5 research outputs found


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    The concept of Numbers is a learning that applies a lesson strategy connecting, knowning the number symbolism, enumerating, and matching numbers. But many of the factors still factor in this well appropriatingthe lackof creativity of teachers at school to give children stimulus in implementing engifons. The research is using PTK (class action research) with the Kemmic and McTaggart cycles models. Research subjects are four to five with 13 people. Data analysis uses data reduction, target data, and conclusion. Research indicates that an engklek can promote a 4-5 year concept of numbers in the motherĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s blessings. In the attainment of increased each cycles before 13%, cycles 1 (25%) and cycles 2(80%). Through an engineering can link tangible objects, count, mention and match to improvements.Konsep bilangan merupakan pembelajaran yang menerapkan strategi pelajaran menghubungkan, mengenal lambang bilangan, menyebutkan dan mencocokkan bilangan. Namun masih banyak faktor penyebab hal tersebut belum terimplementasi dengan baik yakni kurangnya kreativitas guru di sekolah untuk memberikan stimulus pada anak dalam menerapkan kegiatan kaleng engklek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PTK (penelitian tindakan kelas) dengan model siklus Kemmis dan McTaggrt. Subjek penelitian adalah usia 4-5 tahun berjumlah 13 orang. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, display data dan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kaleng engklek dapat meningkatkan konsep bilangan usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Restu Ibu. Dalam pencapaian peningkatan setiap siklusnya sebelum nya 13%, siklus 1(25%) dan siklus 2(80%). Melalui kaleng engklek anak dapat menghubungkan benda-benda konkrit, berhitung, menyebutkan dan mencocokkan sehingga mengalami peningkatan


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana strategi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa perguruan tinggi yang tinggal di daerah terpencil berhasil bertahan untuk mengikuti perkuliahan dengan baik. Untuk melakukan penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Salah satu teknik yang digunakan dalam metode kualitatif adalah wawancara (wawancara terpandu-virtual). Wawancara ini dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam informasi yang berkaitan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh siswa (partisipan). Studi ini melaporkan dampak pembelajaran online, seperti koneksi internet yang tidak memadai, sarana dan prasarana yang terbatas, serta biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membeli data internet yang mahal. Penelitian ini menekankan pada pentingnya mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran dan memperhatikan orang-orang yang paling dekat dengan siswa agar proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan mengatasi kendala akibat pandemi COVID-19.Abstract: This study focused on how the strategies used by students of higher education who live in remote areas successfully survive to follow the lectures well. To do this research, we use qualitative method. One of the techniques used in the qualitative method is interview (guided-virtual interview). This interview is conducted to dig deeper through information relating to the learning strategies undertaken by the students (participants). This study reports the impacts of online learning, such as inadequate internet connections, limited facilities and infrastructures, and the costs that must be paid to buy an expensive internet data. This study emphasizes the importance of developing learning strategies and having the attention of those who are closest to the students so that the learning process runs well and overcome obstacles due to COVID-19 pandemic

    Kadar Lemak dan Air Pada Cookies dengan Substitusi Tepung Ubi Ungu dan Kacang Tanah

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    Cookies are crispy textured cakes. The main ingredient used to make cookies is wheat flour. Substitution of flour with purple sweet potato is done because purple sweet potato has content such as wheat flour. Purple yam flour contains amylose of 24.79% and amylopectin of 49.78%.This research was conducted to analyze on fat level and water content in cookies. The study design was a Randomized Block Design. The treatment level was divided into 4 groups with the proportion of purple sweet potato flour:Ā  F0 (0%: 0%), F1 (55%: 20%), F2 (45%: 30%), and F3(35%: 40 %). Fat content analysis used was the soxhlet method. There was a significant effect (Ļ = 0,000) on the amount of fat content in cookies. The highest fat content found in F3 was 38.85%.Water content analysis used was the Thermogravimetric method. Statistical analysis of water content using friedmen with a reliability level of 95%. There was a significant effect (Ļ = 0,000) on the amount of water content in cookies. The lowest water content was in F3 of 38.85%. The higher the addition of peanut flour, the lower the water content of cookies. Keywords: Cookies, Purple Sweet Potatoes, Ground Peanuts, Fat Levels, Water Conten

    Pemanfaatan kedelai dan apel malang untuk pembuatan snack bar: kajian kadar lemak dan kadar karbohidrat

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    Snack bars are light meals in a form of bar. This snack bar product needs development that can fulfill balanced nutrient, by utilizing the potential of local food namely soybeans and apples. This study was conducted to analyze the concentration effect of soy flour and the addition of apples to fat and carbohydrate levels in the snack bar. The study used a randomized block design with three treatments and nine replications. The treatments in this study were F1 (40 gr soy flour: 60 gr dried apples), F2 (50 gr soy flour: 50 gr dried apples) and F3 (60 gr soy flour: 40 gr dried apples). Fat level in this study was obtained by using the Weibull method, whereas for carbohydrate level using the By Difference method. Data obtained were statistically analyzed using two way ANOVA and DMRT at a 95% reliability level. The results showed that there was a significant effect (pĀ <0,05) of soy flour concentration and the addition of apples to fat and carbohydrate levels in the snack bar. The higher the concentration of soy flour, the higher the fat level in the snack bar. The highest fat level was found in F3. The higher the addition of apples, the higher the carbohydrate level in the snack bar. The highest carbohydrate level was foundĀ  in F1.Snack bar merupakan makanan ringan berbentuk batangan. Produk snack bar ini perlu pengembangan yang dapat memenuhi gizi seimbang, dengan memanfaatkan potensi pangan lokal yaitu kacang kedelai dan apel. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi tepung kedelai dan penambahan apel terhadap kadar lemak danĀ  kadarĀ  karbohidrat pada snack bar. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga perlakuan dan sembilan kali ulangan. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu F1 (tepung kedelai 40 gr : apel kering 60 gr), F2 (tepung kedelai 50 gr : apel kering 50 gr) dan F3 (tepung kedelai 60 gr : apel kering 40 gr). Kadar lemak pada penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode Weibull, sedangkan untuk kadar karbohidrat menggunakan metode By Difference. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan two way anova dan DMRT pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh signifikan (p < 0,05) konsentrasi tepung kedelai dan penambahan apel terhadap kadar lemakĀ  dan kadar karbohidrat pada snack bar. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi tepung kedelai maka semakin tinggi kadar lemak pada snack bar. Kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada F3. Semakin tinggi penambahan apel maka semakin tinggi kadar karbohidrat pada snack bar. Kadar karbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada F1

    Strategi Pembelajaran Mahasiswi di Daerah Terpencil : Dampak Pandemi Covid-19

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    his study focused on how the strategies used by students of higher education who live in remote areas successfully survive to follow the lectures well. To do this research, we use qualitative method. One of the techniques used in the qualitative method is interview (guided-virtual interview). This interview is conducted to dig deeper through information relating to the learning strategies undertaken by the students (participants). This study reports the impacts of online learning, such as inadequate internet connections, limited facilities and infrastructures, and the costs that must be paid to buy an expensive internet data. This study emphasizes the importance of developing learning strategies and having the attention of those who are closest to the students so that the learning process runs well and overcome obstacles due to COVID-19 pandemic