20 research outputs found

    The evaluation of mercury contamination of sediments of the river basin Slaná and the water reservoir of Ružín I

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    The region central Spiš is mostly contaminated by heavy metals, mainly mercury. This teritory is well-known for its mining and metallurgical activities for several centuries. This article deals with the sediments quality from the two localities of the central Spiš region (the river basin Slaná and the water reservoir of Ružín I) in connection with the mercury contamination in the last period. The monitoring of the sediments quality as well as the water quality is important for thier further use

    Concentration of NOX in the vicinity of the power plants Vojany EVO 1 and EVO 2

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    The paper presents a calculation of the maximal concentration of nitrogen oxides in the vicinity of point sources (main chimneys) of power plants Vojany EVO1 and EVO2. The wind velocity u10,M (7), at which the concentration on a given place in the surrounding of the pollution source attains a maximal value, is calculated. The relation (8) for a calculation of the place with the maximal concentration for a given class of air stability (Table 1 and 2) and for a given wind velocity is derived. According to equation (3) and Table 3, a thermal capacity of EVO1 and EVO2 is calculated, considering a flat country in the vicinity of the sources (x3 = 0 in relation (1)). Subsequently, it is also considered that the wind direction has the direction joining the source and the place of concentration calculation (x2 = 0). The calculations of concentration are performed for the 5th class of air stability. As to this class, favourable conditions for the pollutants dispersion are there. Thus, the maximum concentration is in a relatively small distance from the source with a sharp concentration maximum. As to other classes of the air stability (Table 1 and 2), the maximum concentration is located in larger distances from the source, i.e. about 10 km, as it is considered in Table 4 and 5. The theoretical calculation of NOX concentration in the vicinity of the sources, EVO1 and EVO2, shows (Table 4 and 5) that it does not exceed the allowable limit of 150 µg.m-3

    Mineralogical and chemical properties of dust particles of immissions in the area of Siderite, Ltd. Nižná Slaná

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    This paper provides a with mineralogical and chemical study of a mineral dust at the locality Nižná Slaná. The source of the mineral dust in the mining and processing of metasomatic siderite. As revealed by the X-ray, chemical analyses and the SEM studies, the major constinuents are represented by siderite (FeCO3), wustite (FeO), hematite (α-Fe2O3), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe2+Fe3+2O4). Proportions of all mineral phases were quantified. There are no evidences of dust particles and chemical components whose concetrations exceed the allowed hygienic norms

    Influence of iron ore works in Nižná Slaná on the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals

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    The contribution deals with an evaluation of atmospheric deposition monitoring in 2001–2009 which was realised in the vicinity ofsiderite mining and processing works. Besides of gaseous emissions the works also produced the solid compounds of iron oxides and otherheavy metals. The iron ore plant worked up to August 2008. The atmospheric deposition (wet and dry) was determined by the modified bulkdeposition methodology. The samples were collected from seventeen monitoring sites, which are located maximally up to 8 km from the mainpollution source. Together with the deposition fluxes of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu,Cr, Cd, As), the mineralogical composition,dispersion and size characteristics of solid particles were studied in selected samples. The volume content of respirable solid particles withthe diameter under 5 μm was from 6.7 to 13.2 %. Nanoparticles with the average hydrodynamic diameter in the interval of 242–558 nm werefound. High values of the deposition (median) of iron - 4111 mg.m-2.year -1, manganese - 236.6 mg.m-2.year -1 and especially toxic arsenic -8.05 mg.m-2.year -1 were measured in the area of Nižná Slaná in the years 2001–2008 and compared with other areas. A correlation betweenemissions of solid pollutants in particular years and the deposition for these metals was observed. In 2009, after shutdown of the works,a decrease of values at the most contaminated sites of deposition by arsenic, manganese and iron about 90 % was recorded. Sucha significant change was not recorded for other studied metals

    Mining development the Spiš-Gemer ore-location

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    This contribution deals with one of the oldiest mine plants in Czechoslovakia the Smolník mine. This mine is known from the 13th century by producing copper, iron, silver and gold. It was closed in 90-ies of the 20-th century. In the present time, the Smolník mine is a source of water pollution

    The heavy metals in the sediment load of Small water reservoir Sigord

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    This article presents results of research concentrated on the content of selected elements, mostly heavy metals, in samples of water and sediment load from the Small water reservoir (SWR) Sigord, which was erected on the Delňa brook. During this research a sampling of water and stream deposits from 2 baffle walls of the Delňa brook above SWR Sigord and atmosphere from one locality of the mentioned reservoir was made. The drainage basin of Delňa brook is located at the territory of Zlatá Baňa, which is well known from the historic times until these days by its mining and raw material processing activities. The wastes generated during such activities and mining waters too are sources of selected elements or heavy metals, which penetrate into the water of Delňa and consequently into the stream deposits and the sediment load. The control sampling of water, sediment load and atmosphere are necessary in future as well

    Airborne concentration and deposition of trace metals and metalloids in an urban area downwind of a manganese alloy plant

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    The evaluation of the content of metals and metalloids in particulate matter (PM) and in atmospheric deposition in areas impacted by local industries is essential from an environmental and health risk perspective. In this study, the PM10 levels and atmospheric deposition fluxes of potentially toxic metals and metalloids were quantified at three urban sites of the Cantabrian region (northern Spain), located at different distances downwind of a Mn alloy plant. The content of Mn, V, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Cd, Sb and Pb in PM10 and in the water-soluble and insoluble fractions of the deposition was determined by ICP-MS. Among the studied elements, the highest concentrations in PM10 and deposition rates were found for Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb, associated with the Mn alloy industry, and for Cu, related to non-exhaust traffic emissions. The levels of Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb in PM10 were higher in autumn, when the most frequent winds blow from the S-SW, whereas their highest deposition rates were found in winter and autumn, which are characterized by high monthly average precipitations. The water-soluble fraction of the atmospheric deposition of most metals increased with distance from the Mn alloy plant. The highest water-soluble fractions were found for Ni (72%), Zn (62%), Cu (60%) and Mn (49%). These results will be useful for the health risk assessment of the metal exposure associated with Mn alloy plants, as well as for the evaluation of the metal burden to soil, water and ecosystems related to this industrial activity.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the CTM2013-43904R Project. Ana Hernández-Pellón would like to thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) for the FPI grant awarded, reference number BES-2014-068790

    Dustiness risk in the mine of Nižná Slaná

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    The fibrogeneous dust is considered as a specific harmful substance in mine working sites. Such a kind of dust cumulates in lungs and this fact usually results in the lungs dusting, the so – called pneumoconiosis. Thus, the dustiness risk poses a probability of the lungs damage by pneumoconiosis. For the calculation of the dustiness risk it is necessary to know the following data: the value of average dustiness kc in the working site per a definite time period, the dispersivity of dust “D” (it determines a portion of dust particles with a diameter under 5 μm, the so – called respirable particles) and the percentage content of quartz Qr in the respirable grain size fraction. The contribution presents a calculation of the dustiness risk “R” according to the equation (1), where “R” is in percentage, “ša” is the analytically specific harmfulness and “KDc” is the total cumulative dust dose received by a worker in the time of his dust exposure. The total cumulative dust dose is calculated on the basis of the equation (4), where “kc” is the average dust concentration in the assessed time period, t is the time of exposure, V is the average amount of air anspired by the exposed worker per a time unit (standardized at the value of 1,2 m3h-1). 10-6- recalculation from mg to kg for “KDc”. If the values of “Qr”, “D” and “kc” during the worker exposure on a definite workplace are constant, the dustiness risk “R” is calculated according to the equation (1) and (5) respectively. In the case of “n” time intervals for which the values “Qr”, “D” and “kc” are known, the dustiness risk “R” is calculated according to the equation (7). The total personal risk of the worker is given by the equation (8)

    Investigation of genotoxicity in river sediments

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    The purpose of the present study was to develop a useful screening method to assess genotoxic effect of polluted bottom sediments from the water reservoir Ružin No.I. The Hornád and Hnilec Rivers drained a former mining area, have been polluted in the long-term by heavy metals (Cu, As, Sb, Hg), which significantly contributed to environmental degradation. Genotoxicity of bottom sediment was evaluated by test SOS-ChromoPadTM 3.0 for solid samples without extraction. The mentioned test represents simple, quick and direct sediment phase toxicity testing procedure. In this test bacterial strain Escherichia coli K12 PQ37 was used. The results of SOS-ChromoPadTM 3.0 showed that sample Hornád has low potential genotoxic effect on the environment. It was determined on the basis of slight blue colouration of chromogenic paper at the point of sediment application. The sample Hnilec was negative. This test allows significantly reduce the time for obtaining information about sediments genotoxicity and accept necessary security proceeding in time