14 research outputs found

    Soil Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities after Long-Term Application of Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers at Different Depths of the Soil Profile

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    Fertilization is a key factor for sustaining productivity in agroecosystems. A long-term experiment in cambisol following periodical application of several types of fertilization has been running at the experimental site since 1954. In this study, we determined the impact of applied inorganic and/or organic fertilizers on the activity of soil enzymes and on the structure of microorganisms at depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm. Single-factor comparison showed that use of inorganic and/or organic fertilizer had an insignificant e_ect on the activities of soil enzymes (at depths 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm) and also on the structure of microbial communities at both depths studied. Only soil respirations exhibited stimulation by combined fertilization. The results, irrespective of sampling depth (0-60 cm), showed that application of combined organic and inorganic fertilization stimulated the activity of glucosidases and use of inorganic fertilizer inhibited the activity of arylsulphatases. Respirations were stimulated by application of organic fertilizer and combined fertilization. Nevertheless, principal component analyses, which calculate with multidimensional data, revealed di_erences in samples treated by sole mineral fertilizer compared to other variants, especially in the lower layer. In general, our results indicate that use of combined fertilization may improve biological characteristics in deeper parts of soil profile and possibly increase biological activity in agroecosystems.O

    Inventory management in an enterprise

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    Předložená práce je zaměřena na zásoby. Zásoby jsou součástí oběžných aktiv společnosti. Teoretická část je zaměřena na vymezení pojmu zásob, oceňování zásob, evidenci zásob a inventarizaci zásob. Další částí je charakteristika způsobů účtování zásob metodami A a B. V praktické části bakalářské práce je charakterizována společnost Cetos cz s. r. o. se sídlem Mariánské údolí 121, Příbram II, 261 01. Následně je práce zaměřena na problematiku pořizování, oceňování a na způsob účtování zásob uvnitř společnosti a také pojednává o inventarizaci zásob. Poslední kapitola praktické části je zaměřena na návrh doporučení pro společnost. Součástí závěru je vyhodnocení získaných informací, srovnání účtování o zásobách způsobem A a B a návrh vylepšení používaného způsobu účtování ve vybrané společnosti.ObhájenoThis thesis focuses on inventories. Inventories are included in current assets. Theoretical part focuses on definition of inventories, inventory valuation, records of inventories and control of inventories. Following part characterises accounting methods (A and B) used for inventories. Practical part of thesis firstly focuses on characterization of Cetos cz company, based in Mariánské údolí 121, Příbram II, 261 01. Secondly, it focuses on issues of acquisition, evaluation and inventorization, as well as accounting methods used by the company. Last chapter of this practical part focuses on recommendation prepared for the area of inventories. Conclusion includes evaluation of the obtained information, comparison of accounting methods (A and B) regarding inventories and suggestion for improvement of used accounting methods related to inventories in the chosen company

    Maternal experiencing and coping with problems connected to infant difficult temperament

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    Bachelor thesis is solving problems of maternal feelings and coping with difficulties related to difficult temperament of infants. At the beginning of theoretical part, basic terms as infancy, temperament and inconsolable crying are defined. Next, the summary of specific features of infants with difficult temperament with special attention to insomnia and crying. The individual strategies of care of for difficult infants are also described. Finally, characterization of mental wellbeing of mothers of difficult infants is provided. In practical part, results of qualitative research based on analysis of interviews with mothers of difficult infants are presented. Difficult temperament, as mothers often found, was manifested by inconsolable crying and insomnia. Demanding child care was attributed by mothers differently - to genetic background, difficult birth, or pregnancy stress however, children were predominantly blamed. As for strategies to comfort children, mothers were intensively searching and trying for the best one but none was found to be reliably effective. My research study also indicated that unasked for advices and trivialization of the situation by of relatives were for mothers very stressful

    Facial expression and its role in teacher's communication with children in nursery school

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    Qualifying dissertation for the bachelor´s degree is dealing with the problematic of mimicry and its role on communication between teacher and children in kindergarten. In theoretical part basic terms of communication are defined and specific characteristic of nonverbal communication with a view to mimicry are summarized. In practical part data of quantitative research obtained by questionnaire and testing are presented

    Rozvojový program města Studénky

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (115) management

    Návrh distribučních cest při vstupu na zahraniční trh pomocí marketingového výzkumu

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    Soil Microbial Communities and Enzyme Activities after Long-Term Application of Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers at Different Depths of the Soil Profile

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    Fertilization is a key factor for sustaining productivity in agroecosystems. A long-term experiment in cambisol following periodical application of several types of fertilization has been running at the experimental site since 1954. In this study, we determined the impact of applied inorganic and/or organic fertilizers on the activity of soil enzymes and on the structure of microorganisms at depths of 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm. Single-factor comparison showed that use of inorganic and/or organic fertilizer had an insignificant effect on the activities of soil enzymes (at depths 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm) and also on the structure of microbial communities at both depths studied. Only soil respirations exhibited stimulation by combined fertilization. The results, irrespective of sampling depth (0–60 cm), showed that application of combined organic and inorganic fertilization stimulated the activity of glucosidases and use of inorganic fertilizer inhibited the activity of arylsulphatases. Respirations were stimulated by application of organic fertilizer and combined fertilization. Nevertheless, principal component analyses, which calculate with multidimensional data, revealed differences in samples treated by sole mineral fertilizer compared to other variants, especially in the lower layer. In general, our results indicate that use of combined fertilization may improve biological characteristics in deeper parts of soil profile and possibly increase biological activity in agroecosystems

    Využití pokročilých vysokopevných ocelí v technologii press-hardening

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    Press-hardening představuje moderní technologii pro výrobu tvarových plechových dílů. Její využití v posledních letech stále roste, protože je zde dosahována vysoká přesnost výroby, menší spring back effect a je možné využít nižších tvářecích sil. Tato technologie je vhodná i pro vysokopevné oceli typu TRIP (transformation induced plasticity). Problém u této technologie představuje, v případě tváření v nástroji o pokojové teplotě, vysoká rychlost ochlazování, která vede ke vzniku martenzitických struktur s malým podílem feritu. Tyto struktury sice dosahující vysoké hodnoty meze pevnosti, ale nízkou tažnost. Proto je důležité po provedení tváření následné kalení v nástroji ve správný čas ukončit, případně provést jeho další tepelné zpracování v peci. Pro experiment byly zvoleny dvě nízkolegované vysokopevné oceli typu TRIP s obsahem uhlíku 0,2%, které se lišily mikrolegováním niobem. V první části bylo provedeno kalení plechů mezi kovadly hydraulického lisu. Doba výdrže byla variována od 0 do 10s a teplota plechu po vyndání byla měřena termokamerou. V druhé části byl proveden experiment přímo v plochém nástroji pro press-hardening, který byl doplněn i o izotermickou výdrž v peci. Při správné volbě parametrů byly získány směsné struktury tvořené martenzitem, bainitem, proeutektoidním feritem a zbytkovým austenitem. Vysokopevné vícefázové oceli typu TRIP jsou velmi často využívaným konstrukčním řešením.Press-hardening is a modern forming technology for the production of shaped sheet parts. Its use has been growing in recent years because of high production accuracy, lower spring back effect and lower forming forces. This technology is also suitable for high strength TRIP steels (transformation induced plasticity). The problem with this technology is, in the case of forming into a die at room temperature, a high cooling rate which leads to the formation of martensitic structures with a low ferrite content. These structures, while achieving high strength limits, but low ductility. Therefore, after forming, it is important to terminate the quenching in the tool at the right time, or to carry out further heat treatment in the furnace. Two low-alloy TRIP steels with a carbon content of 0.2% with the difference in niobium content were selected for the experiment. In the first part, there was performed quenching of the sheets between the die of the hydraulic press. The holding time was varied from 0 to 10s and the sheet temperature after removal from the die was measured with a thermal camera. In the second part, an experiment was carried out directly in the flat press-hardening tool, which was supplemented by an isothermal holding time in the furnace. Mixed structures formed by martensite, bainite, proeutectoid ferrite and retained austenite were obtained with proper parameter selection

    Vliv tepelného zpracování na vývoj struktury různě vysokých dílů z maragingové oceli vyrobených 3D tiskem

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    Díly vyrobené 3D tiskem je nutné pro dosažení požadovaných mechanických vlastností podrobit tepelnému zpracování. S rozvojem additive manufacturing do různých oblastí průmyslu dochází k tisku stále složitějších součástí, které mají vedle komplikovaného tvaru také různou výšku tisku. Případně je na platformě tištěno několik součástí s různou výškou. Díky rozdílné výšce tisku vzniká na jednotlivých dílech výrazný přechod, který je charakteristický prudkým nárůstem tvrdosti. Tento skok by mohl být problematický z hlediska mechanických vlastností. Pro experimentální program byla použita maragingová ocel MS1. Metodou DMLS byl na platformě s ostatními díly vytištěn vzorek s výrazně vyšší výškou. Na vzorku bylo provedeno metalografické hodnocení a měření tvrdostního profilu před i po tepelném zpracování. Výsledky prokázaly, že na výškově odlišném vzorku dochází ke skokovému poklesu tvrdosti až o 40 HV10. Rozpouštěcí žíhání na teplotě 820 °C vedlo k odstranění přechodu vzniklého koncentrovaným tiskem pouze jednoho dílu, a to jak z hlediska mikrostruktury, tak mechanických vlastností.Parts made by 3D printing must be subjected to heat treatment to achieve the required mechanical properties. With the development of additive manufacturing in various areas of industry, more and more complex components are being printed, which, in addition to their complicated shape, also have differ-ent printing heights. Sometimes, builds of different heights are created on a single build platform. When there is height difference, the step region is characterized by a steep increase in hardness. It may lead to problems related to mechanical properties. MS1 tool steel was chosen as the material for this experi-ment. Using DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering), a build with considerably greater height was created on the build platform together with other parts. Metallographic examination of the printed part was carried out and its hardness profiles were measured prior to as well as after heat treatment. The drop in hardness in the build of different height was up to 40 HV10. Solution annealing at 820°C removed the transition produced by building a single part, both in terms of microstructure and mechanical proper-ties.Parts made by 3D printing must be subjected to heat treatment to achieve the required mechanical properties. With the development of additive manufacturing in various areas of industry, more and more complex components are being printed, which, in addition to their complicated shape, also have differ-ent printing heights. Sometimes, builds of different heights are created on a single build platform. When there is height difference, the step region is characterized by a steep increase in hardness. It may lead to problems related to mechanical properties. MS1 tool steel was chosen as the material for this experi-ment. Using DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering), a build with considerably greater height was created on the build platform together with other parts. Metallographic examination of the printed part was carried out and its hardness profiles were measured prior to as well as after heat treatment. The drop in hardness in the build of different height was up to 40 HV10. Solution annealing at 820°C removed the transition produced by building a single part, both in terms of microstructure and mechanical proper-ties