71 research outputs found

    Kriminalomsorg - samfunnsmessig differensiering og fangesyn

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    Denne artikkelen har som intensjon å stille noen spørsmål for refleksjon – basert på historiske erfaringene som er gjort, men den omhandler også de moralske og etiske krav som stilles til vår virksomhet. Fengsel representerer en samfunnsmessig differensiering som sorterer mennesker grovt sett i to grupper: ’De kriminelle’ og ’de ikke kriminelle’; de som må isoleres i en ufri tilværelse og de som har sin frihet. Ved denne sosialpraktiske organiseringen får fengsel en sterk symbolsk betydning: Som institusjon markerer den ideelt sett et skille mellom de lovlydige og de ikke-lovlydige, mellom moralsk anstendighet og moralsk uanstendighet


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    In the article I discuss the ideology underlying the Norwegian Correctional Service’s institutions’ treatment of prisoners, analyzing some of its core concepts, such as “humanism”, “normalizing”, “rehabilitation”, “subject- and objectifying”. The article emphasizesthat the service has developed through two basic ideas; understanding prisons as (i) penal institutions; and (ii) institutions for rehabilitation. Both of these ideas have been strongly influenced by modern and traditional managerial principles, which are strongly governedby economic considerations and efficiency demands. The historical analysis reveals the roots of the prison system as a penal institution with rigid disciplinary, control and security practices, which dominate and influence the institution’s content and form. The ideology of rehabilitation, which contrasts this view, can be separated into two directions and forms of practice, wherein one is adjusted to the system (and not the individual) and the other is somewhat more adjusted to the individual. In the article, I argue that the contradictions in the prison system stems from its historical and ideological roots. Furthermore, I argue that the prison system has been characterized by a fixation on practice, wherein the measures for rehabilitation and treatment of the prisoners implies a technocratic and objectifying perspective. The prison system remains a repressive and powerful system that has to be studied and discussed more thoroughly. We tend to focus on the positive functions of the system, neglecting that the system also inflicts inhumanity and suffering


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    The issue of suicide is very complex, not least when it happens behind bars. In the article we discuss several contradictions and problematic developmental tendencies within the prison system that can be important in this regard. The prison system as a repressive andpowerful system has to be studied and discussed more thoroughly. The article explores the idea of prisons as institutions for rehabilitation and care, while containing different forms of open and hidden disciplinary measures. The core of our theoretical framework consists in capturing the dialectics between internalization and externalization in the prisoner’s personality, in terms of cultural, collective, societal and individual facets. Ontologically this is very important: Ontologyis the philosophical discipline that explores the question of being. The concept of social practice, interpreted as activity located in different institutions, gives a possibility to focus on the dynamic between traditions for collective activity and the realization of collectiveactivity through the subject’s actions and living conditions, standard of life and prison conditions. Isolation must cede and we should evaluate and critically study the use of remand in all levels of the judicial system and the prison system

    A set of canonical problems in sloshing. Part 0: Experimental setup and data processing

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    In a series of attempts to research and document relevant sloshing type phenomena, a series of experiments have been conducted. The aim of this paper is to describe the setup and data processing of such experiments. A sloshing tank is subjected to angular motion. As a result pressure registers are obtained at several locations, together with the motion data, torque and a collection of image and video information. The experimental rig and the data acquisition systems are described. Useful information for experimental sloshing research practitioners is provided. This information is related to the liquids used in the experiments, the dying techniques, tank building processes, synchronization of acquisition systems, etc. A new procedure for reconstructing experimental data, that takes into account experimental uncertainties, is presented. This procedure is based on a least squares spline approximation of the data. Based on a deterministic approach to the first sloshing wave impact event in a sloshing experiment, an uncertainty analysis procedure of the associated first pressure peak value is described


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    Book review

    Fengselslivet som en livstruende byrde

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    I sin tale Ved en grav skrev Søren Kierkegaard at døden er enpåminnelse om livets alvor. Hva er ikke da selvmordet? – og etselvmord i et fengsel?I sin tale Ved en grav skrev Søren Kierkegaard at døden er enpåminnelse om livets alvor. Hva er ikke da selvmordet? – og etselvmord i et fengsel

    Selvmord i fengsler: del 2. Om forebygging og forebyggingstiltak

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