11 research outputs found

    Amplification of temporally modulated signal beams via two-wave mixing in Bi12SiO20

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    A theoretical analysis of two-wave mixing in a BSO crystal is developed in the undepleted-pump approximation for a modulated signal beam. It is shown that, for a modulation of high enough frequency, significant ac amplification is possible at three distinct values of pump-beam detuning. A signal beam that is amplitude modulated by a square wave is analyzed by means of the theory, and experimental results are presented in confirmation of the analysis. Finally, it is shown that in the presence of absorption the optimum detunings for dc and ac amplification are different

    Fundamental characteristics of space-charge waves in photorefractive sillenite crystals

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    We investigate experimentally the fundamental characteristics of space-charge waves excited in a photorefractive crystal of Bi12SiO20. Features such as their transient rise and decay as well as their steady-state frequency response are investigated. Based on this, we find the dependence of the space-charge waves' quality factor on spatial frequency and electric-field biasing. The experimental findings are compared with the linear space-charge wave theory developed previously by Sturman et al. [J. Opt. Sec. Am. B 10, 1919 (1993)]. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)02210-3]