62 research outputs found

    Source identities and kernel functions for deformed (quantum) Ruijsenaars models

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    We consider the relativistic generalization of the quantum AN1A_{N-1} Calogero-Sutherland models due to Ruijsenaars, comprising the rational, hyperbolic, trigonometric and elliptic cases. For each of these cases, we find an exact common eigenfunction for a generalization of Ruijsenaars analytic difference operators that gives, as special cases, many different kernel functions; in particular, we find kernel functions for Chalykh- Feigin-Veselov-Sergeev-type deformations of such difference operators which generalize known kernel functions for the Ruijsenaars models. We also discuss possible applications of our results.Comment: 24 page

    Exact solutions of two complementary 1D quantum many-body systems on the half-line

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    We consider two particular 1D quantum many-body systems with local interactions related to the root system CNC_N. Both models describe identical particles moving on the half-line with non-trivial boundary conditions at the origin, and they are in many ways complementary to each other. We discuss the Bethe Ansatz solution for the first model where the interaction potentials are delta-functions, and we find that this provides an exact solution not only in the boson case but even for the generalized model where the particles are distinguishable. In the second model the particles have particular momentum dependent interactions, and we find that it is non-trivial and exactly solvable by Bethe Ansatz only in case the particles are fermions. This latter model has a natural physical interpretation as the non-relativistic limit of the massive Thirring model on the half-line. We establish a duality relation between the bosonic delta-interaction model and the fermionic model with local momentum dependent interactions. We also elaborate on the physical interpretation of these models. In our discussion the Yang-Baxter relations and the Reflection equation play a central role.Comment: 15 pages, a mistake corrected changing one of our conclusion

    Quasi-invariant Hermite polynomials and Lassalle-Nekrasov correspondence

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    Lassalle and Nekrasov discovered in the 1990s a surprising correspondence between the rational Calogero-Moser system with a harmonic term and its trigonometric version. We present a conceptual explanation of this correspondence using the rational Cherednik algebra and establish its quasi-invariant extension. More specifically, we consider configurations A\mathcal A of real hyperplanes with multiplicities admitting the rational Baker-Akhiezer function and use this to introduce a new class of non-symmetric polynomials, which we call A\mathcal A-Hermite polynomials. These polynomials form a linear basis in the space of A\mathcal A-quasi-invariants, which is an eigenbasis for the corresponding generalised rational Calogero-Moser operator with harmonic term. In the case of the Coxeter configuration of type ANA_N this leads to a quasi-invariant version of the Lassalle-Nekrasov correspondence and its higher order analogues.Comment: 32 page

    An Explicit Formula for Symmetric Polynomials Related to the Eigenfunctions of Calogero-Sutherland Models

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    We review a recent construction of an explicit analytic series representation for symmetric polynomials which up to a groundstate factor are eigenfunctions of Calogero-Sutherland type models. We also indicate a generalisation of this result to polynomials which give the eigenfunctions of so-called 'deformed' Calogero-Sutherland type models

    Baker-Akhiezer functions and generalised Macdonald-Mehta integrals

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    For the rational Baker-Akhiezer functions associated with special arrangements of hyperplanes with multiplicities we establish an integral identity, which may be viewed as a generalisation of the self-duality property of the usual Gaussian function with respect to the Fourier transformation. We show that the value of properly normalised Baker-Akhiezer function at the origin can be given by an integral of Macdonald-Mehta type and explicitly compute these integrals for all known Baker-Akhiezer arrangements. We use the Dotsenko-Fateev integrals to extend this calculation to all deformed root systems, related to the non-exceptional basic classical Lie superalgebras.Comment: 26 pages; slightly revised version with minor correction

    Stochastic B\"acklund transformations

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    How does one introduce randomness into a classical dynamical system in order to produce something which is related to the `corresponding' quantum system? We consider this question from a probabilistic point of view, in the context of some integrable Hamiltonian systems

    Generalized local interactions in 1D: solutions of quantum many-body systems describing distinguishable particles

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    As is well-known, there exists a four parameter family of local interactions in 1D. We interpret these parameters as coupling constants of delta-type interactions which include different kinds of momentum dependent terms, and we determine all cases leading to many-body systems of distinguishable particles which are exactly solvable by the coordinate Bethe Ansatz. We find two such families of systems, one with two independent coupling constants deforming the well-known delta interaction model to non-identical particles, and the other with a particular one-parameter combination of the delta- and (so-called) delta-prime interaction. We also find that the model of non-identical particles gives rise to a somewhat unusual solution of the Yang-Baxter relations. For the other model we write down explicit formulas for all eigenfunctions.Comment: 23 pages v2: references adde

    Kernel functions and B\"acklund transformations for relativistic Calogero-Moser and Toda systems

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    We obtain kernel functions associated with the quantum relativistic Toda systems, both for the periodic version and for the nonperiodic version with its dual. This involves taking limits of previously known results concerning kernel functions for the elliptic and hyperbolic relativistic Calogero-Moser systems. We show that the special kernel functions at issue admit a limit that yields generating functions of B\"acklund transformations for the classical relativistic Calogero-Moser and Toda systems. We also obtain the nonrelativistic counterparts of our results, which tie in with previous results in the literature.Comment: 76 page

    Singular factorizations, self-adjoint extensions, and applications to quantum many-body physics

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    We study self-adjoint operators defined by factorizing second order differential operators in first order ones. We discuss examples where such factorizations introduce singular interactions into simple quantum mechanical models like the harmonic oscillator or the free particle on the circle. The generalization of these examples to the many-body case yields quantum models of distinguishable and interacting particles in one dimensions which can be solved explicitly and by simple means. Our considerations lead us to a simple method to construct exactly solvable quantum many-body systems of Calogero-Sutherland type.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Fit for purpose? Pattern cutting and seams in wearables development

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    This paper describes how a group of practitioners and researchers are working across disciplines at Nottingham Trent University in the area of Technical Textiles. It introduces strands of ongoing enquiry centred around the development and application of stretch sensors on the body, focusing on how textile and fashion knowledge are being reflexively revealed in the collaborative development of seamful wearable concepts, and on the tensions between design philosophies as revealed by definitions of purpose. We discuss the current research direction of the Aeolia project, which seeks to exploit the literal gaps found in pattern cutting for fitted stretch garments towards experiential forms and potential interactions. Normative goals of fitness for purpose and seamlessness are interrogated and the potential for more integrated design processes, which may at first appear ‘upside down’, is discussed