100 research outputs found
Pricing Capability and Its Strategic Dimensions
The notion of pricing as being of vital importance to firms is supported by a long line of publications that outline recommendations on how price should be managed in order to maximize long-term profits. This implies that pricing, or firm level pricing capability, should constitute an important area of research in the field of strategic management, a field which has as its prime objective to develop explanations of firm performance. Yet, research on pricing capability in strategic management has remained sparse. Rather than addressing this area directly, firm pricing capability has been treated as a non-strategic issue. This is done either by assuming that prices are automatically set at levels reflecting competitive market prices and the product’s value to customers, or by viewing price as an easily manageable part of the firm’s overall competitive strategy. This empirical study of pricing capability in five cases in the corrugated packaging industry illustrates the problems firms face when pricing their products. The study showed, not only that pricing was difficult to manage, but also that in order to handle the information and control-related uncertainties inherent in pricing decisions, the studied business units committed themselves to complex configurations of assets, routines, activities, and pricing policies. This thesis sets out to uncover the structure and strategic relevance of these configurations, and by doing so, to point out some fundamental problems in mainstream strategic management theory. As it turns out, the failure in addressing the strategic dimensions of pricing capability is not arbitrary, but reflects a theoretical gap that leaves established explanations of firm performance unable to account for important phenomena, such as pricing capability
On the relationship between economic rent and profit
The question of who appropriates the economic rents created by resources and capabilities has remained largely unresolved in strategic management. The aim of this paper is to highlight the problem established strategic management theory faces in explaining value appropriation, and to propose a framework that addresses how R&C affect bargaining power and value appropriation. While resource-based theory focuses on the generation and sustainability of economic rents, the appropriation factor framework presented in this paper shows that particular resources and capabilities, termed appropriation factors, affect bargaining power, and thus the possibility for economic agents of appropriating a larger share of rents. Based on this framework, it is argued that investments in heterogeneous and immobile appropriation factors that facilitate value appropriation through elevated bargaining power can constitute an alternative avenue to sustained competitive advantage
Untangling Infinite Regress and the Origins of Capability
We argue that strategic management in general—and capability theory in particular—suffers from problems of infinite regress that can be traced to an unsatisfactory specification of initial conditions.
We argue, first, that this has led to an overemphasis on path-dependence, experience and history, without sufficient attention on initial conditions: more proximate, decision-oriented punctuation points that can be used for better theoretical explanation.
Second, we show how the initial conditions of theories are often not distinctively different from what is being explained, which prevents theory from providing credible specifications of causal mechanisms. Third, we highlight how the regress problem has led to a relatively casual borrowing of concepts from neighboring disciplines, which has created a mismatch between the aims of management theory and relevance to practice. We suggest research heuristics for how to deal with infinite regress problems, to develop more rigorous and relevant theories of capability and strategic management
Konkurrensrättsliga aspekter på vidareutnyttjande av information från den offentliga sektorn
Since the early 2000s, technological developments have increased heavily which have formed the basis for a series of new products. The public sector possesses interesting and useful information while the demand for information has become increasingly sought after which is why the creation information products and services have become a booming market. In 2003, the European Parliament and the European Union adopted a new directive on transmitting information from the public sector named the PSI Directive. The PSI Directive is a secondary law and thereby in accordance with the primary law of the Treaty on the functioning of the European union. The Directive aims to create a harmonization of the internal market and to set up conditions for transmission of information. PSI urged Member States to implement the necessary laws and regulations by 2005 in order to comply with the directive. Sweden's equivalent of the PSI Directive (PSI-act) was adopted after an amendment in 2010 and it enables the state, the municipalities and the county councils to conclude contracts and licensing information to third parties without violating other laws. The authorities may apply the terms of the contract governed by the PSI regulation but must also consider the antitrust laws. The treaty on the functioning of the EU is directly applicable for contracts extending between Member States as primary law prevails secondary law. But the question is whether the PSI regulation is contemporary in our digitized and developed society and if there are sufficient conditions to conclude an agreement in accordance with the harmonization the EU aims to achieve?Sedan tidigt 2000-tal har den tekniska utvecklingen eskalerat kraftigt och ligger således till grund för en rad nya produkter. Den offentliga sektorn besitter en mängd intressant information både i digitalt och pappersformat. I takt med att intresset för skapandet och behovet av nya informationsprodukter och informationstjänster ökat har efterfrågan på informationen från offentliga sektorer blivit allt mer eftertraktad. År 2003 antog europaparlamentet och europeiska unionens råd ett nytt direktiv om vidareutnyttjande av information från den offentliga sektorn, PSI-direktivet. PSI-direktivet är sekundärrätt och står därför i enlighet med primärrätten, fördraget om den europeiska unionens funktionssätt (FEUF). Direktivet syftar till att skapa harmonisering på den inre marknaden och ställer upp ett par villkor för vidareutnyttjande. PSI-direktivet uppmanade medlemsstaterna att senast år 2005 införliva nödvändiga lagar och andra författningar för att kunna följa direktivet. Sveriges motsvarighet till PSI-direktivet (PSI-lagen) antogs, efter en korrigering, år 2010. Tanken är att staten, kommuner eller landsting, med hjälp av PSI-regleringen, skall kunna sluta avtal och licensera ut information till tredje man utan att strida mot annan lagstiftning. En myndighet får tillämpa sådana avtalsvillkor som lyder under PSI-regleringen men måste även beakta konkurrensrättsliga lagar. Vid avtal som sträcker sig mellan medlemsstater blir FEUF direkt tillämpligt då primärrätt har företräde sekundärrätt. Men frågan är om PSI-regleringen är tidsenligt i vårt digitaliserade och utvecklade samhälle och ställs det tillräckliga villkor ur ett konkurrensrättsligt perspektiv för att sluta ett avtal i enlighet med den harmonisering EU vill uppnå
Organisational Policy and Shop-floor Requests in Design: Visualisation of the Argumentation behind an Information System for the Swedish Trade Union Movement
Design Rationale is an approach to the design of information systems which highlights the underlying argumentative reasoning and documentation of design decisions. The Argumentative Design (ArD) method extends Design Rationale to address organisational problem identification and the formulation of needs to be supported by the system.
In this study, ArD was further modified and then applied in the early phase of the design of an information system for shop stewards in the Swedish trade union movement. The application of ArD revealed that both similarities and significant discrepancies existed between top-management information technology strategies and shop-floor needs, and that the strategies involve fundamental power-relation issues in terms of centralisation versus decentralisation and individualism versus collectivism. It is suggested that ArD can be of general benefit in early design phases by eliciting fundamental organisational issues and by illustrating what impact chosen information technology solutions may have on organisations. The study is of value for other unions wishing to learn from the Swedish experience and the modified ArD approach can also be used in other contexts where several interest groups are to be satisfied by a system
Повышение качества профессионального фармацевтического образования
Classifier Optimized for Resource-constrained Pervasive Systems and Energy-efficiency
Computational intelligence is often used in smart environment applications in order to determine a user’s context. Many computational intelligence algorithms are complex and resource-consuming which can be problematic for implementation devices such as FPGA:s, ASIC:s and low-level microcontrollers. These types of devices are, however, highly useful in pervasive and mobile computing due to their small size, energy-efficiency and ability to provide fast real-time responses. In this paper, we propose a classifier, CORPSE, specifically targeted for implementation in FPGA:s, ASIC:s or low-level microcontrollers. CORPSE has a small memory footprint, is computationally inexpensive, and is suitable for parallel processing. The classifier was evaluated on eight different datasets of various types. Our results show that CORPSE, despite its simplistic design, has comparable performance to some common machine learning algorithms. This makes the classifier a viable choice for use in pervasive systems that have limited resources, requires energy-efficiency, or have the need for fast real-time responses.publishedVersionnivå
Kaasasündinud N-glükosüülimise haigused Eestis
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKaasasündinud glükosüülimise haigused (KGH) moodustavad kiirelt areneva ainevahetushaiguste grupi ning on põhjustatud valkude ja lipiididega seotud glükaanide häirunud sünteesist. Erinevad valkude N-glükosüülimise haigused on enim diagnoositavad KGH-d ja PMM2-CDG on kõige sagedasem N-glükosüülimise haigus. KGH sümptomid on mittespetsiifilised ja multisüsteemsed. Valikmeetod KGH skriinimiseks on seerumi transferriini isoelektriline fokuseerimine (IEF).
Käesoleva uuringu eesmärk oli juurutada Eestis KGH diagnostikaks transferriini IEF ja hinnata kolme aasta jooksul N-glükosüülimise haiguste esinemist meie patsientide hulgas. Kuuel patsiendil 1230-st esines KGH skriiningul positiivne tulemus, mis leidis molekulaarse kinnituse.
Esmalt näitasime, et kõige sagedasem KGH Eestis on PMM2-CDG, mida diagnoositi neljal patsiendil kahest perekonnast. Ühe pere lastel väljendub haigus kerge neuroloogilise vormina, kuid normaalse kognitiivse arenguga, mida PMM2-CDG patsientide hulgas esineb harva. Eesti PMM2-CDG patsientidel oli kõige sagedasem variant PMM2 geenis p.Val131Met.
Teiseks, esitasime tulemused PMM2-CDG eeldatava sageduse kohta, kasutades Tartu Ülikooli Eesti Geenivaramu andmeid. Leidsime viis erinevat PMM2 heterosügootset mutatsiooni. Kõige sagedasem geenivariant on p.Arg141His kandlussagedusega 1/224. p.Val131Met kandlussagedus on 1/449. Eeldatav PMM2-CDG sagedus Eestis on 1/77,000.
Kolmandaks, kirjeldasime patsienti KGH alatüübiga SLC35A2-CDG ning võrdlesime tema fenotüüpi ja genotüüpi 14 rahvusvahelise patsiendi kliiniliste andmetega. Patsientidele on iseloomulik mittespetsiifiline neuroloogiline haigus üldise arengu hilistumise, lihashüpotoonia, krampide ning epileptilise entsefalopaatiaga, düsmorfsed tunnused ja lühike kasv. Lisaks võib transferriini IEF olla vale-negatiivne.
Neljandaks, kirjeldasime multisüsteemsete kliiniliste sümptomitega ning uue, seni kirjeldamata KGH alatüübiga patsienti, kellel on KGH alatüübi põhjuseks tõenäoliselt haiguspõhjuslik homosügootne muutus STX5 geenis.
Käesolev uuring näitas, et Eesti patsientide puhul on transferriini IEF on tulemuslik meetod KGH diagnostikas. Skriiningu rakendamine võimaldas lisada uusi kliinilisi ja epidemioloogilisi andmeid erinevate teadaolevate ning uue KGH alatüübi kohta.Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are an expanding group of inherited metabolic diseases caused by impaired synthesis and attachment of glycans on proteins and lipids. Disorders affecting the N-glycosylation pathway form the most common CDG subgroup, and the most common N-glycosylation disorder is PMM2-CDG. The symptoms of different CDG are often non-specific and multisystem. Serum transferrin isoelectric focusing (Tf IEF) is a routine method to screen CDG.
The aim of this study was to implement Tf IEF in Estonian clinical practice and to study the presence of N-glycosylation defects among Estonian patients in a three-year screening period. Altogether, positive CDG screening with subsequent molecular confirmation was detected in six patients among 1230 subjects screened. First, the most frequent CDG in Estonia is PMM2-CDG as we diagnosed this disorder in four patients from two families. In one family, the siblings show a mild neurological phenotype with normal-borderline cognitive development, which has previously been seldom described. Among PMM2-CDG patients, the most common variant in PMM2 gene is p.Val131Met. Second, we reported the expected frequency of PMM2-CDG based on the Estonian population data. In this cohort, we identified five different heterozygous variants in PMM2 gene. The most frequent variant is p.Arg141His with carrier frequency 1/224. The carrier frequency for p.Val131Met based on the Estonian population data is 1/449. The expected frequency of PMM2-CDG is 1/77,000. Third, we described a patient with SLC35A2-CDG and compared his phenotype-genotype with 14 international SLC35A2-CDG patients. This type of CDG presents as a non-specific neurological syndrome with global developmental delay, hypotonia, seizures and epileptic encephalopathy, together with dysmorphic features and short stature. In addition, Tf IEF can show a normal profile. Fourth, we presented a patient with multisystem clinical CDG features and a novel type II CDG likely caused by homozygous variant in STX5. In conclusion, Tf IEF proved to be an effective method to detect CDG among Estonian patients. Our results led to many findings, which have helped to add new clinical and epidemiological data about different known types of CDG, but also to expand the group of CDG by the discovery of a new type of CDG
Interactions between Glutathione S-Transferase P1, Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Traffic-Related Air Pollution for Development of Childhood Allergic Disease
BACKGROUND: Air pollutants may induce airway inflammation and sensitization due to generation of reactive oxygen species. The genetic background to these mechanisms could be important effect modifiers. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to assess interactions between exposure to air pollution and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2), glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) genes for development of childhood allergic disease. METHODS: In a birth cohort originally of 4,089 children, we assessed air pollution from local traffic using nitrogen oxides (traffic NO(x)) as an indicator based on emission databases and dispersion modeling and estimated individual exposure through geocoding of home addresses. We measured peak expiratory flow rates and specific IgE for inhalant and food allergens at 4 years of age, and selected children with asthma symptoms up to 4 years of age (n = 542) and controls (n = 542) for genotyping. RESULTS: Interaction effects on allergic sensitization were indicated between several GSTP1 SNPs and traffic NO(x) exposure during the first year of life (p(nominal) < 0.001-0.06). Children with Ile105Val/Val105Val genotypes were at increased risk of sensitization to any allergen when exposed to elevated levels of traffic NO(x) (for a difference between the 5th and 95th percentile of exposure: odds ratio = 2.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-5.3). In children with TNF-308 GA/AA genotypes, the GSTP1-NO(x) interaction effect was even more pronounced. We observed no conclusive interaction effects for ADRB2. CONCLUSION: The effect of air pollution from traffic on childhood allergy appears to be modified by GSTP1 and TNF variants, supporting a role of genes controlling the antioxidative system and inflammatory response in allergy
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