201 research outputs found

    Among the Names of the Prophets Between the Arabic and the Ajami in the Holy Quran (Study in Language and Derivation)

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    الحمد لله الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً أحد، والصلاة والسلام على خير خلقه محمّد وعلى آله وصحبه أولي النهى والرَشَد، وبعد فإنّ القرآن الكريم هو كتاب العربية الأول  الذي لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه تنزيلٌ من حكيم حميد، وهو الذي يصرّح الحقّ تعالى بأنّه عربيّ مبين، وقد جاء القرآن بألفاظه على وجهٍ أعجز العرب عن الإتيان بمثله، ولعلّ القرآن الكريم استعمل أسماء لم تكن دائرة بين العرب فكانت عندهم غير معهودة أو كانت من لسانهم مفقودة، ولكنّ الله تعالى أعادها إلى الاستعمال مرّة أخرى؛ لذا كانت الرغبة منّي أن أبحث في هذا الكتاب العجيب المُعجِب، وقد وقع الاختيار على ألفاظ قيل إنّها أعجمية الأصول، فكان العنوان:(من أسماء الأنبياء بين العربية والأعجمية في القرآن الكريم دراسة في اللغة والاشتقاق) وقد تمّ اختيار مجموعة من الأسماء، وذلك لكثرة ما ورد في القرآن الكريم منها، وضيق البحث عن استيفائها كاملةً. وقد جاء البحث متألّفاً من: مدخل، ومبحثين، تناولت في المدخل الألفاظ بين العربية والأعجمية، أمّا المبحث الأول فقد كان للأسماء الثلاثية، وهي: نوح ولوط. والمبحث الثاني جاء للأسماء فوق الثلاثية، وهي: إبراهيم، وإسحاق، وموسى وهارون، وإلياس وإلياسين. وقد جاءت بعد هذين المبحثين خاتمة ذكرت فيها أهمّ النتائج التي أسفر عنها البحث. وآخر الدعاء أن الحمد لله ربّ العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله وصحبه المخلَصين.The Holy Quran is the first Arabic book, which is not come wrong from among his hands and not behind him download from Hakim Hamid, who declares the truth that he is an Arab manifest, the Koran came in the words of the inability of the Arabs to bring the example, and perhaps the Koran used names were not circle Among the Arabs, they had unusual or lost tongues, but God brought them back to use again; so I had the desire to look at this wonderful and admirable book. Between Arabic and English in the Holy Quran In the language and derivation). A selection of names was chosen, due to the large number of Quranic verses, and the narrow search for their complete fulfillment. The research came from the introduction of two passages. The first topic was the three names: Noah and Lot. The second study came to the names above the trilogy: Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Aaron, Elias and Elyasin. Following these two chapters, the results of the research were summarized

    Laser Ablation in Different Environments and Generation of Nanoparticles

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    In the last two decades, pulsed-laser ablation has received attention from researchers in micro- and nanotechnology. During the development of laser ablation in materials processing, several media, such as vacuum, air, gases and liquids, have been used to improve the quality and quantity of laser machining and production of nanoparticles. The laser-ablation environment is important in order to control the average size and chemical compositions of nanoparticles. Conducting the laser-ablation process in liquid environments has become of increasing relevance for the production of precise and pure micromachining and nanomaterials. In addition, deionised water has been found to be the optimal environment to produce nanoparticles for bioapplications

    Patents Rights and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Middle Income Countries

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    This study investigates the association between patents rights and economic growth, in case of selected middleincome countries, using panel ARDL (auto regressive distributed lag) technique. Results under PMG and DFEestimator indicate that domestic patents contribute significantly to GDP of middle income only in short run,while MG estimator indicates that patents have no significant impact on economic growth both in short and longrun.Keywords—IPRs, Patents, Economic Growth, R&D


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    The main contribution of this paper is introducing a method to distinguish between different landmarks of the retina: bifurcations and crossings. The methodology may help in differentiating between arteries and veins and is useful in identifying diseases and other special pathologies, too. The method does not need any special skills, thus it can be assimilated to an automatic way for pinpointing landmarks; moreover it gives good responses for very small vessels. A skeletonized representation, taken out from the segmented binary image (obtained through a preprocessing step), is used to identify pixels with three or more neighbors. Then, the junction points are classified into bifurcations or crossovers depending on their geometrical and topological properties such as width, direction and connectivity of the surrounding segments. The proposed approach is applied to the public-domain DRIVE and STARE datasets and compared with the state-of-the-art methods using proper validation parameters. The method was successful in identifying the majority of the landmarks; the average correctly identified bifurcations in both DRIVE and STARE datasets for the recall and precision values are: 95.4% and 87.1% respectively; also for the crossovers, the recall and precision values are: 87.6% and 90.5% respectively; thus outperforming other studies

    The Verbs Attributed to Satan in the Koran is a Study of Significance

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    الحمد لله الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً أحد، والصلاة والسلام على خير خلقه محمّد وعلى آله وصحبه أصحاب النهى والرَشَد، أمّا بعد: فإنّ العربيّة لغة بيان وسحر، لا يكون لفظٌ منها إلّا وهو موضوعٌ لغاية يروم تحقيقها، وأحياناً لا تتّضح الفروق بين الألفاظ إلّا بعد التمحيص والتأمّل، وقد جاء القرآن بألفاظه على وجهٍ أعجز العرب عن الإتيان بمثله أو بعضه، وقد كان هذا الكتاب العظيم ذا أسلوب لا يبلغ مقامه إلّا مَن أفاض الله عليه من العلم والمعرفة بأسراره وحقائقه ما يوصله إلى مراده؛ لذا كانت الرغبة منّي أن أبحث في هذا الكتاب العجيب المُعجِب، وقد وقع الاختيار على ألفاظ تجتمع تحت عنوان واحد، وهي الألفاظ التي وردت منسوبة مسنَدَةً إلى لفظ (الشيطان) والتي كانت أفعالاً مختلفة المعاني والصيغ، فجاء  العنوان:(ألفاظ الأفعال المُسنَدَة إلى الشيط ان في القرآن الكريم دراسة دلالية) وقد تمّ اختيار بعض الأفعال المسندة إلى الشيطان وذلك لكثرتها في الاستعمال القرآنيّ. وقد جاء البحث متألّفاً من مدخلٍ وخمسة مطالب، تناولت في المدخل الفرق بين لفظي (الشيطان وإبليس) على نحو مختصر، أمّا المطالب فقد جاءت على النحو الآتي: الفعلان (أزلّ واستزلّ) الفعل (نزغ) الفعلان (سوّل وأملى) الفعل (زيّن) الفعل (وسوس) وقد جاءت بعد تلك المطالب الخمسة خاتمة ذكرت فيها أهمّ النتائج التي أسفر عنها البحث. وآخر الدعاء أن الحمد لله ربّ العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين.Praise be to Allaah. The one who stands steadfastly, who was not born, was not born, and had no one, and peace and blessings be upon the best of Muhammad and his family and companions. Arabic is a language of statement and magic, the word of which is only a subject and aims to achieve it, and sometimes the differences between the words only become clear after scrutiny and reflection, and the Koran came with words on the face of the inability of the Arabs to come up with some or all of them, and this great book was a style not His shrine only attains the knowledge and  knowledge of the secrets and facts of what leads him to his goal, so it was my desire to search in this wonderful book admired The words that were attributed to the word (the devil) and which were acts of different meanings and formulas were chosen under the same title. Satan because of its abundance in the use of the Koran The research consisted of an entrance and five demands. 1-1- Act (remove and remove) The act (sap) 1.3- Acting (Lean and Dictated) Act (adorned) 1.5 (verb waswasa) Following these five demands, a conclusion was made stating the most important results of the research. The last supplication is that Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and his family and companion

    Financial Market Theory of Development – evidence from Palestine and Israeli Stock Exchanges

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    This study is compelled by the motivation to find out potential equilibrium and dynamic relationships involving two neighboring stock exchanges - Palestine Stock Exchange (PEX) and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE). Based upon Financial Market Theory of Development, we attempt to explore the degree of integration between the two exchanges using Engle-Granger Cointegration procedures (1987). Data were collected on monthly basis over sample period from January 1998 till February 2012. The empirical results from bivariate Error Correction Model (ECM) reveal a statistically significant long-term relation between the two exchanges. However, the results from Granger Causality tests indicate absence of short-term relationships between them. To unveil Granger Causality in a dynamic context, we use out-of-sample testing via Impulse-Response Functions (IRF) and Variance Decompositions (VDC.) Interestingly, both tests show that performance of TASE does affect its archrival

    Integration of Financial Markets: A Study of Egypt and Palestine Stock Markets

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    The objective of this study is to determine the existence of equilibrium and dynamic relations between Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX) and Palestine Stock Exchange (PEX). Utilising the framework of international trade theories, this paper employs the Engle-Granger Co-integration (1987) procedure as an estimation model on monthly time series data from February 1998 to April 2012. Results indicate that there is a significant equilibrium nexus between EGX and PEX but no empirical evidence was found on the existence of dynamic relations between them via Granger Causality tests. However, analysis of dynamic interactions of the post-sample period by means of Impulse-Response Functions and Variance Decomposition indicate sensitivity in EGX towards changes in PEX

    Examining relationship between Palestine stock exchange and Amman stock exchange-cointegration approach

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    This paper aims at examining the probable equilibrium and dynamic relations between Palestine Stock Exchange (PEX) and Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). Within the framework of international trade theories, this study employs Engle-Granger Cointegration procedure (1987) as an estimation model involving monthly time series data from 1997 through 2011. The empirical results show that there is a significant equilibrium relationship between PEX and ASE, but fail to establish empirical evidence on dynamic relations between the two stock markets using Granger Causality tests. However, analysis of dynamic interactions during the post-sample period via Impulse-Response Functions and Variance Decomposition suggest that changes in ASE index do influence the performance of PEX

    A study of the Effect of Air Inlet and Exit on Indoor Air Movement

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    This work consists of a numerical simulation to predict the velocity and temperature distributions, and an experimental work to visualize the air flow in a room model. The numerical work is based on non-isothermal, incompressible, three dimensional, k turbulence model, and solved using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach, involving finite volume technique to solve continuity, momentum and energy equations, that governs the room’s turbulent flow domain. The experimental study was performed using (1/5) scaled room model of the actual dimensions of the room to simulate room air flow and visualize the flow pattern using smoke generated  from burnt herbs and collected in a smoke generator to delivered through the prototype room. The numerical results were compared with those obtained from experiments, the correspondence between numerical and experimental was fairly good and also, a fair comparison was found with other workers in this field

    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA by direct RT-qPCR on nasopharyngeal specimens without extraction of viral RNA.

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    To circumvent the limited availability of RNA extraction reagents, we aimed to develop a protocol for direct RT-qPCR to detect SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs without RNA extraction. Nasopharyngeal specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses collected in universal viral transport (UVT) medium were pre-processed by several commercial and laboratory-developed methods and tested by RT-qPCR assays without RNA extraction using different RT-qPCR master mixes. The results were compared to that of standard approach that involves RNA extraction. Incubation of specimens at 65°C for 10 minutes along with the use of TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix provides higher analytical sensitivity for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA than many other conditions tested. The optimized direct RT-qPCR approach demonstrated a limit of detection of 6.6x103 copy/ml and high reproducibility (co-efficient of variation = 1.2%). In 132 nasopharyngeal specimens submitted for SARS-CoV-2 testing, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of our optimized approach were 95%, 99% and 98.5%, respectively, with reference to the standard approach. Also, the RT-qPCR CT values obtained by the two methods were positively correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.6971, p = 0.0013). The rate of PCR inhibition by the direct approach was 8% compared to 9% by the standard approach. Our simple approach to detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA by direct RT-qPCR may help laboratories continue testing for the virus despite reagent shortages or expand their testing capacity in resource limited settings