3,110 research outputs found

    Effect of Row Spacing and Sowing Rate on Establishment of Lucerne cv. Grasslands Oranga

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    Studies on the effects of various row spacings and sowing rates on the establishment of autumn-sown lucerne (Medicago saliva L) cv. Grasslands Oranga were carried out in a split-plot experiment at Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand. Seed was sown on 15 March 1991 at 1, 3, 6 and 12 kwha at row spacings of 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm. Seedling establishment increased as sowing rate and row spacing increased, but numbers of seedlings were not directly proportional to the number of seeds sown. The percentage establishment 6 months after sowing was significantly higher atthe lowest sowing rate. Sowing rate and rowspacing significantly effected dry matter (DM) production: narrow rows (15, 30 cm) produced more DM than the other spacings, while the highest sowing rate (12 kg/ha) produced more OM than lower sowing rates

    Chandra observations of the HII complex G5.89-0.39 and TeV gamma-ray source HESSJ1800-240B

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    We present the results of our investigation, using a Chandra X-ray observation, into the stellar population of the massive star formation region G5.89-0.39, and its potential connection to the coincident TeV gamma-ray source HESSJ1800-240B. G5.89-0.39 comprises two separate HII regions G5.89-0.39A and G5.89-0.39B (an ultra-compact HII region). We identified 159 individual X-ray point sources in our observation using the source detection algorithm \texttt{wavdetect}. 35 X-ray sources are associated with the HII complex G5.89-0.39. The 35 X-ray sources represent an average unabsorbed luminosity (0.3-10\,keV) of 1030.5\sim10^{30.5}\,erg/s, typical of B7-B5 type stars. The potential ionising source of G5.89-0.39B known as Feldt's star is possibly identified in our observation with an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity suggestive of a B7-B5 star. The stacked energy spectra of these sources is well-fitted with a single thermal plasma APEC model with kT\sim5\,keV, and column density NH=2.6×1022_{\rm H}=2.6\times10^{22}\,cm2^{-2} (AV10_{\rm V}\sim 10). The residual (source-subtracted) X-ray emission towards G5.89-0.39A and B is about 30\% and 25\% larger than their respective stacked source luminosities. Assuming this residual emission is from unresolved stellar sources, the total B-type-equivalent stellar content in G5.89-0.39A and B would be 75 stars, consistent with an earlier estimate of the total stellar mass of hot stars in G5.89-0.39. We have also looked at the variability of the 35 X-ray sources in G5.89-0.39. Ten of these sources are flagged as being variable. Further studies are needed to determine the exact causes of the variability, however the variability could point towards pre-main sequence stars. Such a stellar population could provide sufficient kinetic energy to account for a part of the GeV to TeV gamma-ray emission in the source HESSJ1800-240B.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    The Guppy Effect as Interference

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    People use conjunctions and disjunctions of concepts in ways that violate the rules of classical logic, such as the law of compositionality. Specifically, they overextend conjunctions of concepts, a phenomenon referred to as the Guppy Effect. We build on previous efforts to develop a quantum model that explains the Guppy Effect in terms of interference. Using a well-studied data set with 16 exemplars that exhibit the Guppy Effect, we developed a 17-dimensional complex Hilbert space H that models the data and demonstrates the relationship between overextension and interference. We view the interference effect as, not a logical fallacy on the conjunction, but a signal that out of the two constituent concepts, a new concept has emerged.Comment: 10 page

    Pruning Algorithms for Pretropisms of Newton Polytopes

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    Pretropisms are candidates for the leading exponents of Puiseux series that represent solutions of polynomial systems. To find pretropisms, we propose an exact gift wrapping algorithm to prune the tree of edges of a tuple of Newton polytopes. We prefer exact arithmetic not only because of the exact input and the degrees of the output, but because of the often unpredictable growth of the coordinates in the face normals, even for polytopes in generic position. We provide experimental results with our preliminary implementation in Sage that compare favorably with the pruning method that relies only on cone intersections.Comment: exact, gift wrapping, Newton polytope, pretropism, tree pruning, accepted for presentation at Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 201

    Ternary Mixed Magnetic Co/Mn/Ni Dichloride Dihydrate

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    Ternary mixed magnetic Co1-xMnyNix-yCl2 center dot 2H(2)O has as its components three well studied antiferromagnets. Each is characterized by MCl2MCl2M...chemical and structural chains, with intrachain exchange interactions antiferromagnetic for the Mn component but ferromagnetic for the other two components. Competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic intrachain exchange interactions occur in two different pairwise combinations. Reported here is the magnetic behavior of an equimolar mixture of the three components. One maximum appears in the magnetic susceptibility vs temperature, at 4.85 +/- 0.05 K, a quite interesting result since decidedly lower than the locations of susceptibility maxima in the pure components. A pronounced upturn in the susceptibility below 2.3 K also appears. Magnetization vs field isotherms display increasingly strong convex upward curvature and associated hysteresis with decreasing temperature. All of these characteristics differ markedly from those of the pure components

    Relationship between extensions and intensions in categorization: A match made in heaven?

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    The present study investigated the relationship between category extension and intension for 11 different semantic categories. It is often tacitly assumed that there is a (strong) extension–intension link. However, a recent study by Hampton and Passanisi (2016) examining the patterns of stable individual differences in concepts across participants called this hypothesis into question. To conceptually replicate their findings, two studies were conducted. We employed a category judgment task to measure category extensions, whereas a property generation (in Study 1) and property judgment task (Study 2) were used to measure intensions. Using their method, that is, correlating extension and intension similarity matrices, we found nonsignificant correlations in both studies, supporting their conclusion that similarity between individuals for extensional judgments does not map onto similarity between individuals for intensional judgments. However, multilevel logistic regression analyses showed that the properties a person generated (Study 1) or endorsed (Study 2) better predicted her own category judgments compared to other people’s category judgments. This result provides evidence in favor of a link between extension and intension at the subject level. The conflicting findings, resulting from two different approaches, and their theoretical repercussions are discussed

    Model networks of end‐linked polydimethylsiloxane chains. II. Viscoelastic losses

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71107/2/JCPSA6-68-4-2010-1.pd

    A "Kane's Dynamics" Model for the Active Rack Isolation System

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    In the late 1980s, microgravity researchers began to voice their concern that umbilical-transmitted energy could significantly degrade the acceleration environment of microgravity space science experiments onboard manned spacecraft. Since umbilicals are necessary for many experiments, control designers began to seek ways to compensate for these "indirect" disturbances. Hampton, et al., used the Kane s method to develop a model of the active rack isolation system (ARIS) that includes (1) actuator control forces, (2) direct disturbance forces, and (3) indirect, actuator-transmitted disturbances. Their model does not, however, include the indirect, umbilical-transmitted disturbances. Since the umbilical stiffnesses are not negligible, these indirect disturbances must be included in the model. Until the umbilicals have been appropriately included, the model will be incomplete. This Technical Memorandum presents a nonlinear model of ARIS with umbilicals included. Model verification was achieved by utilizing two commercial-off-the-shelf software tools. Various forces and moments were applied to the model to yield simulated responses of the system. Plots of the simulation results show how various critical points on an ARIS-outfitted international standard payload rack behave under the application of direct disturbances, indirect disturbances, and control forces. Simulations also show system response to a variety of initial conditions