208 research outputs found
The Evaluation of Partnership Method in the Business in Indonesia
This research aims to analyze how to build a business connection using partnership based on coordination method using PT.Nipsea& Chemicals as the example. PT.Nipsea& Chemicals use a very effective partnership method that we will explain in the later part of this paper, it needs to be conducted because of the crowded competition of businesses nowadays. In order to analyze the method, data will be collected by survey and observation. Then data will be analyzed and compared to the product development method using descriptive quantitative research. We aims to take the positive aspects and get rid of the negative aspects from both of the methods and create a better method that willmake more profits, and assuring a stable relationship with the customers
Retinotopic Mapping of Categorical and Coordinate Spatial Relation Processing in Early Visual Cortex
Spatial relations are commonly divided in two global classes. Categorical relations concern abstract relations which define areas of spatial equivalence, whereas coordinate relations are metric and concern exact distances. Categorical and coordinate relation processing are thought to rely on at least partially separate neurocognitive mechanisms, as reflected by differential lateralization patterns, in particular in the parietal cortex. In this study we address this textbook principle from a new angle. We studied retinotopic activation in early visual cortex, as a reflection of attentional distribution, in a spatial working memory task with either a categorical or a coordinate instruction. Participants were asked to memorize a dot position, with regard to a central cross, and to indicate whether a subsequent dot position matched the first dot position, either categorically (opposite quadrant of the cross) or coordinately (same distance to the centre of the cross). BOLD responses across the retinotopic maps of V1, V2, and V3 indicate that the spatial distribution of cortical activity was different for categorical and coordinate instructions throughout the retention interval; a more local focus was found during categorical processing, whereas focus was more global for coordinate processing. This effect was strongest for V3, approached significance in V2 and was absent in V1. Furthermore, during stimulus presentation the two instructions led to different levels of activation in V3 during stimulus encoding; a stronger increase in activity was found for categorical processing. Together this is the first demonstration that instructions for specific types of spatial relations may yield distinct attentional patterns which are already reflected in activity early in the visual cortex
Clinical leadership through commissioning: Does it work in practice?
In tune with much international practice, the English National Health Service has been striving to transform health care provision to make it more affordable in the face of rising demand. At the heart of a set of recent radical reforms has been the launch of āclinical commissioningā using the vehicle of local groups of General Practitioners (GPs). This devolves a large portion of the total healthcare budget to these groups. National government policy statements make clear that the expectation is that the groups will ātransformā the organization and provision of health services. In this article we draw upon interviews, observations and analysis of internal documents to make an assessment of the extent to which clinical leaders have seized the opportunity presented by the creation of these groups to attempt transformative service redesign
Small-Scale Extrusion of Corn Masa By-Products
Corn masa by-product streams are high in fiber and are amenable for utilization in livestock feed rations. This approach is a potentially viable alternative to landfilling, the traditional disposal method for these processing residues. Suspended solids were separated from a masa processing waste stream, blended with soybean meal at four levels (0, 10, 20, and 30% wb), and extruded in a laboratory-scale extruder at speeds of 50 rpm (5.24 rad/sec) and 100 rpm (10.47 rad/sec) with temperature profiles of 80-90-100Ā°C and 100-110-120Ā°C. Processing conditions, including dough and die temperatures, drive torque, specific mechanical energy consumption, product and feed material throughput rates, dough apparent viscosity, and dough density, were monitored during extrusion. The resulting products were subjected to physical and nutritional characterization to determine the effects of processing conditions for these blends. Extrudate analysis included moisture content, water activity, crude protein, in vitro protein digestibility, crude fat, ash, product diameter, expansion ratios, unit and true density, color, water absorption and solubility, and durability. All blends were suitable for extrusion at the processing conditions used. Blend ratio had little effect on either processing parameters or extrudate properties; extrusion temperature and screw speed, on the other hand, significantly affected both processing and product properties
iSchools and archival studies
Whispers and rumors about the iSchool movement lead some to fear that this represents yet another shift away from the valued traditions of library schools, threatening something far different than what library science pioneers ever envisioned. Predating the iSchool movement, however, were other programmatic shifts such as those that led to the formalization of graduate archival education. This essay argues that such evolution is essential to our future, as iSchools tackle the increasingly complex issues confronting a digital society. We consider the mission and history of iSchools and of archival studies, the basic elements and concepts of archival studies that are critical to iSchools, and the relationship between iSchools and the changing nature of personal and institutional archives. Ā© 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V
Analysis of a dynamic model of guard cell signaling reveals the stability of signal propagation
Methods for visual mining of genomic and proteomic data atlases
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As the volume, complexity and diversity of the information that scientists work with on a daily basis continues to rise, so too does the requirement for new analytic software. The analytic software must solve the dichotomy that exists between the need to allow for a high level of scientific reasoning, and the requirement to have an intuitive and easy to use tool which does not require specialist, and often arduous, training to use. Information visualization provides a solution to this problem, as it allows for direct manipulation and interaction with diverse and complex data. The challenge addressing bioinformatics researches is how to apply this knowledge to data sets that are continually growing in a field that is rapidly changing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper discusses an approach to the development of visual mining tools capable of supporting the mining of massive data collections used in systems biology research, and also discusses lessons that have been learned providing tools for both local researchers and the wider community. Example tools were developed which are designed to enable the exploration and analyses of both proteomics and genomics based atlases. These atlases represent large repositories of raw and processed experiment data generated to support the identification of biomarkers through mass spectrometry (the PeptideAtlas) and the genomic characterization of cancer (The Cancer Genome Atlas). Specifically the tools are designed to allow for: the visual mining of thousands of mass spectrometry experiments, to assist in designing informed targeted protein assays; and the interactive analysis of hundreds of genomes, to explore the variations across different cancer genomes and cancer types.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The mining of massive repositories of biological data requires the development of new tools and techniques. Visual exploration of the large-scale atlas data sets allows researchers to mine data to find new meaning and make sense at scales from single samples to entire populations. Providing linked task specific views that allow a user to start from points of interest (from diseases to single genes) enables targeted exploration of thousands of spectra and genomes. As the composition of the atlases changes, and our understanding of the biology increase, new tasks will continually arise. It is therefore important to provide the means to make the data available in a suitable manner in as short a time as possible. We have done this through the use of common visualization workflows, into which we rapidly deploy visual tools. These visualizations follow common metaphors where possible to assist users in understanding the displayed data. Rapid development of tools and task specific views allows researchers to mine large-scale data almost as quickly as it is produced. Ultimately these visual tools enable new inferences, new analyses and further refinement of the large scale data being provided in atlases such as PeptideAtlas and The Cancer Genome Atlas.</p
Assessing Physical Activity and its Relationship to Cardiovascular Risk Factors: NHANES 2003-2006
Background: Levels of physical activity (PA) in the general population are difficult to characterize. Historically measurement has been based on self-report, which can be subject to bias. PA monitor use has created opportunities to improve surveillance and analytic research on activity and health. The aims of the current study were to investigate the associations between objectively measured PA and cardiovascular disease risk factors and obesity. Methods. Data on PA from accelerometers, demographics, blood pressure, plasma glucose and lipids, self-reported hypertension and diabetes were obtained for adults, ages 20-65, in the NHANES surveys, 2003-2006. Outcomes were assessed as levels of moderate and vigorous activity, percentage of participants meeting recommended guidelines, and the correlations between activity and cardiovascular risk factors. Accelerometry data were available on 3,370 adults. Based on standard algorithms, activity levels were extremely low in all age-gender-race/ethnic groups, with an average of only 1 bout of vigorous activity lasting longer than 1 minute/day. Results: Men spent 35 minutes in moderate activity/day, women 21 minutes; \u3e 75% of this activity was accumulated in 1-minute bouts. Levels of activity declined sharply after age 50 in all groups. Negative associations were observed between minutes of combined moderate and vigorous activity and systolic blood pressure, blood glucose, diabetes, hypertension, body mass index and obesity, and a positive association was seen with HDL-cholesterol (all P ā¤ 0.03), suggesting valid rank ordering of participants by activity level. Conclusion: The magnitude of the gap between self-report and accelerometry activity must be a result of either a vast social acceptability bias in reporting or inaccurate measurement with accelerometry. Therefore, due to the low validity of self reported PA data for epidemiologic research, it is pertinent to encourage the use of valid, objective methods to assess PA. Ā© 2011 Luke et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd
Histamine receptor activation by unsaturated (allyl and propargyl) homologs of histamine
The spectrum of agonist activity for three new homologs of histamine (cis- and trans-imidazolylallylamine and imidazolylpropargylamine) was evaluated in the isolated guinea pig ileum and right atrium. The homologs were about three log units less potent than histamine in stimulating contractions of the longitudinal muscles of the ileum, but they were histamine-like, pharmacologically, because they were sensitive to blockade by pyrilamine and resistant to blockade by atropine. In the right atrium, these weak agonists were partially sensitive to blockade by cimetidine. The agonist activity of the cis-isomer in particular was completely blocked by a combination of cimetidine and propranolol, but resistant to reserpine treatment (neuronal catecholamine depletion). Therefore, these homologs of histamine have the ability to stimulate H 1 - and H 2 -histamine receptors and beta -adrenoreceptors in vitro .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44880/1/11_2005_Article_BF01966582.pd
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