1,392 research outputs found

    Studies on a Temperature-Sensitive Mutant of Feline Calcivirus

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    A temperature sensitive (ts) mutant of feline calicivirus (FCV) was isolated from a vaccine strain of FCV. Virus-infected feline embryo cells were treated with the mutagen 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The resulting virus was cloned and 192 clones were tested for growth at 3

    Exploring the Level of Computer Literacy for Candidates in Higher Education: ICDL Programme at Bahrain Polytechnic

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    Bahrain Polytechnic is a Higher Education technical institution established in 2008 (by Royal Decree No. 65 for the year 2008). Its main mission is to supply the Bahraini economy with a skilled Bahraini labour force aiming to contribute to economic growth and diversification. The Polytechnic ensures that its values of excellence, learning and innovation are achieved by designing curricula that meet international standards as well as national and individual needs through continuous consultations with the industries and international education institutions. The development of computer and technological literacy is a significant predictor for success in the workplace and is also one of the key skills that the polytechnic provides through its programmes to students and faculty. This paper explores how computer literacy and skills are acquired by educators and students through International Computer Driving License (ICDL) tools employed at Bahrain Polytechnic. The study also considers the challenges that hinder learners from completing the requirements of ICDL.  If adequate numbers of faculty and students have already learned basic computer skills, then the question facing the polytechnic is if computer literacy should continue to be taught at all levels. To answer this question, ICDL tests were administered to ascertain the computer literacy level of existing faculty and students. The results of the tests will determine which ICDL tests students and faculty should be placed on in order to address their computer literacy needs

    “PHC Leadership: Are Health Centres in Good Hands?Perspectives from 3 districts in Malawi”

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    The study aimed to document the kinds of leadership styles are practiced at health centres (H/C) and how these styles can be explained by the contexts, characteristics of the health centre in charge (IC) and subordinate trained health staff (STHS).MethodsA well-researched leadership style model was applied, which included task, relation and change styles. This is a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires in 47 H/C in 3 districts. 347 STHSs (95%) and 46 ICs (98%) responded. Questions explored background data and perceived leadership behaviour. Style items were factor analysed, and bivariate analyses and hierarchical regressions determined how styles could be explained.ResultsTwo leadership styles were revealed: “Trans”style contained all relation and the majority of task and change items; “Control” style focused on health statistics (Health Management Information System), reporting and evaluation. STHS and IC had a median age/median work experience of 34/5 years and 38,5/2 years, respectively. 48% of IC reported having no management training. CHAM H/Cs had the lowest score on “Control” style. Distance to referral hospital had no impact on style scores. No contexts or STHS characteristics predicted any leadership styles. For ICs, young age and increasing work experience were significant predictors for both styles, while Nurse ICs were negative predictors for “Control style”. Management training was not a significant predictor for any style.ConclusionFrontline PHC leadership may be forced by situation and context to use a comprehensive style which could lack the diversity and flexibility needed for effective leadership. The missing associations between staff characteristics and leadership styles might indicate that this group is not sufficiently considered and included in leadership processes in the PHC organization. Leadership competency for the ICs seems not to be based on formal training, but substituted by young age and work experience. Health centre organization could also influence the options for leadership behaviour. In conclusion this calls for a reassessment of H/C leadership and formal leadership training

    Neutron skin of 27^{27}Al with Skyrme and Korea-IBS-Daegu-SKKU density functionals

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    Recent measurement of the parity-violating (PV) asymmetry in the elastic electron scattering on 27^{27}Al target evokes the interest in the distribution of the neutron in the nucleus. In this work, we calculate the neutron skin thickness (RnpR_{np}) of 27^{27}Al with nonrelativistic nuclear structure models. We focus on the role of the effective mass, symmetry energy and pairing force. Models are selected to have effective masses in the range (0.581.05)M(0.58-1.05)M where MM is the nucleon mass in free space, and stiffness of the symmetry energy is varied by choosing the slope of the symmetry energy in the range 9.4 -- 100.5 MeV. Effect of pairing force is investigated by calculating RnpR_{np} with and without pairing, and using two different forms of the pairing force. With nine models, we obtain Rnp=0.0010.014R_{np} = 0.001 - 0.014 fm. The result is independent of the effective mass, symmetry energy, and the form of pairing force. However, RnpR_{np} is negative when the pairing force is switched off, so the pairing force plays an essential role to make RnpR_{np} positive and constrained in a narrow range. We also calculate the PV asymmetry (ApvA_{\rm pv}) in the elastic electron-27^{27}Al scattering in the Born approximation at the kinematics of the Qweak experiment. We obtain a very narrow-ranged result Apv=A_{\rm pv} = (2.07 -- 2.09) ×106\times 10^{-6}. The result is consistent with the experiment and insensitive to the effective mass, symmetry energy and pairing force.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Makna Spiritualitas Pada Klien Dengan Sindrom Koroner Akut

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    This research was conducted due to the high of mortality and disability rate in the world caused by Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), however the treatment of ACS' clients are still focusing on physical aspects rather than spirituality aspects. Actually, these aspects are equally important. Through awareness of the meaning of spirituality, the clients can achieve spirituality comfort. Spiritual comfort can give peacefulness and positive impact to clients' health. The purpose of the study was to explore the meaning of spirituality in clients with ACS who undergone treatment in the cardiac intensive care RSHS Bandung. The study used a descriptive exploratory design with 10 participants. The data was collected through interviews and observations. The data were analysed using content analysis the data analysis performed using content analysis. The result identified four categories of the meaning of spirituality followed by 10 themes, namely : (1) Spirituality was self-relationship that consists of two themes, include a. Accepted of disease as a reproach or temptation b. Better in life; (2) Spirituality was relationship between human and God, it consists of five themes, namely : a. Self-reliance, b. Worship or communication with God, c. Hope, d. Asking forgiveness or repentance, e. Grateful; (3) spirituality was a relationship with others, it consists of two themes, namely : a. caring, love, affection from others, and the success of the family b. Giving to others; (4) Spirituality was relationship between human with nature, consist of one theme, namely : doing personal interest or activity in the nature environment. Based on the results, nurses are expected to be more understood to the meaning of clients' spirituality and encouraging them to use their spirituality sources for their healing process. Educational institutions are expected to prepare the student with high sensitivy of clients' spirituality needs, and then further research of spirituality care is needed with broader scope

    Anti-reflection Coating Solar Cell Structure Based on Conductive Nanoparticles

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    In this paper, we investigate for the first time antireflection coating structure for silicon solar cell where CNPs (conductive nanoparticles) film layer is sandwiched between a semi-infinite glass cover layer and a semi-infinite silicon substrate. The transmission and reflection coefficients are derived by the transfer matrix method and simulated for values of unit cell sizes, gab widths in visible and near-infrared radiation. In addition, the absorption, reflection coefficients are examined for several angles of incidence of the TE (transverse electric) polarized guided waves. Numerical results provide an extremely high absorption, if nanoparticles are suitably located and sized. The absorptivity of the structure achieves 100% at gab width of 3.5 nm and CNP layer thickness of 150 nm

    Penerapan Sistem Pembiayaan Mudharabah terhadap Risiko Gagal Bayar di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah (Kjks) An-Nur Jatitujuh Majalengka

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    Pembiayaan mudharabah adalah bentuk kerja sama antara dua pihak atau lebih, yang mana pemilik modal mempercayakan sejumlah modal kepada pengelola dengan perjanjian pembagian keuntungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara mengatasi risiko gagal bayar di Koperasi. Kemungkinan risiko yang dihadapi koperasi dalam penyaluran pembiayaan tidak dapat dihindarkan berupa risiko gagal bayar dari nasabah tertentu, sehingga dalam menentukan besarnya tingkat margin/nisbah bagi hasil yang dibebankan kepada nasabah, faktor risiko ini perlu diperhitungkan sebagai salah satu komponen penentu terhadap bunga pembiayaan dan risiko ini dapat terjadi, baik disengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah AN-NUR Kantor Cabang Jatitujuh Majalengka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah (KJKS) AN-NUR Kantor Cabang Jatitujuh Majalengka, tingkat risiko pembiayaan mudharabah disebabkan oleh adanya kegagalan mudharib (nasabah) dalam memenuhi kewajibannya sesuai dengan akad yang telah disepakati. Penyebab tingkat risiko gagal bayar/kredit macet di KJKS AN-NUR yaitu USAhanya bangkrut sehingga tidak berjalan lancar dan gagal panen akibat cuaca yang tidak menentu. Adapun cara mengatasi dan pengelolaan risiko gagal bayar dengan cara penagihan secara rutin dan kekeluargaan melakukan Perubahan terhadap beberapa syarat perjanjian atau akad pembiayaan yang berkenaan dengan jadwal pembayaran kembali, serta pengambilalihan atau penjualan agunan

    Persepsi Perawat Neurosurgical Critical Care Unitterhadap Perawatan Pasien Menjelang Ajal

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    The high number of death that occurred in the Intensive Care Unit, strive to improve palliative care services including the provision of care of dying patients by critical care nurses. The purpose of this study was to obtain a perception of nurses toward the care of dying patients in the Neurosurgical Critical Care Unit ( NCCU ). Eight nurses who work at NCCU were involved in this study, age between 27- 43 and have been working from 3 to 20 years. The sampling technique used the purposive sampling method and a limited number of informants after data saturated. Data collection was done by conducting semi- structured interviews, content analysis was used to analyse the data. There are four themes with 15 sub-themes include: 1) Nurse understanding about caring for dying patients: help the patients to die peacefully, presenting the family to provide supports, and more focused on spiritual guidance. 2) Way of handling the frequent of death occurance: adaptation of nurses to dying condition, difficulty determining the critical phase of the dying patient, dilemmas in decision-making, and empathy. 3) The role of nurses in preparing for the dying patient: the patient spiritual guides, communicators, facilitators, and providers of family emotional support. 4) The Things that need to be improved in end of life care: the palliative care training is required in critically ill patients as well as separate unit for dying patients, exclusive spiritual guide, and standard operating procedures (SOP) of care for the dying patients. It can be concluded that nurses need to provide treatment that helping patients to die peacefully, and providing support for the family, which is focused on meeting the spiritual needs of patients