288 research outputs found

    Illumination in binaries

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    We give a simple, but accurate method that can be used to account for illumination in compact binary systems which have a low-mass companion, even if spherically symmetric illumination of the secondary star (not necessarily on the main sequence) is not assumed. This is done by introducing a multiplicative factor Phi in the Stefan-Boltzmann surface boundary condition, which accounts for the blocking of the intrinsic secondary flux by X-ray heating of the photospheric layers. Numerical fits and tables for Phi are given for unperturbed effective temperatures in the range 2500 - 5600 K and log g in the range 1.0 - 5.0Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Serie

    Outbursts in ultracompact X-ray binaries

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    Very faint X-ray binaries appear to be transient in many cases with peak luminosities much fainter than that of usual soft X-ray transients, but their nature still remains elusive. We investigate the possibility that this transient behaviour is due to the same thermal/viscous instability which is responsible for outbursts of bright soft X-ray transients, occurring in ultracompact binaries for adequately low mass-transfer rates. More generally, we investigate the observational consequences of this instability when it occurs in ultracompact binaries. We use our code for modelling the thermal-viscous instability of the accretion disc, assumed here to be hydrogen poor. We also take into account the effects of disc X-ray irradiation, and consider the impact of the mass-transfer rate on the outburst brightness. We find that one can reproduce the observed properties of both the very faint and the brighter short transients (peak luminosity, duration, recurrence times), provided that the viscosity parameter in quiescence is slightly smaller (typically a factor of between two and four) than in bright soft X-ray transients and normal dwarf nova outbursts, the viscosity in outburst being unchanged. This possibly reflects the impact of chemical composition on non-ideal MHD effects affecting magnetically driven turbulence in poorly ionized discs.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Hydrodynamic simulations of irradiated secondaries in dwarf novae

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    We investigate numerically the surface flow on the secondary star during outbursts. We use a simple model for the irradiation and the geometry of the secondary star: the irradiation temperature is treated as a free parameter and the secondary is replaced by a spherical star with a space-dependent Coriolis force that mimics the effect of the Roche geometry. The Euler equations are solved in spherical coordinates with the TVD-MacCormack scheme. We show that the Coriolis force leads to the formation of a circulation flow from high latitude region to the close vicinity of the L1L_1 point. However no heat can be efficiently transported to the L1L_1 region due to the rapid radiative cooling of the hot material as it enters the equatorial belt shadowed from irradiation. Under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, the Coriolis force could lead to a moderate increase of the mass transfer rate by pushing the gas in the vertical direction at the L1L_1 point, but only during the initial phases of the outburst (about 15 -- 20 orbital periods). We conclude that the Coriolis force does not prevent a flow from the heated regions of the secondary towards the L1L_1 region, at least during the initial phase of an outburst, but the resulting increase of the mass transfer rate is moderate, and it is unlikely to be able to account for the duration of long outbursts.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Dwarf nova outbursts in intermediate polars

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    The disc instability model (DIM) has been very successful in explaining the dwarf nova outbursts observed in cataclysmic variables. When, as in intermediate polars (IP), the accreting white dwarf is magnetized, the disc is truncated at the magnetospheric radius, but for mass-transfer rates corresponding to the thermal-viscous instability such systems should still exhibit dwarf-nova outbursts. Yet, the majority of intermediate polars in which the magnetic field is not large enough to completely disrupt the accretion disc, seem to be stable, and the rare observed outbursts, in particular in systems with long orbital periods, are much shorter than normal dwarf-nova outbursts. We investigate the predictions of the disc instability model for intermediate polars in order to determine which of the observed properties of these systems can be explained by the DIM. We use our numerical code for the time evolution of accretion discs, modified to include the effects of the magnetic field, with constant or variable mass transfer from the secondary star. We show that intermediate polars have mass transfer low enough and magnetic fields large enough to keep the accretion disc stable on the cold equilibrium branch. We show that the infrequent and short outbursts observed in long period systems, such as e.g., TV Col, cannot be attributed to the thermal-viscous instability of the accretion disc, but instead have to be triggered by an enhanced mass-transfer from the secondary, or, more likely, by some instability coupling the white dwarf magnetic field with that generated by the magnetorotational instability operating in the accretion disc. Longer outbursts (a few days) could result from the disc instability.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Hot white dwarfs and the UV delay in dwarf novae

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    We calculate the effect of illumination of dwarf nova accretion discs by radiation from a hot, central, white dwarf. We show that only for very hot white dwarfs (Teff ~ 40 000$ K) the inner region of quiescent dwarf nova discs are partially depleted so that the delay between the rise to outburst of the optical and UV fluxes would be increased as suggested recently by King (1997). This depletion, however, must create several small outbursts between main outbursts, contrary to observations. Lower white dwarf temperatures may cause the outburts to be of the `inside-out' type removing the UV delay. We conclude that white dwarf irradiation of dwarf nova discs is not very efficient for example because the UV radiation from the hot white dwarf does not penetrate deep enough in the disc atmosphere. The total ablation of the inner disc by e.g. evaporation (possibly related to illumination) appears to be a very promising possibility, accounting for both the EUV delay and the general lightcurves properties.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence for Antipodal Hot Spots During X-ray Bursts From 4U 1636-536

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    The discovery of high-frequency brightness oscillations in thermonuclear X-ray bursts from several neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries has important implications for the beat frequency model of kilohertz quasi-periodic brightness oscillations, the propagation of nuclear burning, the structure of the subsurface magnetic fields in neutron stars, and the equation of state of high-density matter. These implications depend crucially on whether the observed frequency is the stellar spin frequency or its first overtone. Here we report an analysis of five bursts from 4U 1636-536 which exhibit strong oscillations at approximately 580 Hz. We show that combining the data from the first 0.75 seconds of each of the five bursts yields a signal at 290 Hz that is significant at the 4×1054\times 10^{-5} level when the number of trials is taken into account. This strongly indicates that 290 Hz is the spin frequency of this neutron star and that 580 Hz is its first overtone, in agreement with other arguments about this source but in contrast to suggestions in the literature that 580 Hz is the true spin frequency. The method used here, which is an algorithm for combining time series data from the five bursts so that the phases of the 580 Hz oscillations are aligned, may be used in any source to search for weak oscillations that have frequencies related in a definite way to the frequency of a strong oscillation.Comment: 9 pages including one figure, uses aaspp4.sty, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters on September 1

    X-ray irradiation in low mass binary systems

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    We calculate self-consistent models of X-ray irradiated accretion discs in close binary systems. We show that a point X-ray source powered by accretion and located in the disc plane cannot modify the disc structure, mainly because of the self-screening by the disc of its outer regions. Since observations show that the emission of the outer disc regions in low mass X-ray binaries is dominated by the reprocessed X-ray flux, accretion discs in these systems must be either warped or irradiated by a source above the disc plane, or both. We analyse the thermal-viscous stability of irradiated accretion discs and derive the stability criteria of such systems. We find that, contrary to the usual assumptions, the critical accretion rate below which a disc is unstable is rather uncertain since the correct formula describing irradiation is not well known.Comment: to be published in MNRAS, uses epsfig.st

    The nature of dwarf nova outbursts

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    We show that if the dwarf-nova disc instability model includes the effects of heating by stream impact and tidal torque dissipation in the outer disc, the calculated properties of dwarf-nova outbursts change considerably, and several notorious deficiencies of this model are repaired. In particular: (1) outside-in outbursts occur for mass transfer rates lower than in the standard model as required by observations; (2) the presence of long (wide) and short (narrow) outbursts with similar peak luminosities is a natural property of the model. Mass-transfer fluctuations by factors ~ 2 can explain the occurrence of both long and short outbursts above the cataclysmic variable period gap, whereas below 2 hr only short normal outbursts are expected (in addition to superoutbursts which are not dealt with in this article). With additional heating by the stream and tidal torques, such fluctuations can also explain the occurrence of both outside-in and inside-out outbursts in SS Cyg and similar systems. The occurrence of outside-in outbursts in short orbital-period, low mass-transfer-rate systems requires the disc to be much smaller than the tidal-truncation radius. In this case the recurrence time of both inside-out and outside-in outbursts have a similar dependence on the mass-transfer rate.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The thermal-viscous disk instability model in the AGN context

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    Accretion disks in AGN should be subject to the same type of instability as in cataclysmic variables (CVs) or in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), which leads to dwarf nova and soft X-ray transient outbursts. It has been suggested that this thermal/viscous instability can account for the long term variability of AGNs. We test this assertion by presenting a systematic study of the application of the disk instability model (DIM) to AGNs. We are using the adaptative grid numerical code we have developed in the context of CVs, enabling us to fully resolve the radial structure of the disk. We show that, because in AGN disks the Mach numbers are very large, the heating and cooling fronts are so narrow that they cannot be resolved by the numerical codes that have been used until now. In addition, these fronts propagate on time scales much shorter than the viscous time. As a result, a sequence of heating and cooling fronts propagate back and forth in the disk, leading only to small variations of the accretion rate onto the black hole, with short quiescent states occurring for very low mass transfer rates only. Truncation of the inner part of the disk by e.g. an ADAF does not alter this result, but enables longer quiescent states. Finally we discuss the effects of irradiation by the central X-ray source, and show that, even for extremely high irradiation efficiencies, outbursts are not a natural outcome of the model.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics - in pres

    Z Cam stars: a particular response to a general phenomenon

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    We show that the disc instability model can reproduce all the observed properties of Z Cam stars if the energy equation includes heating of the outer disc by the mass-transfer stream impact and by tidal torques and if the mass-transfer rate from the secondary varies by about 30% around the value critical for stability. In particular the magnitude difference between outburst maxima and standstills corresponds to observations, all outbursts are of the inside-out type and can be divided into two classes: long (wide) and short (narrow) outbursts, as observed. Mass transfer rate fluctuations should occur in other dwarf novae but one can exclude variations similar to those observed in magnetic systems (AM Her's and some DQ Her's) and some nova-like systems (VY Scl's), in which \dot{M} become very small during low states; these would produce mini-outburst which, although detectable, have never been observed.Comment: submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, 8 pages, 4 figure