53 research outputs found

    Pamuk İpliğine Bağlı Hayatta Bir Umut Olmak: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencileri İçin İlk Yardım Eğitimi Projesi

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    Aim: In this study, theoretical and applied education is given to thevolunteer first class university students. At the end of theeducation, it is aimed to give first aider certification which hasinternational validity and to open first aid education center withinthe university.Materials and Methods: In the first step of the study, 78 of the firstyear volunteer School of Health students are given a book aboutfirst aid. They were requested to study that book during summertime. A test was applied when the schools are open and a pre-testwas applied to the 53 students who were found successful. A 16hours long education about “Basic First Aid” was given. The posttest was re-applied after the education. Consequentially they aretested with written and an oral exam on “Basic First Aid Training”.Results: The results of the test after education is also comparedbetween the group of successful students and students whofailed.When successful and failed students were evaluated amongthemselves and together with the same questions before and aftereducation, the difference in all questions after education isstatistically significant (p< 0.001).Conclusion: “First Aid Staff Certificate” with both national and aninternational validity was given to the thirty-one succesfull studentsand first aid education center was established within the university.Amaç: Bu çalışmada; gönüllü üniversite birinci sınıf öğrencilerine ilkyardım konusunda teorik ve uygulamalı eğitim ve eğitim sonunda başarılı olanlara uluslararası geçerliliği olan ilkyardımcı sertifikası verilmesi ile üniversite bünyesine ilkyardım eğitim merkezi açılması amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, Sağlık Yüksekokulu gönüllü birinci sınıf öğrencilerinden 78’ine ilkyardım kitabı gönderildi ve yaz dönemi kendilerinden kitaba çalışılması istendi. Okul açıldığında ilkyardım konusunda bir sınav yapıldı ve başarılı olan 53 öğrenciye ön test uygulandı ve 16 saat “Temel İlkyardım Eğitimine” alındı. Eğitim sonrasında tekrar son test uygulandı. Bulgular: Eğitimden sonra, başarılı ve başarısız öğrenciler arasında test sonuçları karşılaştırıldı. Başarılı ve başarısız öğrenciler kendi aralarında ve eğitimden önce ve sonra aynı sorularla değerlendirildiğinde, tüm sorularda eğitimden sonra istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark izlendi (p<0.001) Sonuç: Hem uluslararası hem de ulusal geçerlil37. Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, Edelson DP, Barry A, O'Hearn N, et al..Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA. 2005;293:305-10 38. Harvey PR, Higenbottam CV, Owen A, Hulme J, Bion JF. Peer-led training and assessment in basic life support for healthcare students: synthesis of literature review and fifteen years practical experience. Resuscitation. 2012;83(7):894-9. 39. Patidar AB, Sharma A. Attitude of School Children towards Basic Life Support in Punjab, India. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014;4(5):193–01iği olan bir “İlk Yardımcı Sertifikası” başarılı olan 31 öğrenciye verildi ve üniversite bünyesinde ilkyardım eğitim merkezi açıldı

    A Case of Oxcarbazepine-Induced Severe Hyponatremia

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    Oxcarbazepine is a keto-analogue of carbamazepine. Hyponatremia seen in the patients treated with oxcarbazepine is usually asymptomatic and rarely severe which leads to drug withdrawal. Here we presented a 51-year old female patient with epilepsy under oxcarbazepine and valproate treatment, who presented to our outpatient neurology clinic with vertigo, nausea and vomitting after the usage of her antiepileptic drugs. Routine biochemistry evluations revealed a decresed serum sodium level with increased urine sodium and osmolarity levels. Renal ultrasonography was normal. The patient was pre-diagnosed as inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome. Three days after the oxcarbazepine withdrawal, serum and urine sodium levels were found to be normal

    Evidence of association of vitamin D receptor Apa I gene polymorphism with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

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    The vitamin D receptor (VDR) was the firstcandidate gene to be studied in relation to osteoporosis, andmost attention has focused on polymorphisms situated nearthe 3' flank of VDR. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the association about VDR gene Apa I polymorphismwith bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausalwomen with osteoporosis. We studied a total of 136postmenopausal women with a mean age of 56.36±10.29 years. Among them, a total of 75 had osteoporosis,37 had osteopenia, and 24 had normal BMD. Venous bloodsamples were obtained for evaluation of bone metabolismand genotyping. The VDR Apa I genotype was determinedby polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism. BMDs at the lumbar spine and hip weremeasured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Postmenopausalwomen with aa genotype had significantly lowerBMD values (grams per centimeter square) at lumbar spinescompared to persons with AA genotype. Also, postmenopausalwomen with AA genotype had significantly higherserum Ca level than the subjects with aa genotype. Inconclusion, our result may indicate that VDR Apa I genepolymorphism may be responsible for a important part ofthe heritable component of lumbar spine BMD in postmenopausalwomen, possibly related to impaired calciumabsorption from the bowel

    Jerusalem and Al- Aqsa Mosque in the Qur’an

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziGünümüzün en hassas konularından biri haline gelen Kudüs ve Mescid-i Aksa üç semavi dinin de gözbebeği olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Özellikle son dönemdeki bazı çalışmalar İslam’la Kudüs’ün bağını kesmeyi amaçlamış ve Kur’anı Kerim’de Kudüs’ten bahsedilmediği iddia edilmiştir. Biz bu çalışmamızda Kur’an-ı Kerim’de Kudüs ve Mescid-i Aksa’ya referans olan ayetleri inceleyerek söz konusu iddianın asılsızlığını ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Çalışmamızda Kur’an-ı Kerim’de Kudüs isminin direkt olarak kullanılmamasının, kadim şehre işaret edilmediği anlamına gelmeyeceğini kanıtlamış olduk. Çünkü yüzyıllar boyunca birçok peygamber Kudüs’te yaşamıştır ve Kur’an-ı Kerim bu peygamberlerin kıssalarında “bereketli topraklar”, “mukaddes topraklar” gibi tamlamalarla bu mübarek beldeye işaret etmektedir. Öte yandan Mescid-i Aksa’ya sadece İsra Suresi’nin birinci ayetinde değil, yine birçok peygamber kıssasında rastlamamız mümkündür. Ayrıca çalışmamızda Mescid-i Aksa’nın konumu ve isra ve mi’racın mahiyetiyle alakalı zihinlerde oluşan sorulara cevaplar aradık. Ulaştığımız sonuçlara göre Mescid-i Aksa, bir yapı değil, Kudüs’te bulunan ve Süleyman mabedinin kalıntılarının yer aldığı harem bölgesinin tamamıdır. Bu sonuç bize Mescid-i Aksa’nın nerede olduğu sorusunun cevabını vermektedir. Yine çalışmamız isra ve mi’racın rotası hakkındaki sorulara yanıt vermiş, İsra’nın Mescid-i Haram’dan Mescid-i Aksa’ya yani iki harem bölgesi arasında gerçekleştiğini ortaya koymuştur. Mi’racın ise Allah Rasulü uyanıkken ve bedenen gerçekleştiğini gözler önüne sermiştir.Jarusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque which have become one of the most critical issues nowadayshave the feature of becoming apple of three divine religions. Especially, some of the recent studies aimed to tear the connection apart between Jarusalem and Islam and it was claimed that Jarusalem wasn’t mentioned in the Qur’an. In our study, we tried to refute this groundless claim by examining the verse of the Qur’an that became reference to Al-Aqsa Mosque. In our study, we have proved that not using the name of Jarusalem directly in the Qur’an doesn’t mean that the ancient city is not pointed. As lot of prophets had lived in Jarusalem for decades and the Qur’an indicated this socred city with adjectival definitions such as “holy land” and “fruitful land” in these prophet’s stories. Furthermore, we saw that it is possible to find Al-Aqsa Mosque not only in the first verse of the Qur’an in the İsra’s Surah but also in the lots of prophet’s tales. In addition, in our study, we sought answers to the questions that arise in mind related about the location of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, true nature of isra and miraj. According to the results, Al-Aqsa Mosque is not a construction, it is the whole harem area located in the Jerusalem, includingremnants of Süleyman’s Temple. This results gives us the answer of the question abaout location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Our study also provides answers to the questions about isra’s and miraj’s route, revealed that isra took place between two harem regions, from the Masjid al-Haram to Al-Aqsa Mosque. And thus he showed that miraj occured to Rasulullah physically and when he was awake