641 research outputs found

    On the Disruption-level of Polynomial Mutation for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation Algorithms

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    This paper looks at two variants of polynomial mutation used in various evolutionary optimisation algorithms for mutliobjective problems. The first is a non-highly disruptive and the second is a highly disruptive mutation. Both are used for problems with box constraints. A new hybrid polynomial mutation that combines the benefits of both is proposed and implemented. The experiments with three evolutionary multi-objective algorithms on well-known multi-objective optimisation problems show the difference in terms of generational distance, hypervolume, convergence speed and hit rate metrics. The hybrid polynomial mutation in general retains the advantages of both versions in the same algorithm

    An empirical correlation for isothermal parallel plate channel completely filled with porous media

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    This study reports a simple empirical correlation for friction factor and Nusselt number for laminar, steady state, hydraulically and thermally fully developed flow in isothermal parallel plate channel completely filled with porous media. The study is carried out using a finite difference numerical analysis. The Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model is used to model the flow inside the porous media. The empirical correlations are developed to relate friction factor and Nusselt number to Darcy and Forchheimer coefficient

    Deformation Of L-Shaped Aerospace Composite Components

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    Advanced composite materials are increasingly selected to be used in fabricating new generation of aircraft primary structures than traditional materials due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, fatigue and corrosion resistance. Despite the rapid rising of the composite usage in aircraft industry recently, composite structures depict process-induced geometrical and dimensional distortion after processing. The shape deformation is unpredictable and contributes a mismatch between assembled components. Often, a traditional trial-and-error approach is deployed iteratively to ensure manufacturability in the mass production, which is very uneconomical, expensive and time consuming. There is still lacking experimental data and studies on the effect of different weaving styles of plain weave (PW), 5 harness satin (5HS) and 8 harness satin (8HS) in affecting shape deformation of angled composite laminates. The composite material selected was carbon fibre reinforced with epoxy matrix that could be cured at elevated temperature of 180°C with 7 bars pressure in the autoclave. Using design of experiment (DOE) methodology, two-level fractional factorials of 24-1 Resolution IV were performed to investigate the main effects and interactions of different plies orientation, number of layers, sample sizes, tool materials as well as weaving styles in affecting the spring-in angle of composite laminates. From the design of experiments and analyses of variances, the plies orientation, number of layers, sample sizes and weaving styles were successfully determined to be significant when comparing the effect of PW and 8HS woven fabric. PW fabric induced approximately three times spring-in angle than 8HS. This relationship was determined to be strong with R-squared value of 97.2% and 87.9% when the aluminium and carbon tool was kept constant, respectively. Meanwhile, the relationship of PW and 5HS, and 5HS and 8HS were moderate with an average of R-squared values of 66%. There were some level two interaction terms affecting shape deformation mainly between plies orientation and tool materials when the weaving material was kept constant. On the other hand, the majority of level two interaction terms were between plies orientation and number of layers, and plies orientation and sample sizes when the tool materials were kept constant. Using the actual testing results of coefficient of thermal expansion and chemical shrinkage, the analytical data was calculated and compared with the actual measured results. The coefficient of thermal expansion and chemical shrinkage strain at the through-thickness direction is larger by 10 to 18 times than the in-plane properties dependent of the types of weaving pattern. Unfortunately, the analytical results were not in agreement with the experimental data possibly due to fibres misalignment and slippage during the lay-up process as well as non-thermoelastic properties not taken into account. Despite that, the effect of weaving styles cannot be ignored because statistically there were some main effects and interaction terms that might affect the shape deformation of L-shaped composite laminates

    The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Operations: an Applied Study on Crops in the Jordan Valley

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    Climate change, as manifested through its multifaceted dimensions encompassing economic, social, and security effects, on agricultural activities within the Jordan Valley region. The research sample encompassed a group of 9000 agricultural practitioners residing in the Jordan Valley region. Employing the well-established Morgan model, a representative subset of 368 individuals was selected through a random sampling technique. The questionnaires were disseminated among the participants of the study, resulting in the retrieval of a total of 350 questionnaires. Upon careful examination, it was determined that 340 of these questionnaires were deemed valid and suitable for analysis. A meticulously crafted survey instrument was devised to systematically gather firsthand information. The research employed a quantitative (descriptive analytical) methodology to examine the data and evaluate hypotheses by employing suitable statistical techniques available in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  The findings of the study indicate a noteworthy and statistically significant relationship between climate change and agricultural operations. The analysis yielded a substantial coefficient of determination (R²=68.5%), suggesting that approximately 68.5% of the changes observed in agricultural operations can be attributed to the influence of climate change. The study proposes a strategic approach to enhance farmers' understanding of the indirect impact of climate change on various economic sectors, including manufacturing, energy production, transportation, and other services. This can be achieved through the implementation of educational initiatives, such as seminars and awareness sessions, which actively engage farmers in the learning process


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    East Java has lots of amazing economic potentials. Its economic growth is over than Indonesian economic growth. It causes people’s buying power increase, including buying some creative products. This phenomenom becomes a good news for creative economic growth in East Java. To face it people who has a business in creative sector must design a theme exhibition as one of ways to attract buyers. This article tries to describe how to manage a theme exhibition. This also discusses about the detail job and also how to maximize organizer role. Keyword: Management, Theme exhibition, Creative Industry, Ivent Organizer, east Jav

    Improving the performance of accounting information systems of commercial banks in Jordan by using the balanced scorecard approach

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    The continuous development of information technology in the modern word affects the performance of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in Jordanian business organizations, including commercial banks, in many respects, including: its objectives, strategies, nature of work and instruments that achieve its objectives. Hence, the traditional AIS needs to be reviewed since it requires new instruments to determine, measure and present accounting information in order to adapt to the requirements of modern technology and competition factors.The problem of this study stems from the ignorance of some commercial banks in Jordan about the impact of AIS on the level of banks' success in performing their various banking business, indicating that AIS is not used efficiently and effectively. Also, the problem stems from the great interest in AIS from other commercial banks in Jordan, although they are unable to take full advantage of AIS and what it can offer. With the prominent presence and effective role that could be played by companies of systems, programs and communications in Jordan in formulating the level of service performance of banks in Jordan, ignorance of AIS on the part of these commercial banks would negatively impact on their market share and effective performance, bilaterally, jointly, and their competitive position.Despite the argument of many commercial banks in Jordan that AIS is an important aspect of their daily operations, there are still some factors that limit the effectiveness of AIS performance. Hence, various critical problems emerged for the commercial banks, which are the main problems addressed by this study. First, specific technology in any AIS field might prevent it from being effective; second, it may prevent the production of credible information for stakeholders; third, it will hinder any technical progress in its control operations. This would negatively affect bank's performance in terms of providing highly efficient, low-cost services, and decrease its competence and competitiveness both internally and externally.Considering the negative reflections discussed in the previous section, it is noted that the impact of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) problems on AIS performance in the commercial banks in Jordan is a pressing and significant issue, especially in the KPIs field that enhances AIS performance. The problem that the researcher identifies to solve in this study is: What are the KPIs that will improve the accounting information systems' performance in the commercial banks in Jordan? This needs to address the question arising from the absence of a strategic vision in the literature to develop and improve the AIS professional performance in commercial banks in Jordan. Also, it highlights the importance of investigating the KPIs that lead to improving AIS performance in the commercial banks in Jordan.To improve AIS performance in commercial bank in Jordan, Balance Scorecard (BSC) as an integrated system of performance measures from the financial and non-financial perspectives, such as: financial, customers, internal business process, learning and growth, and internal control have been used. KPIs related to these perspectives were revealed and identified classified, and their relationships with, and their effects and influence on, the effectiveness of AIS performance in those banks, were examined. On the other hand, analyses were made for the all BSC-AIS elements and their effect on the performance of work strategies and tendencies by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytical Network Process (ANP). The researcher also tested BSC-AIS in the field part, on the society, with emphasis on basic performance improvement stimulants AIS-KPIs, through analysing the questionnaire's results, using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programme. Then, analysed each element based on each of the five perspectives. A comparison was conducted between the analysis results of SPSS and analysis results of AHP/ANP, in order to get final KPIs to be adopted as a basic criterion to conduct the comparison between fact and the expected AIS future performance. Furthermore, the study suggests ten recommendations to be implemented by the commercial banks in Jordan in order to improve the performance of AIS.Finally, the study produced results that facilitate the establishment of a comprehensive AIS strategy intended to achieve, and maintain a competitive advantage, provide the attributes that produce comprehensive information for different stakeholders, improve and maintain the internal control systems. This study concluded that all of these elements together lead to the development and improvement of AIS performance in the commercial banks in Jordan, thereby improving AIS operational performance with different materiality determined by the relationship between the target elements and objectives

    Tafsir ‘Aqo’idi dalam Pembahasan Epistemologi

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    Tulisan ini mengkaji tafsir 'aqo'idi dalam kajian epistemologi dengan pembahasan seputar latar belakang sejarah, batasan penafsiran, pandangan ulama dan standar validitas serta kitab-kitab tafsir yang tergolong tafsir 'aqo'idi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis berbasis penelitian kepustakaan. Tujuan dari pembasahan tulisan ini adalah meneliti dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana latar belakang sejarah kemunculan tafsir 'aqo'idi, batasan penafsiran yang tergolong ke dalam corak tafsir 'aqo'idi, bagaimana pandangan ulama dan standar validitas tafsir 'aqo'idi serta kitab tafsir apa saja yang bercorak 'aqo'idi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sejarah tafsir 'aqo'idi berkaitan dengan konflik politik antara kubu Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan dalam perang Siffin. Kepentingan dan tujuan kelompok menjadi latar belakang munculnya penafsiran bernuansa 'aqo'idi. Batasan Tafsir 'aqo'idi pada penafsiran seputar persolan ketuhanan dan politik kekuasaan. Para ulama memandang tafsir 'aqo'idi tergolong tafsir bi al-ra'yi sehingga standar validitas tafsir 'aqo'idi linier dengan tafsir al-ra'yi. Jika tafsir 'aqo'idi tergolong bi al-ra'yi al-madzmum yang penafsirannya atas dasar dorongan hawa nafsu dan menjadi pembenaran kepetingan kelompok tertentu, maka tafsir corak tersebut tidak terima. Kitab tafsir ‘aqo’idi kelompok Sunni dapat ditemukan dalam kitab Mafatih al-Ghaib karya al-Razi. Kitab tafsir ‘aqo’idi kelompok Muktazilah terdapat pada kitab al-Kasyaf karya al-Zamaksyari dan kitab tafsir golongan Syi’ah adalah al-Mizan karya Husain al-Thabathba’i

    Pertukaran Sosial Elit Pendukung dan Pasangan Calon Pada Pilkada: Studi Kasus Kemenangan SYAHTO Pada Pilkada Tulungagung 2018

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    Pemilihan bupati Tulungagung 2018 menjadi ajang kontestasi dua pasangan calon yang terdiri dari calon petahana melawan calon baru sebagai penantang. Proses berjalan sebagai mana mestinya, sampai pada dua minggu sebelum hari pencoblosan calon bupati petahana terkena operasi tangkap tangan KPK. Meskipun terkena kasus korupsi calon petahana masih mampu memenangkan kontestasi dengan selisih suara yang signifikan yaitu 60:40 persen. Trik pemenangan yang digunakan oleh pasangan calon petahana hampir sama seperti kontestasi pada tahun sebelumnya yaitu memanfaatkan relasi sosial baik yang berawal dari hubungan pertemanan sampai hubugan bisnis. Relasi sosial yang kuat memunculkan militansi pendukung yang selanjutnya disebut relawan. Relawan terbentuk dari kesepahaman atas pilihan rasional terhadap pasangan calon bupati. Kesepahaman tersebut di dipengaruhi oleh peran elit yang ada di tengah masyarakat. Namun apa yang menjadi alasan elit masyarakat masih mendukung calon petahana meskipun tercemar integritasnya karena korupsi. Terdapat kemungkinan adanya transaksional atau pertukaran antara elit dengan calon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan pertukaran sosial. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta menggunakan teknik analisis data miles dan huberman. Menggunakan sudut pandang Peter M Blau dalam mengupas pertukaran pada dunia politik. Terdapat fakta bahwa antara elit dan calon terjadi pertukaran baik yang sifatnya individu untuk elit sendiri maupun untuk masyarakat atau masa dari elit. Elit memberikan dukungan dan mengkondisikan masa diberikan reward berupa intriksik (rasa hormat, kasih sayang, pertemanan) maupun ekstrinsik (uang, jabatan, proyek). Namun pertukaran tidak selamanya seimbang. Terdapat elit yang merasa reward yang diberikan tidak sesua dengan yang disepakati diawal, sehingga elit tersebut membelot dan mengarahkan dukungan ke calon lawan. Kata kunci: pilkada, pertukaran sosial, pendukun

    Assessment Of Herbal Crude And Extract Of Labisia Pumila By Chemometrics-Assisted Interpretation Of Ftir.

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    Pharmacognosical analysis of medical herbs remains as a challenging issue for analytical chemists, as herbs are a complicated system of mixtures