171 research outputs found

    The 1972 Meadows report: A wake-up call for plant science

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    The 1972 Meadows report, ‘the limits to growth’, predicted a global socio-economic tipping point during the twenty-first century. Now supported by 50 years of empirical evidence, this work is a tribute to systems thinking and an invitation to take the current environmental crisis for what it is: neither a transition nor a bifurcation, but an inversion. For instance, we used matter (e.g., fossil fuel) to save time; we will use time to preserve matter (e.g., bioeconomy). We were exploiting ecosystems to fuel production; production will feed ecosystems. We centralised to optimise; we will decentralise to support resilience. In plant science, this new context calls for new research on plant complexity (e.g., multiscale robustness and benefits of variability), also extending to new scientific approaches (e.g., participatory research, art and science). Taking this turn reverses many paradigms and becomes a new responsibility for plant scientists as the world becomes increasingly turbulent

    Yves Couder: Putting mechanics back into the shoot apical meristem

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    The plasma membrane as a mechanotransducer in plants

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    The RNA Polymerase-Associated Factor 1 Complex Is Required for Plant Touch Responses

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    Thigmomorphogenesis is a stereotypical developmental alteration in the plant body plan that can be induced by repeatedly touching plant organs. To unravel how plants sense and record multiple touch stimuli we performed a novel forward genetic screen based on the development of a shorter stem in response to repetitive touch. The touch insensitive (ths1) mutant identified in this screen is defective in some aspects of shoot and root thigmomorphogenesis. The ths1 mutant is an intermediate loss-of-function allele of VERNALIZATION INDEPENDENCE 3 (VIP3), a previously characterized gene whose product is part of the RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (Paf1) complex. The Paf1 complex is found in yeast, plants and animals, and has been implicated in histone modification and RNA processing. Several components of the Paf1 complex are required for reduced stem height in response to touch and normal root slanting and coiling responses. Global levels of histone H3K36 trimethylation are reduced in VIP3 mutants. In addition, THS1/VIP3 is required for wild type histone H3K36 trimethylation at the TOUCH3 (TCH3) and TOUCH4 (TCH4) loci and for rapid touch-induced upregulation of TCH3 and TCH4 transcripts. Thus, an evolutionarily conserved chromatin-modifying complex is required for both short- and long-term responses to mechanical stimulation, providing insight into how plants record mechanical signals for thigmomorphogenesis

    Mechanical Conflicts in Twisting Growth Revealed by Cell-Cell Adhesion Defects

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    Many plants grow organs and tissues with twisted shapes. Arabidopsis mutants with impaired microtubule dynamics exhibit such a phenotype constitutively. Although the activity of the corresponding microtubule regulators is better understood at the molecular level, how large-scale twisting can emerge in the mutants remains largely unknown. Classically, oblique cortical microtubules would constrain the deposition of cellulose microfibrils in cells, and such conflicts at the cell level would be relaxed at the tissue scale by supracellular torsion. This model implicitly assumes that cell-cell adhesion is a key step to transpose local mechanical conflicts into a macroscopic twisting phenotype. Here we tested this prediction using the quasimodo1 mutant, which displays cell-cell adhesion defects. Using the spriral2/tortifolia1 mutant with hypocotyl helical growth, we found that qua1-induced cell-cell adhesion defects restore straight growth in qua1-1 spr2-2. Detached cells in qua1-1 spr2-2 displayed helical growth, confirming that straight growth results from the lack of mechanical coupling between cells rather than a restoration of SPR2 activity in the qua1 mutant. Because adhesion defects in qua1 depend on tension in the outer wall, we also showed that hypocotyl twisting in qua1-1 spr2-2 could be restored when decreasing the matrix potential of the growth medium, i.e., by reducing the magnitude of the pulling force between adjacent cells, in the double mutant. Interestingly, the induction of straight growth in qua1-1 spr2-2 could be achieved beyond hypocotyls, as leaves also displayed a flat phenotype in the double mutant. Altogether, these results provide formal experimental support for a scenario in which twisted growth in spr2 mutant would result from the relaxation of local mechanical conflicts between adjacent cells via global organ torsion

    The self-organization of plant microtubules inside the cell volume yields their cortical localization, stable alignment, and sensitivity to external cues.

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    Many cell functions rely on the ability of microtubules to self-organize as complex networks. In plants, cortical microtubules are essential to determine cell shape as they guide the deposition of cellulose microfibrils, and thus control mechanical anisotropy of the cell wall. Here we analyze how, in turn, cell shape may influence microtubule behavior. Building upon previous models that confined microtubules to the cell surface, we introduce an agent model of microtubules enclosed in a three-dimensional volume. We show that the microtubule network has spontaneous aligned configurations that could explain many experimental observations without resorting to specific regulation. In particular, we find that the preferred cortical localization of microtubules emerges from directional persistence of the microtubules, and their interactions with each other and with the stiff wall. We also identify microtubule parameters that seem relatively insensitive to cell shape, such as length or number. In contrast, microtubule array anisotropy depends on local curvature of the cell surface and global orientation follows robustly the longest axis of the cell. Lastly, we find that geometric cues may be overcome, as the network is capable of reorienting toward weak external directional cues. Altogether our simulations show that the microtubule network is a good transducer of weak external polarity, while at the same time, easily reaching stable global configurations

    Phyllotactic regularity requires the Paf1 complex in Arabidopsis

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    In plants, aerial organs are initiated at stereotyped intervals, both spatially (every 137° in a pattern called phyllotaxis) and temporally (at prescribed time intervals called plastochrons). To investigate the molecular basis of such regularity, mutants with altered architecture have been isolated. However, most of them only exhibit plastochron defects and/or produce a new, albeit equally reproducible, phyllotactic pattern. This leaves open the question of a molecular control of phyllotaxis regularity. Here, we show that phyllotaxis regularity depends on the function of VIP proteins, components of the RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 complex (Paf1c). Divergence angles between successive organs along the stem exhibited increased variance in vip3-1 and vip3-2 compared with the wild type, in two different growth conditions. Similar results were obtained with the weak vip3-6 allele and in vip6, a mutant for another Paf1c subunit. Mathematical analysis confirmed that these defects could not be explained solely by plastochron defects. Instead, increased variance in phyllotaxis in vip3 was observed at the meristem and related to defects in spatial patterns of auxin activity. Thus, the regularity of spatial, auxin-dependent, patterning at the meristem requires Paf1c

    ImageJ SurfCut: a user-friendly pipeline for high-throughput extraction of cell contours from 3D image stacks

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    Background: Many methods have been developed to quantify cell shape in 2D in tissues. For instance, the analysis of epithelial cells in Drosophila embryogenesis or jigsaw puzzle-shaped pavement cells in plant epidermis has led to the development of numerous quantification methods that are applied to 2D images. However, proper extraction of 2D cell contours from 3D confocal stacks for such analysis can be problematic. Results: We developed a macro in ImageJ, SurfCut, with the goal to provide a user-friendly pipeline specifically designed to extract epidermal cell contour signals, segment cells in 2D and analyze cell shape. As a reference point, we compared our output to that obtained with MorphoGraphX (MGX). While both methods differ in the approach used to extract the layer of signal, they output comparable results for tissues with shallow curvature, such as pavement cell shape in cotyledon epidermis (as quantified with PaCeQuant). SurfCut was however not appropriate for cell or tissue samples with high curvature, as evidenced by a significant bias in shape and area quantification. Conclusion: We provide a new ImageJ pipeline, SurfCut, that allows the extraction of cell contours from 3D confocal stacks. SurfCut and MGX have complementary advantages: MGX is well suited for curvy samples and more complex analyses, up to computational cell-based modeling on real templates; SurfCut is well suited for rather flat samples, is simple to use, and has the advantage to be easily automated for batch analysis of images in ImageJ. The combination of these two methods thus provides an ideal suite of tools for cell contour extraction in most biological samples, whether 3D precision or high-throughput analysis is the main priority
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