201 research outputs found

    Photogrammetrische Erfassung der Verformungs- und Rissentwicklung bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen

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    Verfahren der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie ermöglichen eine dreidimensionale Erfassung von Objekten und stellen damit interessante LösungsansĂ€tze fĂŒr Messaufgaben im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen dar. Ihr Einsatz bietet bei einer Vielzahl baumechanischer Untersuchungen die Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine kontinuierliche, zeitsynchrone ObjektoberflĂ€chenerfassung bei kurz- und langzeitigen Belastungsversuchen im Labor und in situ. Die daraus resultierenden Möglichkeiten der kontinuierlichen Erfassung von Verformungs-, Riss- und SchĂ€digungsentwicklungen an ObjektoberflĂ€chen stellen fĂŒr viele experimentelle Untersuchungen im Bauingenieurwesen eine signifikante QualitĂ€tssteigerung dar, die mit klassischen Messtechniken – wie z. B. Dehnmessstreifen oder induktiven Wegaufnehmern – nur bedingt bzw. nicht realisiert werden kann. Um das Potential der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie zur kontinuierlichen Erfassung der Verformungs-, Riss- und SchĂ€digungsentwicklung an ObjektoberflĂ€chen bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen erfassen zu können, wurden – aufbauend auf den bekannten Grundlagen und LösungsansĂ€tzen – systematische Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese bildeten den Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr den Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren bei experimentellen Untersuchungen in den verschiedenen Teildisziplinen des Bauingenieurwesens, z. B. im Holz-, Massiv-, Mauerwerks-, Stahl- und Straßenbau. Die photogrammetrisch zu erfassenden Versuchsobjekte – einschließlich ihrer VerĂ€nderungen bei den Belastungsversuchen – waren dabei u. a. kleinformatige PrĂŒfkörper und Baukonstruktionen aus den verschiedensten Materialien bzw. Verbundmaterialien. Bei den anwendungsorientierten Untersuchungen musste beachtet werden, dass aufgrund der z. T. sehr heterogenen Anforderungen und der zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, die beim Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren denkbar waren, die Notwendigkeit der Auswahl und ggf. einer Weiter- bzw. Neuentwicklung geeigneter Systeme, effizienter Verfahren und optimaler Auswertealgorithmen der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie bestand. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde mit der systematischen Zusammenstellung und Untersuchung relevanter EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen begonnen. Diese waren oftmals durch die jeweiligen photogrammetrischen Messprozesse und Messaufgaben beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die digitale Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie ein flexibel anwendbares Werkzeug fĂŒr die Erfassung der Verformungs-, Riss- und SchĂ€digungsentwicklung bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen darstellt. Spezielle Messaufgaben stellen im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen oftmals sehr hohe Anforderungen an die Messgenauigkeit, die Robustheit und das Messvolumen. Sie erfordern optimierte Verfahren und fĂŒhrten im Zusammenhang mit der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einer Reihe von Lösungen, wie beispielsweise der 2.5D-Objekterfassung auf Basis der Dynamischen Projektiven Transformation oder der Objekterfassung mittels Spiegelphotogrammetrie. Im Hinblick auf die Objektsignalisierung wurde eine intensitĂ€tsbasierte Messmarke entwickelt. Diese ermöglicht besonders bei sehr hochgenauen Deformations- bzw. Dehnungsmessungen ein großes Genauigkeitspotential im Sub-Pixelbereich, das im 1/100 eines Pixels liegt. In Bezug auf die photogrammetrischen Auswerteprozesse wurden optimierte Bildzuordnungsverfahren implementiert, die beispielsweise eine Punkteinmessung von bis zu 60.000 Punkten pro Sekunde ermöglichen und eine Grundlage fĂŒr die flĂ€chenhafte Rissanalyse darstellen. In Bezug auf die qualitative und quantitative Risserfassung wurden verschiedene Verfahren entwickelt. Diese ermöglichen z. B. die lastabhĂ€ngige Erfassung der Rissposition und -breite in Messprofilen. In einem Messbereich von 100 mm x 100 mm konnten beispielsweise Verformungen mit einer Genauigkeit bis 1 ”m und Rissbreiten ab 3 ”m erfasst werden. Im Zusammenhang mit den zahlreichen anwendungsbezogenen Untersuchungen entstanden immer wieder Fragen hinsichtlich der Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf den photogrammetrischen Messprozess im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen ausĂŒben. Aufgrund der zahlreichen EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen, die als Steuer- bzw. StörgrĂ¶ĂŸen eine mögliche Wirkung auf bauspezifische photogrammetrische Messprozesse ausĂŒben können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit mit deren systematischer Zusammenstellung relevanter EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen begonnen. Die Relevanz einzelner EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen konnte durch Untersuchungen bereits bestĂ€tigt werden. Um eine ganzheitliche Bewertung aller relevanten EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen aufgabenabhĂ€ngig vornehmen zu können, wurde ein spezieller Versuchsstand entwickelt. Dieser ermöglicht eine vollautomatisierte systematische Untersuchung bauspezifischer photogrammetrischer Messprozesse unter definierten Versuchsbedingungen und dient dem systematischen Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen hinsichtlich der Absicherung bestehender Messaufgaben, kann aber auch zu weiteren neuen und optimierten Messprozessen fĂŒhren.Methods of digital close range photogrammetry are a useful tool for the measurement of three-dimensional objects in civil engineering material testing. They are generally suitable for automatic measurements with chronological synchronism of object-surfaces during short and long time load tests in laboratories and in situ. The methods provide an opportunity for measuring deformations, cracks and damages at the object-surfaces during load tests in civil engineering material testing. These possibilities can present new results for a lot of applications in civil engineering material testing. Displacement and deformation measurements still rely on wire strain gauges or inductive displacement transducers. However, they are not suitable for a large number of measurement points or the detection of cracks during load tests. First of all, a number of systematic investigations was conducted. This was necessary to identify capable methods of the digital photogrammetry for the measuring of deformations, cracks and damages at object-surfaces during load tests in civil engineering material testing. These investigations laid the foundation for practical measurements during short and long time load tests of samples and constructions from different parts of the civil engineering (e.g. timber construction, solid structure, stell and road construction). The application-oriented research in civil engineering material testing demonstrates the wide range of demands on systems and methods of digital close range photogrammetry have to meet. Often the methods and systems of digital close range photogrammetry had to be modified or developed. In this context the systematic analysis of relevant determining factors was started.The results demonstrate that the methods and systems of digital close range photogrammetry are a suitable and flexible tool for the measurement of deformations, cracks and damages at the object-surfaces in civil engineering material testing. In addition, the special experiments in civil engineering material testing demonstrate the high requirements laid upon methods and systems of the digital closed range photogrammetry, for instance regarding with the measurement resolution/range and robustness processes. This was the motivation to optimize and to develop methods and systems for the special measurement tasks in civil engineering material testing, for instance a 2.5D measurement technique based on the Dynamic Projective Transformation (DPT) or the use of mirrors. Also a special measurement target was developed. This type of measurement target modifies intensities and is ideal for high deformation measurements (1/100 pixel). The large number of points in conjunction with area-based measurements require time-optimized methods for the analysis process. The modified and developed methods/programs enable fast analysis-processes, e.g. in conjunction with point-matching process 60.000 points per second.The developed crack-detection-methods allow area- and profile-based to analyze the load-dependent position and width of cracks, e.g. cracks > 3 ”m (100 mm x 100 mm). A main target of this work was to compile all relevant determining factors regarding the application of the digital close range photogrammetry during load tests in civil engineering material testing. To a large extent, this target was reached. However, the compilation of all relevant determining factors requires a special experimental set-up. This experimental set-up was developed. In the future, it may enable the automatic research of all significant determining factors. The results can be used to qualify or optimize the established methods and processes. Also it's possible that the results generates new measurement processes

    Preliminary investigations on high energy electron beam tomography

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    In computed tomography (CT) cross-sectional images of the attenuation distribution within a slice are created by scanning radiographic projections of an object with a rotating X-ray source detector compound and subsequent reconstruction of the images from these projection data on a computer. CT can be made very fast by employing a scanned electron beam instead of a mechanically moving X-ray source. Now this principle was extended towards high-energy electron beam tomography with an electrostatic accelerator. Therefore a dedicated experimental campaign was planned and carried out at the Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk. There we investigated the capabilities of BINP’s accelerators as an electron beam generating and scanning unit of a potential high-energy electron beam tomography device. The setup based on a 1 MeV ELV-6 (BINP) electron accelerator and a single detector. Besides tomographic measurements with different phantoms, further experiments were carried out concerning the focal spot size and repeat accuracy of the electron beam as well as the detector’s response time and signal to noise ratio

    Investigation of the radial effect on the transition velocities in a bubble column based on the modified Shannon entropy

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    AbstractA new parameter for flow regime identification in a bubble column based on the calculation of the Shannon entropy (SE) from different parts of the signal was developed. The bubble column (0.15m in ID) was equipped with a perforated plate distributor (14 holes, Ø 4×10−3m) and operated with an air-deionized water system at ambient conditions. The newly introduced dimensionless ratio of minimum SE to maximum SE was capable of identifying the main transition velocities Utrans at three different dimensionless radial positions (r/R): 0.0 (core), 0.63 (inversion point of axial liquid velocity) and 0.88 (annulus).In the column’s core the new dimensionless SE ratio identified successfully three Utrans values at 0.034, 0.089 and 0.134m/s. They marked the end of the gas maldistribution regime, the onset and the end of the churn-turbulent flow regime, respectively. Three Utrans values (at 0.045, 0.089 and 0.124m/s) were also identified in the annulus. However, the second Utrans value identified the boundary between the first and second transition sub-regimes. The third Utrans value distinguished the onset of the churn-turbulent flow regime. It was found that in the core both the transition and churn-turbulent flow regimes started earlier.At r/R=0.63 the end of the gas maldistribution regime was shifted to a somewhat higher Utrans value (0.067m/s). The second transition sub-regime began at 0.101m/s, whereas the onset of the churn-turbulent regime occurred at 0.124m/s

    Advances in application of the limiting current technique for solid-liquid mass transfer investigations

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    The limiting current technique has widely been used to study liquid-solid mass transfer in various reactor configurations. In the present contribution several underlying physical aspects have been investigated in order to improve the design of mass transfer experiments. Experimentally, the significant influence of electrolyte composition and hydrodynamic conditions have been studied and quantified to ensure conditions of high reproducibility. In the course of single phase COMSOL simulations, different electrode configurations have been examined with emphasis on concentration fields and electric current distribution showing a large sensitivity of the experimental configuration on the absolute current values

    Modeling of the Effective Permittivity of Open-Cell Ceramic Foams Inspired by Platonic Solids

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    Open-cell solid foams are rigid skeletons that are permeable to fluids, and they are used as direct heaters or thermal dissipaters in many industrial applications. Using susceptors, such as dielectric materials, for the skeleton and exposing them to microwaves is an efficient way of heating them. The heating performance depends on the permittivity of the skeleton. However, generating a rigorous description of the effective permittivity is challenging and requires an appropriate consideration of the complex skeletal foam morphology. In this study, we propose that Platonic solids act as building elements of the open-cell skeletal structures, which explains their effective permittivity. The new, simplistic geometrical relation thus derived is used along with electromagnetic wave propagation calculations of models that represent real foams to obtain a geometrical, parameter-free relation, which is based only on foam porosity and the material’s permittivity. The derived relation facilitates an efficient and reliable estimation of the effective permittivity of open-cell foams over a large range of porosity

    Direct Tray and Point Efficiency Measurements Including Weeping Effects through a Convenient Add-On for Air–Water Simulators

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    A direct approach for determining the tray and point efficiencies of an industrial-scale distillation tray is proposed. The stripping of isobutyl acetate from an aqueous solution with air was used, which is a manageable and nonhazardous method applicable for performance tests in large hydraulic column mockups. This work represents the first application of this system in the case of tray columns exemplified for a sieve tray. A column of 800 mm internal diameter was used for conducting the stripping experiments. The distribution of isobutyl acetate in the liquid phase on the tray was obtained via liquid sampling at several deck positions and UV-spectroscopy analysis. A definition for the liquid-side tray efficiency in weeping conditions is proposed together with an experimental approach for determining tray and point efficiencies in such conditions. The derived efficiency data show good agreement with the model predictions and correlations

    Novel Mixing Relations for Determining the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Open-Cell Foams

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    This paper proposes a new approach to relate the effective thermal conductivity of open-cell solid foams to their porosity. It is based on a recently published approach for estimating the dielectric permittivity of isotropic porous media. A comprehensive assessment was performed comparing the proposed mixing relation with published experimental data for thermal conductivity and with numerical data from state-of-the-art relations. The mixing relation for the estimation of thermal conductivities based on dodecahedrons as building blocks shows good agreement with experimental data over a wide range of porosity

    Experimental Study of a Compact Microwave Applicator for Evaporation of Airflow-Entrained Droplets

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    In many energy and process engineering systems where fluids are processed, droplet-laden gas flows may occur. As droplets are often detrimental to the system’s operation, they need to be removed. Compact engineering solutions for the removal of entrained droplets are difficult to achieve with conventional flow control and heat transfer approaches and thus droplet removal devices are hence often costly and bulky. In this study, we analyzed the potential of a compact technology based on droplet capture and in situ evaporation by microwave heating. For that, we designed a microwave applicator containing a porous droplet separator for capturing and evaporating droplets. The application of open-cell ceramic foams as filter medium reduced 99.9% of the volumetric flow of droplets, while additional microwave exposure increases reduction to 99.99%. In addition, microwave-heated foams prevent droplet re-entrainment and structure-borne liquid accumulation within foams, thus avoiding water clogging and flooding

    DATIV - Remote enhancement of smart aerosol measurement system using Raspberry Pi based distributed sensors

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    Enclosed public spaces are the hotspots for airborne disease transmission. To measure and maintain indoor air quality in terms of airborne transmission, an open source, low cost and distributed array of Particulate Matter Sensors has been developed and named as Dynamic Aerosol Transport for Indoor Ventilation or DATIV system. This system can use multiple Particulate Matter Sensors (PMS) simultaneously and can be remotely controlled using a Raspberry Pie based operating system. The data acquisition system can be easily operated using the GUI within any common browser installed on a remote device such as a PC or Smartphone with corresponding IP address. The software architecture and validation measurements are presented together with possible future developments
