45 research outputs found

    Postgraduate student-supervisor interface: issues and challenges

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    In this qualitative paper we discuss our face-to-face experience with 28 foreign (mainly from Iran) postgraduate students who registered with the Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science and 31 who registered with the Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, UPM. The paper addresses itself to three principal areas of concern: firstly, the supervisor-student relationship; secondly, the students’ literacy and academic competency; thirdly, academic and social cultural interface. The discussions are predicated on our personal experiences with these students over a three-year period. The influx of postgraduate students, particularly from Iran and Middle Eastern countries made it necessary for us to pay due attention to our encounters with them. The locus of tensions largely dwelt on UPM’s educational system and values. Academic incompetence, language and cultural differences are major issues. Understanding of related issues will benefit both the students and UPM in its efforts to become a global player in higher education. We recommend that both qualitative and quantitative studies be conducted by supervisors to explore and determine the overseas students’ motivation and learning behavior. We postulate development of an intellectual community that can stimulate challenges beyond the academic encounters. For both faculties, various forms of learning media for the promotion of effective communication should be developed and made available for flexible learning to occur. To help students improve their academic literacy, it is important ‘to identify the epistemological and ontological dimension for a flexible approach to learning’ (Tavakol & Dennick 2009). Formal counselling sessions can allow students to know what type of learner they are

    Development of microsatellite marker for the cryptic Cynopterus brachyotis

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    Evaluation of insertion / deletion polymorphisms (INDELs) applied to forensic casework in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, as well as other forensic laboratories in tropical climates many of the crime scene samples received at the forensic laboratory are less than ideal. They are often present low amounts and/or degraded due to environmental exposure to high temperatures, sun and humidity for days or even months. STR analysis is widely accepted by forensic community, but sometimes this technique gives unreliable results when profiling degraded samples as the amplicons size are relatively larger (100 bp to 450 bp). While, miniSTR is a reduced size of STR amplicons which enables higher recovery of information from degraded samples, but only a few loci are amplified and allele drop out still may occur, as the amplicons are up to 200 bp. The percentage of recovery DNA profile from degraded DNA using mtDNA is much higher due to its present in cells at a much higher copy number than the nuclear DNA. However, the major drawback for mtDNA is labour intensive and has a low information value (i.e. it is not highly discriminating). Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (INDELs) are relatively new class of a DNA marker used in forensic casework; used most commonly as a supplementary method to STR (Short Tandem Repeat) based typing. INDELs, like SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), are particularly useful for the analysis of highly degraded DNA as the amplicon sizes are typically below 160 bp; they can also be valuable as an additional tool to help resolve kinship cases, with the advantage over STRs that do not have high mutation rates. INDELs have an advantage over SNPs in that they are length polymorphisms and so can be analysed by simply measuring the length of the allele(s). The Qiagen Investigator DIPplex® kit is currently one of two commercially available kits for the amplification of INDEL polymorphisms; it amplifies 30 biallellic INDEL loci and the amelogenin locus. The primers used are fluorescence labelled with 6-FAM, BTG, BTY and BTR. This technique is robust, relatively simple, and the results are analysed using the same capillary electrophoresis equipment and software as used for STR typing. The INDEL markers have simple biallelic structure and combine the advantages of STR and SNP assays. This study has established that the INDEL technique, using the Investigator® DIPplex PCR kit, is a simple, informative and sensitive approach for the typing of degraded DNA, as compared to STRs and SNPs. In this research, allele frequencies for 30 autosomal INDEL loci were studied in 500 unrelated individuals (100 each) from Malay, Malay-Chinese (M-Chinese), Malay-Indian (M-Indians), Iban and Bidayuh. The PCR amplification used the Qiagen Investigator® DIPplex kit. These population groups represent the majority of the population in Malaysia. No significant departure from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) expectations were observed for most of the INDEL loci analyzed (p-value >0.05) on the Malaysian population samples. The exceptions were HLD101 for Malay (p = 0.0009), HLD133 for M-Indian (p=0.005), HLD125 for Iban (p=0.028) and HLD93 for Bidayuh (p = 0.014). However, when the Bonferroni correction for multiple testing performed on the population samples, none of the previous p-values was significant. There were no Malaysian population studies was carried out using the Qiagen Investigator® Investigator DIPplex kit at the time of the research. This INDEL assay have undergo an extensive valdidation process and novelty report of the allele frequencies of INDELs would serve as reference database for individual identification in the Malaysian population in the future. Even the match probability of the STR is higher, INDEL still gives an acceptable value for forensic identification; e.g. linking different pieces of evidence or re-association of body parts in the case of human identification. Biological samples received in Malaysia forensic laboratory have often been exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions. This can lead to DNA degradation and end up in incomplete DNA profiles. It is difficult to distinguish between low template DNA that are producing no or partial profiles because of DNA degradation and those that produce no or incomplete profile because of PCR inhibition. Even though real-time PCR methods are available for quantification and detection of PCR inhibitors, the information received is limited as real-time PCR targets amplicons that are much smaller than those typically targeted in forensic analysis. To gain more information on the quality of extracted DNA, a new multiplex PCR assay comprising a Mini 4-plex targeting amplicons of 50 base pairs (bp), 70 bp, 112 bp and 154 bp along with two Internal Amplification Controls (IACs) of 90 bp and 170 bp was developed. The primers were redesigned from a 4 plex & IACs system developed by previous PhD UCLan students. This multiplex was optimised so that it worked efficiently on DNA template as low as 0.009 ng, which highlighted the strength of the Mini 4-plex system. The IACs were effective in detecting PCR inhibitors. The Mini 4-plex system (Mini 4-plex & IACs) was demonstrated to be an effective tool for identifying degraded and inhibited samples, which could be used to triage forensic samples in a casework laboratory. Therefore, this study has led to the improvement of new and novel markers assessing DNA degradation and PCR inhibition on forensic samples. This will demonstrate the compatibility with forensic laboratory workflows. The need of this Mini 4-plex assay in forensic laboratory can reduce time and cost of DNA analysis. Besides it will contribute to a good management samples, where after being assessed the samples can be decided to analyse using appropriate kit (e.g. miniFiler or INDEL). Indirectly, this will increase the quality of the sample itself. In order to increase the power of a 15 Mini-INDEL multiplex, which was developed earlier by UCLan PhD student, a total of 9 autosomal INDEL markers that are not part of the Qiagen Investigator DIPplex® kit were selected and redesigned from (Pereira et al. 2009). In this study a simple and sensitive INDEL multiplex was successfully developed for human identification. However, the discrimination power is still low when compared to STR systems, but has potential value when analysing highly degraded material. By combining the 15 Mini-INDELs and 9 Mini-INDELs allele frequency data, it will give beneficial by increasing the match probability values in future analysis

    Pendidikan warisan di muzium: Kajian berkaitan penggunaan laras bahasanya (The language of heritage education in Malaysian museums)

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    Kajian ini adalah mengenai pendidikan warisan di muzium dan penggunaan laras bahasanya dalam programprogram pendidikan warisan yang dirancang khusus kepada masyarakat yang terdiri dari pelbagai peringkat umur dan kategori. Program pendidikan berlangsung melalui dua bentuk iaitu secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Secara langsung adalah melalui program pendidikan yang di rancang dan disusun khas untuk kategori pengunjung dan melalui pameran tetap, khas dan sementara adalah secara tidak langsung. Data diambil dari kajian perpustakaan, pemerhatian turut serta dan pemerhatian secara langsung serta temubual bebas. Kajian mendapati penggunaan laras bahasa haruslah berdasarkan latar sosial, cara hidup serta tahap pengunjung yang terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa, umur dan status

    In Vitro micropropagation of Acacia auriculiformis from selected juvenile sources

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    The effects of 6- Benzylaminopurine (BA), different basal medium, sucrose concentration and gelling agent were investigated for shoot induction and multiplication of Acacia auriculiformis. Nodal ex¬plants derived from 5-month-old seedlings yielded the highest shoot multiplication rate in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with 0.44 μM BA, 30 g/L sucrose and 2 g/L Gelrite. The highest mean number of shoots (10) and mean length of shoots (5.07mm) were also obtained in this medium. Qualitative obser¬vation of the shoots cultured in 0.44 μM BA were greener and vigorous in growth as compared to shoots cultured on higher concentrations of BA (22.2 μM). MS medium produced a significantly higher number of shoots (18) compared to Woody Plant Medium (WPM) (11) and B5 medium (10). Media solidified with different gelling agents also produced a significantly different number of shoots with 2 g/L Gelrite produced the highest number of shoots (23). The highest percentage of shoots rooted was found in the MS medium without any growth regulators (40.0%) followed by medium supplemented with Indole-3-bu¬tyric acid (IBA) at 9.84 μM and the combination of 9.84 μM IBA with 5.37 μM α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (33.3%). MS medium without any plant growth regulators produced the highest mean root length (84.33mm), whereas medium supplemented with 9.84 μM IBA produced the highest mean number of roots per shoot (4.33). Out planting of in vitro rooted shoots in shredded coconut husk as the substrate gave the highest percentage of survival (90%) during acclimatization in the greenhouse

    Mental trauma experienced by caregivers of patients with diffuse axonal injury or severe traumatic brain injury

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    Context: As with care giving and rehabilitation in chronic illnesses, the concern with traumatic brain injury (TBI), particularly with diffuse axonal injury (DAI), is that the caregivers are so overwhelmingly involved in caring and rehabilitation of the victim that in the process they become traumatized themselves. This review intends to shed light on the hidden and silent trauma sustained by the caregivers of severe brain injury survivors. Motor vehicle accident (MVA) is the highest contributor of TBI or DAI. The essence of trauma is the infliction of pain and suffering and having to bear the pain (i.e. by the TBI survivor) and the burden of having to take care and manage and rehabilitate the TBI survivor (i.e. by the TBI caregiver). Moreover many caregivers are not trained for their care giving task, thus compounding the stress of care giving and rehabilitating patients. Most research on TBI including DAI, focus on the survivors and not on the caregivers. TBI injury and its effects and impacts remain the core question of most studies, which are largely based on the quantitative approach. Evidence Acquisition: Qualitative research can better assess human sufferings such as in the case of DAI trauma. While quantitative research can measure many psychometric parameters to assess some aspects of trauma conditions, qualitative research is able to fully reveal the meaning, ramification and experience of TBI trauma. Both care giving and rehabilitation are overwhelmingly demanding; hence , they may complicate the caregivers’ stress. However, some positive outcomes also exist. Results: Caregivers involved in caring and rehabilitation of TBI victims may become mentally traumatized. Posttraumatic recovery of the TBI survivor can enhance the entire family’s closeness and bonding as well as improve the mental status of the caregiver. Conclusions: A long-term longitudinal study encompassing integrated research is needed to fully understand the traumatic experiences of caregivers. Unless research on TBI or DAI trauma is given its proper attention, the burden of trauma and injury on societies will continue to exacerbate globally

    Students" e-profiling / Nor Jaslina Nik Wil ...[et al.]

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    Having a complete and adequate data profiling system about students is very vital as it can be used to obtain statistics or informative summaries on any matters concerning students. Currently, in UiTM Cawangan Kelantan (UiTMCK), the students’ data could be found in the data system which is only available at the Hal Ehwal Akademik Department but with limited access. There are two types of data keeping in UiTMCK namely paper printed version and soft copy. The data of paper printed version are ept in the students file gathered during registration and are quite comprehensive whereas the soft copy data is concerned students’ academic results only. Thus, to have a one stopcenter and fast-tracking of students’ data profiling, a system to collect information is created known as Students’ eProfiling (SeP). This system is meant for collecting data in order to get information about students’ background concerning non-academic matters. The system is unique in the sense that it can be accessed either by using QR code or a link for the students to fill up required particulars. The system is beneficial as it could help academic staff to identify the students in terms of income, health or any physical limitation that needs further attention. The information gathered through this system could be used in the process of zakat selection, food bank selection, time table preparation et

    Performance Analysis of Location Tracking System for Multiple Levels

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    Location tracking in an indoor environment is possible with various techniques based on mechanical, acoustical, ultrasonic, optical, infrared, inertial or radio signal measurements. Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of famous tracking system as a feasible and effective outdoor tracking system. Nowadays, location tracking information and visualization of 3D graphics either in outdoor or indoor environment had been presented as one of research issues. Traditional tracking system with 2D-image standard presents only few and dull information to users. In addition 2D localization only supports one level platform (i.e. horizontally). Thus, the 3D location tracking system had been developed to support multilevel network. In this paper we developed a real-time indoor tracking system with 3D locations which are able to provide more useful location tracking information to user using radio signals. This system had been developed for multiple levels building.  For this project we used the existing Wireless Local Area Network (WLANs) attached devices called the access point (AP) to the edge of the wired network. Nodes communicate with the AP using a wireless network adapter similar in function to a traditional Ethernet adapter. The signal from the nodes or the APs that using WLAN can be read or calculated using Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) due to its low-cost solutions. Besides that, the system operates in the IPv6 network to provide more reliable system. The localization algorithm use is triangulation method which is suitable for indoor environment. In this paper we present the results of the 3D location tracking for one level as well as two level building. The results are comparing in terms of experimental and calculated

    Effective approaches to financial well-being among university students: a conceptual paper /Amri Mohamad...[et al.]

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    This is a conceptual paper showing the linkages on the relationship between factors affecting the financial well-being of university students and also the moderating effects of parents’ influence on their financial well-being. The focus on the financial well-being of university students isvery important to ensure that university students do not encounter financial difficulties during their years at universities. To be more specific, this paper examines the four factors which determinethe financial well-being of university students whichare Budget & Financial Education, Structured Funding, Unstructured Funding,and Food Coupon & Book Voucher. The objectives of this research are to establish the extent of the conceptual relationship between four determining factors and the students’ financial well-being. The aims and objectives of this research are accomplished when the conceptualizations of each of the independent variable dimensions and students’ financial well-being are established and the linkages are clearly explained

    The Effects of Exercise on the Psycho-cognitive Function of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the Young Adults

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    The benefit of exercise in inducing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) functions in relation to cognition had been reported. Nevertheless, the ambiguity remains with regards to the types of exercise and the duration of exercise required for one to have beneficial effects. In this study, we aimed to analyse the effects of varying modes of exercises and the duration required to improve BDNF functions, specifically in the young adults. The types of exercises evaluated in the meta-analysis include (1) single bout of acute aerobic exercise, (2) repeated and frequent sessions of aerobic exercise (program exercise) over a course of several weeks, and (3) resistance training. Only a single bout of acute aerobic exercise (z=4.92, p=0.00001) is sufficient to cause an increase in BDNF following exercise intervention, while program exercise (z=1.02, p=0.31) and resistance training (z=0.92, p=0.36) demonstrated inconsistencies, some exhibited significant increase in BDNF levels while others exhibited similar results with the control groups