32 research outputs found

    Ürgenç'deki Eski Kültürel Abideler ve Restorasyonu

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    Gaz xomashyosini ishqoriy tozalashning hozirgi zamon usullari

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    Qatlamdan qazib olingan gazlar tarkibi o’rganish asosida oltingugurt mavjudligi hamda uning miqdoriga bog’liq holda tozalash usuli tanlangan. Bunda absorbsion usul tanlanib, unda ishlatiladigan absorbentlarning qo’llanilishi texnologik tizimi bayon qilingan

    Glycemia control and choice of antihyperglycemic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and COVID-19: a consensus decision of the board of experts of the Russian association of endocrinologists

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    A dangerous viral disease COVID-19, caused by a new RNA coronavirus SARS-COV-2, has been actively spreading in the world since December 2019. The main manifestations of this disease are bilateral pneumonia, often accompanied by the development of acute respiratory syndrome and respiratory failure. Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at high risk of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus, severe illness and death.Maintaining of target glycemic levels is the most important factor in a favorable outcome of COVID-19 in both type 1 and type 2 DM. The choice of antihyperglycemic therapy in a patient with DM in the acute period of COVID-19 depends on the initial therapy, the severity of hyperglycemia, the severity of the viral infection and the patient’s clinical condition.The article presents the recommendations of the board of experts of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists on glycemic control and the choice of antihyperglycemic therapy in patients with type 2 DM and COVID-19, and also on the use of glucocorticosteroids used in the treatment of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 DM


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    <p>Diese umfassende Untersuchung der Dynamik des deutschen Tourismus vermittelt ein umfassendes Verständnis der vielschichtigen Branche.  Es unterstreicht die kulturelle Vielfalt Deutschlands, wobei verschiedene Regionen einzigartige Erlebnisse und Traditionen bieten.  Das Nebeneinander historischer Städte und moderner Innovation schafft ein dynamisches Reiseumfeld.  Deutschlands starkes Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz ist offensichtlich und macht es zu einem Vorreiter im verantwortungsvollen Tourismus.  Die kulinarischen Erlebnisse spiegeln die vielfältigen Geschmacksrichtungen des Landes wider, während die lebhaften Festivals und Veranstaltungen für zusätzliche Spannung sorgen.  Diese Anmerkung unterstreicht die Widerstandsfähigkeit des deutschen Tourismussektors, der sich an Herausforderungen und sich ändernde Reisetrends angepasst hat und sich gleichzeitig der Nachhaltigkeit und Inklusivität verschrieben hat.</p&gt

    Seasonal dynamics of dominant species of soil predators (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae) in agrolandscapes and their potential gluttony

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    We studied the seasonal change in the number of dominant species of predatory beetles on vegetable crops and determined their potential gluttony. A total of 1,472 beetles were collected, belonging to 22 species of ground beetles (Carabidae) and 27 species of rove beetles (Staphylinidae). The dominant species are: Harpalus rufipes (De Geer, 1774) (17.6% dominance), Amara fulva (De Geer) (13.28%), Bembidion properans (Stephens, 1828) (10.39%), Trechus quadristriatus (Schrank, 1781) (6.20%), Calathus melanocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) (5.39%), Poecilus cupreus Linnaeus, 1758 (5.3%), Bembidion femoratum Sturm, 1825 (5.10%), Aleochara bilineata, (Gyllenhaal, 1810) (17.6%), Aloconota gregagia (Erichson, 1839) (10.21%), Amischa analis (Gravenhorst, 1802) (6.01%), Amischa bifoveotata (Mannerheim, 1830) (5.41%). During the season, there is a change in dominant species. At the beginning of the season, smaller species dominate, while larger species dominate in the second half of the plant vegetation. The maximum number of predators are observed in June and August. The periods of the maximum abundance of ground beetles and rove beetles do not coincide in time, which is the evolutionary adaptation of two groups of predators that coexist. In laboratory experiments, when pest eggs were offered as food, Aleochara bilineata and Bembidion femoratum were the most voracious. Larger predator species showed high voracity when larvae of flies were offered as food


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    Chronic heart failure is a chronic systemic disease, many scientific studies have shown that when it occurs, it affects some body organs, including the liver and kidneys. Liver dysfunction is common in patients with chronic heart failure, and these changes are directly related to hemodynamic parameters. The specificity of the vascular system of the liver and its high metabolic activity make its hemodynamic parameters weak and allow it to cause many molecular and hemodynamic changes. Currently, the systematization of the combined state of the heart and liver is being carried out, depending on the primary localization of the pathological process. The liver's cirrhosis includes several clinical, biochemical, histological and hemodynamic disorders. Chronic liver disease is caused by right ventricular and right ventricular heart failure. Alternatively, chronic liver cirrhosis is thought to be caused by elevated central venous pressure, pulmonary hypertension, constrictive pericarditis, mitral stenosis and tricuspid valve insufficiency


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    The approaches to the distribution of budget of time of educational discipline on the basis of analysis of theoretical reasoning of the process of learning and demands to the higher education existing in Ukraine are reviewed in this article. The analysis of state of practical preparation in formation of professional competence of future specialists is done. Main recommendations connected with the enforcing of practical component of teaching are determined.В статье рассмотрены подходы к распределению бюджета времени учебной дисциплины на основании анализа теоретического обоснования процесса познания и существующих в Украине требований к высшему образованию. Проведен анализ состояния практической подготовки по формированию профессиональной компетентности будущих специалистов. Определены основные рекомендации по усилению практической составляющей обучения.У статті розглянуто підходи до розподілу бюджету часу навчальної дисципліни на підставі аналізу теоретичного обґрунтування процесу пізнання та існуючих в Україні вимог до вищої освіти. Проведено аналіз стану практичної підготовки щодо формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Визначено основні рекомендації щодо посилення практичної складової навчання


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    The article first contains information on the species composition of the carabidofauna of the Zirabulak mountains. The distribution in this territory of 16 species of ground beetles belonging to 12 genera, 10 tribes and 8 subfamilies is shown, as well as a systematic list of established species is given. Dominant and subdominant species were determined, species abundance and measures of dominance were statistically analyze