791 research outputs found

    High-efficiency GaAs concentrator space cells

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    High efficiency Al sub x Ga sub 1-x As/GaAs heteroface solar concentrator cells have been developed for space applications. The cells, which were grown using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), have been fabricated in both the p-n and n-p configurations. Magnesium and zinc are used as the p-type dopants, and Se is used as the n-type dopant. The space cells, which are designed for use in a Cassegrainian concentrator operating at 100 suns, AMO, have a circular illuminated area 4 mm in diameter on a 5 mm by 5 mm cell. These cells have exhibited flash-tested efficiencies as high as 23.6 percent at 28 C and 21.6 percent at 80 C

    Statistical model of the powder flow regulation by nanomaterials

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    Fine powders often tend to agglomerate due to van der Waals forces between the particles. These forces can be reduced significantly by covering the particles with nanoscaled adsorbates, as shown by recent experiments. In the present work a quantitative statistical analysis of the effect of powder flow regulating nanomaterials on the adhesive forces in powders is given. Covering two spherical powder particles randomly with nanoadsorbates we compute the decrease of the mutual van der Waals force. The dependence of the force on the relative surface coverage obeys a scaling form which is independent of the used materials. The predictions by our simulations are compared to the experimental results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, LaTeX; reviewed version with minor changes, published (Powder Technology

    High-efficiency AlGaAs-GaAs Cassegrainian concentrator cells

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    AlGaAs-GaAs heteroface space concentrator solar cells have been fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. AMO efficiencies as high as 21.1% have been observed both for p-n and np structures under concentration (90 to 100X) at 25 C. Both cell structures are characterized by high quantum efficiencies and their performances are close to those predicted by a realistic computer model. In agreement with the computer model, the n-p cell exhibits a higher short-circuit current density

    Incorporating measurement error in n=1 psychological autoregressive modeling

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    Measurement error is omnipresent in psychological data. However, the vast majority of applications of autoregressive time series analyses in psychology do not take measurement error into account. Disregarding measurement error when it is present in the data results in a bias of the autoregressive parameters. We discuss two models that take measurement error into account: An autoregressive model with a white noise term (AR+WN), and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. In a simulation study we compare the parameter recovery performance of these models, and compare this performance for both a Bayesian and frequentist approach. We find that overall, the AR+WN model performs better. Furthermore, we find that for realistic (i.e., small) sample sizes, psychological research would benefit from a Bayesian approach in fitting these models. Finally, we illustrate the effect of disregarding measurement error in an AR(1) model by means of an empirical application on mood data in women. We find that, depending on the person, approximately 30-50% of the total variance was due to measurement error, and that disregarding this measurement error results in a substantial underestimation of the autoregressive parameters.</p

    The 25 percent-efficient GaAs Cassegrainian concentrator cell

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    Very high-efficiency GaAs Cassegrainian solar cells have been fabricated in both the n-p and p-n configurations. The n-p configuration exhibits the highest efficiency at concentration, the best cells having an efficiency eta of 24.5 percent (100X, AM0, temperature T = 28 C). Although the cells are designed for operation at this concentration, peak efficiency is observed near 300 suns (eta = 25.1 percent). To our knowledge, this is the highest reported solar cell efficiency for space applications. The improvement in efficiency over that reported at the previous SPRAT conference is attributed primarily to lower series resistance and improved grid-line plating procedures. Using previously measured temperature coefficients, researchers estimate that the n-p GaAs cells should deliver approximately 22.5 percent efficiency at the operating conditions of 100 suns and T = 80 C. This performance exceeds the NASA program goal of 22 percent for the Cassegrainian cell. One hundred Cassegrainian cells have been sent to NASA as deliverables, sixty-eight in the n-p configuration and thirty-two in the p-n configuration

    Casimir forces in modulated systems

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    For the first time we present analytical results for the contribution of electromagnetic fluctuations into thermodynamic properties of modulated systems, like cholesteric or smectic liquid crystalline films. In the case of small dielectric anisotropy we have derived explicit analytical expressions for the chemical potential of such systems. Two limiting cases were specifically considered: (i) the Van der Waals (VdW) limit, i.e., in the case when the retardation of the electromagnetic interactions can be neglected; and (ii) the Casimir limit, i.e. when the effects of retardation becomes considerable. It was shown that in the Casimir limit, the film chemical potential oscillates with the thickness of the film. This non-monotonic dependence of the chemical potential on the film thickness can lead to step-wise wetting phenomena, surface anchoring reorientation and other important effects. Applications of the results may concern the various systems in soft matter or condensed matter physics with multilayer or modulated structures.Comment: 13 page

    Bromidebalansberekeningen voor het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland voor de periode september 1979 tot en met augustus 1980

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    Tussen mei 1979 en oktober 1980 is een onderzoek gedaan naar de bromidehuishouding van het gebied, dat onder beheer van Hoogheemraadschap Delfland valt. Het onderzoek had primair ten doel de invloed van het gebruik van methylbromide als grondontsmettingsmiddel in de glastuinbouw op de bromideconcentraties in het oppervlaktewater van het gebied te bepalen. Daartoe werden polder- en boezemwateren in zowel specifieke glastuinbouwgebieden als in graslandgebieden regelmatig bemonsterd. In deze nota volgt een kwantificering van de bromidehuishouding

    Capillary pressure of van der Waals liquid nanodrops

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    The dependence of the surface tension on a nanodrop radius is important for the new-phase formation process. It is demonstrated that the famous Tolman formula is not unique and the size-dependence of the surface tension can distinct for different systems. The analysis is based on a relationship between the surface tension and disjoining pressure in nanodrops. It is shown that the van der Waals interactions do not affect the new-phase formation thermodynamics since the effect of the disjoining pressure and size-dependent component of the surface tension cancel each other.Comment: The paper is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of A.I. Rusano