74 research outputs found

    Hypersexual disorder : clinical presentation and treatment

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    Background: Persistent hypersexual behavior (HB) leading to negative consequences is a phenomenon that has lacked a recognized diagnosis in the psychiatric nomenclature, despite extensive study. Due to differences in the means of assessment and conceptualization of the phenomenon, it has been difficult to compare and generalize from the results of treatment studies. Hypersexual Disorder (HD) was proposed for the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) as an atheoretical formulation of HB. However, it was rejected despite receiving empirical support in a field trial and studies in clinical and forensic sample populations. However, the HD and its proposed criteria enabled targeted treatment studies based on uniform, albeit preliminary diagnostic, categorization. Aims: The overall aim of the thesis was to investigate the validity of the HD criteria for categorizing HB and develop a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment protocol based on the findings, and subsequently evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of the protocol and implement its administration via the Internet. The specific research questions were: ‱ Is the HD diagnosis and its criteria suitable means to categorize a group of men and women who engage in excessive sexual behavior to a degree that leads to personal distress and impairment? ‱ Is a newly developed CBT intervention protocol efficacious for amelioration of the symptoms associated with HD if administered in group settings? ‱ If the CBT intervention protocol is efficacious in treatment of HD symptoms, can it be administered via the Internet? Methods: In Study I, the validity of the HD criteria was examined in a sample of self-identified hypersexual individuals using the Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory (HDSI). Subsequently in Study II, the feasibility of a newly developed CBGT treatment for HD was examined in a sample of hypersexual men recruited through Study I. Measurements were made pre-, mid-, and post-treatment as well as 3 and 6 months after the end of treatment. Study III was a larger RCT, comparing 7 sessions of CBGT treatment with a waitlist. Measurements were performed pre-, mid- and post-treatment during the comparative study period. The waitlist participants subsequently underwent CBGT and were measured at the same relative time points. Both groups were also measured at 3 and 6 months after their respective treatment period. Data from both groups were pooled and analyzed for intragroup effects. Study IV investigated the feasibility and intragroup effects of a 12-week ICBT program for HD, with or without paraphilia(s)/paraphilic disorder(s). Participants were assessed according to the procedures used in Study II and III and after inclusion were assigned a therapist for feedback, support, and clarifications during treatment. Measurements were performed weekly, with focus on pre-, mid-, and post-treatment, as well as 3 months after cessation of treatment. Participants were also offered a follow-up assessment interview. Results: In Study I, 50% of the sample met the criteria for HD. Some gender differences were noted regarding the overall symptom severity and types of exhibited sexual behaviors. The HD criteria were found to be valid for both men and women, although the proposed interpretation of HDSI appeared to be too restrictive. Study II found the CBGT treatment for HD to be feasible. Substantial reductions in HD symptoms were noted at the end of treatment and were maintained at the 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The main findings from Study III suggested moderate post-treatment intergroup effects on the primary outcome. Similar effects were found for the secondary outcomes. The results from the pooled data analyses revealed moderate decreases in hypersexual symptoms at post-treatment and at follow up. Participants’ overall psychiatric wellbeing also improved significantly, albeit to a lesser degree. In Study IV, considerable effects were observed as a result of ICBT treatment of HD, with or without paraphilia(s)/paraphilic disorder(s). Moderate effects were noted for paraphilia(s)/paraphilic disorder(s). Psychiatric wellbeing also improved, but to a lesser extent. Conclusions: The HD criteria were found useful for categorizing patients with hypersexual behavior even though the recently recognized diagnose compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) is more applicable today. Study II and III showed that CBGT is a feasible treatment that relieves HD symptoms. The results from Study IV suggests that the treatment can be administered via the internet and efficaciously reduces HD and its associated symptoms. Further development of the interventions may have the potential to prevent unwanted sexual behavior, including sexual offending

    Cesarean delivery, preterm birth and risk of food allergy : nationwide Swedish cohort study of over 1 million children

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    Background & Objectives: Little is known about early life risk factors for food allergy in children. We examined the association between perinatal characteristics and future risk of food allergy in offspring. Methods: This nationwide Swedish cohort study of 1,086,378 children born in Sweden in 2001-2012 used prospectively recorded data from health care registers. Using Cox regression, we estimated hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between perinatal characteristics (e.g. caesarean delivery, preterm birth) and food allergy as defined by diagnoses in the National Patient Register, adjusting for infant sex and maternal factors (age at delivery, country of birth, parity, smoking, body mass index and asthma/pulmonary disease). Results: During the 13-year follow-up, 26,732 children (2.5%) were diagnosed with food allergy. Food allergy was positively associated with caesarean delivery (HR=1.21; 95%CI=1.18-1.25), large for gestational age (HR=1.15; 95%CI=1.10-1.19) and low 5-minute Apgar score (HR=1.22, 95CI=1.10-1.36) but negatively associated with very preterm birth (<32 weeks of gestation: HR=0.74; 95%CI=0.56-0.98). No association was found between food allergy and moderately preterm birth, low birth weight or small for gestational age. Risk estimates were similar when the outcome was restricted to two records of diagnosed food allergy. In 1,000 children undergoing caesarean delivery, an extra 5 developed food allergy compared with the reference group, suggesting that 17% of food allergy in children born with caesarean delivery can be explained by this exposure (attributable fraction). Conclusions: Caesarean delivery was associated with increased risk of food allergy, whereas very preterm birth with decreased risk.NoneAccepte

    Interpersonal violence, early life adversity, and suicidal behavior in hypersexual men

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    There are significant gaps in knowledge regarding the role of childhood adversity, interpersonal violence, and suicidal behavior in hypersexual disorder (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate interpersonal violence in hypersexual men compared with healthy volunteers and the experience of violence in relation to suicidal behavior. Methods This case–control study includes 67 male patients with HD and 40 healthy male volunteers. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire – Short Form (CTQ-SF) and the Karolinska Interpersonal Violence Scale (KIVS) were used for assessing early life adversity and interpersonal violence in childhood and in adult life. Suicidal behavior (attempts and ideation) was assessed with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (version 6.0) and the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale – Self-rating. Results Hypersexual men reported more exposure to violence in childhood and more violent behavior as adults compared with healthy volunteers. Suicide attempters (n = 8, 12%) reported higher KIVS total score, more used violence as a child, more exposure to violence as an adult as well as higher score on CTQ-SF subscale measuring sexual abuse (SA) compared with hypersexual men without suicide attempt. Discussion Hypersexuality was associated with interpersonal violence with higher total scores in patients with a history of suicide attempt. The KIVS subscale exposure to interpersonal violence as a child was validated using the CTQ-SF but can be complemented with questions focusing on SA for full assessment of early life adversity. Conclusion Childhood adversity is an important factor in HD and interpersonal violence might be related to suicidal behavior in hypersexual men

    Adolescents in a Digital Everyday Environment

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to examine different aspects of Swedish adolescents’ everyday environment in a digital world. Drawing on ecological and psychosocial developmental theories I will discuss social, sexual, and biological aspects of the Internet as an everyday environment, an environment in which most adolescents spend a great deal of time. The thesis comprises four studies, all examining different aspects of the developmental stage of adolescence. Study I focused primarily on the extent to which adolescents encounter explicit online content, such as pornographic, violent, and/or hateful material, and how they react to it. What feelings are associated with explicit online content? And how do adolescents deal with those feelings? In study I we analyzed questionnaire data collected from 226 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 15 (47% girls and 53% boys). In line with other studies on the subject, the results showed that many Swedish adolescents are exposed either intentionally or unintentionally to explicit online content. Adolescents in this study showed surprisingly low emotional response to their exposure to explicit content. Their coping strategies center on personal agency, with most choosing to avoid or block unwelcome content rather than turn to parents or siblings for support and advice. Almost no significant gender differences were found in the choice of coping strategies, except that young men were more likely to avoid a site than were young women. Study II focused on the association between various parental and child factors and the parents’ attitudes toward adolescents’ online sexual activities. The study was based on questionnaire data collected from parents (78% mothers) and adolescents (54% girls) in 496 families. Results showed that parental attitudes toward adolescents’ offline and online sexual activities are closely related, although parents are more permissive in the offline setting. Parents’ attitudes toward online sexuality are not only correlated with their attitudes toward sexuality in traditional settings, but also by their preferences on the Internet. Parental attitudes were found to differ by the sex of the parent and the sex and age of the child. The link between fathers’ attitudes and adolescents’ online sexual activities was mediated by parental rules, suggesting that communication is part of the transmission of values. The focus of study III was on the link between adolescent boys’ pubertal timing and their offline and online romantic and sexual activities. The study was based on questionnaire data obtained from 142 early adolescent Swedish boys. Participants reported on stage-normative (physical) and peernormative aspects of pubertal timing, and on offline and online romantic and sexual activities. Both aspects of pubertal timing were related to romantic and sexual activity offline, but only the stage-normative measure was linked to sexual activities online. In study IV the focus was on the relationship between sexual and romantic activity in a traditional offline context and similar activities online. Longitudinal questionnaire data were obtained from 440 adolescents over three years. Results revealed that for all participants both offline and online sexual activity increased over time. We found that results for girls showed a somewhat larger effect, indicating that the link between offline and online sexual activity is largest within the female group. Results also revealed a small but significant increase in the slope for participation in offline sexual activity with online sexual activity as a predictor – but only for boys – indicating that the link between online and offline sexual activity (i.e., the other way around) only exists within the male group. Thus, as boys’ participation in sexual activity increases online, so it also does offline. The article concludes that adolescents’ romantic and sexual activities online are tied to their physical, offline equivalent and so the Internet can be regarded as an important context for sexual development. Taken together, the individual studies suggest that The Internet, as an everyday environment is linked to several aspects of the developmental phase of adolescence. Further studies should continue to explore the effect of the Internet on adolescents’ developmental tasks

    Utvidgning av Kalmar centrum : via stadens strategiska strÄk

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    Kalmar Àr i dagslÀget i en kraftig expansionsfas. En satsning med ett stort internationellt mÀsscentrum och hundratals bostÀder i norra Kalmar innebÀr att staden sÀtts pÄ kartan pÄ ett nytt sÀtt, inte bara som den historiska staden. För att centrala Kalmar ska kunna behÄlla sin sÀrstÀllning som stadens kommersiella centrum krÀvs det att Àven det utvecklas. Det Àr dock inte helt okomplicerat. Kvarnholmen har en begrÀnsad yta och stora delar av den bestÄr av vÀrdefull bebyggelse. Med detta som bakgrund har det förts tankar pÄ att utvidga centrum utanför Kvarnholmen och till stadsdelen Malmen. För att lyckas göra detta Àr det viktigt att strÄken mellan Malmen och Kvarnholmen fungerar. Om det ska gÄ att ta steget över kanalen sÄ krÀvs det att det tas ett övergripande strategiskt grepp pÄ omrÄdet och dess struktur. För att studera Kalmars fysiska struktur har jag gjort en Space Syntaxanalys. Space Syntax Àr ett antal analytiska metoder för rumsanalys dÀr man istÀllet för att beskriva byggnadsstrukturen i termer som distans eller geometriska former beskriver de olika rummens inbördes ordning. Detta kallas för rumslig konfiguration och Àr enligt metoden det som avgör vart i en stad det skapas stadsliv. För att komplettera analysen har Àven de faktiska gÄngtrafikantflödena studerats. Jag har Àven velat skapa en Àn djupare förstÄelse för hur de olika stadsrummen anvÀnds och har dÀrför studerat vilka strÄk som har entréer och pÄ vilka det bedrivs handel. Resultatet av analysen gjorde att jag identifierade ett flertal platser eller strÄk inom analysomrÄdet som inte anvÀnds eller som anvÀnds pÄ fel sÀtt. Dessa ligger, tillsammans med min övergripande analys av analysomrÄdet, till grund för det förÀndringsförslag som jag ger. FörÀndringsförslaget bestÄr av tre delar, en strukturkarta med föreslagna förÀndringar i centrala Kalmar, en beskrivning hur förÀndringarna pÄverkar de Ätta omrÄden som tidigare identifierats som styrkor eller svagheter samt en fördjupning pÄ ett av omrÄdena

    Cynefin och svensk planerings- och ledningsmetod (SPL) : En kvalitativ uppsats om SPL och dess förmÄga att hantera framtidens problem

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    MilitÀra organisationer stÀlls idag allt oftare inför problem som de inte riktigt vet hur de ska hantera. Ofta hanteras dessa problem genom traditionella och linjÀra metoder som militÀra organisationer Àr vana vid att anvÀnda sig av,vilket dÄ kan leda till oönskade resultat eller konsekvenser som inte kunnat förutses. Konsekvenser som kan vara oproportionerliga i förhÄllande till genomförda insatser. De metoder, som militÀra organisationer vÀljer att anvÀnda sig av mÄste dÀrför vara anpassade för att kunna hantera framtidens problem. Cynefin-modellen anvÀnds av flera olika organisationer för att förstÄ olika typer av problem, men Àven som ett sÀtt att kategorisera problem. Problemen delas in i uppenbara-, komplicerade-, komplexa problem och kaos. Denna uppsatsfokuserar framför allt pÄ komplicerade och komplexa problem dÄ det Àr inom dessa kategorier som hanteringen Àr svÄrast bl.a. för att komplext ofta misstas för komplicerat. Den metoden Försvarsmakten nyttjar för att hantera dessa problem Àr Svensk Planerings- och ledningsmetod (SPL). Uppsatsens frÄgestÀllning Àr: Kan svensk planerings- och ledningsmetod (SPL) hantera komplexa militÀra problem och i sÄ fall hur? Resultatet visar att SPL i stor utstrÀckning kan hantera komplicerade problem, men har begrÀnsad möjlighet att hantera komplexa. DÀrför föreslÄs vidare forskning och utveckling av SPL för att undersöka om och i sÄ fall hur SPL kan utvecklas för att bÀttre kunna hantera framtidens problem

    Den (o)förÀnderliga staden - en studie av stadsplaneteorier : The (un)changeable city - a study of urban planning theories

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    Som analysen framhĂ€ver sĂ„ innehĂ„ller stadsplanetyperna spĂ„r av varandra. DĂ„ stadsplanering Ă€r en lagrande, oĂ€ndlig process, dĂ€r vĂ„r tids stadsplaneringsbygge lagras pĂ„ Ă€ldre stadsplanering, innehĂ„ller alla vĂ„ra kĂ€nda stadsplaneideal nĂ„gon form av Ă€ldre ideal. De olika stadsplanetyperna differentierar sig snarare genom tillĂ€gg till Ă€ldre bebyggelse Ă€n helt nya ideal. Det Antika stadsidealet finns i de flesta, ursprungligen antika stĂ€der, sĂ„som alla ”Chester”-stĂ€der och London I England. Samtidigt finns det medeltida idealet Ă€ven dĂ€r med kyrkorna centralt placerade i staden. RenĂ€ssansstaden finns genom rutnĂ€tsplanen och radiĂ€ra stadsplanen med de lĂ„nga gatorna som löper linjĂ€rt och diagonalt. Industristaden finns genom de utvidgade paradgatorna och tĂ€tare bebyggelse, samtidigt som trĂ€dgĂ„rdsstaden, det konstnĂ€rliga och rekreationsytorna finns, som exempelvis Hyde Park. Detta visar att alla dessa stadsplaner bygger pĂ„ varandra och inte stĂ„r ensamma i sin gestaltning. Det Ă€r lĂ€ttare att bygga ut stĂ€der med ny bebyggelse och nya ideal Ă€n att riva den gamla. Idealen i sig har inte förĂ€ndrats. Studien visar att stĂ€dernas funktion har vĂ€xlat, men alltid försökt bibehĂ„lla en balans mellan funktion och rekreation, som ”revolutionen” pĂ„ 1800–1900-talet med Sitte och Howard och Salt, Owen och Ledoux vittnar om. Revolutionen innefattar nu ocksĂ„ ett krav pĂ„ hĂ„llbarhet som Ă€r svĂ„rt att tillgodose men som likvĂ€l behöver beaktas i framtida stadsplaneringar

    ICT In school – for the sake of education

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    Syftet med studien var att se hur undervisningen pÄverkades av IKT. Det ansÄg jag vore intressant att undersöka eftersom teknik nu Àr en bestÄende del av bÄde elevers och lÀrares arbetsdag. Det stÄr tydligt i den nu gÀllande lÀroplanen (LGR11) att elever ska kunna utveckla sin digitala förmÄga, vilket förutsÀtter att lÀrare Àr bevandrade i vilken teknik som Àr lÀmplig och hur tekniken bör anvÀndas. Dessutom förutsÀtter flera delar av det centrala innehÄllet och kunskapskrav i exempelvis Àmnena svenska, teknik och geografi att IKT anvÀnds. Trots det anser mÄnga lÀrare i Sverige att IKT Àr en kÀlla till stress dÄ IKT ska anvÀndas men utan utbildning om hur det ska anvÀndas. Jag bestÀmde mig för att i undersökningen intervjua fem lÀrare om hur de anvÀnder IKT i deras undervisning. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade och spelades in och transkriberades för att fysiskt sÀkra svaren sÄ att det lÀtt kunde refereras till vid tillfÀlle. Intervjuerna varierade mellan 25 minuter och 40 minuter i lÀngd. Resultatet visar att lÀrarna anvÀnder IKT i undervisningen men pÄ olika sÀtt. NÄgra lÀrare anvÀnde IKT för att byta ut papper och penna med dator, andra för att skapa ett forum för samarbete och delning av kunskap. I diskussionen diskuteras hur lÀrarna kan förbÀttra sin anvÀndning av IKT utifrÄn en teknologisk,- pedagogisk och Àmnesspecifik utgÄngspunkt som i sin tur kan förbÀttra undervisningen.The purpose of the study was to see how teaching was affected by ICT. I thought it would be interesting to investigate because technology is now an enduring part of both students' and teachers' working days. It is clear in the current curriculum (LGR11) that students should be able to develop their digital capabilities, which requires teachers to be versed in which technology is appropriate and how the technology should be used. In addition, several parts of the central content and knowledge requirements in, for example, the subjects Swedish, technology and geography require that ICT is used. Despite this, many teachers in Sweden consider ICT to be a source of stress when ICT is to be used but without training on how to use it. I decided to interview five teachers in the survey about how they use ICT in their teaching. The interviews were semi-structured and recorded and transcribed to physically secure the answers so that it could be easily referenced at the time. The interviews ranged from 25 minutes to 40 minutes in length.  The results show that teachers use ICT in teaching but in different ways. Some teachers used ICT to replace paper and pen with computer, others to create a forum for collaboration and sharing knowledge. The discussion discusses how teachers can improve their use of ICT from a technological, pedagogical and subject-specific starting point that in turn can improve teaching

    Utvidgning av Kalmar centrum : via stadens strategiska strÄk

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    Kalmar Àr i dagslÀget i en kraftig expansionsfas. En satsning med ett stort internationellt mÀsscentrum och hundratals bostÀder i norra Kalmar innebÀr att staden sÀtts pÄ kartan pÄ ett nytt sÀtt, inte bara som den historiska staden. För att centrala Kalmar ska kunna behÄlla sin sÀrstÀllning som stadens kommersiella centrum krÀvs det att Àven det utvecklas. Det Àr dock inte helt okomplicerat. Kvarnholmen har en begrÀnsad yta och stora delar av den bestÄr av vÀrdefull bebyggelse. Med detta som bakgrund har det förts tankar pÄ att utvidga centrum utanför Kvarnholmen och till stadsdelen Malmen. För att lyckas göra detta Àr det viktigt att strÄken mellan Malmen och Kvarnholmen fungerar. Om det ska gÄ att ta steget över kanalen sÄ krÀvs det att det tas ett övergripande strategiskt grepp pÄ omrÄdet och dess struktur. För att studera Kalmars fysiska struktur har jag gjort en Space Syntaxanalys. Space Syntax Àr ett antal analytiska metoder för rumsanalys dÀr man istÀllet för att beskriva byggnadsstrukturen i termer som distans eller geometriska former beskriver de olika rummens inbördes ordning. Detta kallas för rumslig konfiguration och Àr enligt metoden det som avgör vart i en stad det skapas stadsliv. För att komplettera analysen har Àven de faktiska gÄngtrafikantflödena studerats. Jag har Àven velat skapa en Àn djupare förstÄelse för hur de olika stadsrummen anvÀnds och har dÀrför studerat vilka strÄk som har entréer och pÄ vilka det bedrivs handel. Resultatet av analysen gjorde att jag identifierade ett flertal platser eller strÄk inom analysomrÄdet som inte anvÀnds eller som anvÀnds pÄ fel sÀtt. Dessa ligger, tillsammans med min övergripande analys av analysomrÄdet, till grund för det förÀndringsförslag som jag ger. FörÀndringsförslaget bestÄr av tre delar, en strukturkarta med föreslagna förÀndringar i centrala Kalmar, en beskrivning hur förÀndringarna pÄverkar de Ätta omrÄden som tidigare identifierats som styrkor eller svagheter samt en fördjupning pÄ ett av omrÄdena

    ICT In school – for the sake of education

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    Syftet med studien var att se hur undervisningen pÄverkades av IKT. Det ansÄg jag vore intressant att undersöka eftersom teknik nu Àr en bestÄende del av bÄde elevers och lÀrares arbetsdag. Det stÄr tydligt i den nu gÀllande lÀroplanen (LGR11) att elever ska kunna utveckla sin digitala förmÄga, vilket förutsÀtter att lÀrare Àr bevandrade i vilken teknik som Àr lÀmplig och hur tekniken bör anvÀndas. Dessutom förutsÀtter flera delar av det centrala innehÄllet och kunskapskrav i exempelvis Àmnena svenska, teknik och geografi att IKT anvÀnds. Trots det anser mÄnga lÀrare i Sverige att IKT Àr en kÀlla till stress dÄ IKT ska anvÀndas men utan utbildning om hur det ska anvÀndas. Jag bestÀmde mig för att i undersökningen intervjua fem lÀrare om hur de anvÀnder IKT i deras undervisning. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade och spelades in och transkriberades för att fysiskt sÀkra svaren sÄ att det lÀtt kunde refereras till vid tillfÀlle. Intervjuerna varierade mellan 25 minuter och 40 minuter i lÀngd. Resultatet visar att lÀrarna anvÀnder IKT i undervisningen men pÄ olika sÀtt. NÄgra lÀrare anvÀnde IKT för att byta ut papper och penna med dator, andra för att skapa ett forum för samarbete och delning av kunskap. I diskussionen diskuteras hur lÀrarna kan förbÀttra sin anvÀndning av IKT utifrÄn en teknologisk,- pedagogisk och Àmnesspecifik utgÄngspunkt som i sin tur kan förbÀttra undervisningen.The purpose of the study was to see how teaching was affected by ICT. I thought it would be interesting to investigate because technology is now an enduring part of both students' and teachers' working days. It is clear in the current curriculum (LGR11) that students should be able to develop their digital capabilities, which requires teachers to be versed in which technology is appropriate and how the technology should be used. In addition, several parts of the central content and knowledge requirements in, for example, the subjects Swedish, technology and geography require that ICT is used. Despite this, many teachers in Sweden consider ICT to be a source of stress when ICT is to be used but without training on how to use it. I decided to interview five teachers in the survey about how they use ICT in their teaching. The interviews were semi-structured and recorded and transcribed to physically secure the answers so that it could be easily referenced at the time. The interviews ranged from 25 minutes to 40 minutes in length.  The results show that teachers use ICT in teaching but in different ways. Some teachers used ICT to replace paper and pen with computer, others to create a forum for collaboration and sharing knowledge. The discussion discusses how teachers can improve their use of ICT from a technological, pedagogical and subject-specific starting point that in turn can improve teaching
