13 research outputs found

    Self-machinery?: steel trusses and the management of ruptures in eighteenth-century Europe

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    Abstract: Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Ash And Poly Aluminum Chloride In Reducing Exposure Colour Liquid Waste Industry Sasirangan. Sasirangan fabric industry is the textile of industry in Kalimantan Selatan produce wastewater of dyeing cloth sasirangan process that uses water as a primary adjuvant in stage process.The study aims to determine the effectiveness of rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloridereduce levels of dyes in wastewater sasirangan "Oriens Handycraft". This study tested a laboratory scale with dose variation of rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloride for reduced levels of dyes in wastewater sasirangan. The study design is a randomized pretest - posttest control group design. The population of the waste liquid fabric manufacturesasirangan results and samples are the waste from the manufacture of cloth sasirangan which represents the population. This study conduct statistical tests usingKruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney Test.Theresultsofthestudyof color levels priorto treatment equal to 2,712 PtCo and after treatment ranges from 676.3 to 978.7 PtCo at a dose of 58 grams of rice husk ash; 59 g; 60 g; 61 g; 62 gr and Poly Aluminium Chloride 0.5 gr. For a dose of 58 grams of rice husk ash; 59 g; 60 g; 61 g; 62 gr and Poly Aluminium Chloride 1 g of color levels before treatment and after PtCo 1775 amounted to 227.7 PtCo ranges up to 240 PtCo. Rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloride effective at pH 6.5 - 7. Results of normality test showed abnormal data. Kruskal Wallis test probability value 0.002 <0.05, there is a difference between the average dosing in the control group and the treatment group and the Mann-Whitney Test probability value of 0.009 (0.018 <0.05), the rice husk ash dosing and Poly Aluminium Chloride 1 g more effective than rice husk ash dosing and Poly Aluminium Chloride 0.5 g.Efforts government can do is provide the appropriate policy on effluent quality standards and attention to industrial waste disposal sasirangan. For the industry can manage its waste before waste into the environment. Keywords: SasiranganWaste; Materials coagulant; pH; Dye

    Saringan Cangkang Telur Bebek Efektif Memperbaiki Kualitas pH Dan Kadar Besi Air Sumur Bor

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    Water well drill that is in the Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Banjarbaru seen physically yellowish and smelly. Preliminary test result obtained pH 4.9 and Fe 2.5 mg/L. Based on the quality of clean water standards have not fulfilled the requirements of 1.0 mg/L and pH 6.5-8.5. It needs to be done research test of duck egg filter making in improving the quality of pH and Fe water well drill. The goal of this research is to know the effectiveness of duck egg filter in improving the quality of pH and Fe water wells drill. Types of research are experiments with pretest-posttest with control group. The population in the research is the whole water well drill in the Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Banjarbaru. A research sample is a water well drill that is partially taken for trial. Analysis of the influence thickness of the sieve using Anova asymp Test < Ĺ“ (0.000 < 0.05) means there is a difference between the filter thickness of duck egg, 0 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm. Then done test Posh Hoc Tests can be concluded that there is a meaningful difference between the thickness of the filter of ducks egg shells 0 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 Based on the research results of the sieve 40 cm with a weight of 291 gram is an effective sieve in lowering the water level of the well drill

    Pencemaran Air dan Penentuan Titik Self-Purification Sungai di Kabupaten Banjar

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    The self-purification capacity is an important indicator for a healthy river. Organic and inorganic pollutants from various pollutant sources, both point sources, and non-point sources, in most rivers in Banjar Regency, cause a decrease in river water quality. This study aims to identify the distribution of river water quality pollution in Banjar Regency as the upstream of the Martapura River and determine the point of self-purification. A sampling of river water using the purposive sampling technique, taking into account the criteria for pollutant sources and the distance of pollution. The results of the concentration values were analyzed using a trend analysis technique, which connected the value of the concentration of pollutant elements with the distance of pollution to identify the distribution of pollution, and to determine the distance of purification. The results showed that the self-purification ability (pH and DO) decreased in concentration at all observation points.Kapasitas self purification air sungai merupakan indikator penting bagi kesehatan sungai. Polutan organik dan anorganik dari berbagai sumber pencemar baik point sources maupun non point sources di sebagian besar sungai di kabupaten Banjar menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air sungai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi distribusi pencemaran kualitas air Sungai di Kabupaten Banjar sebagai hulu Sungai Martapura dan menentukan titik self purificationnya. Pengambilan sampel air sungai menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria sumber polutan dan jarak pencemaran. Hasil nilai konsentrasi dianalisa dengan teknik kecenderungan (trend analysis), yang menghubungkan antara nilai konsentrasi unsur polutan dengan jarak pencemaran untuk mengidentifikasi distribusi pencemaran, serta menentukan jarak penjernihan kembali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan self purification (pH dan DO) mengalami penurunan konsentrasi di semua titik pengamatan.Kata Kunci: kualitas air sungai, limbah domestik, pemulihan dir

    Efektivitas Desain Alat Desinfeksi Dalam Menurunkan Cemaran Candida,sp Pada Air Sungai Untuk Keperluan Jamban Umum Pasar Banjarmasin

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    Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Biji Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indicalin) Sebagai Koagulan Untuk Menurunkan Kadar COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Dan TSS (Total Suspended Solid) Pada Limbah Cair Industri Kecap

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    Abstract: Influence Of Addition Of Java (Tamarindus indicalin) Acid Seeds Powder As Coagulation To Reduce COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) And TSS (Total Suspended Solid Levels On Liquid Waste Soy Sauce. Liquid waste soy sauce can impact on the surrounding environment such as pollution and environmental degradation. This can lead to poor water quality be unfeasible, the soil less productive, health disorders due to skin diseases and pruritus (itchy skin). One way of processing liquid waste is the addition of java acid (Tamarindus indicalin) seeds powder as coagulation to reduce COD and TSS levels in liquid waste soy sauce. This study aimed to determine the effect the utilization of java acid (Tamarindus indicalin) seeds as coagulation to decrease COD and TSS levels on liquid waste soy sauce. This study was experimental method, data obtained through test of additional Java acid seeds powder of C, sample treatment by jar test and laboratory test of COD and TSS parameters. The results of additional java acid (Tamarindus indicalin) seeds powder by dosage variation (0 g/L, 5 g/L, 7 g/L, 9 g, 11 g, and 13 g) and jar test. Its laboratory test for COD and TSS parameters before treatment respectively were 18.000 mg/L and 673 mg/L, for results after treatment had percentage decrease COD and TSS levels were 68% and 40.96% at optimal dosage obtained 9 g/L. The stastical analysis showed that there were differences in almost all doses variation

    Pengaruh Jarak Tray Aerasi Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Besi (Fe) Air Sumur Bor

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    Abstract: Distance of Aerated Tray and Length of Deposition Time in Reducing Iron (Fe) Level in Drilled Well Water. Well bore wijaya street 7 Kelurahan Sungai Paring, Kecamatan Martapura, physically looks yellowish and slightly tasted. Based on the preliminary test of iron content of 3.50 mg / L and pH 4 compared to Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 of 2017, has not met the requirements, namely iron 1.0 mg / L and pH 6.5-8.5. The purpose of this study is to find out the magnitude of the effect of the distance of aeration Tray on decreasing the iron content of borehole water and pH on borehole water. Type of experimental research with Pretest-Postest Without Control Group. The population in this study was all water in the wellbore. The sample of this research is borehole water. Analysis of the effect of variations in height and duration of settling using the Two Way Anova test shows sig. (0.000

    Efektifitas Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit “X” Kabupaten Banjar

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    Abstract: Effectivity of waste water treatment installations in Hospital’s X Banjar Regency.Hospital’s X has a wastewater treatment Installations which began operating from the year 2008 – until now. The system uses the wastewater treatment Installations processing system for aerobic and anaerobic biological in a wastewater treatment process using media hive of bees to do the filtering. In the media there is a biofilm that attached to the media hive of bees to help the process of decomposition of organic and inorganic materials. This research aims to know the performance of waste water treatment installations in Hospital’s X  Banjar Regency. This type of research is descriptive, i.e. describe the performance measurement quality by doing the wastewater treatment Installations for parameters pH, temperature, BOD, COD, TSS, and free Ammonia (NH3-N) and compared with Regulation of South Kalimantan Governor number 04 in 2007 about the raw quality of liquid waste for the activities of the hospital. The research design used observation, interviews and measurements. Method of sampling used composite sampling. The results showed that the performance of the the wastewater treatment Installations at Hospital’s X still hasn't been fullest measurement results from the laboratory, the value of the measurement of BOD, COD, TSS and Ammonia free still not qualify. This is due to the existence of problems on aerobic processing, bak bak bak pengendap end, chlorination and a monitoring that is the abundance of mud that settles in the base of the tub because it never done drain the mud. Efforts to improve the performance of the the wastewater treatment Installations i.e. preferably done drain sludge routinely on the bak-bak processing every 6 months, installing blower manual in aerobic processing and adds additional equalization tubs. Keywords: Effectivity of the wastewater treatment Installations, waste water, hospita

    Pola Cemaran Bahan Kimia Di Aliran Sungai Riam Kanan Kabupaten Banjar

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    Abstract: The Pattern Of Chemical Pollution In Riam Kanan River, Kabupaten Banjar. Riam Kanan river is utilized by the community for various needs, such as for households, cultivation of fish in keramba, mining of sand and coral. This research aimed to know the pattern of chemical pollution in Riam Kanan river, which was related to flow direction, pollutant source especially keramba of fish, and flow rate, with the parameters of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The research was conducted by observation, field measurement and laboratory examination. Water sampling was done at 8 location : The reservoir of Riam Kanan, PLTA Ir. P. M. Noor, Tambela Sari Village, Tambela Village, Awang Bangkal Village, Mandikapau Village, The Dam of Irigation Karang Intan, and Sungai Asam village with length of rivers 13.41 km. The results showed that the flow of river ranged from 15.53 to 147.72 m3/sec,. The pH of water ranged 6.13 - 6.70. DO levels ranged 2.34 - 6.95 mg/L while BOD levels ranged 1.16 - 2.91 mg/L. The utilization of river flow for keramba of fish, households activities and sand and coral excavations had affected the quality of water, especially the level of dissolved oxygen along the river flow

    Pengaruh Tawas dan Waktu Pengadukan Terhadap Kadar Fosfat pada Limbah Cair Laundry di Martapura Kabupaten Banjar

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    Abstract: Effect of Stirring Time Alum And Phosphate Levels In Liquid Waste Martapura Laundry In Central District. One of the wastes produced is phosphate. Disposal of waste which contains phosphates in the water can cause eutrophication processes in the aquatic environment. Therefore it needs proper methods for treating waste that contains a lot of laundry phosphate compounds that safely discharged into the environment. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of alum and alum stirring time on levels of phosphate in laundry wastewater XXX in Martapura, Banjar.This type of research is shaped Experimental research. Design The study design is randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The sample was liquid waste from the laundry XXX Laundry washing process that represents the entire population of data analysis using One Way ANOVA Test. The result of a decrease in the average levels of phosphate in sequence on each variation of stirring time, ie 92.7%; 99.6%; and 96.7%. The statistical test used is One Way Anova test. Based on an analysis using One Way ANOVA in the treatment group p-value (0.0

    Pemanasan Sebagai Katalisator Bahan Koagulan Tawas dan Kapur dalam Pengolahan Air Sungai di Desa Penjaratan Kecamatan Pelaihari Kabupaten Tanah Laut Tahun 2016

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    Abstract: Heating As The Catalyst Of Alum And Lime Coagulant Materials In The River Water Processing In Penjaratan Village Pelaihari District Tanah Laut Regency In 2016. Water is a basic need in the human’s life. Therefore, water must be available in adequate quantity and quality such physical quality especially the turbidity at river water in. This study aims to find out the heat value as the catalyst of alum and lime coagulant materials in reducing the river water turbidity. The research method used is jar test, quasi- eksperiment designs in nature. Dependent variables in this study are turbidity and pH, independent variables are alum and lime doses and heating solution temperature. Data analysis is using Two-Way Anova statistical test.The study result in April 2016 shows there is a difference between catalyst without heating with early turbidity heating is 65.7 NTU and turbidity with processing without heating at settling time variation 5 minutes 20.7 NTU, 10 minutes 18.32 NTU and 15 minutes 17.45 NTU while with heating at settling time variation 5 minutes 14.27 NTU, 10 minutes 13.6 NTU and 15 minutes 13.1 NTU. The statistical test result shows the p-value in the catalyst is 0.05 (there is no significant difference). Keyword: Catalyst; Alum; Lime; Turbidity