72 research outputs found

    Contrasting plant–soil–microbial feedbacks stabilize vegetation types and uncouple topsoil C and N stocks across a subarctic–alpine landscape

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    Global vegetation regimes vary in belowground carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. However, disentangling large-scale climatic controls from the effects of intrinsic plant–soil–microbial feedbacks on belowground processes is challenging. In local gradients with similar pedo-climatic conditions, effects of plant–microbial feedbacks may be isolated from large-scale drivers. Across a subarctic–alpine mosaic of historic grazing fields and surrounding heath and birch forest, we evaluated whether vegetation-specific plant–microbial feedbacks involved contrasting N cycling characteristics and C and N stocks in the organic topsoil. We sequenced soil fungi, quantified functional genes within the inorganic N cycle, and measured 15N natural abundance. In grassland soils, large N stocks and low C : N ratios associated with fungal saprotrophs, archaeal ammonia oxidizers, and bacteria capable of respiratory ammonification, indicating maintained inorganic N cycling a century after abandoned reindeer grazing. Toward forest and heath, increasing abundance of mycorrhizal fungi co-occurred with transition to organic N cycling. However, ectomycorrhizal fungal decomposers correlated with small soil N and C stocks in forest, while root-associated ascomycetes associated with small N but large C stocks in heath, uncoupling C and N storage across vegetation types. We propose that contrasting, positive plant–microbial feedbacks stabilize vegetation trajectories, resulting in diverging soil C : N ratios at the landscape scale.publishedVersio

    Open-access portal with hindcast wave data for SkĂĄne and Halland

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    Wave climate data for the Swedish provinces Skane and Halland, were hindcast using SWAN, a third-generation spectral wave model. The 40-year wave dataset, from 1979 to 2019, is made available through an open-access data portal (https://gis.sgi.se/vagmodell/). The wave data has a three-hour resolution and includes significant wave height, peak wave period, and wave direction. The wave model domain encompasses the Baltic Sea, Ă–resund, Kattegat, and Skagerrak. Along the coast of Skane and Halland, the spatial resolution of the computational nodes, from which data can be extracted in the portal, is 250 m. In the offshore areas, the resolution of the computational grid is coarser. The simulated significant wave height was validated against observations from 25 wave gauges, operating intermittently during the simulation period. The coefficient of determination, R2, for these comparisons ranged from 0.46 to 0.93 for the different stations. For 15 wave gauges, R2 values for the comparisons exceeded 0.80. The wave model will continuously be updated and developed

    Associations between the Bacterial Composition of Farm Bulk Milk and the Microbiota in the Resulting Swedish Long-Ripened Cheese

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    The maturation of a traditional Swedish long-ripened cheese has shown increasing variation in recent years and the ripening time is now generally longer than in the past. While the cheese is reliant on non-starter lactic acid bacteria for the development of its characteristic flavour, we hypothesised that the observed changes could be due to variations in the microbiota composition and number of bacteria in the raw milk used for production of the cheese. To evaluate associations between microbiota in the raw milk and the resulting cheese, three clusters of commercial farms were created to increase variation in the microbiota of dairy silo milk used for cheese production. Cheese production was performed in three periods over one year. Within each period, milk from the three farm clusters was collected separately and transported to the cheese production facility. Following pasteurisation, the milk was processed into the granular-eyed cheese and matured at a dedicated cheese-ripening facility. For each cheese batch, farm bulk and dairy silo milk samples, a starter culture, early process samples and cheese samples from different stages of maturation (7-20 months) were collected and their microbiota characterised using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The microbiota in the farm bulk milk differed significantly between periods and clusters. Differences in microbiota in dairy silo milk were observed between periods, but not between farm clusters, while the cheese microbiota differed between periods and clusters. The top 13 amplicon sequence variants were dominant in early process samples and the resulting cheese, making up at least 93.3% of the relative abundance (RA). Lactococcus was the dominant genus in the early process samples and, together with Leuconostoc, also dominated in the cheese samples. Contradicting expectations, the RA of the aroma-producing genus Lactobacillus was low in cheese during ripening and there was an unexpected dominance of starter lactic acid bacteria even at the later stages of cheese ripening. To identify factors behind the recent variations in ripening time of this cheese, future studies should address the effects of process variables and the dairy environment

    Milking system and premilking routines have strong effect on the microbial community in bulk tank milk

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    In this study, we investigated the variation in the microbial community present in bulk tank milk samples and the potential effect of different farm management factors. Bulk tank milk samples were collected repeatedly over one year from 42 farms located in northern Sweden. Total and thermoresistant bacteria counts and 16S rRNA gene-based amplicon sequencing were used to characterize microbial community composition. The microbial community was in general heterogeneous both within and between different farms and the community composition in the bulk tank milk was commonly dominated by Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Streptococcus, unclassified Peptostreptococcaceae, and Staphylococcus. Principal component analysis including farm factor variables and microbial taxa data revealed that the microbial community in milk was affected by type of milking system. Milk from farms using an automatic (robot) milking system (AMS) and loose housing showed different microbial community composition compared with milk from tiestall farms. A discriminant analysis model revealed that this difference was dependent on several microbial taxa. Among farms using an automatic milking system, there were further differences in the microbial community composition depending on the brand of the milking robot used. On tiestall farms, routines for teat preparation and cleaning of the milking equipment affected the microbial community composition in milk. Total bacteria count (TBC) in milk differed between the farm types, and TBC were higher on AMS than tiestall farms (log 4.05 vs. log 3.79 TBC/mL for AMS and tiestalls, respectively). Among tiestall farms, milk from farms using a chemical agent in connection to teat preparation and a more frequent use of acid to clean the milking equipment had lower TBC in milk, than milk from farms using water for teat preparation and a less frequent use of acid to clean the milking equipment (log 3.68 vs. 4.02 TBC/mL). There were no significant differences in the number of thermoresistant bacteria between farm types. The evaluated factors explained only a small proportion of total variation in the microbiota data, however, despite this, the study highlights the effect of routines associated with teat preparation and cleaning of the milking equipment on raw milk microbiota, irrespective of type of milking system used

    Intragenic repeat expansion in the cell wall protein gene HPF1 controls yeast chronological aging

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    Aging varies among individuals due to both genetics and environment, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Using a highly recombined Saccharomyces cerevisiae population, we found 30 distinct quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control chronological life span (CLS) in calorie-rich and calorie-restricted environments and under rapamycin exposure. Calorie restriction and rapamycin extended life span in virtually all genotypes but through different genetic variants. We tracked the two major QTLs to the cell wall glycoprotein genes FLO11 and HPF1. We found that massive expansion of intragenic tandem repeats within the N-terminal domain of HPF1 was sufficient to cause pronounced life span shortening. Life span impairment by HPF1 was buffered by rapamycin but not by calorie restriction. The HPF1 repeat expansion shifted yeast cells from a sedentary to a buoyant state, thereby increasing their exposure to surrounding oxygen. The higher oxygenation altered methionine, lipid, and purine metabolism, and inhibited quiescence, which explains the life span shortening. We conclude that fast-evolving intragenic repeat expansions can fundamentally change the relationship between cells and their environment with profound effects on cellular lifestyle and longevity

    Forskning pĂĄgĂĄr - frĂĄn foder till ost

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    I ett samarbete mellan Norrmejerier, Växa Sverige och institutioner vid SLU i Umeå och i Uppsala pågår tre sammanlänkade projekt där vi studerar hur ostens kvalitet påverkas av olika faktorer, från gård till mejeri. De bakterier och andra mikroorganismer som finns i foder, mjölk och ost studeras särskilt noga. Vi vill bland annat veta vad mikrofloran har för inverkan på ostens lagringstid och på dess smak och konsistens

    Genetically controlled mtDNA deletions prevent ROS damage by arresting oxidative phosphorylation

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    Deletion of mitochondrial DNA in eukaryotes is currently attributed to rare accidental events associated with mitochondrial replication or repair of double-strand breaks. We report the discovery that yeast cells arrest harmful intramitochondrial superoxide production by shutting down respiration through genetically controlled deletion of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation genes. We show that this process critically involves the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase 2 and two-way mitochondrial-nuclear communication through Rtg2 and Rtg3. While mitochondrial DNA homeostasis is rapidly restored after cessation of a short-term superoxide stress, long-term stress causes maladaptive persistence of the deletion process, leading to complete annihilation of the cellular pool of intact mitochondrial genomes and irrevocable loss of respiratory ability. This shows that oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial impairment may be under strict regulatory control. If the results extend to human cells, the results may prove to be of etiological as well as therapeutic importance with regard to age-related mitochondrial impairment and disease

    Contribution of Chronic Disease to the Burden of Disability

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    Background: Population ageing is expected to lead to strong increases in the number of persons with one or more disabilities, which may result in substantial declines in the quality of life. To reduce the burden of disability and to prevent concomitant declines in the quality of life, one of the first steps is to establish which diseases contribute most to

    Inkluderande undervisning : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om integrering och inkludering av elever med autismspektrumstörning

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare som arbetar med att integrera och inkludera elever med autismspektrumdiagnoser uppfattar detta fenomen. Mina frågeställningar behandlar hur skolverksamheter arbetar för att stödja elever med autismspektrumdiagnoser och hur lärare anpassar sin pedagogik till elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Slutligen redovisas vad några lärare anser om att integrera och inkludera elever med autismspektrumstörning i vanlig klass. Studien byggs upp utifrån hur specialpedagog och lärare ska tillgodose elever i behov av särskilt stöd, att specialpedagogiken är en annan typ av pedagogik än vad som är normen. Detta bygger på att elever med autismspektrumstörningar uppvisar svårigheter i lärandet och sociala begränsningar. Som metod har kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Studien byggs upp utifrån hur specialpedagog och lärare ska tillgodose elever i behov av särskilt stöd, att specialpedagogiken är en annan typ av pedagogik än vad som är normen. Detta bygger på att elever med autismspektrumstörningar uppvisar svårigheter i lärandet och sociala begränsningar. Som metod har kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Studiens slutsats är att elevers förutsättningar och behov styr hur inkluderande och integrerande undervisning anordnas
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