324 research outputs found


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    This study was aimed at examining the role of Women farmers’ cooperative Societies in Agricultural Production in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State Nigeria. A total of eighty (80) women farmers were randomly selected from eight Cooperative societies which represent 50% of all registered and viable Cooperative Societies in the study area. Data were collected using well-structured pre-tested interview schedules, and analysed by means of descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, percentages and means). The results indicated that women Cooperative Societies in the study area were engaged in agricultural activities, such as land clearance (62.5%), planting and transplanting (62.5%) weeding (40%), fertilizer application (75%), food processing (87.5%), food storage (95%) and animal production and management (94%) respectively. The average land size of the respondents was 1.3 hectare. Constraints to their development efforts included inadequacy of finance; lack of training of their members, inadequate farm implements and lack of suitable machines for Women farmer’s use. Government should provide soft and medium term loan to women cooperative societies. Extension staff should make women cooperative societies as a target group for quick delivery of extension services. Apparently technologies for Women farmers should be made available and affordable to all women farmers particularly members of Cooperative Societies.Agribusiness,

    Socio-economic Characteristics and Returns of Dates Palm Marketing in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria: agricultural policies, resource economics and agribusiness.

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    The study examined the socio-economic characteristics and returns of date palm marketing in Gombe metropolitan markets. Questionnaires were distributed to fourty respondents randomly selected. Data were collected from ten respondents in each of the market location. Descriptive statistic and marketing margin was used to analyse the data. The results shows that 37.5% of the respondents were young within the age of 21-30, those with Quar’anic educational qualification constituted 45% of the total respondents, marketers who were married constituted 75% while those with household size ranging from 6-10 had the highest percentage of 40. Mean while, years of marketing experience for those ranging from 1-5 had the highest percentage of 62.5 and the marketing margin of 20% was realised from both small tin (0.11kg) and big tin (0.22kg). The major constraint among others faced by the marketers was pest and insect attacked with 62.3%. It was therefore recommended that appropriate means of products preservation should be introduced in dates palm marketing. Keywords: Socio-economic, Characteristics, Dates palm, Returns, Marketer

    Entrepreneurship Intention and Involvement in Agribusiness Enterprise among Youths in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria: Potentials of Agribusiness in Nigeria

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    The study examines the Entrepreneurship Intention and Involvement in Agribusiness Enterprise among Youths in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria. Questionnaires were distributed to 440 respondents within the 11 wards in the metropolis, in which 40 respondents were randomly selected from each of the wards with 20 questionnaires distributed to those who have the intention and 20 also to those who were involved. The wards comprises of Bolari south, Bolari East, Nasarawa, Ajiya, Dawaki, Shamaki, Jekadafari, Herwagana, Kwunbiyakwunbiya, Pantami and Bajoga where data were collected from them. Descriptive statistic was used to analyse the data. The result revealed that the youths that had the intention of engaging themselves were within the age of 23-27, had the highest percentage of 45 for the respondent of age ranging from 28-32, most of them were single constituting 84% for those that had the intention while those that were involved had same percentage of 50 each, those with tertiary educational level that had the intension had 43 percent while the percentage of those that were involved constituted 45of those with secondary education and majority of them are male with 57% of the respondents that had the intention of engaging themselves in agribusiness entrepreneurship while 59% that were involved were also male. It was also revealed that the respondent who had intention on engaging in fish enterprise in livestock production and marketing had the highest percentage of 23 while those that were involved the same enterprise constituted 56%. Orchid had been the most preferred enterprise for those respondents that had the intention of engaging in crop production and marketing with 14 percentages among other enterprises while those that were involved were on cowpea production and marketing. Lack of fund was identified as problem with the highest percentage of respondent constituting 71% and inadequate extension services with 12%.It was recommended that government and nongovernmental organization should intervene by providing fund to youth in order to encourage them to involve in agribusiness and adequate extension services should be provided. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Agribusiness, Youths, intention and involv

    Ghanaian Diaspora as emerging “global middle classes”: linking middle class to political participation and stability in Ghana

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    Ghana, like many African countries has had its share of political instabilities in the aftermath of independence, in the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. But since the return to constitutional rule in 1992, Ghana has been noted as one of the stable countries within the subregion and therefore a beacon of democracy for other African countries to emulate. This Political stability according to Svanikier, is due to the quality if its elites i.e. the highly educated lower and upper middle classes of the society, who seem to understand or have understood the need to maintain the status quo. The recent growth of the Ghanaian economy since 2011 (the highest 14% in 2011), made it one of the fastest growing economy in the sub-region. This growth has, however, in the past two years attracted more foreign investors and also attracted the return of highly qualified Ghanaians from the diaspora back to the country. The current economic boom has benefited some social classes and created new social categories, among those are the returned Ghanaians from the diaspora

    Profitability Assessment of Cattle Marketing in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria.

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    The study examined the profitability assessment of cattle marketing in Gombe metropolis. Questionnaires were administered to 40 marketers which were randomly selected in the cattle market. Descriptive statistics and farm budget model were used for data analysis. The result indicated that majority of the marketers falls within the age group of 31-40 years and their Marketing experience falls within 16-20 years. It also revealed that the net profits were N17307.8, N18418.8 and N32170.7 for the small, medium and large size of cattle respectively. Similarly the marketing margins were found to be 34.6%, 28.9% and 20.5% respectively. Inadequate capital, high cost of transportation, lack of good roads was identified as the most serious constraints to marketing of cattle in the study area. It was recommended that there should be improvement of institutional credit facilities, rehabilitation and provision of roads .Keywords: Profitability, Assessment, Cattle, Marketing, Metropoli

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba pada Perbankan di Bei

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    Peranan perbankan sangat mempengaruhi kegiatan ekonomi suatu negara. Bank dapat dikatakan sebagai darahnya perekonomian suatu negara. Oleh karena itu, kemajuan bank disuatu negara dapat pula dijadikan ukuran kemajuan negara yang bersangkutan. Semakin maju suatu negara, maka semakin besar pula peranan perbankan dalam mengendalikan negara tersebut. Begitu pentingnya dunia perbankan, sehingga ada anggapan bahwa bank merupakan “nyawa” untuk menggerakkan roda perekonomian suatu negara. Objek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank - bank Swasta yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, yang di ambil 20 sampel Bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Total Asset Turnover (TATO) ,terhadap Pertumbuhan laba pada Bank Swasta Devisa di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2009-2011. Adapun variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Net Profit Margin (X1) dan Total Asset Turnover (X2), Pertumbuhan Laba (Y). Penelitian ini menggunakan Asumsi Klasik dan Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda. Secara parsial variabel TATO, dan NPM memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan laba.. Hal ini berarti kontribusi pengaruh dari NPM dan TATO terhadap naik turunnya pertumbuhan laba adalah sebesar 8,6 %. Sisanya sebesar 91,4% dijelaskan oleh variabel – variabel lain diluar variabel yang diteliti. Dengan demikian Perusahaan, hendaknya memperhatikan nilai pengembalian baik dari asset maupun modal untuk merangsang pertumbuhan laba. Kata kunci: NPM, TATO, laba, bank

    Effect of Different Storage Methods on Development of Post-Harvest Rot of Solanum tuberosum L. in Yola, Adamawa State Nigeria

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    Investigation into the effects of different storage methods on the development of post-harvest rot of Irish potato  [Solanum tuberosum (L.)] were carried out in the Biological Sciences Laboratory of Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola using completely Randomized Design (CRD). Two  thousand grammes of healthy  Irish  potato tubers were stored in ‘A’ medium-sized (35x30x23cm) perforated plastic basin and covered with chaff of guinea corn, in ‘B’ the potatoes were smeared with 2.0g of wood ash and kept in (35x30x23cm) perforated plastic basin , in ‘C’ the potatoes were kept in a medium size (38x25x18cm) box, in ‘D’ the potatoes were heaped on a clean floor and covered with 30cm rice straw  with a ventilating duct, in ‘E’ they were stored underground (20x30cm) hole and lastly ‘F’ the potatoes were left on the ground which served as control (untreated). Data were collected every week for six weeks on percent weight loss and rot development, the data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the means that were significant were separated using the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Results showed that wood ash provided the best storage medium with a weight loss of 43g. This is followed by straw which recorded 53g and the highest was the storage in box with  110g weight loss.  On rot development wood ash also proved most effective with a least mean value of 56g, followed by rice straw 122g, while underground storage was the least with 322g. Analysis of variance showed significance differences among the various treatments. Storage of Solanum tuberosum tubers in wood ash and rice straw are the most suitable control measure. Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, weight loss, rot development, rice straw, guinea corn chaff and wood ash. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-4-0

    Using Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Understanding and Attitude Towards Linear Equations Word Problems

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    The study was a Quasi-experimental research project conducted to investigate on using problem-based learning to enhance the understanding of Junior High School students at Winneba University Practice Junior High School, Unipra, Winneba-Ghana on linear equation word problems solving. Two form 3 intact classes of 3A and 3B were used for the study and were assigned as control and experimental groups. The control group consists of thirty-two students and the experimental group thirty-eight students. Data was collected through pre-test and post-test essay typed questions and a questionnaire on students’ attitude to linear equations word problems. The questionnaire contained twenty likert-type questions. The independent samples t-test was used to find the differences between the groups. The experimental group differed statistically significantly on post-test scores from the control group. This study identified that problem-based learning improved students problem-solving abilities and increased students’ confidence in doing linear equation word problems because the felt more competent in working word problems in linear equations. The study also explored students’ attitude to linear equations word problems through the use of a Likert-type questionnaire. The findings showed that students’ attitude toward word problems in linear equations were generally positive. It is therefore recommended that Ghana Education Service should provide in-service training for Mathematics teachers on the use of Problem-Based learning and Mathematics teachers should also integrate problem-based learning approach in their students. Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Attitude DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-3-1

    Developing Nigeria’s Border Paradigm: The Panacea for National Security, Socio-Economic and Political Development

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    The complex terrain of Nigeria’s borders and neglects of border settlements in terms of the provisions and availability of basic amenities; encouraged the frontier dwellers to cross the international boundary seeking for some of the basic necessities of life. This made them vulnerable of being attacked by aliens and terrorists; easily recruited and co-opted by criminals from either of the borders; compelled to engage or aid trans-border crimes as well as providing hiding place for some unscrupulous elements in the society or face the wrath of the syndicates and traffickers. This Library research established that, neglecting the border regions and the porosity of our international boundary has fuelled the current security challenges confronting the nation. The paper recommends the total checkmating of activities at the border region; provision of basic/necessary materials for the dwellers of border towns and the boosting of international collaboration by countries sharing the common border against illicit traffickers as the panacea for national security, socio-economic and political development.   Keywords: Panacea, Boundary Development, Trans-border, Frontie

    Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy Characterization of Adhesive Produced From Polystyrene Waste

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    In this study, the optimized adhesive formulated from polystyrene waste was characterized for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) / Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, solubility, density and water absorption for identification of existing functional group(s), morphology, elemental compositions, etc. The results revealed that polystyrene, unsaturated hydrocarbon has been degraded to form a new product containing aromatic compounds. SEM morphology showed well mixed blended adhesive with silver-like appearance due to additives and EDX revealed 12 existing elemental compositions with their corresponding percentage atomic weights as follows; carbon 93.14 %, hafnium 1.44 %, vanadium 1.66 %, chromium 1.40 %, bromine 0.47 %, palladium 0.26 %, copper 0.43 %, nickel 0.31 %, cobalt 0.29 %, potassium 0.38 %, iron 0.15 % and manganese 0.08 %. The produced polystyrene adhesive was sparsely soluble in water after 30 minutes; it has a density of 1041 kg/m3 and does not absorb moisture. Because of these results, the adhesive from polystyrene waste could serve as green adhesive, since there are no threats of toxic substance emission from the spectral analysis since most of the elements are used as a supplement in pharmaceuticals and catalyst in process industries
