13 research outputs found


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    UUJF memenuhi salah satu asas pokok hukum jaminan kebendaan, yaitu asas publisitas, dengan syarat pendaftaran tersebut. Ketentuan ini dimaksudkan agar harta yang dijadikan harta benar-benar menjadi milik debitur atau pemberi fidusia, sehingga apabila pihak lain hendak menuntut suatu harta, dapat diberitahukan kepadanya melalui pengumuman. Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia adalah tempat pendaftaran jaminan fidusia. Ini adalah pertama kalinya kantor tersebut didirikan dengan wilayah kerja yang mencakup seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia

    Development of septic polysynovitis and uveitis in foals experimentally infected with \u3ci\u3eRhodococcus equi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Rhodococcus equi is one of the most important causes of disease in foals. Infection is typically characterized by pyogranulomatous pneumonia although extrapulmonary infections occur occasionally. Uveitis and polysynovitis have been reported in foals naturally infected with R. equi and are thought to be the result of an immune-mediated process. However, the pathogenesis of these conditions is poorly understood. The objectives of this study were to document the occurrence of uveitis and polysynovitis after experimental infection with R. equi and to determine if these disorders are the direct result of infection at these sites. Foals between 3 and 4 weeks of age were infected intratracheally with virulent R. equi using inocula of 1×108 CFU (high inoculum; n = 16) or 1×107 CFU (low inoculum; n = 12). Foals were monitored twice daily and necropsy was performed 14 days post-infection. Aqueous humor and synovial fluid were collected aseptically and the percentage of affected lung was calculated. The mean (± SD) percentage of affected lung was significantly higher with the high inoculum (31.8 ± 14.6%) than with the low inoculum (14.4 ± 11.4%). Fourteen of 25 foals developed uveitis and 20 of 28 foals developed polysynovitis. R. equi was cultured from the aqueous humor of 11 foals and from the synovial fluid of 14 foals. The risk of development of polysynovitis and protein concentration in the aqueous humor were significantly higher in foals that received the high inoculum. These results indicate that polysynovitis and uveitis are septic complications associated with the severity of lung disease


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    Initial Public Offering (IPO) or the first sale of stock by a company to the public is one of several alternatives that can be taken by a company's management to raise fund for additional capital requirements or for meeting liquidity needs of the owners. On the average, the pricing of an IPO is underpriced or below its market value (intrinsic value) and this phenomenon is known as IPO Underpricing. One of other causes that might affect the pricing of a stock is the condition of the industry where a company operates in. For example, coal mining industry has been affected by falling coal prices that has happened since the fourth quarter of 2011. Prices have been falling globally and locally due to a slowdown in use from China - as a result of declining orders from nations in Europe which had been hit by global crisis. PT Toba Bara Sejahtra as the object of this research is also a coal mining company and underwent an IPO in July 2012. The research aimed to analyze the fair market value of PT Toba Bara Sejahtra's stock as of December 2011 to be compared to the offering stock price when the Company was undergoing an IPO in July 2012, in order to obtain information whether overvaluation or undervaluation exists. Audited financial statements of PTToba Bara Sejahtra for the year 2009 until 2011 is one of data sources used in this research. Value analysis by using relative valuation or market approach is implemented by seeking other similar companies in the same industry, then selecting multiples used to convert equity book value of the appraised company into market value. Multiples used in the relative valuation are PER (Price/Earning Ratio), P/S (Price/Sales Ratio), and PBV (Price to Book Value). The use of income approach to analyze the market value is applied by using discounted cash flow (DCF) method with these following steps: analyzing and forecasting the revenues, fo recasting net income, forecasting free cash flow, determining discount rate and estimating the value. Scenario analysis is used in forecasting revenues. There are three scenarios: optimistic scenario, neutral scenario, and pessimistic scenario and each scenario has the same probability. The result of relative valuation method is Rp3.220 per share. The results of three scenarios in DCF method - optimistic, neutral and pessimistic - are Rp3.594, Rp3.101, and Rp2.774 per share respectively. Having the same probability for each scenario, the result of DCF method is Rp3.156 per share. The estimated fair market value of PT Toba Bara Sejahtra's stock as of December 31, 2011, calculated by value reconciliation - by weighting each method - is Rp3.182 per share. The stock price during IPO on July 6, 2012 is Rp1.900. If this is compared to the estimated fair market value, the stock of PT Toba Bara Sejahtra is undervalued

    Development of septic polysynovitis and uveitis in foals experimentally infected with \u3ci\u3eRhodococcus equi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Rhodococcus equi is one of the most important causes of disease in foals. Infection is typically characterized by pyogranulomatous pneumonia although extrapulmonary infections occur occasionally. Uveitis and polysynovitis have been reported in foals naturally infected with R. equi and are thought to be the result of an immune-mediated process. However, the pathogenesis of these conditions is poorly understood. The objectives of this study were to document the occurrence of uveitis and polysynovitis after experimental infection with R. equi and to determine if these disorders are the direct result of infection at these sites. Foals between 3 and 4 weeks of age were infected intratracheally with virulent R. equi using inocula of 1×108 CFU (high inoculum; n = 16) or 1×107 CFU (low inoculum; n = 12). Foals were monitored twice daily and necropsy was performed 14 days post-infection. Aqueous humor and synovial fluid were collected aseptically and the percentage of affected lung was calculated. The mean (± SD) percentage of affected lung was significantly higher with the high inoculum (31.8 ± 14.6%) than with the low inoculum (14.4 ± 11.4%). Fourteen of 25 foals developed uveitis and 20 of 28 foals developed polysynovitis. R. equi was cultured from the aqueous humor of 11 foals and from the synovial fluid of 14 foals. The risk of development of polysynovitis and protein concentration in the aqueous humor were significantly higher in foals that received the high inoculum. These results indicate that polysynovitis and uveitis are septic complications associated with the severity of lung disease

    Backyard bowler, a short film.

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    White Sheets is the story of a man, Tim, reminiscing about his life in his final moments as lung cancer debilitates him. We experience his trials, mistakes and somewhat self-constructed predicaments as he struggles to keep afloat. As he reviews his life, finding humor in his own pain and indiscretions, Tim ultimately finds the greatest hope.Bachelor of Fine Art

    Persepsi pelancong domestik terhadap ciri tarikan dan aktiviti pelancongan di Pulau Pangkor

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    Perkembangan pelancongan di Pulau Pangkor semakin pesat dengan peningkatan jumlah ketibaan pelancong yang memberangsangkan. Berdasarkan statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Pembandaran Manjung 2019, jumlah ketibaan pelancong pada tahun 2018 mencecah 1.42 juta orang. Ketibaan pelancong ini didorong oleh kewujudan pelbagai tarikan aktiviti pelancongan serta ciri fizikal di Pulau Pangkor itu sendiri. Untuk itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti persepsi pelancong domestik terhadap ciri tarikan dan aktiviti utama pelancongan di Pulau Pangkor. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik. Dapatan daripada 332 orang responden pelancong domestik mendapati 42.8 peratus responden menyatakan tarikan utama pelancong ke Pulau Pangkor adalah laut dan pantai, diikuti pulau 16.8 peratus dan aktiviti rekreasi air 14.8 peratus. Bagi aktiviti utama pelancongan pula, 31.3 peratus responden menyatakan aktiviti utama di Pulau Pangkor adalah bersiar di pantai diikuti 22.3 peratus menyatakan aktiviti berenang. Seterusnya, sebanyak 3.0 peratus menyatakan aktiviti utama mereka ke Pulau Pangkor adalah untuk melawat ke kilang makanan laut. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan rata-rata pelancong domestik menyatakan tarikan utama Pulau Pangkor adalah laut dan pantai serta aktiviti berdasarkan kedua-dua tarikan tersebut. Kesimpulannya, dapatan kajian ini adalah bermanfaat kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan dalam memperkasakan pembangunan pelancongan berasaskan laut dan pantai agar menjadi ikonik yang terkenal di seantero dunia

    Mean (±SD) rectal temperature of foals experimentally infected with virulent <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i>.

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    <p>Foals were infected with a high inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>8</sup> CFU; n = 16) or a low inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>7</sup> CFU; n = 12). *Indicates a significantly higher rectal temperature relative to day 0 and relative to the temperature of foals infected with the low inoculum.</p

    Kaplan-Meier curve of the cumulative probability of developing polysynovitis in foals infected intratracheally with a high inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>8</sup> CFU; n = 16) or a low inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>7</sup> CFU; n = 12) of virulent <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i>.

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    <p>Kaplan-Meier curve of the cumulative probability of developing polysynovitis in foals infected intratracheally with a high inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>8</sup> CFU; n = 16) or a low inoculum (1 Ă— 10<sup>7</sup> CFU; n = 12) of virulent <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i>.</p

    Development of septic polysynovitis and uveitis in foals experimentally infected with <i>Rhodococcus equi</i>

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    <div><p><i>Rhodococcus equi</i> is one of the most important causes of disease in foals. Infection is typically characterized by pyogranulomatous pneumonia although extrapulmonary infections occur occasionally. Uveitis and polysynovitis have been reported in foals naturally infected with <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> and are thought to be the result of an immune-mediated process. However, the pathogenesis of these conditions is poorly understood. The objectives of this study were to document the occurrence of uveitis and polysynovitis after experimental infection with <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> and to determine if these disorders are the direct result of infection at these sites. Foals between 3 and 4 weeks of age were infected intratracheally with virulent <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> using inocula of 1×10<sup>8</sup> CFU (high inoculum; n = 16) or 1×10<sup>7</sup> CFU (low inoculum; n = 12). Foals were monitored twice daily and necropsy was performed 14 days post-infection. Aqueous humor and synovial fluid were collected aseptically and the percentage of affected lung was calculated. The mean (± SD) percentage of affected lung was significantly higher with the high inoculum (31.8 ± 14.6%) than with the low inoculum (14.4 ± 11.4%). Fourteen of 25 foals developed uveitis and 20 of 28 foals developed polysynovitis. <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> was cultured from the aqueous humor of 11 foals and from the synovial fluid of 14 foals. The risk of development of polysynovitis and protein concentration in the aqueous humor were significantly higher in foals that received the high inoculum. These results indicate that polysynovitis and uveitis are septic complications associated with the severity of lung disease.</p></div