri dari anak penderita ASD dan anak normal masing-masing sebanyak lima anak dengan rentang usia 10-15 tahun. Tahapan penelitian meliputi perekaman sinyal EEG, pre-processing data, dan pengolahan data. Analisis nilai PLI dan wPLI dilakukan pada lima rentang frekuensi gelombang otak (delta, theta, alpha, beta dan gamma). Berdasarkan hasil analisis perhitungan nilai PLI dan wPLI menunjukkan adanya penurunan konektivitas fungsional otak pada anak ASD di semua pita frekuensi. Penurunan konektivitas fungsional pada anak ASD yang signifikan berdasarkan hasil uji statistik, terjadi pada area otak intra-hemisphere kanan untuk frekuensi alpha
Pengembangan Modul Dukungan Suami untuk Mencapai Keseimbangan Kerja-Keluarga
This study is a development using Borg and Gall model. It aims to compile module on husband support to achieve work-family balance for working mothers. The researcher involved 15 respondents for initial data collection, 30 respondents for the small group trial, and 4 judgment experts  (family psychology, industrial psychology, Himpaudi research and development, and media). For the big group, there were 50 respondents involved. Data were collected using open and closed questioners and self-assessment scale. Data collected, both qualitative and quantitative, were then analyzed descriptively. Research results show that 1). The result of module validation shows that the layout and concept of the module is categorized as good with slight revision. However, this module is suitable for the training on husband support to achieve work-family balance. 2). The implementation of the module in both small and big group shows that the participants have shown improvement in their understanding and perception of husband support. This shows that husband support module compiled effectively can increase participants’ skill and understanding in achieving work-family balance.
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