8,330 research outputs found

    Electrical characterization of a Mapham inverter using pulse testing techniques

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    Electric power requirements for aerospace missions have reached megawatt power levels. Within the next few decades, it is anticipated that a manned lunar base, interplanetary travel, and surface exploration of the Martian surface will become reality. Several research and development projects aimed at demonstrating megawatt power level converters for space applications are currently underway at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Innovative testing techniques will be required to evaluate the components and converters, when developed, at their rated power in the absence of costly power sources, loads, and cooling systems. Facilities capable of testing these components and systems at full power are available, but their use may be cost prohibitive. The use of a multiple pulse testing technique is proposed to determine the electrical characteristics of large megawatt level power systems. Characterization of a Mapham inverter is made using the proposed technique and conclusions are drawn concerning its suitability as an experimental tool to evaluate megawatt level power systems

    The valuation tool user guide: monetizing Cradle to Cradle®

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    This User Guide outlines the object, scope and expected deliverables from the Valuation Tool component of the Cradle to Cradle ® C2C BIZZ project. It describes the compendium of subtools that have been developed comprising: i) overview of funding tools; ii) C2C investment appraisal tool; and iii) C2C value indexing tool. The underpinning methodologies, as well as their inherent strengths and limitations are also described. The C2C BIZZ project as a whole aims specifically to promote and enhance the implementation of C2C methods in business site development within North Western Europe (NWE) (PAD, p.14). It is intended to infuse C2C notions into conventional site development, restructuring and management. The primary focus of the project is on planning, building and managing of business sites with C2C credentials (PAD, p.18) using sites in Lille Metropole (La Lainiere), London (London Sustainable Industries Park) and Luxemburg (Ecoparc Windhof) as experimental fields. C2C BIZZ is not concerned with the internal operations and activities of occupiers or users of the developed site. Accordingly, the scope of the valuation tool is confined to the planning, building and management of C2C sites. The deliverable from this component is a compendium of subtools (see Figure 1 below) that may be used to analyse the financial performance of C2C credentials in business sites to aid the making of a business case for such developments and evaluating the financial incentives for particular C2C site development projects. This entire work is premised on the argument that the wider adoption of C2C principles within the built environment depends on the rate of uptake by the private sector. The private sector, being profit driven, are likely to engage in C2C site development if they are convinced of its capacity to contribute to their business goals which ultimately is a return on their investment. The tool development described in this document attempts to provide a framework for collating an evidence base that can assist in articulating the business case for C2C in business site developments

    Strings in gravity with torsion

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    A theory of gravitation in 4D is presented with strings used in the material action in U4U_4 spacetime. It is shown that the string naturally gives rise to torsion. It is also shown that the equation of motion a string follows from the Bianchi identity, gives the identical result as the Noether conservation laws, and follows a geodesic only in the lowest order approximation. In addition, the conservation laws show that strings naturally have spin, which arises not from their motion but from their one dimensional structure.Comment: 16 page

    Effects of a torsion field on Big Bang nucleosynthesis

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    In this paper it is investigated whether torsion, which arises naturally in most theories of quantum gravity, has observable implications for the Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Torsion can lead to spin flips amongst neutrinos thus turning them into sterile neutrinos. In the early Universe they can alter the helium abundance which is tightly constrained by observations. Here I calculate to what extent torsion of the string theory type leads to a disagreement with the Big Bang nucleosynthesis predictions.Comment: accepted by General Relativity and Gravitatio

    BEC-BCS Crossover of a Trapped Two-Component Fermi Gas with Unequal Masses

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    We determine the energetically lowest lying states in the BEC-BCS crossover regime of s-wave interacting two-component Fermi gases under harmonic confinement by solving the many-body Schrodinger equation using two distinct approaches. Essentially exact basis set expansion techniques are applied to determine the energy spectrum of systems with N=4 fermions. Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo methods are applied to systems with up to N=20 fermions, and a discussion of different guiding functions used in the Monte Carlo approach to impose the proper symmetry of the fermionic system is presented. The energies are calculated as a function of the s-wave scattering length a_s for N=2-20 fermions and different mass ratios \kappa of the two species. On the BEC and BCS sides, our energies agree with analytically-determined first-order correction terms. We extract the scattering length and the effective range of the dimer-dimer system up to \kappa = 20. Our energies for the strongly-interacting trapped system in the unitarity regime show no shell structure, and are well described by a simple expression, whose functional form can be derived using the local density approximation, with one or two parameters. The universal parameter \xi for the trapped system for various \kappa is determined, and comparisons with results for the homogeneous system are presented.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, extended versio

    The Lowland Maya "Protoclassic"

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    The term "Protoclassic," employed regularly but inexplicitly in the literature of lowland Maya archaeology, has become increasingly nebulous and ambiguous in both meaning and usage. This paper reviews the history and use of the term and presents a formal redefinition of the Protoclassic as a ceramic stage based explicitly and exclusively on ceramic criteria. Some suggestions regarding future use of the term also are offered. The paper further addresses and resolves a number of persisting questions regarding Protoclassic orange wares, including problems concerning the actual existence of the "Aguacate ceramic group." and the relationships of Aguacate-group pottery to other emergent orange wares of the terminal Late Preclassic and initial Early Classic periods. The nature and significance of the "Holmul I Style," the "Floral Park Ceramic Sphere." and the relationships of the two to each other and the larger, redefined "protoclassic" ceramic stage also are examined. A spatial distribution for protoclassic ceramics considerably expanded over what has ever been reported previously is described, and chronometric data are presented to support a revised chronology for the protoclassic ceramic stage. Finally, ceramic data are offered that suggest a real subdivision of the protoclassic ceramic stage into an early, emergent facet originating entirely within Late Preclassic lowland traditions, and a later, fully "Classic" facet corresponding to the early Tzakol (Tzakol 1) ceramic horizon

    De novo Transcriptome Assemblies of Rana (Lithobates) catesbeiana and Xenopus laevis Tadpole Livers for Comparative Genomics without Reference Genomes

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    In this work we studied the liver transcriptomes of two frog species, the American bullfrog (Rana (Lithobates) catesbeiana) and the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). We used high throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data to assemble and annotate these transcriptomes, and compared how their baseline expression profiles change when tadpoles of the two species are exposed to thyroid hormone. We generated more than 1.5 billion RNA-seq reads in total for the two species under two conditions as treatment/control pairs. We de novo assembled these reads using Trans-ABySS to reconstruct reference transcriptomes, obtaining over 350,000 and 130,000 putative transcripts for R. catesbeiana and X. laevis, respectively. Using available genomics resources for X. laevis, we annotated over 97% of our X. laevis transcriptome contigs, demonstrating the utility and efficacy of our methodology. Leveraging this validated analysis pipeline, we also annotated the assembled R. catesbeiana transcriptome. We used the expression profiles of the annotated genes of the two species to examine the similarities and differences between the tadpole liver transcriptomes. We also compared the gene ontology terms of expressed genes to measure how the animals react to a challenge by thyroid hormone. Our study reports three main conclusions. First, de novo assembly of RNA-seq data is a powerful method for annotating and establishing transcriptomes of non-model organisms. Second, the liver transcriptomes of the two frog species, R. catesbeiana and X. laevis, show many common features, and the distribution of their gene ontology profiles are statistically indistinguishable. Third, although they broadly respond the same way to the presence of thyroid hormone in their environment, their receptor/signal transduction pathways display marked differences

    Phase diagram of Rydberg atoms with repulsive van der Waals interaction

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    We report a quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the phase diagram of bosons interacting with a repulsive inverse sixth power pair potential, a model for assemblies of Rydberg atoms in the local van der Waals blockade regime. The model can be parametrized in terms of just two parameters, the reduced density and temperature. Solidification happens to the fcc phase. At zero temperature the transition density is found with the diffusion Monte Carlo method at density ρ=3.9(2/mC6)3/4\rho = 3.9 (\hbar^2/m C_6)^{3/4} , where C6C_6 is the strength of the interaction. The solidification curve at non-zero temperature is studied with the path integral Monte Carlo approach and is compared with transitions in corresponding harmonic and classical crystals. Relaxation mechanisms are considered in relation to present experiments, especially pertaining to hopping of the Rydberg excitation