55 research outputs found

    Lecturer’s Perception on the Integration of 21st Century Learning Skills in the Teaching of English Prose

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    This study aims at investigating lecturer’s perception on the integration of 21st century learning skills or 4Cs in the teaching of English prose. This research employed a descriptive qualitative research design with a single case study approach. A semi-structured in-depth interview was used to obtain data from the subject of the research and the data was analyzed by using Braun and Clarke’s six steps thematic analysis. The result of the research shows that (a) the lecturer has a positive perception on the integration of the 4Cs in the teaching of English prose; (b) the lecturer has a good perception and understanding on the content of the 4Cs; and (c) the lecturer also has good perception on the implementation of the 4Cs in the teaching of English prose by identifying four key elements related to the integration of the 4Cs in the teaching of English prose. The expressed perception aligns with the implementation of 4Cs in the teaching of English prose, where the lecturer strives to design English prose learning activities that are tailored to the elements of 4Cs to ensure that the target of improving students' 4Cs skills can be achieved. The present study implies the positive evaluation and comprehension of the lecturer, combined with the recognition of essential components for application, underline the prospect of expanding the quality of English composition education

    Model Penjadwalan pada Batch Processor Tunggal dengan Waktu Proses yang Tidak Konstan untuk Meminimasi Total Waktu Tinggal Aktual

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    Penjadwalan batch sudah didiskusikan di beberapa penelitian. Terdapat dua jenis penjadwalan batch yaitu job processor dan batch processor. Pada job processor, part diproses secara bergantian sampai semua part dalam satu batch selesai diproses, sedangkan pada batch processor part diproses bersama dalam satu waktu sehingga waktu untuk memproses batch besarnya sama dengan waktu untuk memproses satu part. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, pada penelitian ini waktu untuk memproses batch bukan hanya waktu untuk memproses satu part namun gabungan dari waktu yang diperlukan untuk memproses satu part dan waktu untuk memasang tools pada setiap part dalam satu batch. Penelitian ini merupakan tahap ke dua, setelah sebelumnya dikembangkan model yang sama namun untuk masalah single item dengan due date yang sama maka pada penelitian ini due date dari item berbeda – beda. Model penjadwalan untuk masalah multi due date diselesaikan dengan menganggap satu interval waktu yang merupakan selisih antar dua due date yang berurutan sebagai masalah common due date. Jumlah minimum batch yang terbentuk untuk setiap interval waktu ini adalah satu dan waktu minimal untuk memproses batch besarnya sama dengan waktu untuk memproses satu part ditambah dengan waktu yang diperlukan untuk memasang tools untuk seluruh part pada satu batch. Jika waktu pada  interval waktu tidak cukup untuk memproses part yang diminta pada interval waktu tersebut maka part diproses pada interval waktu setelahnya. Model diuji dengan beberapa set data hipotetik. Variabel keputusan adalah jumlah batch dan ukuran batch untuk setiap interval waktu, dan urutan pengerjaan batch sehingga akan meminimasi total waktu tinggal aktual

    Extractive Fermentation Employing Ion-Exchange Resin to Enhance Cell Growth and Production of Metabolites Subject to Product or By-Product Inhibition

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    In recent years, commercial production of proteins and metabolites from microbial fermentation for industrial applications has increased significantly. Innovative approaches are directed towards the improvement of the conventional batch fermentation method and the segregated downstream processing of target product to improve the overall process efficiency and to ensure that the process is economically viable. Feedback inhibition is a common problem faced during fermentation process when the concentration of end-product/by-product reaches a certain level. The excessive accumulation of end-product/by-product in the culture may inhibit the growth of cell and represses the secretion of target metabolite. In the production of many fermentative products such as antibiotics, amino acids, and fungal metabolites, a serious problem of feedback inhibition is often encountered. Cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and recombinant bacteria is usually subjected to by-product inhibition. Hence, extractive fermentation via in situ ion-exchange-based adsorptive technique is a possible approach to be used industrially to mitigate feedback inhibition, aimed at enhancing fermentation performance. In this chapter, advances in this area were presented. Strategies to overcome problem related to product/by-product inhibitions by this technique via dispersed, external, and internal resin system, and the general methodology in the implementation of the technique were also discussed

    In vitro properties analysis of potential probiotic of Isolated lactic acid bacteria from milk by-product

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    Background: Probiotics are live, microbial cells with several beneficial health effects on humans. The beneficial effect of probiotics mainly depends on their survival in the gastrointestinal tract. The health-promoting properties of certain LAB inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract encouraged the food industry to develop new functional food products containing probiotic. Selection of a microbial strain for the incorporation into food products requires both in vitro and in vivo evaluation

    Growth enhancement of probiotic pediococcus acidilactici by extractive fermentation of lactic acid exploiting anion-exchange resin

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    Fermentation employing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) often suffers end-product inhibition which reduces the cell growth rate and the production of metabolite. The utility of adsorbent resins for in situ lactic acid removal to enhance the cultivation performance of probiotic, Pediococcus acidilactici was studied. Weak base anion-exchange resin, Amberlite IRA 67 gave the highest maximum uptake capacity of lactic acid based on Langmuir adsorption isotherm (0.996 g lactic acid/g wet resin) compared to the other tested anion-exchange resins (Amberlite IRA 410, Amberlite IRA 400, Duolite A7 and Bowex MSA). The application of Amberlite IRA 67 improved the growth of P. acidilactici about 67 times compared to the control fermentation without resin addition. Nevertheless, the in situ addition of dispersed resin in the culture created shear stress by resins collision and caused direct shear force to the cells. The growth of P. acidilactici in the integrated bioreactor-internal column system containing anion-exchange resin was further improved by 1.4 times over that obtained in the bioreactor containing dispersed resin. The improvement of the P. acidilactici growth indicated that extractive fermentation using solid phase is an effective approach for reducing by-product inhibition and increasing product titer

    Growth Enhancement of Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici by Extractive Fermentation of Lactic Acid Exploiting Anion-Exchange Resin

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    Fermentation employing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) often suffers end-product inhibition which reduces the cell growth rate and the production of metabolite. The utility of adsorbent resins for in situ lactic acid removal to enhance the cultivation performance of probiotic, Pediococcus acidilactici was studied. Weak base anion-exchange resin, Amberlite IRA 67 gave the highest maximum uptake capacity of lactic acid based on Langmuir adsorption isotherm (0.996 g lactic acid/g wet resin) compared to the other tested anion-exchange resins (Amberlite IRA 410, Amberlite IRA 400, Duolite A7 and Bowex MSA). The application of Amberlite IRA 67 improved the growth of P. acidilactici about 67 times compared to the control fermentation without resin addition. Nevertheless, the in situ addition of dispersed resin in the culture created shear stress by resins collision and caused direct shear force to the cells. The growth of P. acidilactici in the integrated bioreactor-internal column system containing anion-exchange resin was further improved by 1.4 times over that obtained in the bioreactor containing dispersed resin. The improvement of the P. acidilactici growth indicated that extractive fermentation using solid phase is an effective approach for reducing by-product inhibition and increasing product titer

    Strategies in fed-batch cultivation on the production performance of Lactobacillus salivarius I 24 viable cells

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    The potential use of fed-batch cultivation (FBC) for improvement of the production of Lactobacillus salivarius I 24 biomass for subsequent use as probiotics was studied using a 2-L stirredtank bioreactor. Three different constant feeding rates (0.1, 0.05, and 0.033 L/h) were applied in FBCs and their effect on carbon metabolism was evaluated. The carbon flux for cell built-up with reduction in lactic acid synthesis was observed in the fed-batch as compared to the batch cultivation mode. The viable cell number obtained in the constant FBC (CFBC) operated at a feeding rate of 0.05 L/h was 8 times higher (10.7×1010 CFU/mL) than that recorded in the batch cultivation. This gave the viable cell yield based on glucose consumed for CFBC of 26 times higher (11.3×1012 CFU/gGlucose) than the batch cultivation. This study demonstrated CFBC, which is simple with minimal use of process control equipment, has an industrial potential for improvement of probiotic production

    CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN (Studi pada Perusahaan Indonesia di Indeks LQ45 Tahun 2010-2014)

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of corporate governance on the financial performance of the company. Corporate governance is measured using a proxy board size, independent board, and managerial ownership. While the company's financial performance is measured using the Return On Equity (ROE). Design / methodology / approach - The samples are companies included in the index LQ45 in 2010-2014 that have met the study criteria. The sample is determined by purposive sampling method with a total sample of 21 companies. This study uses multiple linear analyses to analyze influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Findings - The results of this study indicate that the independent board has a positive influence on the financial performance of the company, while managerial ownership has a negative effect on the financial performance of the company. On the other hand, this study did not find any influence of board size on the financial performance of the company. Originality / value - This study examines whether the company's financial performance can be explained by determinants the same as those used in other similar studies. The results of the study indicate only independent board has positive effects on the company's financial performance. Keywords: corporate governance, ROE, financial firm performanc


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    Di era global seperti sekarang ini, akan semakin banyak perkembangan yang terjadi di negeri ini. Mulai dari perdagangan bebas, semakin banyaknya berdiri perusahaan-perusahaan asing di indonesia sehingga penggunaan bahasa internasonal seperti bahasa inggris sudah sangat tersebar luas, tentunya untuk para calon entrepreneur dan pencari kerja sudah menjadi suatu keharusan untuk bisa menguasai bahasa inggris agar bisa mengikuti perkembangan jaman di era globalisasi ini. Seperti apa pengaruh besar nya bahasa inggris di dunia internasional? Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia. bahasa ini merupakan bahasa ibu untuk lebih dari 400 juta orang diseluruh dunia. dalam setiap hari jutaan orang menggunakan bahasa inggris di tempat kerja maupun di kehidupan sosial. Ketika kepala pemerintahan bertemu, Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa yang paling sering digunakan. Dan ketika orang-orang dari bangsa yang berbeda saling bertemu, bahasa inggris adalah satu-satunya bahasa penghubung yang digunakan oleh mereka. Mahasiswa adalah generasi penerus bangsa untuk memajukan kelangsungan hidup Indonesia. Dengan kemampuan berbahasa Internasional seperti bahasa Inggris, maka mahasiswa akan mampu pula untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup Bangsa Indonesia. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dimulai dari cara tenaga pendidik untuk mampu mningkatkan dan memperbaiki secara terus menerus pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Upaya peningkatan kualitas pengajaran dinilai sangat penting agar belajar Bahasa Inggris dinilai sangat menyenagkan dan mampu diserap oleh para Mahasiswa. Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch atau TRIZ adalah metode baru yang dikenalkan untuk memecahkan persoalan yang sangat detil termasuk persoalan peningkatan kualitas, dengan 40principles of TRIZ ini diharapkan akan memberikan uulan peningkatan kualitas pengajaran bahasa Inggris. TRIZ akan dikombinasikan dengan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) dengan House Of Quality yang mampu mengetahui prioritas yang harus diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran berbahasa Inggris

    Production of rhamnolipids by locally isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa using sunflower oil as carbon source

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    Biosurfactants are surface active compounds and amphiphatic in nature which consist of hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail accumulating at the interphase of two immiscible liquid with different polarity. A study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of sunflower oil in the production of rhamnolipids (RLs) by locally isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa in shake flask fermentation. In this process, four different fermentation treatments were done for seven days at 30°C and 180 rpm. Sampling was carried out in time intervals of 24 h followed by monitoring of cell growth and biosurfactants production. Colorimetric Orcinol analysis was used for determination of RLs concentrations (g/L). The RLs were studied for emulsification activity using emulsification index (E24%) methods. In addition, oil displacement activity and thermal stability were also studied (4-120°C). All treatments allow the growth of P. aeruginosa and the utilization of sunflower oil as carbon source and glucose as growth initiator were observed to be the best strategy for maximum RLs production. The maximum RLs production was achieved after 120 h with 3.18 g/L of RLs. Diesel shows the highest emulsification activity among the substrate tested ranging from 55.56% - 60.00%. The oil displacement activity was corresponding to RLs concentration with stability up to 120°C (for 60 min). Therefore, from this research a good potential of RLs that may provide good application for industry were produced