1,067 research outputs found

    Effect of dexamethasone on osteoclast formation in the alveolar

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    This study was planned to determine whether a short period dexamethasone treatment induce alveolar bone loss or not, therefore, twenty six male albino rabbits were divided into three groups as follow: Test groups I (10 rabbits) received 1.56 mg/kg dexamethasone intraperitoneal injection daily for two weeks, test group II (10 rabbits) received 3.12 mg/kg dexamethasone intraperitoneal injection daily, and the control group (6 rabbits) received saline solution for same period. The animals were sacrificed and histological sections were prepared from the alveolar bone of molar areas of mandible, as well as morphometric analysis of osteoclasts number was performed. The results showed a significant increase in the number of osteoclasts, which indicates that bone loss, is quite inevitable secondary to dexamethasone treatment even in a short period of treatment for two weeks

    Dealing with time-varying recruitment and length in Hill-type muscle models

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    Hill-type muscle models are often used in muscle simulation studies and also in the design and virtual prototyping of functional electrical stimulation systems. These models have to behave in a sufficiently realistic manner when recruitment level and contractile element (CE) length change continuously. For this reason, most previous models have used instantaneous CE length in the muscle’s force vs. length (F-L) relationship, but thereby neglect the instability problem on the descending limb (i.e. region of negative slope) of the F-L relationship. Ideally CE length at initial recruitment should be used but this requires a multiple-motor-unit muscle model to properly account for different motor-units having different initial lengths when recruited. None of the multiple-motor-unit models reported in the literature have used initial CE length in the muscle’s F-L relationship, thereby also neglecting the descending limb instability problem. To address the problem of muscle modelling for continuously varying recruitment and length, and hence different values of initial CE length for different motor-units, a new multiple-motor-unit muscle model is presented which considers the muscle to comprise 1000 individual Hill-type virtual motorunits, which determine the total isometric force. Other parts of the model (F-V relationship and passive elements) are not dependent on the initial CE length and, therefore, they are implemented for the muscle as a whole rather than for the individual motor-units. The results demonstrate the potential errors introduced by using a single-motor-unit model and also the instantaneous CE length in the F-L relationship, both of which are common in FES control studies

    Efficient method for transformer models implementation in distribution load flow matrix

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    Introduction. Most distribution networks are unbalanced and therefore require a specific solution for load flow. There are many works on the subject in the literature, but they mainly focus on simple network configurations. Among the methods dedicated to this problem, one can refer to the load flow method based on the bus injection to branch current and branch current to bus voltage matrices. Problem. Although this method is regarded as simple and complete, its drawback is the difficulty in supporting the transformer model as well as its winding connection types. Nevertheless, the method requires the system per unit to derive the load flow solution. Goal. In the present paper, our concern is the implementation of distribution transformers in the modeling and calculation of load flow in unbalanced networks. Methodology. Unlike previous method, distribution transformer model is introduced in the topology matrices without simplifying assumptions. Particularly, topology matrices were modified to take into account all winding types of both primary and secondary sides of transformer that conserve the equivalent scheme of an ideal transformer in series with an impedance. In addition, the adopted transformer models overcome the singularity problem that can be encountered when switching from the primary to the secondary side of transformer and inversely. Practical value. The proposed approach was applied to various distribution networks such as IEEE 4-nodes, IEEE 13-nodes and IEEE 37-nodes. The obtained results validate the method and show its effectiveness.Вступ. Більшість розподільчих мереж незбалансовані і тому потребують спеціального рішення для потоку навантаження. У літературі є багато робіт на цю тему, але переважно вони присвячені простим мережевим конфігураціям. Серед методів, присвячених цій проблемі, можна назвати метод потоку навантаження, заснований на введенні шини в матрицю струму відгалуження і відгалуження струму в матрицю напруги шини. Проблема. Хоча цей метод вважається простим та повним, його недоліком є складність підтримки моделі трансформатора, а також типів з’єднання його обмоток. Проте метод вимагає системи на одиницю для отримання рішення про потік навантаження. Мета. У цій статті нас цікавить застосування розподільних трансформаторів для моделювання та розрахунку потоку навантаження у незбалансованих мережах. Методологія. На відміну від попереднього методу, модель розподільного трансформатора вводиться в матриці топології без спрощення припущень. Зокрема, матриці топології були змінені, щоб врахувати всі типи обмоток як первинної, так і вторинної сторін трансформатора, які зберігають еквівалентну схему послідовно ідеально включеного трансформатора з імпедансом. Крім того, прийняті моделі трансформаторів долають проблему сингулярності, з якою можна зіткнутися при перемиканні з первинної на вторинну обмотку трансформатора і навпаки. Практична цінність. Пропонований підхід був застосований до різних розподільних мереж, таких як IEEE з 4 вузлами, IEEE з 13 вузлами та IEEE з 37 вузлами. Отримані результати підтверджують метод та показують його ефективність

    Synthesis, formulation, evaluation of insecticidal activity of chromen derivatives against cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and their mode of action under laboratory conditions

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    The toxicity of benzothiazole derivatives obtained from 2-cyanomethyl benzothiazole against cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis 2nd and 4th instar larvae has been documented. The main objective of this research was to formulate two previously reported chromen derivatives and test their biological activity against cotton leafworm S. littoralis 2nd and 4th instar larvae under laboratory conditions. According to the standard method, two chromen derivatives with two distinct substituents (salicylaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde) were synthesized. Their physical and chemical properties were evaluated, and both were formulated as 10 and 9.5 percent dustable powder formulations. Both formulae were then evaluated in the laboratory on cotton leafworm S. littoralis 2nd and 4th instar larvae for mortality and developmental effect percentage. Formulation (F2) was more efficient than formulation (F3) in both cases and for both stages. Furthermore, when comparing the developmental effects on the 2nd and 4th instar larvae, the 4th instar larvae demonstrated marked tolerance. Both stages were unable to complete their life cycle. Histopathological analysis of samples from the affected stages was performed to assess the mode of action of these formulations on 4th instar larvae at their LC50 values. Experimental data showed that Formulation (F3) resulted in epidermal cells separated from the cuticular layer, necrosis, ruptured columnar cells with pyknotic nuclei, disrupted basement membrane, and weak epicuticle necrosis and separation. In comparison, formulation (F2) revealed a midgut with vacuoles, damaged columnar, muscle cell necrosis, and a ruined peritrophic matrix. Thus, the cotton leafworm S. littoralis could be combated with the newly prepared formulations (F2) and (F3)

    Micronutrient Deficiencies in Medical and Surgical Inpatients

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    Inpatients are threatened by global malnutrition, but also by specific micronutrient (i.e., trace element and vitamins) deficiencies that frequently are overseen in the differential diagnosis of major organ dysfunctions. Some of them are related to specific geographic risks (iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, vitamin A), while others are pathology related, and finally many are associated with specific feeding patterns, including low dose enteral feeding. Among the pathologies in which laboratory blood investigations should include a micronutrient outwork, anemia is in the front line, followed by obesity with bariatric surgery, chronic liver disease, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiomyopathies and heart failure. The micronutrients at the highest risk are iron, zinc, thiamine, vitamin B12 and vitamin C. Admission to hospital has been linked with an additional risk of malnutrition-feeding below 1500 kcal/day was frequent and has been associated with a structural additional risk of insufficient micronutrient intake to cover basal needs. Although not evidence based, systematic administration of liberal thiamine doses upon admission, and daily complementation of inpatients' food and enteral feeding solutions with multi-micronutrient tablets might be considered

    Synthesis, characterization and physicochemical studies of copolymers of aniline and 3-nitroaniline

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    Polyaniline (PA), the versatile conducting polymer, owing to its tunable optoelectronic properties, facile preparation methodology and reversible redox behavior, has elicited much interest among current researchers, particularly in the fields of energy generation storage devices, protective coatings and electrochemical sensors. However, its commercialization has been much restricted due to low solution processability and thermal stability. Recent studies reveal that the above-mentioned challenges can effectively be addressed by copolymerization of PA with suitable components. In addition, the properties of copolymers could be modified and tuned by varying the monomer ratios. Thus, the present work is concerned with the fabrication of poly(aniline-co-3-nitroaniline) with varying compositions obtained by in situ oxidative copolymerization of aniline and 3-nitroaniline by altering the molar ratio of monomers. Optimization of the physicochemical properties such as UV visible absorption, solubility, thermal stability, electrical conductivity and dielectric signatures, particle size and morphology was achieved by varying the composition of monomeric substituents in these copolymers. Smoother morphology of the copolymer films was revealed by morphological studies via AFM technique and supported by particle size distribution study. The physicochemical trends demonstrated that proper proportions of nitro (NO2) group in the polymer chain are essential to achieve desired optimal physicochemical properties. Therefore, copolymers are ideally appropriate for multifaceted applications and would promote wider usage of conjugated polymers in various fields of organic-based optoelectronic as well as energy storage devices in the near future.Scopu

    High strain rate constitutive equation for metallic materials

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    The yield stress and flow stress increase significantly with strain rate. High speed Forming and Machining operation gives rise to strain rates varying from 10 to 10^ per second. A number of research work have been reported in which various techniques have been described for strain rates sensitivity. One of the reported technique 1 was based on high speed compression of small cylindrical specimens with tool steel projectile. The deformation was recorded with a high speed camera operating at 500,000 frames per second. The equipment is very expensive and the processing of the picture for data is very tedious and subjected to human error. The present study was aimed at using a similar technique of high speed compression without having to use any high speed photographs. From known initial and final dimension of the specimen together with the mass and the impact speed of the projectile, the deformation is simulated using a finite-difference technique based on an assumed dynamic constitutive equations. By iterative computation the constants of the constitutive equations are established and give close agreement between the experimental and simulated results in terms of the final dimensions of the cylindrical test specimens. Finally the principal aim of this investigation was to establish high strain rate constitutive equations for commercially pure Copper, Mild steel and Stainless steel, and compare the results with those obtained using more sophisticated and expensive equipment.This principal objective has been achieved and high strain rate constitutive equations have been determined for strain rates ranging between 103 to 10^ per second