31 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate anatomical changes and oligosaccharide content of recalcitrant seed Avicennia marina at various drying rate i.e. fast, medium and slow drying.  Oligosaccharide content was determined, and anatomical embryonic axes was observed at various times during desiccation. The result showed that moisture content of  A. marina seed was 60.75-64.67% at shedding. The highest ratio of (raffinose + stachyose) / sucrose was 0.41, indicating that embryonic axes were more tolerant to desiccation than cotyledon.   Anatomical observation of embryonic axes showed that there was radicle damage due to  medium and slow drying treatment

    Pengaruh Waktu Simpan dan Pelapisan Benih Menggunakan Ekstrak Nabati terhadap Benih Cabai Terinfeksi Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Tanaman Cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang dibudidayakan secara komersial. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides mampu menginfeksi benih cabai. Cara untuk mengatasi patogen terbawa benih dan menjaga mutu benih cabai selama penyimpanan yaitu dengan pelapisan benih menggunakan ekstrak nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu simpan dan pelapisan benih dalam mempertahankan viabilitas benih cabai serta interaksi antara keduanya terhadap viabilitas benih cabai terinfeksi C. gloeosporioides. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAL pola faktorial 3x5 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang diamati yaitu waktu simpan yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (waktu simpan 7 hari, 14 hari dan 21 hari) dan pelapisan benih cabai menggunakan ekstrak nabati yang terdiri dari 5 taraf (kontrol, kunyit 50%, kunyit 100%, lengkuas 50% dan lengkuas 100%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu simpan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap indeks vigor benih cabai, tinggi tanaman 14 HSPT, tinggi tanaman 21 HSPT, jumlah daun 14 HSPT, serta kerapatan spora C. gloeosporioides pada benih cabai. Pelapisan benih berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap indeks vigor benih cabai, jumlah daun 14 HSPT, serta kerapatan spora C. gloeosporioides. Terdapat interaksi yang sangat nyata pada perlakuan waktu simpan dan pelapisan benih terhadap kerapatan spora C. gloeosporioides pada benih cabai. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada waktu simpan 21 hari menggunakan ekstrak kunyit 50%


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    Rizobakteri adalah kelompok bakteri yang hidup berkoloni di area perakaran berperan mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara isolat rizobakteri indigenous dan varietas terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman nilam Aceh. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh dan Kebun Nino Park, Sektor Timur mulai Oktober 2020 sampai Februari 2021. Percobaan ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 10x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Ada 2 faktor yang diteliti, faktor pertama adalah jenis isolat rizobakteri (R) yang terdiri dari 10 taraf (PS 4/2, PS 5/6C, PS 6/3A, PS 7/1, 8/4K, PS 8/8 PK, KI 8/1, KI 8/3, CL 4/1), dan Faktor kedua adalah jenis varietas (V) yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (Tapaktuan, Lhokseumawe, Sidikalang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi yang sangat nyata antara faktor isolat rizobakteri dan varietas.  Kombinasi terbaik terdapat pada isolat rizobakteri PS 4/2 dan varietas Tapak Tuan pada peubah jumlah daun dan cabang umur 8 dan 12 MSA dan isolat rizobakteri KI 8/3 dan varietas Sidikalang pada peubah jumlah cabang 8 dan 12 MSA. Kombinasi isolat rizobakteri PS 6/3A dan varietas Sidikalang dan varietas Lhokseumawe berturut-turut pada peubah jumlah daun 8 dan 12 MSA, serta kombinasi isolat rizobakteri KI 8/1 dan varietas Lhokseumawe pada peubah jumlah daun 8 MSA. Ability Testing of Indigenous Rhizobacteria Isolates from Several Sources of Location as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on The Growth of Three Variety of Aceh Patchouli Plants Rhizobacteria are a group of bacteria that live in colonies in the root area and play a role in supporting plant growth and development. This study aims to determine the interaction between indigenous rhizobacteria isolates and varieties on the growth of Aceh patchouli. This research was carried out at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Syiah Kuala , Darussalam Banda Aceh and Nino Park Gardens, Sektor Timur from Oktober 2020 to February 2021. This experiment used a 10x3 factorial randomized block design (RAK) with 3 replications. There are 2 factors studied, the first factor is the type of rhizobacteria isolate (R) which consists of 10 levels (PS 4/2, PS 5/6C, PS 6/3A, PS 7/1, 8/4K, PS 8/8 PK, KI 8/1, KI 8/3, CL 4/1) and the second factor is the type of variety (V) which consists of 3 levels (Tapaktuan, Lhokseumawe, Sidikalang). The results showed that there was a very significant interaction between rhizobacteria isolates and varieties. The best combination was found in PS 4/2 rhizobacteria isolates and Tapak Tuan varieties on the variable number of leaves and branches aged 8 and 12 MSA and rhizobacteria isolates KI 8/3 and Sidikalang varieties on the variables number of branches 8 and 12 MSA. The combination of rhizobacteria isolates PS 6/3A with Sidikalang and Lhokseumawe varieties on leaf number variables 8 and 12 MSA, respectively, and the combination of rhizobacteria isolates KI 8/1 and Lhokseumawe varieties on leaf number variables 8 MS


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    The effect of antioxidants  as pre-storage treatment to expand the cotton seed storage period Halimursyadah1 dan Endang Murniati2 1Fakultas Pertanian Unsyiah, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam2Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor,Bogor ABSTRACTCotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seeds ‘Kanesia 8’ were treated with antioxidants to maintain viability and vigor during ageing.  Antioxidants which were used are α-tocopherol and extract of red fruit) dissolved in acetone, ascorbic acid dissolved in water also.   Seeds were stored at 70-80% relative humidity and 28-29ºC for 12 weeks.  Periodically, viability and vigor were determined.  Seed viability and vigor were estimated by percentage germination, speed of germination, T50, and Index of vigor.  Seeds treated with α-tocopherol 150 ppm showed the highest viability and vigor during the ageing period, while ascorbic acid 300 ppm also retarded the rate of ageing.  Treating seeds with red fruits showed the highest of T50.  The ability of α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and red fruit to reduce viability and vigor loss of stored cotton seeds may be due to their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation.     

    Effect of Corn Extract and Solution of PEG to Increase Viability and Vigour of Sweet Corn Seed Deterioration at Different Incubation Periods

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    This  study  aims  to  determine  the  combination  of  young  corn  extract  and  PEG  with  an incubation period of seed viability and vigor of the sweet corn expired. The study carried out at  the  Laboratory  of  Seed  Science  and  Technology  Faculty  of  Agriculture,  Syiah  Kuala University,  Darussalam-Banda  Aceh,  which  lasted  from  December  2012  to  July  2013. Materials used in this study is Expired sweet corn seed with 50% germination. Other materials used  are  corn  extract,  PEG  6000,  and  distilled  water.  This  research  used  Completely Randomized  Design (CRD) factorial 4 x 3,  so there are 12  combinations of treatments. Each repeated  three  times,  in  order  to  obtain  36  units  of  the  experiment.  Young  corn  extract concentration factor and solution PEG-2 bar consists of 4 levels, namely: control, 5% + - 2Ψ , 10% + - 2Ψ, and 15% + - 2Ψ. Factors incubation period consists of 3 levels : 18 hours, 24 hours,  and  30  hours.  Variables  measured  were  potential  growth,  germination,  speed  of growth,  growing  unanimity,  vigor  index  and  normal  seedling  dry  weight.  The  results  showed that the concentration of young corn extract very significant effect on the potential variables grow,  germination,  growing  simultaneity,  speed  of  growth,  vigor  index  and  normal  seedling dry  weight.  The  incubation  period  of  very  significant  effect  on  germination  variables, simultaneity  growth,  speed  of  growth  and  vigor  index.  The  incubation  period  significantly affect  the  potential  growth  and  seedling  dry  weight  normal.  There  is  a  significant  interaction between young corn extract concentration and incubation period of the vigor index variables. Control  treatment  (water)  with  an  incubation  period  of  18  hours  is  recommended  as  an alternative to improve the viability and seed vigor of sweet corn expired


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media tanam yang terbaik dan lama perendaman dengan auksin yang tepat serta interaksi antara kedua faktor tersebut terhadap pertumbuhan stek basal daun nanas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Stasiun Penelitian Organik Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh, yang dimulai pada tanggal 16 April sampai 16 Juli, 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 4 x 4 dengan 3 ulangan. Ada dua faktor yang diteliti yaitu faktor media tanam (tanah, arang sekam, cocopeat, tandan kelapa sawit) dan lama perendaman dengan auksin (1 menit, 3 menit, 5 menit, 7 menit). Parameter yang diamati meliputi persentase stek bertunas umur 14, 28, 42 dan 56 HST, tinggi tunas dan jumlah daun umur 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 dan 84 HST, persentase stek berakar umur 56 HST, jumlah akar dan panjang akar umur 84 HST. Terdapat interaksi yang sangat nyata antara media tanam dan lama perendaman dengan auksin terhadap persentase stek bertunas umur 14, 28, 42, dan 56 HST, tinggi tunas umur 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 dan 84 HST, jumlah daun umur 14, 28, 42, 70 dan 84 HST, persentase stek berakar umur 56 HST, panjang akar umur 84 HST, berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun umur 56 HST dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah akar umur 84 HST. Kombinasi yang cenderung baik dijumpai pada media tanam tandan kelapa sawit dengan lama perendaman 7 menit

    Penggunaan organic priming dan periode inkubasi untuk invigorasi benih cabai merah (Capsicum annum L.) kadaluarsa pada stadia perkecambahan

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    Using Organic Priming and Incubation Period for Invigoration of Chilli Seed Expired at Germination Stage ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organic priming and incubation period to increase viability and vigor of expired chilli seeds and interaction between of two factors. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh, from March until November 2012. Using completely randomized design (CRD) factorial, the first factor is organic priming (banana extract and coconut water) and the second factor is incubation period (24, 48, 72 hours). The results showed that interaction between types of organic priming and incubation period significan affect to increase viability and vigor of expired chilli seeds, especially on potential growth, germination, speed of germination, first count germination and T50. The best treatment showed by using coconut water and 48 hours incubation periods


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    This study was aimed at determining peanut varieties that are tolerant to drought stress and assessing the effectiveness of the use of PEG 4000 as a media simulation to drought stress.  Experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial 4 x 4, repeated three times. First factor was variety, consisted of four levels, namely Tuban, Bima, Bison and Local Aceh. Second factor was PEG concentration, consisted of 4 levels, namely control, 3.5%, 11.6%, and 18.1%. Variables measured were maximum growth potential, germination rate, relative growth rate, vigor index, germination value, root length, hypocotyl length, and seedling dry weight.  The results showed that varieties exerted significant effects on maximum growth potential, germination rate, relative growth rate, root length, and hypocotyl length. PEG concentration exerted significant effects on maximum growth potential, germination rate, growth velocity, relative vigor index, germination value, root length, hypocotyl length, and seedling dry weight. There were interactions between varieties and PEG concentration on relative growth rate, root length, and hypocotyl length of groundnut seeds. Local variety of Aceh was recommended as a tolerant variety to drought stress.  Bison was not tolerant to drought stress. Bima was recommended as a moderate tolerant variety to drought, while Tuban was a tolerant variety to drought

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Plasma Nutfah Padi Lokal Aceh Terhadap Sistem Budidaya Aerob

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan produksi 30 varietas padi lokal Aceh terhadap sistem budidaya padi aerob dengan menggunakan pendekatan secara intermitten selama fase pertumbuhan vegetatif. Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi dipelajari dengan mengamati karakter morfo-agronomis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas sangat mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman. Tinggi tanaman padi varietas lokal ternyata sangat bervariasi antar satu varietas dengan varietas lainnya. Varietas Pade Pangku, Sikuneng, Rom Mokot, Sepuluo, Pade Mas, dan Sigupai merupakan kelompok varietas yang paling tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan juga bahwa varietas sangat mempengaruhi jumlah anakan varietas padi lokal Aceh. Varietas Pandrah, Asi Puteh, Sigudang, Bo Santeut, Pade Mirah, Pade P66,  Sanbei, Aweuh, Acong, Bo 100, Salah Mayang Ru, dan Sipirok merupakan varietas-varietas yang memiliki jumlah anakan yang tinggi. Sedangkan tanaman yang paling cepat berbunga terdapat pada varietas Pade P66, Sigudang, dan Pade Das. Sementara varietas yang paling lama mengeluarkan bunga terdapat pada varietas Rangkop Mirah. Varietas berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap hasil tanaman per pot. Perbedaan varietas menghasilkan berat gabah per pot yang sangat bervariasi. Hasil tanaman per pot terberat dijumpai pada varietas Pade Manggeng, Aweuh, Sigupai, Bo Santeut, Sikuneng, dan Pade Mas. Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi varietas lokal Aceh lebih baik dibandingkan padi varietas Nasional apabila dibudidayakan dengan sistem padi aerob.The Response of Local Acehnese Germplasm of Rice to Growth and Production in Aerobic ConditionABSTRACT. The purpose of this research is to study responds of 30 variety of Acehnese local rice to aerobic cultivation method with intermitten approach during vegetative phase of rice plant. Morpho-agronomic characters were observed to evaluate the responds of the varieties. Results of study showed that variety was significantly affected plant height, and indicated wide variation among varieties for the plant height. Pade Pangku, Sikuneng, Rom Mokot, Sepuluo, Pade Mas, and Sigupai were the varieties that have taller plant height than others. The factor of variety also significantly affected number of tillers. Variety of Pandrah, Asi Puteh, Sigudang, Bo Santeut, Pade Mirah, Pade P66,  Sanbei, Aweuh, Acong, Bo 100, Salah Mayang Ru, and Sipirok were the varieties that have bigger number of tillers. Some varieties, PadeP66, Sigudang, and Pade Das produced flower earlier than others. Rangkop Mirah variety was the longest time to initiate it flower. We also found that variety significantly affected yield of rice per pot. Pade Manggeng, Aweuh, Sigupai, Bo Santeut, Sikuneng, and Pade Mas were the varieties that have higher yield of rice per pot compared than others. When the varieties cultivated in aerobic condition, the responds of Acehnese local variety was better than national superior variety