606 research outputs found

    Traduction des parémies marocaines en français: équivalences entre les parémies commençant par « lli » en arabe marocain et par « qui » en français

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    The purpose of this study is to search for equivalences between the paremias in Moroccan Arabic and French. Our study is based on a corpus of Moroccan and French paremias belonging to the same class: Moroccan paremias starting with “lli” and French paremias starting with “qui” (which is the French equivalent of “lli”).The corpus was drawn mainly from works identifying phraseological units, audio recordings of spontaneous conversations of speakers of Moroccan Arabic and notes taken while listening to conversations in different contexts. After the morpho-phonological transcription of the corpus, we proceeded to the analysis of the phraseologies in order to: (i) highlight the convergences and divergences between paremiological phraseology in Moroccan Arabic and French, and their degrees of equivalence, and (ii) check the existence of paremiological universals by studying the equivalences between two different languages.L’objet de cette étude est la recherche d’équivalences entre les parémies en arabe marocain et en français. Notre étude se base sur un corpus de parémies marocaines et françaises appartenant à une même classe : des parémies marocaines commençant par « lli » et d’autres françaises commençant par « qui » (qui étant l’équivalent français de « lli »).Le corpus a été puisé essentiellement dans des ouvrages recensant les unités phraséologiques, des enregistrements audio de conversations spontanées de locuteurs parlant l’arabe marocain et des notes prises durant l’écoute de conversations dans différents contextes.Après la transcription morpho-phonologique du corpus, nous avons procédé à l’analyse des phraséologies afin de :- Mettre en évidence les convergences et les divergences entre la phraséologie parémiologique en arabe marocain et en français, et leurs degrés d’équivalence.- Vérifier l’existence d’universaux parémiologiques en étudiant les équivalences entre deux langues différentes

    التنافس الفرنسي الأمريكي على منطقة المغرب العربي بعد الحرب الباردة

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة واستنباط هوامش التنافس والتوافق بين السياستين الفرنسية الأمريكية تجاه منطقة المغرب العربي بعد الحرب الباردة و تحديد الطبيعة العلائقية بين السياستين ، هل هي توافقية تكاملية أم تنافسية صدامية . حيث وبعد التناول المقارن للسياستين الفرنسية و الأمريكية في منطقة المغرب العربي بعد الحرب الباردة ، على المستويات الإستراتيجية الأمنية و الاقتصادية و السياسية ، نجد أن مؤشرات التنافس و تقلص هوامش التوافق في هذا الإطار يعتبر حقيقة واقعة سجلت بداية القطيعة مع معطيات الحرب الباردة التي تميزت بغلبة ما يمكن أن نصطلح عليه " خيار النيابة الإستراتيجية " الذي استفادت منه فرنسا في منطقة المغرب العربي بالتوافق مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . ويعد بروز المحدد الاقتصادي و الاستراتيجي الأمني مع تصاعد حجم المصالح الاقتصادية وارتفاع وتيرة الاكتشافات البترولية في الجزائر،وارتفاع نسبيا مكانة المغرب العربي في أولويات الإستراتيجية الأمريكية لمرحلة مابعد أحداث 11سبتمبر2001،واستفراد الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بسياسة مكافحة الإرهاب. وعليه يبقى الشيء الذي يتعلق بهامش تحرك دول المغرب العربي الذي يظل رهانا قائما على استغلال هامش الثانية التنافسية الفرنسية الأمريكية لخدمة مصالح شعوبها ،تبقى غياب الارادة السياسية والخلافات الثنائية والاندفاع الانفرادي للدول المغاربية تجاه مبادرات الشراكة مع الطرف الأخرى،أكثر مما يخدم مصالح وطموحات شعوب المنطقة المغاربية كك

    p25/Cdk5-mediated retinoblastoma phosphorylation is an early event in neuronal cell death

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    In large models of neuronal cell death, there is a tight correlation between Cdk5 deregulation and cell-cycle dysfunction. However, pathways that link Cdk5 to the cell cycle during neuronal death are still unclear. We have investigated the molecular events that precede p25/Cdk5-triggered neuronal death using a neuronal cell line that allows inducible p25 expression. In this system, no sign of apoptosis was seen before 24 hours of p25 induction. Thus, at that time, cell-cycle-regulatory proteins were analysed by immunoblotting and some of them showed a significant deregulation. Interestingly, after time-course experiments, the earliest feature correlated with p25 expression was the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb). Indeed, this phosphorylation was observed 6 hours after p25 induction and was abolished in the presence of a Cdk5 inhibitor, roscovitine, which does not inhibit the usual Rb cyclin-D kinases Cdk4 and Cdk6. Furthermore, analyses of levels and subcellular localization of Cdk-related cyclins did not reveal any change following Cdk5 activation, arguing for a direct effect of Cdk5 activity on Rb protein. This latter result was clearly demonstrated by in vitro kinase assays showing that the p25-Cdk5 complex in our cell system phosphorylates Rb directly without the need for any intermediary kinase activity. Hence, Rb might be an appropriate candidate that connects Cdk5 to cell-cycle deregulation during neuronal cell death

    Issues and challenges for pedestrian active safety systems based on real world accidents

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze real crashes involving pedestrians in order to evaluate the potential effectiveness of autonomous emergency braking systems (AEB) in pedestrian protection. A sample of 100 real accident cases were reconstructed providing a comprehensive set of data describing the interaction between the vehicle, the environment and the pedestrian all along the scenario of the accident. A generic AEB system based on a camera sensor for pedestrian detection was modelled in order to identify the functionality of its different attributes in the timeline of each crash scenario. These attributes were assessed to determine their impact on pedestrian safety. The influence of the detection and the activation of the AEB system were explored by varying the field of view (FOV) of the sensor and the level of deceleration. A FOV of 35 was estimated to be required to detect and react to the majority of crash scenarios. For the reaction of a system (from hazard detection to triggering the brakes), between 0.5 and 1 s appears necessary

    Pulpotomia total em dentes permanentes maduros com pulpite irreversível : uma revisão narrativa

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizIntrodução: A medicina dentária, em constante evolução, é hoje mais conservadora e menos invasiva. A pulpectomia, tratamento padrão para pulpite irreversível em dentes permanentes maduros, é um tratamento complexo, demorado e invasivo, enfraquecendo o dente mecanicamente e privando-o das suas capacidades de defesa. Com a evolução dos biomateriais, a pulpotomia cameral pode representar uma alternativa interessante à pulpectomia em dentes permanentes maduros com pulpite irreversível. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre a pulpotomia total como tratamento para pulpite irreversível em dentes permanentes maduros. Método: Uma pesquisa nas bases de dados Medline/PubMed, Science Direct e Cochrane Library, limitada a artigos em língua inglesa, é realizada nos últimos dez anos. São usadas diferentes palavras-chave e as suas combinações. Resultados: Os resultados dos estudos clínicos e histológicos convergem para admitir que os cimentos à base de silicato de cálcio (MTA, Biodentine™, CEM) são os materiais de escolha no caso de pulpotomia total. Resultados conflitantes são relatados para hidróxido de cálcio. Conclusão: A pulpotomia total é um procedimento terapêutico para pulpite irreversível em dentes permanentes maduros. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários para consolidar essa abordagem terapêutica.Introduction: Dental medicine, constantly evolving, is now more conservative and less invasive. Pulpectomy, the standard treatment for irreversible pulpitis in mature permanent teeth, is a complex, time-consuming and invasive treatment, weakening the tooth mechanically and depriving it of its defense capabilities. With the evolution of biomaterials, cameral pulpotomy may represent an interesting alternative to pulpectomy in mature permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis. Objectives: To perform a narrative review of the literature on total pulpotomy as a treatment for irreversible pulpitis in mature permanent teeth. Method: A search in Medline/PubMed, Science Direct and Cochrane Library databases, limited to English language articles, is performed for the last ten years. Different keywords and their combinations are used. Results: The results of clinical and histological studies converge to admit that calcium silicate-based cements (MTA, Biodentine™, CEM) are the materials of choice in case of total pulpotomy. Conflicting results are reported for calcium hydroxide. Conclusion: Total pulpotomy is a therapeutic procedure for irreversible pulpitis in mature permanent teeth. However, further studies are needed to consolidate this therapeutic approach

    Amélioration de la sécurité du piéton : validation de système actif de sécurité par la reconstruction d'accidents réels

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    Journée de l'école doctorale Science du Mouvement Humain - SMH 2014, Montpellier, France, 06-/06/2014 -En 2011, en France métropolitaine, on déplore encore plus de 500 piétons décédés à la suite d'un accident, représentant 13% du total des victimes de la route (IRTAD, 2013). Dans le but de réduire ce nombre de victime, de nombreux systèmes embarqués sur des véhicules ont été développés afin de détecter un piéton sur la chaussée et d'éviter une collision soit par une manoeuvre de freinage d'urgence soit par une manoeuvre de déport. Or ces systèmes n'ont pas ou très peu été validés dans des configurations d'accidents réels et il apparaît difficile de déterminer leurs gains en termes de sécurité routière. L'objectif général de ce travail sera ainsi d'apporter une méthode de validation de ces systèmes en les confrontant à de multiples configurations d'accidents réels. La méthode employée consiste à collecter une centaine de cas d'accidents réels impliquant des piétons percutés par un véhicule motorisé. Après la reconstruction numérique de ces cas d'accidents, des systèmes de détection de piétons sélectionnés pour cette étude sont associés aux comportements dynamiques des véhicules impliqués. L'évaluation de ces systèmes est alors réalisée en vérifiant leurs compatibilités au regard de la chronologie des accidents ; i.e. vérifier à quel moment précédent la collision le piéton est détecté et la manoeuvre d'urgence est ainsi déployée. La reconstruction et la simulation du déroulement d'un accident a permis d'obtenir une multitude d'information concernant les moments d'apparition du piéton et son positionnement selon le repère référentiel lié au véhicule impliqué. L'analyse des 100 cas d'accidents a donc montré qu'un système avec une caméra de détection ayant 40° d'angle de vue suffit pour détecter les piétons à 80% des cas à 1.4 seconde avant l'impact. Avec un tel système, plus de 40% cas d'accidents sont évitable. Les scénarios où le piéton est préalablement masqué par un obstacle (e.g. une voiture à l'arrêt) demeurent difficilement évitables

    Assessment methodology of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems: an estimation of safety impact

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    SIMBIO-M 2014, SIMulation technologies in the fields of BIO-Sciences and Multiphysics: BioMechanics, BioMaterials and BioMedicine, Marseille, France, 19-/06/2014 - 20/06/2014Devoid of any protection, pedestrians are highly vulnerable to road accidents against a vehicle. To enhance their protection, new safety-based technologies have been introduced in the vehicle market. These on-board systems are developed to prevent crashes from occurring or reduce their severity by reducing the impact speed. Several methods assessing these systems have been presented. This research is focusing on assessing the benefit of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems (APSS's) for pedestrian injury mitigation. Researchers have established a relationship between impact severity and variations in speed impact. This project is examining the effect of speed reduction on variations in impact conditions. Outlines of the assessment method are presented here illustrated with one example. The first step consists of gathering a sample of real vehicle/pedestrian crashes provided by in-depth crash investigation. A considerable level of details is required to reconstruct numerically the pre-crash sequence including trajectories of the vehicle and pedestrian prior to the collision and the eventual obstacles. Each crash is modelled by representing the vehicle and pedestrian involved and the road environment. An APSS is then virtually represented by the parameters of the sensor and actuator. Once modelling has been set up, all the required components of each sub-model (crash environment, vehicle, pedestrian, and sensor and actuator technology) are implemented through a computational simulation and so interacting in a virtual environment identical to the real world crash scenario. This batch simulation provides a set of data displaying a new impact speed distribution. This distribution is estimated according to the actuation of the emergency braking manoeuvre. The last step is to estimate change in injury outcome using the HIC. These changes are calculated through the use of multi-body system (MBS) software, MADYMO®. The real accident is firstly simulated in order to obtain the actual risk. Finally, by adding the effect of the emergency braking manoeuvre, the simulation enables to find out if the risk is reduced. To show the possibilities of this assessment method, an accident case has been selected. In the original configuration of the crash, the HIC was 1645.6 for an impact speed of 37 km/h. With an APSS fitted in the vehicle, the impact speed is reduced to 8.9 km/h and the pedestrian head doesn't hit any part of the vehicle and hit the ground resulting in a very low HIC value of 28.2. In this research, a formalized assessment methodology has been presented and illustrated with one case to forecast the safety benefits of APSS. This method is based on confronting these systems to real accident configurations through computational simulations. The safety impacts of these systems is then estimated by comparing injury outcome with and without the system enabled for the crash set