5,393 research outputs found

    On the Order of the Schur Multiplier of a Pair of Finite p-Groups

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    In 1998, G. Ellis defined the Schur multiplier of a pair (G,N)(G,N) of groups and mentioned that this notion is a useful tool for studying pairs of groups. In this paper, we characterize the structure of a pair of finite pp-groups (G,N)(G,N) in terms of the order of the Schur multiplier of (G,N)(G,N) under some conditions.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematic

    Critical gap analysis of merging sections at Kuala Lumpur middle ring road

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    At merging sections, drivers normally slow down and sometimes need to stop while seeking a suitable gap before merging with the mainstream. Thus, there will always be several observed rejected gaps and an accepted gap which can be used to determine the smallest average gap, so-called critical gap. This study was carried out to determine critical gap values at selected merging sections at the Jalan Tun Razak and the DUKE Expressway uses the Maximum Likelihood method. Data were collected by using videotaping method and the gap acceptance data were extracted for analysis. A gap acceptance event at highway merging sections in this study was redefined due to unavailability of stopping vehicles at the ramp junction. Therefore, the gap data were estimated starting from a ramp’s vehicle passing the end of gore marking to where it merges with the mainstream. The analysis of the critical gap takes into consideration accepted gaps greater than 5 seconds to avoid forced entry due to lead impedance of successive vehicles on mainstream. The critical gap values obtained in this study, according to vehicle classification were ranged between 4.5 to 5.0 seconds, which are slightly smaller if compared to critical gap values for particularly left turn from minor movement at priority junction of the Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 11/87 and the United States Highway Capacity Manual 2000. The findings shall help to study driving behavior of local drivers, especially at priority control facilities such as merging sections

    An Electronically Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Design for Polarization Diversity with Fixed Resonant Frequency

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    In this paper, an electronically polarization reconfigurable circular patch antenna with fixed resonant frequency operating at Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) frequency band (2.4-2.48 GHz) is presented. The structure of the proposed design consists of a circular patch as a radiating element fed by coaxial probe, cooperated with four equal-length slits etched on the edge along x-axis and y-axis. A total of four switches was used and embedded across the slits at specific locations, thus controlled the length of the slits. By activating and deactivating the switches (ON and OFF) across the slits, the current on the patch is changed, thus modifying the electric field and polarization of the antenna. Consequently, the polarization excited by the proposed antenna can be switched into three types, either linear polarization, left-hand circular polarization or right-hand circular polarization. This paper proposes a simple approach that able to switch the polarizations and excited at the same operating frequency. Simulated and measured results of ideal case (using copper strip switches) and real case (using PIN diode switches) are compared and presented to demonstrate the performance of the antenna


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    This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of students in X grade of SMA Negeri 7 Ambon, after using Ispring media and power points in learning process. The population of this research is all students of  X grade, and the sample is X1 class consist of 17 students. Student learning outcomes data on sub concepts of chemical basic laws obtained through final tests, student worksheets (LKPD), affective assessment sheets, and psychomotor assessment sheets with the presentation of the results obtained by 1 student (5.88%) getting qualified very good, 5 students (35,29%) get good qualifications, 7 students (35,29%) get enough qualifications and 4 students (23.52%) with less qualifications. Learning outcomes show all students (100%) successfully reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) of 7


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pembelajaran pada konsep reduksi-oksidasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan media pembelajaran power point  kelas X SMA Negeri 6 Ambon. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIA1 SMA Negeri 6 Ambon semester genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018-2019. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes dan observasi belajar siswa. Dari hasil analisa data diperoleh bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas X MIA1 telah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal yaitu pada aspek kognif, afektif, psikomotor dengan nilai akhir yang diperoleh adalah kualifikasi sangat baik 3 siswa (14,09%), kualifikasi baik 14 siswa (66,66%), dan kualifikasi cukup 4 siswa (19,05%). Data pencapaian N-gain yang diperoleh yaitu 17 siswa (80,95%) mencapai kategori gain tinggi dan 4 siswa (19,05%) mencapai gain sedang. Hasil respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan power point diperoleh presentase rata-rata sebesar 76,69% dengan kategori sangat baik. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan media pembelajaran power point memberikan hasil dan respon yang baik untuk hasil belajar siswa pada konsep reduksi-oksidasi dengan kriteria pencapaian n-gain yang diperoleh adalah 0,77

    Kepercayaan Mahasiswa terhadap Kerajaan

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    The level of trust in government is important because its reflect the support of people to their government. The higher level of trust will give government more power to implement development to the country. Moreover, government that gain higher confidence from the people's can play their role effectively compared to the government who failed to gain support from them. This paper will discuss the level of trust among local universities students' in Malaysia. Their opinion is crucial because they are our future leader

    Evaluasi Penanggulangan Terjadinya Hilang Lumpur pada Pemboran Sumur “Faz-32” Lapangan “Faz”

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    “FAZ-32” well drilling on “FAZ” field is a development well which aims to increase the absorption point in Tuban formation. The problem occurs in drilling operations at “FAZ-32” well on “FAZ” field are the mud loss. Mud loss which happens on “FAZ-32” well that is occurs when penetrating Ngrayong Formation and Tuban Formation. Afterwards of drilling the “FAZ-32” well, stretch drill holes 12-1/4 lost circulation occurred at a depth of 7150 ft. Then in the stretch 8-1/2 mud loss occurred at a depth of 7536 ft, 7560 ft and 7641 ft. The problems in drilling wells “FAZ-32”, firstly, what is the cause of lost circulation. Secondly, whether the countermeasure of mud loss are appropriate or not.The methodology used to evaluate response of mud loss are collecting data (data of mud, data drilling, and data pump), make the calculations (mud hydrostatics pressure during loss, formation pressure, formation fracture pressure, equivalen circulating density (ECD) and bottom hole circulation pressure (BHCP), comparing Ph, Pf, BHCP and Pfr to determine the cause of mud loss and evaluating countermeasure of mud loss that has been done in field.Handling mud loss problem at “FAZ-32” well on “FAZ” field is well applied in some loss zone and has reached the desired target depth (productive zone)

    Pro-sosial, Anti-sosial Pengguna Media Sosial Di Kalangan Generasi Muda

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    Survei yang dilakukan berbagai lembaga riset International menunjukkan penggunaan Internet yang sangat tinggi di Indonesia. Pengguna Internet di Indonesia adalah yang paling sering menggunakan media sosial, dan Jakarta merupakan kota dengan pengguna Twitter paling aktif di dunia. Fenomena ini menimbulkan pertanyaan: apakah kegemaran generasi muda terhadap media sosial mampu memberikan pengaruh terhadap hubungan sosial mereka di dunia nyata? Dalam hal ini apakah penggunaan media sosial mampu mendorong generasi muda menjadi pro-sosial atau anti-sosial. Perilaku prososial mencakup tindakan yang luas berdasarkan keinginan untuk membantu orang lain melalui berbagai cara dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia, baik politik maupun sosial. Indikator yang digunakan adalah sikap membantu orang lain dan sikap untuk bekerjasama dengan orang lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei, dan kuesioner dibagikan kepada generasi muda pengguna media sosial berusia 15 – 30 tahun yang berada di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi antara penggunaan media sosial dengan sikap membantu orang lain dengan koefisien korelasi 0.8. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan terdapat ketergantungan. Begitu pula terdapat korelasi antara jumlah jam yang digunakan generasi muda dalam menggunakan media sosial dengan sikap mereka untuk bekerjasama dengan orang lain dengan tingkat koefisien korelasi 0.
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