330 research outputs found

    Characterizations and Infinite Divisibility of Certain Recently Introduced Distributions IV

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    Certain characterizations of recently proposed univariate continuous distributions are presented in different directions. This work contains a good number of reintroduced distributions and may serve as a source of preventing the reinvention and/or duplication of the existing distributions in the future

    Characterization of Bimodal Extension of the Generalized Gamma Distribution

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    Cankaya et al. (2015) [1] introduced a bimodal extension of the generalized gamma distribution and studied certain properties and ap­plicability of this distribution. This is a continuous distribution whose probability density function is defined via two branches. These types of distributions are very interesting but not easy to characterize. In this short note we try to present a characterization of this distribution which we believe, it may possibly be the only one for this rather complicated distribution

    Characterizations of Certain Recently Introduced Discrete Distributions

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    Characterizations of certain recently introduced discrete distributions are presented to complete, in some way, the works cited in the References

    Generalized Transmuted Family of Distributions: Properties and Applications

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    We introduce and study general mathematical properties of a new generator of continuous distributions with two extra parameters called the Generalized Transmuted Family of Distributions. We investigate the shapes and present some special models. The new density function can be expressed as a linear combination of exponentiated densities in terms of the same baseline distribution. We obtain explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments and generating function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, asymptotic distribution of the extreme values, Shannon and R´enyi entropies and order statistics, which hold for any baseline model. Further, we introduce a bivariate extension of the new family. We discuss the different methods of estimation of the model parameters and illustrate the potential application of the model via real data. A brief simulation for evaluating Maximum likelihood estimator is done. Finally certain characterziations of our model are presented

    On Characterizations and Infinite Divisibility of Recently Introduced Distributions

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    We present here characterizations of the most recently introduced continuous univariate distributions based on: (i) a simple relationship between two truncated moments; (ii) truncated moments of certain functions of the 1th order statistic; (iii) truncated moments of certain functions of the nth order statistic; (iv) truncated moment of certain function of the random variable. We like to mention that the characterization (i) which is expressed in terms of the ratio of truncated moments is stable in the sense of weak convergence. We will also point out that some of these distributions are infinitely divisible via Bondesson’s 1979 classifications

    On periodic solutions of nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations

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    On Characterizations of Four Recently Introduced Distributions: Two Continuous and Two Discrete

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    Oluyede et al. (2016) and Mdlongwa et al. (2017) consider the continuous univariate distributions called Dagum-Poisson (DP) and Burr XII Modified Weibull (BXIIMW), respectively, and study certain properties and applications of these distributions. Shahid and Raheel (2019) and Para and Jan (2019) proposed the univariate discrete distributions called Discrete Modified Inverse Rayleigh (DMIR) and Discrete Generalized Inverse Weibull (DGIW) and study some of their mathematical properties. The present short note is intended to complete, in some way, the works cited above via establishing certain characterizations of these distributions in different directions

    Characterizations of Levy Distribution via Sub-Independence of the Random Variables and Truncated Moments

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    The concept of sub-independence is based on the convolution of the distributions of the random variables. It is much weaker than that of independence, but is shown to be sufficient to yield the conclusions of important theorems and results in probability and statistics. It also provides a measure of dissociation between two random variables which is much stronger than uncorrelatedness. Following Ahsanullah and Nevzorov (2014), we present certain characterizations of Levy distribution based on: (i) the sub-independence of the random variables; (ii) a simple relationship between two truncated moments; (iii) conditional expectation of certain function of the random variable. In case of independence, characterization (i) reduces to that of Ahsanullah and Nevzorov (2014)

    Weighted Distributions: A Brief Review, Perspective and Characterizations

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    The weighted distributions are widely used in many fields such as medicine, ecology and reliability, to name a few, for the development of proper statistical models. Weighted distributions are milestone for efficient modeling of statistical data and prediction when the standard distributions are not appropriate. A good deal of studies related to the weight distributions have been published in the literature. In this article, a brief review of these distributions is carried out. Implications of the differing weight models for future research as well as some possible strategies are discussed. Finally, characterizations of these distributions based on a simple relationship between two truncated moments are presented

    Cubic Rank Transmuted Modified Burr III Pareto Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Applications

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    In this paper, a flexible lifetime distribution called Cubic rank transmuted modified Burr III-Pareto (CRTMBIII-P) is developed on the basis of the cubic ranking transmutation map. The density function of CRTMBIII-P is arc, exponential, left-skewed, right-skewed and symmetrical shaped. Descriptive measures such as moments, incomplete moments, inequality measures, residual life function and reliability measures are theoretically established. The CRTMBIII-P distribution is characterized via ratio of truncated moments. Parameters of the CRTMBIII-P distribution are estimated using maximum likelihood method. The simulation study for the performance of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters of the CRTMBIII-P distribution is carried out. The potentiality of CRTMBIII-P distribution is demonstrated via its application to the real data sets: tensile strength of carbon fibers and strengths of glass fibers. Goodness of fit of this distribution through different methods is studied
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