2 research outputs found

    Effects of environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal on temporal and spatial slopes of Taylor's law

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    Taylor's law (TL) is an empirical rule that describes an approximate relationship between the variance and mean of population density: log(10)(variance) approximate to log(10)(a) + b x log(10)(mean). Population synchrony is another prevailing feature observed in empirical populations. This study investigated the effects of environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal on the temporal (b( T)) and spatial (b( S)) slopes of TL, using an empirical dataset of gray-sided vole populations and simulation analyses based on the second-order autoregressive (AR) model. Eighty-five empirical populations satisfied the temporal and spatial TLs with b( T) = 1.943 (+/- SE 0.143) and b( S) = 1.579 (+/- SE 0.136). The pairwise synchrony of population was 0.377 +/- 0.199 (mean +/- SD). Most simulated populations that obeyed the AR model satisfied the form of the temporal and spatial TLs without being affected by the environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal; however, those simulated slopes were too steep. The incorporation of environmental synchrony resulted in reduced simulated slopes, but those slopes, too, were still unrealistically steep. By incorporating density-dependent dispersal, simulated slopes decreased and fell within a realistic range. However, the simulated populations without environmental synchrony did not exhibit an adequate degree of density synchrony. In simulations that included both environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal, 92.7% of the simulated datasets provided realistic values for b( T), b( S) and population synchrony. Because the two slopes were more sensitive to the variation of density-dependent dispersal than that of environmental synchrony, density-dependent dispersal may be the key to the determination of b( T) and b( S)

    MOESM1 of Characteristics and properties of nano-LiCoO2 synthesized by pre-organized single source precursors: Li-ion diffusivity, electrochemistry and biological assessment

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    Additional file1: Text 1. Synthesis of bimetallic compounds. Table S1. Crystal data. Text 2. Single crystal structure descriptions. Text 3. Argentometric titration. Table S2. Idealistic oxidation reactions of two types of compounds, precursors 1, 5 with 2:1 and precursors 8, 9 with 1:1 stoichiometric ratio between Li+ and Co2+. Table S3. Results of the argentometric titration of chloride and ICP-measurements for lithium. Table S4. ICP analysis for Li+ and Co3+ of LiCoO2 obtained from different precursors. Figure S6. XRD study of commercial LCO, and nano-LCO obtained from LiOtBu before annealing and after annealing at 600°C and 700°C. Figure S7. XRD of LiCoO2 from 9-LiOPh calcined at 450°C before washing. The red line corresponds to HT-LCO and the blue lines are Li2CO3. Table S5. The combustion temperature and the thermal measurement conditions of the compounds 1, 8-12. Table S6. TGA weight loss in percentage [%] with associated steps of compounds 1, 8-12. Equation S1-S5. Determination of the particle and crystallite sizes. Figure S8. Morphologies of LiCoO2 prepared with different precursors at 450°C. Figure S9. (a) Cyclic voltammograms of the 15 nm LCO prepared from the compound 12 at different sweep rates. (b) The maximum anodic and cathodic current peaks of LiCoO2 electrode versus the square root of sweep rate. Table S7. Li+ diffusion coefficients determined for HT-LCO obtained from different precursors. Figure S10. Nyquist plot for LiCoO2 electrodes from LiOtBu with fit: filled markers – experimental points, open markers – fit points with error bars a) and corresponding equivalent circuit model b) with fitting report c). Figure S11. Nyquist plot obtained for LiCoO2 electrodes from LiOPh with fit: filled markers – experimental points, open markers – fit points with error bars a) and corresponding equivalent circuit model b) with fitting report c)