434 research outputs found

    The Effect of Seasons and Depths on Growth and Survival Rate of Pearl Oyster (Pinctada Maxima) in Kodek Bay, North Lombok

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    The pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) farming in the West Nusa Tenggara waters in particular and in other areas, complained to the mass mortality of pearl oysters saplings on shell width between 3-4 cm. The mass mortality, allegedly as a result of changing in environmental conditions and triggered by the shift in seasons. This research aimed to determine the effect of seasonal variations in water conditions at different depth levels on growth and survival of seedlings of pearl oysters conducted on March 23, 2008 to February 22, 2009. This research was very useful for pearl oyster farming in an effort to suppress the mass mortality rates based on the appropriate level of depth and seasons. Analysis of variance showed that the seasonal factors, the level of depth, and the interaction between both factors responded very significantly on pearl oyster seedling survival. The "significant difference test" showed that the interaction between season and level of 2 m depth provided the best result with 100% survival. The similar survival rate was also found at a depth of 8 m during the transition season I and the east season. For single factor (depth), the best result for growth and survival rate was found in 2 m deep during the transition season I

    The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy and Deficit Budget Financing : Evidence From Selected Muslim Countries

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    The sustainability of fiscal policy and how to finance the deficit budget has been receiving increasing attention from economists. The issue is paramount for the Muslim Countries and this is one of the motivations of the paper. In order to assess the sustainability of budget deficits in selected Muslim countries, a descriptive statistics for the stock of revenue, expenditure, tax over GDP and sustainability tests of government debt and deficit are performed for the Muslim countries for the 1971-2000 period. The cointegration model is also used to test the relationship between government expenditures, taxes, and seigniorage. The results show that the Muslim countries use taxes and seigniorage to finance their government expenditures. The empirical results also allow us to conclude that fiscal policy may be sustainable for most Muslim countries. JEL classification: E60; H62; H63

    Investigating machine learning techniques for detection of depression using structural MRI volumetric features

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    Structural MRI offers anatomical details and high sensitivity to pathological changes. It can demonstrate certain patterns of brain changes present at a structural level. Research to date has shown that volumetric analysis of brain regions has importance in depression detection. However, such analysis has had very minimal use in depression detection studies at individual level. Optimally combining various brain volumetric features/attributes, and summarizing the data into a distinctive set of variables remain difficult. This study investigates machine learning algorithms that automatically identify relevant data attributes for depression detection. Different machine learning techniques are studied for depression classification based on attributes extracted from structural MRI (sMRI) data. The attributes include volume calculated from whole brain, white matter, grey matter and hippocampus. Attributes subset selection is performed aiming to remove redundant attributes using three filtering methods and one hybrid method, in combination with ranker search algorithms. The highest average classification accuracy, obtained by using a combination of both SVM-EM and IG-Random Tree algorithms, is 85.23%. The classification approach implemented in this study can achieve higher accuracy than most reported studies using sMRI data, specifically for detection of depression

    Variasi Konsentrasi Span-80 dan PH Fasa Eksternal pada Ekstraksi Ion Timbal(II) dengan Metode Emulsi Membran Cair

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    A research on the extraction of lead(II) ion has been done using emulsion liquid membrane technique. This research used a laboratory experiment method by using benzoyl acetone as a carrier, paraffin liquid as the membrane, a solution of nitric acid as an internal phase, Span-80 as a surfactant, and lead(II) solution as the sample. This research was conducted to determine the optimum extraction condition of lead(II) ions in solution which includes the span-80 concentration variations (2 - 5%) and the pH of the external phase variations (2 – 4). Determination of the concentration of lead(II) ions in the external phase is done using a Spectro Direct. The results showed that the concentration of span-80 that produces a maximum extraction percentage is 3%. Moreover, the pH of the external phase which produces the maximum percentage extraction at pH 2 with extraction percentage of 74.36%

    Arang Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes) sebagai Adsorben Fenol pada Limbah PLTU Palu

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    This study aims to determine the optimum capacity and weight of water hyacinth aroma to the adsorption capacity of phenol in Palu PLTU waste. The steps taken in this research are a sampling of PLTU waste, making of adsorbent, determination of phenol concentration in PLTU waste and determination of phenol concentration at equilibrium using a Spektrodirect spectrophotometer. The adsorption capacity of water hyacinth at optimum condition of phenol was determined by weight variations of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg. The resulting result after adsorption process for adsorption weight at the weight of charcoal 10 mg = 82.78%, 20 mg = 89.13%, 30 mg = 85.49%, 40 mg = 79.72% and 50 mg = 74, 42 %. The optimum weight of charcoal in phenol absorb is 20 mg with% phenol which is absorbed 89.13%. The capacity of adsorbent hailing of water hyacinth scent at optimum condition of 3.03 mg phenol/g of adsorbent

    Pertumbuhan dan Daya Tahan Tubuh Juwana Kerapu Bebek (Cromileptes Altivelis) yang Mendapatkan Tambahan Selenium dan Terpapar Cekaman Lingkungan [Growth And Vitality Of Juvenile Humpback Grouper (Cromileptes Altivelis) Supplemented With Selenium And Exposed To Environmental Stress]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah penambahan sodium selenite (selenium anorganik) dalam pakan yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan daya tahan tubuh juwana kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) yang terpapar pada cekaman akibat Perubahan kondisi lingkungan. Percobaan didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah penambahan selenium (Se) dalam bentuk sodium selenite (Se anorganik) pada berbagai dosis (0; 0,025; 0,05; 0,1; 0,2; dan 0,4 mg Se kg-1). Juwana kerapu bebek yang di-gunakan berukuran panjang awal rata-rata 5,83+0,28 cm dan bobot tubuh rata-rata 3,47+0,43 g dipelihara dalam akuarium berukuran 90 x 40 x 35 cm3 dan diberi pakan buatan berbentuk pellet frekuensi dua kali sehari (pukul 08.00 dan 16.00) at satiation. Ikan dipelihara selama 42 hari dengan padat penebaran 15 ekor per 100 liter air laut bersalinitas 30-31 ppt dan suhu 28-29 oC. Pada akhir pemeliharaan, ikan direndam di dalam air tawar selama 10 menit untuk mengetahui respons stres akibat Perubahan osmolaritas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan harian, konsumsi pakan, efisiensi pakan, retensi protein, glikogen hati, glikogen otot, dan semua parameter gambaran darah tidak dipengaruhi oleh penambahan Se. Sebaliknya, penambahan Se meningkatkan retensi lemak, aktivitas enzim GPx plasma, rasio RNA-DNA, dan rasio T3-T4. Penambahan sodium selenite dosis 0,05 mg Se kg-1 mampu meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan dan daya tahan tubuh juwana kerapu bebek

    Thermal Performance of Naturally Ventilated Classroom in the Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University, Gowa Campus

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    This study aims to identify the thermal performance of naturally ventilated classrooms of the new campus of Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University in Gowa. The natural ventilation system has three main functions that are to provide healthy air for occupants, to provide thermal comfort to the occupants, and to cool the fabrics in the building interior. Thermal comfort perceived by the user is determined by many factors, including physical, psychological, etc. This research was conducted by using the experimental method with research analysis using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation method. The input parameters in the simulation were obtained through field measurement in the form of room dimension, ventilation open area, and microclimate parameter. The simulation is carried out at maximum open conditions in existing ventilation system with open and closed class door treatment. The simulation treatment of airflow input speeds were 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 m/s. The results showed that the existing ventilation system of Classroom at Faculty of Engineering (FoE) Hasanuddin University (Unhas) with an opening ratio of 16.59 to 22.76% of the floor area is good enough to flow and distribute comfortable air movement inside the classroom, especially at airflow speeds above 0.5 m/s

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Asam Terhadap Cuko Pempek

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    The aim of this study was to explore the effect of the type and acid concentration on cuko pempek. Preparation of cuko pempek used the Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial, type of acid comprises acetic acid (A1), lactic acid (A2) and lactic acid applicative (A3). Acid concentration of 200 mL (K1), 250 mL (K2) and 300 mL (K3) with three replications. The observed parameters consisted of chemical analysis such as: total sugars, pH, viscosity, and capsaicin. The organoleptical tests used different tests with standard samples include color, aroma and flavor. While the microbiological analysis was by Total Plate Count (TPC) methods using agar medium spread. The results showed that the type of acid affect the pH, total sugars, viscosity, color, aroma, flavor and had no effect on the levels of capsaicin of cuko pempek. Acid concentration affect the total sugars, capsaicin, color, aroma, taste, while did not affect the pH and viscosity. The interaction of the studied factors affect the pH, total sugars, capsaicin, color, aroma, and taste of cuko pempek. Organoleptical assessment showed that the color, aroma and flavor of cuko pempek were different from the standard samples at the level of the medium, small and very small difference. In microbiological treatment using lactic acid applicative (K3), the viability of cells decreased significantly from a range of LAB 10 CFU/mL to an average of 1.94 × 10 CFU/mL
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