1,725 research outputs found

    Perception, Preference and Attitude of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah Committee Toward Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    This research is conducted among Islamic non-governmental organizations;those are Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. This research aims todetermine the perception (X1), preference (X2), and attitude (X3) of Islamicmass organizations or non-governmental organizations in Indonesia towardIslamic Banking and their decision (Y) of using the products of IslamicBanking or Islamic Financial Institutions. We took Branch Board of NahdlatulUlama (PCNU) and the Regional Committee of Muhammadiyyah (PDM)Salatiga as population. The sample in this research is 33 respondents. Thetechniques used are multiple regression analysis and independent sample ttest.Regression result shows that the preference variables have positive and significant effect on customer's decision variables. While the perceptionand preference variables do not have a positive and significant effect on thedecision in becoming customer. And the adjusted R square or determinationcoefficient valued 0.690, which means that 69.0% of dependent variable(Y) is affected by the independent variable (X), while 31% dependent variable(Y) is influenced by other variables outside the equation. And the last, independent sample t-test shows that there is no significant differencebetween PCNU and PDM Salatiga in their perception, preference, attitudeand decision toward Islamic Bankin

    Wave reflection at a free interface in an anisotropic pyroelectric medium with nonclassical thermoelasticity

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    In this paper, the well-established two-dimensional mathematical model for linear pyroelectric materials is employed to investigate the reflection of waves at the boundary between a vacuum and an elastic, transversely isotropic, pyroelectric material. A comparative study between the solutions of (a) classical thermoelasticity, (b) Cattaneo–Lord–Shulman theory and (c) Green–Lindsay theory equations, characterised by none, one and two relaxation times, respectively, is presented. Suitable boundary conditions are considered in order to determine the reflection coefficients when incident elasto–electro–thermal waves impinge the free interface. It is established that, in the quasi-electrostatic approximation, three different classes of waves: (1) two principally elastic waves, namely a quasi-longitudinal Primary (qP) wave and a quasi-transverse Secondary (qS) wave; and (2) a mainly thermal (qT) wave. The observed electrical effects are, on the other hand, a direct consequence of mechanical and thermal phenomena due to pyroelectric coupling. The computed reflection coefficients of plane qP waves are found to depend upon the angle of incidence, the elastic, electric and thermal parameters of the medium, as well as the thermal relaxation times. The special cases of normal and grazing incidence are also derived and discussed. Finally, the reflection coefficients are computed for cadmium selenide observing the influence of (1) the anisotropy of the material, (2) the electrical potential and (3) temperature variations and (4) the thermal relaxation times on the reflection coefficients

    Microbial Functional Responses in Marine Biofilms Exposed to Deepwater Horizon Spill Contaminants

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    Marine biofilms are essential biological components that transform built structures into artificial reefs. Anthropogenic contaminants released into the marine environment, such as crude oil and chemical dispersant from an oil spill, may disrupt the diversity and function of these foundational biofilms. To investigate the response of marine biofilm microbiomes from distinct environments to contaminants and to address microbial functional response, biofilm metagenomes were analyzed from two short-term microcosms, one using surface seawater (SSW) and the other using deep seawater (DSW). Following exposure to crude oil, chemical dispersant, and dispersed oil, taxonomically distinct communities were observed between microcosms from different source water challenged with the same contaminants and higher Shannon diversity was observed in SSW metagenomes. Marinobacter, Colwellia, Marinomonas, and Pseudoalteromonas phylotypes contributed to driving community differences between SSW and DSW. SSW metagenomes were dominated by Rhodobacteraceae, known biofilm-formers, and DSW metagenomes had the highest abundance of Marinobacter, associated with hydrocarbon degradation and biofilm formation. Association of source water metadata with treatment groups revealed that control biofilms (no contaminant) harbor the highest percentage of significant KEGG orthologs (KOs). While 70% functional similarity was observed among all metagenomes from both experiments, functional differences between SSW and DSW metagenomes were driven primarily by membrane transport KOs, while functional similarities were attributed to translation and signaling and cellular process KOs. Oil and dispersant metagenomes were 90% similar to each other in their respective experiments, which provides evidence of functional redundancy in these microbiomes. When interrogating microbial functional redundancy, it is crucial to consider how composition and function evolve in tandem when assessing functional responses to changing environmental conditions within marine biofilms. This study may have implications for future oil spill mitigation strategies at the surface and at depth and also provides information about the microbiome functional responses of biofilms on steel structures in the marine built environment

    The roles of government and leadership towards the sustainability of TVET teacher education program

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    The low payment, the uncertainty in the systems’ implementation and low status given by the community are among the down factors lingers in TVET teachers. Due to this, the Malaysia government has been actively involved in tackling these issues. In order to improve the role of the government, this paper has aim to identify the domains and elements that can contribute in empowering the government’s roles for sustainability of TVET teacher education program. A qualitative research method has been selected with 10 experts involved. A semistructured interview was carried out individually and recorded for thematic analysis. There are four main domains identified namely systematic funding; constructive partnership; stand-alone politic; and visionary leadership. Each domain consists of several elements that characterized it respectively. Overall, one main theme has been identified which is well organized government. It is in a hope that the outcome of this research will help the government in planning for better future of TVET teacher education program

    Characterization and comparation test of chicken eggs strain isa brown and hyline brown in different areas

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    This study aims to determine the characterization and comparative test of exterior and interior qualities including egg weight, eggshell thickness, egg shape, air cavity and interior including high albumin, egg yolk, and haugh egg unit from egg strain Isa Brown and Hyline Brown in different areas of Deli Serdang and Langkat regencies, North Sumatra Province in June-July 2017. The eggs used in this study were 400 eggs divided by 100 Isa Brown and 100 Hyline Brown from Denai Village, Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Regency Deli Serdang, then 100 Isa Brown and 100 Hyline Brown from Sei Limbat Village, Kecamatan Selesai, Langkat District. Each egg is collected directly from the chicken and then measured against the exterior and interior. The results showed that the characterization and comparative test of chicken eggs consumption of strains of Isa Brown and Hyline Brown in different regions had results(thit> ttable) with t test on comparative test I1: H1 and I2: H2 meaning egg of different strain showed different result also on egg weight parameter, shapeegg, shell weight, air cavity, egg white index, haugh unit, egg yolk index and yolk color. The comparative test I1: I2 showed no significant differences (thit <ttabel) on egg weight, shell thickness, shell weight, egg white index, haugh unit and egg yolk index, but showed significantly different (titable) results in egg shape, air cavity and yolk color, meaning there is environmental influence but not significant to other quality of egg with same strain in different region. In the H1: H2 comparative test the results were not significantly different (thit <ttabel) on all parameters except the color of egg yolks, meaning that no environmental or strain effect produced eggs of the same quality in different regions

    Studies of monomer impregnation and polymerised in situ in wood using dynamic mechanical thermal analyser.

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    Ten tropical hardwoods are impregnated with methyl methacrylate and polymerised in‐situ by use of catalysts and heat techniques. Treatability of the wood, as determined from the fractional volumetric retentions of monomers that are a fraction of voids filled by the impregnant, showed that the mean retention range from 15·03% (Acacia Mangium) to 56·59% (Cratoxylum Arborescens). The penetration of the monomer evaluated using ultrasonic waves showed that the treated wood had higher velocities which indicated significant increase in density. The present paper deals with the viscoelastic relaxation of polymerised treated wood. The efficiency of the monomer as a plasticiser is studied through the temperature dependence of the storage modulus (E′) and loss tangent (tan δ) of treated and untreated wood by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) over a temperature in the range from −100 to 200°C. The storage modulus E′ decreased with temperature and as the maximum mechanical damping developed, the glass transition temperature (T g) of the plasticised wood decreased with the plasticiser content

    Medicinal properties of Plantago major: hypoglycaemic and male fertility studies

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    Plantago major extract has been traditionally used for treating diabetes and to increase male fertility. This study was conducted to verify its efficacy. The hypoglycaemic property of P. major aqueous leaf extract was determined 1Yy oral administration of four treatment doses (l00, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg body weight). Saline and glibenclamide were used as controls. Glucose Tolerance Test was done at -10, 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes and the plasma glucose concentration was determined 1Yy the glucose oxidase assay. The study showed that only the 600 mg/kg dose had a significant effect in reducing blood glucose level in diabetic rats. However, the effect of the aqueous extracts was less pronounced compared to glibenclamide. In the fertility study, an aqueous extract from P. major seeds was given orally to rats at 30, 60, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight respectively. The effect of each dose on vas deferens sperm concentrations after 20 days of treatment was determined. Analysis of the data showed significant increases in sperm concentrations in the 60, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight groups. However, the trend in increased testosterone levels from day 8 to 14 in the 60 and 200 mg/kg groups was insignificant, suggestive of other factors, possibly antiestrogens in the seed extract contributing to the spermatogenic effect. The studies suggest that aqueous extract from P. major could contain chemicals for treating diabetes mellitus and male infertility problems

    The Utilization of Garlic (Allium sativum Linn) and Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubra) Extract on The Growth of Broiler were Infected by Escherichia coli

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    This study aims to examine the effect of garlic (Allium sativum Linn) and red ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubra) extract on the growth of broiler chickens were infected by Escherichia coli. The design used in this study was a complete randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment consists of P0A = Control without infection; P0B = Control + E. coli infection; P1 = Infection E. coli + tetracycline antibiotics 0.05%; P2 = Infection E. coli + garlic extract (Allium sativum Linn) (1%); P3 = Infection E. coli + red ginger extract (Zingiber officinale var rubra) (1%); P4 = Infection E. coli + garlic (Allium sativum Linn) and red ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubra) extract (1%). The results showed that the effect of garlic and red ginger gave significant influence (P <0,05) to growth of broiler were infected by Escherichia coli. The combination of garlic (Allium sativum Linn) and red ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubra) extract has the highest influence of other activities. It was concluded that giving of garlic and red ginger extract give influence to growth of broiler were infected by Escherichia coli and can be used as alternative antibiotic