4 research outputs found


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    Animaker, as one of the digital storytelling tools to write a descriptive text in the learning intervention, is promoted in this pilot study. As a part of a classroom action research, this study is conducted to build the students’ digital storytelling literacy. Firstly, it aims at investigating the students’ challenges of using Animaker as a medium to write a descriptive text. Secondly, it is to describe how the aspects of digital storytelling were promoted by Animaker. A descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the data gained from a questionnaire and the document of students’ animated videos created by using Animaker. The results found that the process of inserting audio files was the most difficult to do for 80% of the students. Around 20%-40% of them were also challenged by the way of adjusting the duration and the volume of the audio inserted on each page. The use of Animaker also promoted the students’ diverged digital storytelling literacy in 11 aspects; the topic, purpose, creator, audience, organization, narration, multimedia, educational value, mechanics, sources, and originality. Then, it is suggested that the use of Animaker should apply certain strategies to minimize the challenges and to increase the students’ digital storytelling literacy. Finally, the researchers recommend this tool to be used frequently in EFL learning as a tool to reinforce the students’ digital storytelling literacy

    PKM Peningkatkan Keterampilan Mengajar Bertanya Berbasis HOTS Pada Guru TK Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen

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    The community service program aims to increase religion school kindergarten teachers’ understanding and skills regarding HOTS-based teaching application. The applied method for implementing the program activities comprises counseling, mentoring, practice and evaluation. The results of the implementation of the innovative program with series of activity stages has resulted kindergarten teachers’ behavior change to implement HOTS-based instruction by utilizing children's storybooks with local content. The results of program account much for further underlying reference of related program and/or research. The community service program is benefited for teachers in conditioning HOTS-based learning. It brings about the implication to Yapenkris Meusine through the partnership program for teachers’ capacity building on pedagogical competence in creating student-centered learning. Another implication goes to teachers’ comprehensive knowledge HOTS-based teaching and learning application to raise students critical and creative thinking. The program is limited on the training regarding HOTS-based questioning skills. Further program may focus on HOTS-based assessment.PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru yayasan pendidikan Kristen terkait penerapan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. Metode pelaksanaan mencakup penyuluhan, pendampingan, praktik dan evaluasi. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM Inovatif membuktikan terjadinya perubahan perilaku guru TK untuk menerapkan pembelajaran HOTS dengan memanfaatkan buku-buku cerita anak berbasis muatan lokal. Hasil kegiatan berupa manfaat yang teridentifikasi melalui hasil survey yang dapat dijadikan acuan pengembangan PKM dan/atau penelitian terkait. Kesimpulan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan PKM menunjukan adanya manfaat bagi guru terkait penciptaan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. PKM ini memberikan implikasi bagi Yapenkris Meusine terkait adanya pola kemitraan untuk meningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru TK untuk menciptakan pembelajaran berbasis pada siswa. Implikasi lainnya merujuk pada peningkatan pengetahuan guru secara komprehensif tentang penyelenggaraan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. PKM ini hanya dipusatkan pada peningkatan keterampilan bertanya berbasis HOTS. Program PKM berikutnya dapat difokuskan pada penilaian pembelajaran berbasis HOTS


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    DEVELOPING A CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING (CRT) ON TEACHING DRAMA ( A COLLABORATION ON STUDENTS’ LOCAL STORY DRAMA PERFORM)                                                                           ESNHAbstract: This study is meant to investigate how lecturer develop a culturally responsive teaching on drama class especially students’ collaborative of local story drama perform. The problem of this research is formulated as how does the lecturer develop CRT on teaching drama? The study was stimulated by the writer’s interest to examine the CRT on a collaboration of 5th semester students’ local story drama performance by understanding the local story through drama teaching whereas nowadays teaching also touch about the local content.  The research subjects are 5th semester students from 3 different classes that the writer collaborate them in a collaboration team.  The writer randomly collaborate the students by means of getting them to adapt, cooperate and create their own acting to be more fearless, creative in front of the stage. A qualitative research was conducted by observing the students’ activity and watching the video documenting students’ performance. From the data result the writer found that the drama class based CRT are the students learn within the context of different culture, students being the center in teaching and learning process, students adjusted the learning with the group members and the teacher being the mediator to succeed the students’ project. The conclusion is the students enrich their knowledge of historical story from different ethnics as well as they authentically know the differences local story among them. The suggestions are the educators should convey the local content in teaching and learning process in class based culturally responsive teaching. Keywords: Developing, Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Teaching Drama, CollaborationPENGEMBANGAN SEBUAH PENGAJARAN RESPONSIF BUDAYA (CRT) PADA KELAS DRAMA            (SEBUAH KOLABORASI MAHASIWA DALAM PEMENTASAN DRAMA CERITA LOKAL) Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dosen mengembangkan pengajaran yang responsif budaya pada kelas drama khususnya kolaborasi siswa dalam pertunjukan drama cerita lokal. Masalah penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai bagaimana dosen mengembangkan CRT pada pengajaran drama? Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis untuk mengkaji CRT pada kolaborasi pementasan drama cerita lokal mahasiswa semester 5 dengan memahami cerita lokal melalui pengajaran drama sedangkan pengajaran saat ini juga menyentuh muatan lokal. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester 5 dari 3 kelas yang berbeda yang penulis mengkolaborasikannya dalam tim kolaborasi. Penulis secara acak mengkolaborasikan siswa dengan cara membuat mereka beradaptasi, bekerja sama dan menciptakan akting mereka sendiri agar lebih berani, kreatif di depan panggung. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan mengamati aktivitas siswa dan menonton video dokumentasi penampilan siswa. Dari hasil data penulis menemukan bahwa kelas drama berbasis CRT adalah siswa belajar dalam konteks budaya yang berbeda, siswa menjadi pusat dalam proses belajar mengajar, siswa menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan anggota kelompok dan guru menjadi mediator untuk mensukseskan. proyek siswa. Kesimpulannya adalah siswa memperkaya pengetahuan mereka tentang cerita sejarah dari etnis yang berbeda serta mereka mengetahui secara otentik perbedaan cerita lokal di antara mereka. Saran yang diberikan adalah sebaiknya pendidik menyampaikan muatan lokal dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas berbasis pengajaran yang responsif budaya.   Keywords: menciptakan, Pengajaran Responsive budaya (CRT), Kelas Drama, Kolaborasi &nbsp

    Collaborative experiential learning: Five senses exploration to higher descriptive writing quality

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    EFL learners need to experience a stimulating learning activity to develop their skill in writing practices. Therefore, EFL teachers need to put their students in an English language exploration of writing. Promoting the use of a sensory detail chart in a collaborative experiential learning exercise, this study aimed at increasing the quality of EFL students’ descriptive writing. The researchers conducted this learning method by doing classroom action research in two cycles in which 26 students participated. The researchers used pre- and post-tests as research instruments to measure the quality of students’ descriptive writing. Each student used a sensory detail chart to help them organize their sensory words to describe some objects observed during the five senses exploration in small groups. Collaborative experiential learning accommodated the students to develop their communicative competence as well as to gain more ideas in describing the objects. From the tests, the researchers found that the quality of students’ descriptive writing increased by 36.58% in the first cycle and by 56.53% in the second cycle. In conclusion, the results showed that the five senses exploration in a collaborative experiential learning was successful in increasing the quality of students’ descriptive writing. It is argued that the use of sensory detail chart in a collaborative learning environment is effective in stimulating students’ writing in a foreign language, especially in writing descriptive text