376 research outputs found

    Business Excellence And Organizational Commitment In Seasonal Hotels

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    This paper aims to set the critical link between organizational commitment and business excellence in seasonal hotels where the seasonal staffing is the matter in service offerings. Assuming the perceptual difference of permanent and seasonal managers and employees towards their companies, the level of their continuance commitment and perception of their business excellence were sought through a face-to-face questionnaire form at their workplaces. Differences between each group were analysed through t-test, Analysis of Variance, Tukey Honestly Significance Difference test (T-HSD). In order to clarify the link between groups and to create map, correspondence analysis was run. Findings show that business excellence perception makes difference on continuance commitment; permanent staff and managers have higher level of commitment. It can be concluded that managers of seasonal hotels should value and consider the whole workforces and should create business excellence if their goal is to perform better and make difference against their competitors.Organizational commitment, Business excellence, Seasonal hotels, Correspondence Analysis.

    Interrelation of Bitcoin and Some Traditional Assets

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    In the research, the causal relationships between Bitcoin, gold and oil prices were examined. The data of the research covers the period from 2015 to July 2020 and consists of daily price values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test was used to see whether the stochastic process changes with time. Bitcoin and gold series do not contain a unit root since the oil series is stationary at the level while the difference is stationary. The reason why the series containing unit roots are not stationary is due to structural breaks or not, was investigated by Bai-Perron Unit Root Test with Multiple Structural Breaks. According to the test, it was determined that the Bitcoin series has one break and two regimes, while the gold series has two structural breaks and three different regimes. Whether the research series are cointegrated or not was investigated with the Gregory and Hansen test. The causality between the series was examined with the Toda-Yamamoto causality test, which is based on the VAR (Vector Autoregression) model and examines the causality in the series regardless of the unit root. A two-way causality relationship was determined between the eight lag-long Gold series and the Bitcoin series. In other cases, a causal relationship has not been established. As a result, we give an evidence that Bitcoin and gold prices series followed a parallel pattern while with oil not. Therefore, investors can add Bitcoin into their portfolios to make balance of the risk and return

    Belief and practices about the fall of cemre

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    Baharın yaklaştığını dolayısıyla yeniden üretimi müjdeleyen cemrenin değişik kültürlerde hangi anlamlara geldiği, ne zaman düştüğü ya da yükseldiği, düştüğü ya da yükseldiği söylenen yerler, cemre ile arasında ilgi kurulan unsurların neler olduğu, cemrenin özellikle Türkiye Türkleri arasında meydana getirmiş olduğu inanç ve uygulamalar bu çalışmada üzerinde durulan konulardır. Türk kültürü ile beraber Arap, Fars, Moğol, Grek vb. pek çok kültürde rastlanan cemre inanışı insan yaşamını önemli ölçüde etkilemiş, davranış kalıpları meydana getirmiştir. Araştırılması Türk kültür tarihine katkı sağlayacak bu inançla ilgili Türkiye’de pek fazla çalışma yapılmamış, yapılan çalışmalar da genelde birbirini tekrar etmiştir.This study focuses on the issues of Cemre which accordingly means coming of spring and heralds reproduction, and what the meanings of Cemre are and how they vary according to different cultures; when Cemre rises and falls; the places known where it rises and falls; what the compenents are related to cemre; and the beliefs and practices which especially occured among the Turks of Turkey. The belief of Cemre, which is very common in Turkish culture and also among the Arabs, The Persians, The Mongols, and the Greeks and in many other cultures, has influenced the human life and formed different behavioural patterns. There is not much done about the belief of Cemre which would contribute to the history of Turkish Culture; on the other hand, the studies brought up until now is generally a repetition of previous researches

    L’esthétique de l’engagement écologique : l’impensé des politiques environnementales

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    Depuis près de 40 ans, les designers n’échappent pas à la tournure politique de la crise écologique et aux outils normatifs qu’elle engendre pour concevoir notre rapport au monde. Dans ce champ professionnel, le concept de durabilité a été appliqué particulièrement au choix des matériaux et les normes qui en ont découlé ont tendu à consolider les propriétés esthétiques promulguées par le Mouvement moderne. Cette esthétique endémique, fortement uniformisante, anthropocentrée et anhistorique est à l’encontre du programme de changement promis par les politiques environnementales qui enjoint l’engagement citoyen, la construction du commun entre les individus, et aussi avec les autres, les non-humains. Les critiques exprimées contre le Mouvement moderne et l’environnementalisme ont pourtant montré que l’engagement écologique peut prendre forme dans une autre esthétique, une esthétique qui, en outre, défait la distinction entre nature et culture et conserve aux personnes une capacité d’agir nécessaire à la durabilité du monde. En posant un regard anthropologique sur l’esthétique, dans une perspective pragmatique et réaliste, cette thèse avance que l’engagement envers la cause écologique dépend de cette esthétique particulière. L’hypothèse est que l’engagement écologique est étroitement lié à la possibilité d’une esthétique de l’usure — capacité de la matérialité à se transformer, à porter l’usage et le temps. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, diverses formes d’engagement écologique ont été identifiées, et leurs propriétés esthétiques visuelles documentées. Une enquête photoethnographique a été réalisée entre 2014 et 2016 auprès de six individus, deux couples et quatre communautés engagés envers la cause écologique dans des milieux de vie urbanisés. Les terrains d’enquêtes comptent un squat activiste autogéré à Istanbul, un centre culturel et social habité autogéré à Berlin, un quartier autogéré à Copenhague, une habitation communautaire, des simplistes volontaires à Montréal et une autoethnographie performative effectuée à la lumière des pratiques observées sur le terrain. Une documentation photographique contextualisée par le biais d’un carnet de terrain a permis de décrire les propriétés esthétiques des lieux habités et des gestes posés au nom du souci écologique. Les résultats montrent que l’esthétique de l’usure est une qualité transversale de ces milieux de vie. Elle s’atteste dans la matérialité artificielle et naturelle, mais aussi gestuelle. Les résultats révèlent aussi douze autres propriétés esthétiques déterminantes de l’engagement écologique. Cette recherche permet de poser un regard critique sur les pratiques des designers adoptées au nom de la durabilité. Elle contribue à une compréhension plus riche des propriétés esthétiques oppressives, liberticides, écologiques et engageantes. L’une des particularités du design est sa capacité à agir sur l’esthétique du quotidien. Ces connaissances permettent aux designers et autres producteurs de l’environnement artificiel de considérer l’esthétique comme un levier d’action pour l’engagement et la transition écologique. Particulièrement, elles démontrent que l’esthétique est un élément clé des transformations sociales et culturelles, mais sa dimension anthropologique reste à explorer, à expérimenter et à légitimer. Enfin, ce travail aspire à éclairer, sur un plan théorique, le rapport entre l’esthétique et l’engagement, puis à sonder la possibilité d’une (contre)politique de l’artificiel pour améliorer les modes de production de demain.In the last forty years, designers have not been immune to the political turn of the ecological crisis and the normative tools that it generated to design our relationship to the world. In this professional field, the sustainability has been applied particularly to the choice of materials and the standards created have tended to consolidate the aesthetic properties of the Modern Movement. This endemic aesthetic, highly standardizing, anthropocentric and ahistorical is opposite to the change promised by environmental policies which require citizen commitment, building a community between human beings, and also with others, non-humans. Criticisms against the Modern Movement and environmentalism showed that the ecological commitment can take shape in another aesthetic, an aesthetic which also defeats the distinction between nature and culture and preserves the agency of people for sustainability. Looking at aesthetic through an anthropological approach, from a pragmatist and realistic perspective, this thesis argues that the ecological commitment depends on this particular aesthetic. The hypothesis is that the ecological commitment is closely linked to aesthetics of wear - the ability of materiality (bodies and things) to transform, to show mark of uses and time. To verify this hypothesis, various forms of ecological commitment have been identified, and their visual aesthetic properties documented. A photo ethnographic survey was conducted between 2014-2016 with six individuals, two couples and four ecological communities, all settled in urban areas. The fieldwork includes a self-managed activist squat in Istanbul, a self-managed cultural and social center in Berlin, a self-managed neighborhood in Copenhagen, a communitarian house in Montreal, persons following the principles of simple living in Montreal and a self-ethnography performed in the light of ecological practices observed in these fieldworks. A photographic data collection contextualized through a field notebook allows to describe the aesthetic properties of those ecological places and the actions undertaken. The results show that the aesthetics of wear is a transversal quality of these environments. It was identified in artificial and natural materiality, but also in gestures. The analysis also reveals twelve other aesthetic properties crucial to ecological commitment. This research allows us to take a critical look at sustainable practices. It contributes to a richer understanding of oppressive and engaging aesthetic properties. Designers shapes the everyday aesthetics. The knowledge produced allows designers and the other producers of the artificial environment to consider aesthetics as a lever of action for commitment and ecological transition. In particular, it demonstrates that aesthetics is a key element of social and cultural transformations, but its anthropological dimension remains to be explored, tested and legitimized. Finally, this work aspires to contribute, on a theoretical level, to the relationship between aesthetics and commitment, and explore the possibility of a policy (or not) for artificial to improve our future production patterns

    Feature weighting algorithm for decision support system of innovation policies

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    The main aim of this thesis is to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) framework for innovation management. Determinants of innovation are the features that determine the innovation performance. For this reason, feature subset selection problem becomes an important issue. In order to construct the core of the DSS, we proposed two algorithms, which are Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. Determination of relevant features and prediction accuracy are the main objectives. Our proposed algorithms have been checked on two different data sets, Iris and Concrete Compressive Strength. After validation, algorithms have been implemented on innovation performance data. Feature weights that are obtained and prediction accuracies are presented for comparing and interpreting our algorithms
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